As a GM, do you compel the "negative" aspects that affect your NPCs? Or do you wait for your PCs to actually spend some of their FATE points?
How does it work?
For example, an NPC is affected by the aspect "Stunned". When its his time to act, should the GM compel the aspect to limit his actions if none of the PC actually do so? If no one compel the aspect, its almost like the NPC is actually not Stunned...right?
This leads to my main issue I guess...which is probably caused by my lack of experience with the FATE system.
When an aspect is in place, it seem to only matter if someone uses a FATE point to activate it. Otherwise the aspect have no real impact on the scene.
Back to the "stunned" aspect on an NPC. What does it change for the NPC to have such aspect if no one compels it? He just goes and act normally? Or is it the GM's responsability to compel the NPC's aspect? And if the GM do so, why would PCs ever bother to actually use their own FATE points?
Thanks a lot guys for the help!
I think this is among the last elements I have to clear out in my head before I am fully comfortable with the FATE system...