i was explaining what you could and couldn't do to a person with thaumaturgy and they asked "so if i had a picture of some vampire, a recent picture, as my symbol and enough time, why couldn't i make a ball of fire fall out of the sky and kill them?" to which i had no real reply. with thaumaturgy you can do pretty much anything although the only examples of offensive thaumaturgy are curses why couldn't one do evocation at thaumaturgy speed?
which sparked up a debate over what would the specializations look like and how would you classify the bonuses for that type of casting? another way to think about might possibly be what Theme would it fall under? entropomancy? Siege magic? ritual (fire evocation)?
so the questions are: can you do evocation at Thaumaturgy speeds and what would it look like, what would the bonuses be, and do you think this the system/world?