Author Topic: Item of Power Ideas/Help  (Read 4185 times)

Offline Buscadera

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Item of Power Ideas/Help
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:59:31 AM »
Okay everybody, I need some help. Items of Power are cool ways to give characters access to supernatural powers while still keeping them as some sort of human, often otherwise mortal or True Believers. The problem I'm finding is that most IoPs I can think up end up defaulting to being Sword of the Cross knockoffs. This just doesn't seem right to me.

So I raise the question to all of you. How would you stat these Items of Power?

Spear of Destiny: This is arguably just like the SotC, except without the organization that the Knights have in the series. In another game I played in, the wielder of the spear worked as the emissary of Uriel, similarly to how the Swords each linked up with an archangel. What powers would you give it?

Christ's Bloodwhip: Again this could be arguably another SotC, except a whip instead of a sword. The idea is that this is the whip used to torture Jesus, and so it still has some holy powers. The character I had in mind for it is a monster-slaying sort, with access to a whole arsenal of relics and True Believer powers. What else should it do?

The Sword of the Revolution: This is an idea I've had ever since I heard the idea in a history class that George Washington was referred to as the "Sword of the Revolution", Thomas Paine was the "Pen of the Revolution" and Samuel Adams was the "Mouth of the Revolution". I got this idea that there would be a DF group like the Masons that had three agents in the field called the Sword, the Pen and the Mouth. I don't know what the artifacts for the other two would be, but the Sword is the character I would want to play. The rest of his stats are the same as most True Believers (with his faith lying in freewill and liberty rather than a deity), but what would his sword do?

John Henry's Hammer: The rest of the stats for this character are easy enough (Inhuman Strength, Toughness & Recovery with The Catch [+3] being machines or anything technological), but what abilities would the hammer have? The character works as more of a spiritual successor to the folk hero rather than a direct descendant, but he would still have some power thanks to the myth.
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Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 06:25:45 AM »
Items of Power are fairly easy to get sources for, just look at the myths associated with different cultures/religions.

From Judeo-Christian sources there are things like:
The Ark of the Covenant/Tablets of the Ten Commandments
The Seal of Solomon (the actual seal, not the symbol)
A particular oil lamp
The Shroud of Turin
The Head of John the Baptist
The Holy Grail
The Spear of Destiny
The Crown of Thorns
and the various relics associated with different saints/holy people

From Norse/Teutonic sources:
the hammer Mjöllnir
the belt Megingjörđ
the iron gloves Járngreipr
the staff Gríđarvölr
the ring of the Nibelung (from Wagner's opera...)

Celtic sources include things like

Dark Age to Renaissance France produced the following swords
and the Sword of St. Catherine/St. Joan of Arc/Charles Martel

It all depends on what sort of item one is looking for as an item of power.  Something like a ring or jewelry would work well too, since there would be things like the Crown Jewels from the England (prior to the English Civil War).  Lost regalia from the various German feudal states or Czarist Russia.
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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 01:41:45 PM »
Items of Power don't nessisarily have to be ancient historical weapons or artifacts.

For the one shot I ran I created a character with the fuzzy dice from James Dean's car.  They gave him bonus for driving under certain conditions, gave him a vision of his own fiery death, and also gave me a great story concept were he was compelled to accept any 1on1 drag race knowing that he would die somehow if he lost.

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 03:41:18 PM »
I've got the sources and ideas for the Items laid out. What I need help with is giving them in-game stats. It seems like every IoP I put together is either a SotC knockoff or just a route to give the character access to Sponsored Magic. I want these IoPs to be unique, rather than just a way to get around on the limit of three SotCs.
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2010, 04:32:14 PM »
I'd guess that the Pen and Mouth of the Revolution would effectively perform Incite Emotion style effects. Maybe they and the sword should place and aspect on anyone following the wielder that makes them more unified in their efforts - kind of a Rallying point. The sword could also confer some sort of bonus that means that the wielder always picks "The Right Man For The Right Job". I'm tempted to regard the sword more in the light of a boost to the leadership abilities of the wielder rather than an actual combat boost - though I guess some level of Inhuman Toughness might be possible. Maybe have it provide an armour bonus in Social combat.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2010, 05:18:28 PM »
The Spear of Destiny.

Seeming - the spear-head from a roman long-spear, with a brownish stain.

Powers -

Easing of Pain - for a Fate Point the wielder can ignore the effects of any consequences for a scene.

Just a Job to Do - The wielder can add +1 to any combat skill roll, if being performed as part of a unit/group.

Triumph of Will - The owner can use any combat skill in place of Conviction or Presence (?) to resist the effects of any mind-altering effect or social attack.

Until He Comes Again - Unless separated from the spear-head, or the Second Coming, the owner cannot be killed.  (He can still be 'taken out' and suffer extreme consequences; they simply cannot die.)
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Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2010, 05:30:04 PM »
The Sword of the Revolution

Seeming- a long cavalry sabre, with signs of frequent use.

Powers - Inhuman Toughness and Inhuman Recovery; catch is medical instruments/drugs.

Incite Emotion- Valor (range, area, lasting/persistent)

It Is What It Is- Weapon: 2

The Revolution is Everywhere - The wielder can grant Inhuman Speed (for purposes of movement and initiative) to all chosen targets in the zone.
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline Todjaeger

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2010, 09:05:37 PM »
I've got the sources and ideas for the Items laid out. What I need help with is giving them in-game stats. It seems like every IoP I put together is either a SotC knockoff or just a route to give the character access to Sponsored Magic. I want these IoPs to be unique, rather than just a way to get around on the limit of three SotCs.

What powers or abilities do you want the players to have/get from the IoP?  Once you've figured that out, then you just need to find an item that would have some form of appropriate tie-in with the power.

A spoiler example from Changes:
(click to show/hide)

If you can give us an idea of what you'd like the player(s) to be able to do, then we might be able to suggest an item.
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Offline devonapple

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2010, 09:14:37 PM »
John Henry's Hammer: The rest of the stats for this character are easy enough (Inhuman Strength, Toughness & Recovery with The Catch [+3] being machines or anything technological), but what abilities would the hammer have? The character works as more of a spiritual successor to the folk hero rather than a direct descendant, but he would still have some power thanks to the myth.

Alas, this suggestion echoes the SotC, but as Henry was reputed to have been either a slave or a prisoner, perhaps the hammer has a bonus for breaking enchantments or other means of preventing freedom?

Also, perhaps the Catch isn't technology so much as pushing oneself too hard: let's say, for example, that when the character opts to take a severe consequence, the effected abilities go away.

It could also provide the equivalent of one or more Stunts which reduces by the time it takes to use the Craftsmanship skill (or for any situation when a hammer would be useful, like weakening a structure) by 2 or more shifts on the Time Index. Or maybe it just provides a lot of bonuses to sabotaging something?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 09:16:25 PM by devonapple »
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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2010, 12:11:02 AM »
Sealskin Selkie Robe

Hexenwulfen-style IoP, it allows the owner to transform into a seal. 

Appearance: a long, floor length fur robe, with the hood being the head of a seal.

It Is What It Is: This is a fur robe, made from the complete skin of an adult harbor seal.  Watch out for PETA.

Item of Power: Seal-Fur Robe, [+2] affecting:
Echoes of the Beast [-1] +1 hearing, see in the dark, talk to sea life.
Beast Change [-1]
Human Form [+1]
Aquatic [-1]
Demonic Co-Pilot: [-1] The Co-pilot is an animal spirit, not a demon of rage or hunger. However, it creates a link to the wearer; if another possess the robe, it functions as a potent material link to her, as strong as her True Name and thus can be used to bind her.  Loaning the robe to someone else bonds the spirit to them. 

Total refresh cost: -1.
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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2010, 01:54:22 PM »

Ring of Anubis
A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye

The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead

Grants [+2]
[-1] Ghost-Speaker
[-1] Marked by Power
[-1] Refinement (Ectomancy Control +1, Ectomancy Power +1)
(total cost -1)

(When I was running it the ring was invisible to mortals and could not be removed by the character - perhaps the Refinement shoudl be sponsored magic instead)

Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2010, 04:06:08 PM »
Tin Foil Helmet

+2 Discount
-8 Physical Immunity: Mind control magic
+5 Catch: Only protects against magic or powers that would affect the mind or emotions.
-1 = Total cost

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2010, 09:40:08 PM »
Tin Foil Helmet

+2 Discount
-8 Physical Immunity: Mind control magic
+5 Catch: Only protects against magic or powers that would affect the mind or emotions.
-1 = Total cost
I like this one!!
I think it should require an Aspect that denotes the Wearers Nutball-Status... like "Conspiracy Nut" or maybe "People think I'm  crazy"... something along those lines.

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2010, 10:21:00 PM »
The spear of destiny is supposed to make an army invincible, right? It should have a power to reflect that. Anyway, here's what I would do for Christ's Bloodwhip. It's based on zero seconds of exhaustive research.

Christ's Bloodwhip [-3]
The whip used to torture Christ on the cross. The blood of the White God's son has soaked into it and imbued it with the power of holy pain.
+2 discount
-1 Holy
-1 Incite Emotion (Pain)
-1 Lasting Emotion
-1 Potent Emotion
-1 It's A Whip (Use Weapons for Incite Emotion)

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: Item of Power Ideas/Help
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2010, 11:24:08 PM »
"The Bigger They Are...": as All Creatures Equal Before a God with a Hammer
It's a BIG Hammer: Weapon:3, reasoning is that it was intended to be a two handed weapon.
The Weight of Responsibility: as Divine Purpose. When not being properly wielded, Mjolnir becomes an unwieldy weight.
True Aim
Never Far From Reach: Mjolnir can be thrown as a weapon up to 2 zones away (instead of the standard 1). Upon striking or missing, it returns to its owner's hand on the following exchange. This ability only works when the hammer is thrown. If the hammer caught, stuck, or taken from the bearer the hammer will not magically return.
One Time Discount: +2 (It's awkward to hide, thus fairly easy to detect)
Total Cost: -3 (including +2)

It's a Belt: Megingjoro takes the form of a wolf-hide belt.
Thunder's Strength: grants Inhuman Strength.
Note 1: The bearer loses access to Inhuman Strength when not in physical contact with Megingjoro.
Note 2: If the bearer already possess a Strength power, increase it one step (e.g. Inhuman to Supernatural or Supernatural to Mythic).
Note 3: Those with Mythic Strength can Lift an object as if it were 2 shifts lighter and gain an additional +1 bonus to Breaking.
Note: Megingjoro is not required to wield Mjolnir
Total Cost: -2

It's a Gauntlet: Jarngreipr is a single gauntlet.
Physical Immunity (Electricity)
The Catch (Not Electricity)
Note: The bearer loses access to Physical Immunity (Electricity) when not in physical contact with Jarngreipr.
Note: Jarngreipr is not required to wield Mjolnir
Total Cost: -3

Jarngreipr is the only one that bothers me, I couldn’t figure out what abilities it should impart… so Immunity to electricity seemed a good bet. The Immunity is partially a carry over to an older version of Mjolnir that had Channeling (Air) attached to it, so the user could make zone electric attacks without worrying about harming himself. I wish I could think of  some better abilities for the gauntlet to give.

I made this one as a desire for something not related to something already in existence. Nicholas is the name of the character I intended it for.

The Shifting Destiny
The Shifting Destiny is an ancient artifact that takes the form the most suits the wielder, even if the wielder doesn't know it suits them. The only thing that remains constant throughout the many incarnations of the artifact is that somewhere on the artifact is a triangle. Those that know of item or seek to take it often refer to it as "The Destiny" or "The Gift". Those that come to wield artifact often give it a nickname that symbolizes it's current incarnation.
Modular Item; As Modular Abilities without the -2 surcharge, this item takes the form the most suits the wielder the first time they touch the item and the item shape may never be changed thereafter. The form The Shifting Destiny takes could be anything: a bow, shield, or even a pen. Once the form is changed, it remains locked until it has a new wielder. The abilities of The Shifting Destiny can grow and evolve for the wielder.
The Price of Change; The Shifting Destiny only changes when it is “rightfully acquired,” traditionally this means when it is given to a new wielder or taken from a deceased wielder (taking it from a living wielder by thievery or force will not change the artifact until the current wielder is dead). Temporarily loaning The Shifting Destiny does not change the item, but all subsequent rolls made with the The Shifting Destiny by the loan-ee are at -1 as the item’s current form is not meant for them.
Affecting the following for Nicholas:
It’s a Sword; For Nicholas, The Shifting Destiny takes the form of perfectly made Weapon:3 longsword.
True Aim
Flaming; as Holy, except with Fire.
Flare; as Breath Weapon (Fire). Note: The attack comes from the sword, not from Nicholas.
Nova Flare; Flare is now Weapon:4
One Time Discount: +2
Total Cost: -3

The implication of the dropping of hints calling it “The Gift” and marking it with a triangle, the alchemical symbol for Fire is that the Shifting Destiny was what Prometheus stole from the Gods to give to man.

Joyeuse, Durandal, Curtana were probably Swords of the Cross under different names. Same with Sigmund's sword Gram/Balmung. Any Holy Gun (Constantine's Holy Shotgun, Hellboy's Samaritan, Supernatural's Colt, etc.) are probably remodeled Swords of the Cross as well using some other special focus besides one of the Nails.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 11:28:47 PM by Mal_Luck »
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