Author Topic: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here  (Read 173400 times)

Offline Serack

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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #240 on: July 10, 2016, 03:19:45 PM »
Here's what I got.

DF Reddit podcast episode 17

@ beginning, a line about a short story with Luccio in in 1883.
I'm doing a Wild Wild West short story set in Dodge City in 1883 staring Luccio.

At this time stamp
What did Ferrovax receive at Bianca's party?
He got gold and gems.  Not like a ton, it was several million dollars worth. 
Was it infected?
Come on!  Please.
When are we going to see Mavra again?
Um... 19?  *pondering*  Wait, I'm sorry we'll definitely see her in Mirror Mirror.  She's a fast ally of Dresden's in Mirror Mirror.
When your a black court vampire who essentially just gets to stay alive for as long as you want, time is much different to an immortal or virtual immortal than it is to one of us.
How old is she?
I think she's about 600.
Are we going to see Agent Tilly again?
Yes definately.  Tilly I had to get into the story a little bit earlier on, for when things are happening on more than the Chicago level later in the story. 

Replace the outdated 2010 BBB question 269 with this one.
Will we see Tera West again?
Yah, probably not until the BAT though.
Will we see Chauncy again?
I don't know, I haven't thought about him in a good long time.  He's a demon that's actually working in hell.  Yah I can't see how we can avoid seeing him in the second book of the BAT.  That's the one that's entitled Hells Bells so.
What kind of magic does Chandler specialize in?
Chandler does a lot of Divination, and a lot of stuff that is involved with time.  Which puts him in a very finicky spot, a very high profile spot on the council.  It's one reason why he's a Warden where they can keep an eye on him.  He can actually do things to screw with the flow of time and look back in time and find things out, and occasionally to look forward in time and see things.  Although that's very unreliable because of the whole free will nonsense.  He's an information gatherer for the most part.  He's not as much of a punch you in the face type, but he's really really useful which is why he has got a lot of status among the young wardens.  He's got access to what the old wizards think is valuable, which is information. 
(Jim also says here that Chandler's hat and bowler look is based off of John Steed of the 1960's British Avengers show)
How old is Lord Raith?
He's a couple thousand years old.  He's got 2 thousand years of paranoia kinda built up.  Plus he's been absolutely bonkers the past 30 years or so.  He's hardly functional as a vampire, he's getting to where he's not evne functional as a figure head for much longer.  That's going to be a problem for lara to deal with.
Will we find out about Lord Raith's library?
There's kind of a long game going on in the Dresden Files, and Lord Raith has been involved in it in the last couple of cycle's it's gone on.  He's been trying to educate himself about it, and he meant to be a player in it this time it came around, but getting involved with Margret kind of screwed him over. 
Lara's got his library now and knows everything he knows, which explains a lot of her actions.
Eb took up the Blackstaff in 1884-1885 somewhere in there.  The Blackstaff chooses his successor.
Crowley from supernatural, that's Binder
Paraphrased:  A gestating Wampire's Hunger feeds off the mother in the same way the fetus does in order to generate enough essence to sustain itself until later, and then it goes dormant until the teenage years.
Dusk till Dawn was the inspiration for the Red Court
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 04:37:20 PM by Serack »
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #241 on: July 10, 2016, 03:33:39 PM »
If you want to hold off on this one, I'm about 13 minutes into a transcription.  I'm skipping the usual talk about tv shows and old stories, though.  I'll post it in the spoilers section for people to talk about once I get through it.

I missed this.  I would have had to have pulled out what I wanted from any transcript anyways, and this way I did it from the actual video as I watched it.  I am liberal with my editing pen when it comes to clarity and such (like the Lord Raith section, where they call him Papa Raith, and I just edited it to Lord Raith for consistency of terms in the compilation.)
DF WoJ Compilation
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Name dropping "Serack" in a post /will/ draw my attention to it

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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #242 on: July 10, 2016, 03:52:43 PM »
I missed this.  I would have had to have pulled out what I wanted from any transcript anyways, and this way I did it from the actual video as I watched it.  I am liberal with my editing pen when it comes to clarity and such (like the Lord Raith section, where they call him Papa Raith, and I just edited it to Lord Raith for consistency of terms in the compilation.)
No problem.  I'm cutting most of the stuff that wouldn't make it into a WoJ compilation also.  I'll still try to finish since I'm a third of the way done.  Feel free to pick and choose any parts that you'd like.  It should be a straightforward copy/paste at that point.  I think there are at least a couple of WoJ that would be worthwhile to have in addition to the ones you've gotten so far.
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #243 on: July 10, 2016, 03:53:39 PM »
So Chandler is a cross between Steed and Dr. Who!?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 04:42:11 PM by Serack »
War Cry -
"Thomas doesn't fight back, not even for an instant. In the end, it's not common sense that pulls me back from the brink, or even fear of being devoured by the Shoggoth....It's the look of unshakeable trust in my Brother's eyes, even as my hands tighten around his throat."

Offline Serack

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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #244 on: July 10, 2016, 04:42:19 PM »
So Chandler is a cross between Steed and Dr. Who!?

If you've read the Alex Verus books, it sounds like he's more like one of that universe's time sight mages with a very limited ability for that universes' divination.
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #245 on: July 10, 2016, 07:37:22 PM »
I missed this.  I would have had to have pulled out what I wanted from any transcript anyways, and this way I did it from the actual video as I watched it.  I am liberal with my editing pen when it comes to clarity and such (like the Lord Raith section, where they call him Papa Raith, and I just edited it to Lord Raith for consistency of terms in the compilation.)
Ten pages later, I'm done.  I'll make a new topic shortly.
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5//30/14 Seattle, WA Q&A
« Reply #246 on: July 11, 2016, 03:45:30 AM »
Hi Serack, here's the notable WoJ from 5//30/14 Seattle, WA Q&A

In Book 5 when Harry gets hit with the Barabbas Curse and Shiro takes it for him so he doesn’t die, what stops Nicodemus from just doing the Barabbas Curse on Harry again?
It takes a while to set it up and get going.  You can’t just whip it out and say here’s a curse.  There’s got to be blood sacrifice and ritual and all this other stuff that goes along with it.  Otherwise he’d just use it every day, for fun.  That guy cut me off in traffic.  Barabbas Curse.  Because he totally would.

You’ve introduced a couple characters that wear different faces and show up, and it’s not always easy to tell that they’re the same person such as Odin/Vadderung/Kringle.  Are there other characters that you haven’t yet revealed that are wearing multiple faces that we have already seen multiple times?
I’m shocked that you would suspect such a thing of me sir!  *I’m not gonna tell you*
Those are pretty much scattered all over the Dresden Files cosmos.  You’ll see more as we go.  There are a lot of characters that are there right now that aren’t who you think they are.  We’ll have to see how it turns out, though.

When a wizard uses cold magic, where does the excess heat go?
Engineering or physics?  In this case it would be going over to the NN.  If it’s not actual fire happening, the NN is my go to for anything that doesn’t quite fit.

What would happen if Harry wore an iron earring?
It would do horrible things to the mantle around him and put him in terrible pain.
In several books he’s been pierced with iron and it seems as if the mantle goes away but doesn’t actually.  He’s in incredible pain because he’s been beaten up, but with long term exposure would his back go back to being normal?
Well, somebody asked something similar a couple of nights ago.  They pointed out that when Harry crossed Mab and Mab took the mantle away from him when he broke Winter Law that his back collapsed too, but his back didn’t collapse when he got pierced by iron.  And I looked at him, and I said, “You’re right.  That seems like an inconsistency.  Like someone is lying or doesn’t understand the exact
situation of things or something like that.”  Then I said to him what I said to you, next question.

Why did Harry shout his entire Name to an Outsider, especially when he knows all the Outsiders act as one?  Now this Outsider has his Name. 
Yeah, why would he do that?  Harry was shouting a challenge to it, and basically he has to respond in kind so he could find out who this thing was.  It was worth it to him to make that effort.  It does seem a little crazy, but on the other hand he doesn’t always make the best decisions. 
Consequences of stupidity?
Well yeah.  On the other hand nobody broke into his brain and tried to make him do things either.  Huh, that seems like an inconsistency doesn’t it?

We’ve seen specialists in earth magic, water magic, fire magic, spirit, ectomancy, necromancy, etc.  But we’ve never seen an air magic specialist.  Is there a reason for that or is there someone I’m not thinking of and what would that look like?
Luccio kind of is, but she lost most of her awesome mojo when she got switched into a new body.  Basically the air magic folks, depending on how much magical muscle they have, they can do a lot of things with wind.  They’re also really good at communication type stuff.  The Merlin is a fantastic air mage.  That’s the basis of his “I can communicate with everybody at the speed of thought.  Now everyone shut up, and let’s get this plan together.”  That’s kind of where that comes from for him.

Back in Dead Beat when we see Quintus Cassius pop up again where he’s aged to an old man because he gave up his coin.  Why did he never summon it back?
He tried.  The knights got the Coin secured before he could do it.  They wrap it up and take it back to the basilica.  They’ve got special holy lunchboxes for them. 

I was wondering if it was intentional that Butters’s catch phrase “Polka will never die” is P.W.N.D. which really seems to fit Butters. 
I’m shocked you would think that of me...  I’m doubly shocked that somebody noticed. 

Uriel gets very upset when Harry tries to change his name.  Is Harry’s ability to name things something that every mortal possesses or is something giving Harry naming rights?
No giving things names is something anybody can do.  It sticks a little harder coming from Harry because he has so much more power relative to the rest of the world.  Naming things is a way of having power over them.  That’s in almost every magical tradition.  That’s something that other people can do as well, but a lot of them don’t.  The problem is when you Name something you create a link to it.  By doing that you’re leaving yourself open to it in some ways.  Dresden just runs around naming things willy nilly because he’s such a careful guy.

What sets the cadence of your Name?  How does that work?
When somebody uses your Name against you, it’s all about the way you perceive yourself in some ways.  The True Name that they need is the Name that you say when you say your Name.  Nobody else can give them your True Name unless they’ve gotten it from you.

From Summer Knight, there’s a wizard sitting under the polar ice caps.  What’s he doing and is he still there?
Yes he’s still there… oh yes he is still there!  I’m doing something… I’m sorry it’s a short story thing.  I don’t want to say anything else about it.

Why the Winter Court for the ones who are protecting against the Outsiders?
What determines the realm of Faerie is it’s all the NN that’s actually bordering on the mortal world.  Anywhere you can get to in the NN from the mortal world is Faerie somewhere because that’s the border territory.  Faeries themselves are beings that essentially have a tie to the mortal world.  They’re part mortal, all of them.  The world needed protection.  Over the years it’s changed who that’s provided that protection.  Thousands of years ago when there were a bunch of other gods and pantheons in operation, it was different people who were in charge of making sure the world stays secure.  Then over the past thousand years or so, it’s fallen upon the Queens of Faerie who are the only beings with enough power to pull it off.   Of them, the ones that you want fighting all the time absolutely ruthlessly absolutely without mercy, those are the ones who have to stand up against the Outsiders, that’s the Winter Court.  When the Faerie queens were established, they were established with a safeguard built in.  That’s the Summer Court so that Winter never turned inward. 

Will we see Mrs. Murphy again?
Maybe?  Maybe.  We’ll have to see.  That might work out.

You came up with a plan for all 20+ books before you even started writing the first one.  Is that correct?
That’s not true.  I had written two chapters.  ;D
How much of that has changed since you wrote the first book?
Not a word, I’m scared to change it.
But Mouse came in out of nowhere.
Sure.  New characters have to come in all the time.  Plus Harry needed a better security system at home anyway.

Why is Harry such a dick to Marcone?
Marcone is a paternalistic authority figure, and Harry can’t help it.

Toot Toot seems to be getting more powerful as of late.  Is pizza some kind of spiritual nutrient that we’re not aware of?  What makes him keep getting bigger and bigger?
He keeps getting bigger and bigger.  You’ll notice his Name keeps getting longer.

Harry had to promise Bob a new skull, and the Fallen are bound to 30 silver coins.  Is there any resemblance between the skull Bob sits in and the coins?  Is there anything shenanigan-wise might ever happen with the Fallen and their vessels being separated?
Well, there’s never been a peer-reviewed study to prove that.  When I’m building magic in the Dresden Files, I wanted magic to make sense.  I didn’t want magic that was randomly weird and be known by randomly weird people.  I wanted it to have actual rules that it had to follow.  You’re looking at parallel structures.  In as much as that goes, you’re on track.

For the different Courts, we’ve got Summer and Winter.  Was there ever or will there ever be Autumn and Spring?
No, those don’t exist as such.  There’s groups of beings that are sort of like that in Wyldfae.  The Wyld is the largest part of Faerie by far.  So there are groups that can assemble that.  Certainly I want there to be the freedom for people to do stuff like that for their games because everybody should get to have fun.  That’s the whole point of these stories for people to have fun.  There’s not a structure as such in cannon.  Those are just transitional states between two extremes. 

For the different big bads that you’ve introduced and what not, which one would you find the most terrifying out of all of them?
They’re all creepy as hell.  The one I’d least like to deal with is Marcone.  He’s one of those smart ruthless don’t let anything stop them types.  He’s not too proud to just kill you.  He’s never going to make an evil overlord mistake because it would never occur to him to make an evil overlord mistake. 

If you know a child’s Name, can you use it on them as an adult?
Probably not.  Not unless they haven’t changed since then.  People are screwy like that.  Unfortunately that works in real life too.  I don’t respond nearly as well when people walk up to me and say, hey Jimmy Dan.  That’s not a Name that I really respond to any more unless it’s Julie saying it.

How did Harry’s dad get Harry’s mom?
At the end of the day, he was a good man.  She needed somebody she could depend on.  Big things get changed because there happened to be the right person in the right place at the right time.

How much does Ebenezer know about Thomas?
Ebenezer knows way too much about Thomas.
Do you ever see a sort of multi-generational family reunion showing up in any of the books?
Sure why not?  I’m sure there will be a nice cookout.  Everybody will get along, and they’ll sing some songs.  They can have it during Peace Talks so that’ll be perfect.
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #247 on: July 11, 2016, 12:41:36 PM »
Transcript provided by redditor blue_shadow_

2015 Stockholm Q&A

Q: Can you tell us something about your new upcoming series, the steampunk series?
A: The new series is a steampunk series. I wanted to call it a steam opera, but my editor told me, "No Jim, you're not allowed to make up brand new genres." I'm like, "OK, fine, whatever, it can be steampunk." But it'll be coming out this fall; it's called The Cinder Spires. The first book is called The Aeronaut's Windlass. The setting is a world where the surface of the world is a very dangerous place to live and so most of humanity lives in these enormous nearly indestructible black towers called "the Spires". All trade and travel and commerce and diplomacy is accomplished by airship between the spires, and two of the more powerful ones are beginning to position themselves to go to war with each other.
And the monarch of one of the spires, the Spirearch, has decided that he needs to assemble a mission team to get jobs done for him in order to get his spire positioned as advantageously as possible. So the story is kind of...I like to say it's X-Men meets Hornblower, but that didn't sound very steampunky, so now I say it's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen meets Hornblower. I would like to tell you that you'll like it because there are good characters that I really enjoyed making or that you'll like it because it's really tightly paced, because even though I'm writing something that is a little bit more like Codex Alera, I tried to pace it like a Dresden Files book - kinda compress all the action into a small area. And I'd like to tell you that you'll think it's a cool story world, but really, what's going to sell the books is that there are talking cats.
And the cats, they don't speak human languages, of course - they speak "Cat". They understand human languages, except when they don't. But they sort of exist alongside humanity, they don't like to mix too much with humanity because humans keep trying to feed kittens, and then kittens become dependant on humans and don't learn to kill things for themselves - and that's BAD. And humans - you kinda have to get along with humans though, because they have opposable thumbs...and matches! So the cats wind up being kinda like this little fuzzy mafia. "I notice your warehouse is rodent free. Perhaps you would like it to continue being rodent free. Perhaps there will be cream waiting every Thursday at three p.m."
One of the cats has a pet human, so the Spirarch recruits her to be part of his team because somebody who can understand cats and who knows how to approach them and talk to them is very handy, because cats see and hear everything and they get everywhere, and they're completely silent, and so they're a fantastic source of information.
Another one of the members of the team is a down-on-his-luck privateer, a captain, who was successful enough in his privateering at the end of the Spires that they actually sent a battlecruiser out to kill him. He manages to survive, and get away and come home. But his ship's all busted up, and though he doesn't really care for the Spirearch at all, the Spirearch is willing to fix his ship, and he can't say "no" to that.
There's basically a princess of the Spire, a daughter of the most powerful house there. One of the warriorborn - about 3% of the population in this world is born slightly different than the rest of humanity, with a much higher metabolism, and much stronger and much faster. If you get in a fight and your side has warriorborn, and their side doesn' win. So you gotta have a warriorborn along so another one doesn't come tromp you. There's an etherialist which is - there's crystal technology that does a lot of the airship stuff, along with the more primitive steam technology, and there's etheric engineers that run all of the machines that are based on the crystal technology, and there's etherealists who sorta do everything the engineers do, only without that troublesome "machine" part in the middle. You know, they just sorta "get to it" at the end. As a result, they're a little bit etherialist who's walking around and bumping into walls and talking to people who aren't there - he's probably safe. He's probably okay. It's the etherealist that's looking at you calmly and inviting you to tea that you have to worry about - there's something definitely, deeply wrong with that one. You definitely want the guy that's a little bit weird on your team and not the calm one.
I had a great time writing it; I had a stronger response from my beta readers for this book than I have for anything else I've done. It's the longest book I've ever written. It checks in at almost 200,000 words. It's a nice, big, thick read, so we'll see how it goes. I'm so sick of it now because I've been editing it over and over for the past several weeks, but eventually the characters will be like "Jim, we have to do another story" and I'll be like "Shut up! I'm trying to write Harry Dresden!" But that'll be out late September, early October.
Q: Cool, I think a lot of us will be excited to read that then. What, if any, tease can you give us for Peace Talks?
A: Peace Talks is all about the various signatories of the Unseelie Accords are having a convocation in Chicago to try and work out a way to settle down all the discord that's been happening due to the Fomor seizing power in the vacuum left behind by the Red Court. So, I believe what's going to happen is they're all going to get together, they'll have a nice dinner, they'll hash things out, and then have a coupla beers and sing some songs, and everything will be FINE. Cause, you know, I want to surprise everybody. Everybody's just looking for it to explode, and so on. This book is only set a couple of months after the end of the previous one [Skin Game], so, you know, Murphy's still undergoing surgeries and so on to get fixed because when you get hurt like that, it takes a long time to get better. When you're not some kind of superhuman, "I work for Queen Mab", living punching bag... Let's see, we'll get to see a lot of, more of Harry and Maggie; Mouse will be in this one, we'll get to see the White Council getting involved with things again, so we'll have them on stage.
And I'm going to get to do a bunch of fights I've been longing to write since i first started writing this series, so that's going to be fun. And we will have a good time with that book as well - as soon as it's written, which, I have to stop doing things like going to Sweden and stay home and write books. It's really a good thing I'm kind of a hobbit at heart because, you know, bad things can happen to you when you go on adventures...there can be trolls and dragons and things like that. Stay home on the couch, that's not going to happen! And earlier I'd said that, and Kitty said "Yeah, but if you stay home on the couch, nothing good happens either!" And I'm like, "Speak for yourself! I've got a series to do! That's important stuff to me."
I've also got to do a few more Dresden short stories. I'm going to have to do "Harry Dresden does jury duty", and I gotta assume that the lawyers ran out of people they could strike, and that Harry was left. I got called to jury duty myself, and I had a book due, so I really hated wasting the time. So I'm sitting here like this the entire time [arms crossed, leaned back, serious look on face], the lawyer takes one look at me, and goes, "Huh-huh - no." Like that. I'm like, "That's right, judgmental long hair - you don't know which way that guy's going to break."
But let's see, we'll do the story of Molly's first job as Winter Lady, and you'll actually get to see what her job is, what the Winter Lady's supposed to do, and what Maeve was not doing. Molly's got, like, 150 years of backlog to clear before she can even catch up. Let's see, I think I'm finally going to write the Hawaii story, where Murphy and Kincaid go to Hawaii. And there's volcanoes and shark gods and everything, so that'll be fun. What else? Oh, sometime probably next year, I'm going to be writing a series, at least a few books, that are going to be young adult books when Maggie Dresden goes to school. Maggie is...she's going to be going to St. Mark's Academy for the Gifted and Talented, which has been mentioned in some of the short stories. Dresden walks in and says "It's too bad you're not St. Mark's Academy for the Resourceful and Talented, because then you'd be "SMART". And as it is, you're just "SMAGT." " So, that's the school where all the scions, the offspring of supernatural beings who live around Chicago - that's where they go to class, because it's kind of been declared neutral territory. And the law is, the kids have to sort out their own problems. So Maggie's going to be winding up going there, she's got terrible social anxiety issues because she's had [sing-song voice] some trauma. Unless she has Mouse along, and Mouse is kind of her "people-person", he's the face man. Unless, of course, things are on fire, and people are bleeding and screaming, at which point, she's completely normal...because she's Harry Dresden's daughter. But that'll be really fun to write, and we're going to end that at middle school, so we'll see how that works out.
But okay, so that's my work for the near future, so now you guys know what I'm doing - I'll be on my couch.
DF WoJ Compilation
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Stokie IL Q&A October 2015
« Reply #248 on: July 12, 2016, 01:48:34 AM »
Part 1 from this video.

When are we going to get some mermaids in Dresden?
Probably not until the BAT because wizards don’t like to go on the ocean unless they’re desperate.

Is Harry going to allow Bob any role in raising the new spirit baby?
No, Harry is going to have that Dad with shotgun talk with Bob.

On the difference between wizards and muggles in the DV
You’ve got to be born with a certain amount of talent to be able to touch magic at all.  Sometimes that talent is greater and sometimes it’s lesser, but you’ve got to have one particular gene that flips the switch that says, yes weird.  Once you’ve got that, you’ve got to be in a position where you can develop that talent.  Be in a position where you have the intelligence and the focus and the drive to make something of it.  It’s just like any other talent, actually.  Some people are born with a really great genetic setup to play basketball.  That doesn’t necessarily make them Michael Jordan.  Not only do they have to have the gift, they have to be in the situation.  If you were born with the awesome basketball gene spread and you happen to be born Inuit, probably you aren’t going to be able to express that.  You aren’t going to have the chance to work on it. 
I always built magic in the DV as something that was a talent like any other.  You can be born with a certain amount of talent, but that doesn’t make you a wizard without a lot of hard work as well.   Conversely, you could be born without a really awesome spread of talent, and yet if you work hard enough you could really make something of yourself.
Most people can use at least a little magic.  Most people could probably be dangerous in the DV if they had enough training and worked on it for years and years.  There’s only a few who are born ready to go to the NBA draft.  Of those people, that’s who you see on the White Council.  Those who were born with that and then who developed them as well. 

And Part 2 from this video.

How do you come up with names for people/places/things?
Mostly I look at the meaning of the name.  I have a giant book of names and their meanings.  I generally try and find something that is either appropriate to the character for the name or completely inappropriate to the character for the name.  One of the two.  I have the guy who is the professional traitor and name him Fidelias which means faithful. 

Will we ever get into who keeps letting the Coins loose?
Kind of, but at the same time it’s sort of necessary for them to be out in the world.  They’re not designed to be kept in a vault somewhere and locked up.  It’s very difficult for anyone to guard them for example.   The coins do the One Ring thing to them until they get loose.  They’ve been spread out in all kinds of different places.  The best you can do is to pick a guy who you hope is as close as incorruptible as humanly possible and leave him in charge.

How much of Hannah’s magic was her as opposed to Lasciel?
Much of it was Lasciel.  Hannah was basically providing the muscle, and Lasciel was providing the direction.  She was way better than she would have been otherwise without Lasciel there advising her. 

On which Fallen was the whisperer in Changes
You’ve probably gotten all the answer you’re gonna get as far as that goes, as far as which Fallen said that.  I’m not saying Lasciel lied about everything because she could have, but Lasciel was the one with an axe to grind.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 01:50:44 AM by Second Aristh »
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Seattle Q&A October 2015
« Reply #249 on: July 12, 2016, 05:17:43 AM »
Seattle Q&A October 2015 from this video

Here's some new WoJ and a couple for the Cinder Spires as well.

Are there supernatural people who can do spaceflight?
It would not be beyond the realm of possibility for a wizard to open a Way that gets them to the moon eventually.  On the other hand, there’s not a whole lot of reason to go to space when you can get pretty much anything you want here.  Space is just mostly just space.  If they want some of that they can always go into the NN and make whatever they want.  That’s one of those things that the old powerful wizards have.   Most of them have a demesne in the NN where they can retreat to when they feel like. 

Why doesn’t Harry open a Way to block bullets/spells/etc?
He’s done that when he’s had some rock falling on him before.  The problem with doing that is one it’s hard and takes a lot of energy.  So there’s usually a more efficient way to do something about it.  The other is that whatever’s charging through could always potentially get back out again.  The other problem is what if he opens it to a part of the NN that’s filled with chlorine gas?  You don’t really know what’s on the other side until you open the door and look.  Sometimes surprise Narnia.  Other times it’ll be Boom your Jokey Smurf moment.  That’s the main reason.  It’s so unpredictable that he’ll rely on fundamentals more than anything else.  That’s something he would try if he was really desperate and just didn’t have another option.  Of course if you’re in the NN you’ll be turning the thing loose who knows where in the real world.  That’s also another issue.  If it were that easy, it would be too simple of a solution, and that’s no fun.

On silkweaver silk and harvesting it
The silkweavers, they sort of weave these giant interwoven sails out of silk.  They’re actually airborne most of the time flying around.  As you get closer to the edges of the sails, the silk gets older and staler.  That’s where you can go in and harvest it because it’s not still alive.  The silkweavers generally don’t care if you go and snip off the parts of the web that are dead and carry it away to use for sails and whatnot.  On the other hand if they’re (a) hungry or (b) you choose the wrong part of the web to come after, they’ll come at you to kill you.  It’s why ethersilk is so expensive because people keep dying when they try to go get some.  You can’t domesticate them.  The only place to get them is out in the wild where there’s giant silkweaver colonies floating around and harvesting it there.

Why doorknobs?
The first house we rented, the front door had a doorknob that was tricky.  It was clever, crafty.  For some reason, I was the only one in the family that had issues opening the doorknob.  I don’t know if I was turning it the wrong direction compared to everybody else or what, but sometimes the door would open and sometimes it wouldn’t, but usually I would not be slowing down.  So I would occasionally get bruises on my cheek or cuts on myself because I hadn’t handled the new doorknob technology sufficiently well.  As I was thinking of stuff for the etherialists, that was the first thing I thought of for Ferrus.  What if all doorknobs were that evil?  That would make life so uncertain. 

On White Court vampires and soulgazes with a bit on the Oblivion War
It’s not that Thomas is not human that the Forgotten Ones are not coming back, it’s because so few people are aware of them the connection is very tenuous.  And also because the people fighting in the Oblivion War go to great lengths to make sure they stay ignorant.  The lengths that Thomas goes to stay ignorant are he never does his homework, and he likes to not think about it. 
As far as the soulgaze goes, it’s going to be different from one white court vampire to another because they have differing levels of humanity going on.  Thomas is very very human.  He’s connected to the most fundamental human trait which is love.  When Mab said that if Harry died she would have gone to Thomas to talk to him about being the knight, Harry says he’s not even human.  Mab says he’s in love.  He’s human enough for me.  So that would have been a possibility.  If you get over to some of the more psychotic white court people some of the more jaded ones like Lord Raith, he doesn’t come off as very human.  He would look very different under a soulgaze.  Thomas is also someone who is continually struggling against his base nature.  He’s struggling against the Hunger.  That’s why he was presented in this moment of strength for the soulgaze.  Other vampires are perfectly content with that.  Lara has no problems with her Hunger at all.  She’s integrated with it much the same way Nicodemus is integrated with Anduriel.  It’ll be different from vampire to vampire.
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #250 on: July 15, 2016, 02:21:34 AM »
Hi everyone.  Here's several more of the quotable WoJ from the 2015 interviews.  There are a couple WoJ on Dresden along with some nice ones for Cinder Spires that I hadn't heard before.  I didn't transcribe most of the writing craft talk or the stories Jim tends to tell for frequently asked questions.

Serack, I think the Salt Lake ComicCon video is gone, but this should be all of the 2015 sources except the itunes and the two sources with asterisks. 

Interview with the guys who created the Dresden Files LARP game published June 5
Location:  Source

On the White Council
The White Council has long been my example of good intentions run amok.  They were meant to be something that was good and positive and a force for enlightenment, but instead, they wind up being a bunch of thugs who end up killing a bunch of kids.  They’re badly playing catch up because they can’t keep pace with the world that has accelerated around them.

On contrasting the White Council and Black Council
The White Council is this force of restraint and keeping things buttoned down and under control.  The Black Council is much more along the lines of “Well if you’ve got the power you should use it however you want to.  If you’ve got the power, that’s what it’s for.”  They’ve caused all kinds of havoc that even Dresden hasn’t realized yet and still more bad stuff that is coming in the future. 

Road to EuroSteamCon Portugal / Internet Video Chat Interview (interviewer is based in Portugal)
Location: Source

On Rowl
Rowl is the prince of his local tribe.  His father is the king of the local tribe, and Rowl will be king as soon as his father proves himself incompetent.

Did you get any new favorite villain from the Cinder Spires series?
Madame Cavendish is an etherealist, and not a nice one.  She is kind of the driving evil behind everything that’s happening.  Although she doesn’t really think of it as evil, she thinks of it as building a better world.  You have to build it on something, and in this case it’s going to be on Spire Albion.  She’s very strongly backing up Spire Aurora.  The Aurorans are the more expansive aggressive Spire around.  Her job is to basically wreck everything, and she likes her job a little too much. 
She’s obsessed with politeness and manners.  Partly that’s a reflection of the damage that’s been inflicted on her by her etherealism.  She has a very difficult time being able to do things that are not polite and mannerly unless you violate manners first.  As long as your manners are impeccable, you’re almost invincible to her.  If you drop anything or say something that can be the least bit construed in the least bit as rude, then she can start ripping into you.  It’s like twitter.

How do they get steam if they need to go to the surface to get coal and going to the surface means fighting a war?
They don’t have to go to the surface to get coal because they don’t burn a lot of coal.  They’ve got a kind of biofuel that they use because if your whole existence is being lived in these huge towers, and they’ve lived there for a long time, you’ve got to have an extremely sustainable existence.  Burning coal inside a building does not give you that.  They’ve got a biofuel that they grow for part of it.  They also have the heat provided by electricity that’s provided by these big crystals. 
There are very few vatteries on the planet that are capable of growing crystals that are big enough and complex enough.  It takes generations to grow them, so they’re extremely valuable.  When I say extremely valuable, it’s more like priceless because you can’t just make new ones.  It takes a long time to get them.  They’re mostly used to drive these ships which drive trade and diplomacy and everything else.  There’s a limited amount of that technology that can be employed inside the Spires.  The ships get more of it, and they’re going to be developing more of it as the series goes on.  I never want to write a series where everything stays as it always has.  I want to write a series where things get started then because of what characters do, things start to change.  That’s how the world works.  People take action, and the world changes.

Is Cinder Spires geared more towards younger readers than the Dresden Files?
Some of the characters are.  The two female viewpoint characters are seventeen.  They’re both getting started in life.  That’s the age you sign on to join the Spirearch’s Guard, sort of a cross between the peace corps and a police force.  The nobles work for the Spirearch for a year, and it’s their badge of “Look I Contributed to Society”.   That’s where these two are.  Gwen’s cousin Benadict is only a couple years older than she is, so he’s the experienced one at nineteen.  Captain Grimm is an older character in his mid-thirties.  There are lots of other characters that are older like that.  Part of this is we’re taking these newbies and throwing them into these horrible events, but there’s older characters around. 
It’s not necessarily written for a young adult audience.  Like I do with story worlds, I like to take characters and make sure they’re not the same when they start the story as they are when they finish it.  That’s always got to be a part of your writing.  How does the story change this person?  How does this person get to be different?  I think that age of human beings, that’s when human beings start really changing, figuring out who they are, and becoming different as they go into their late teens.  We’re sort of looking around trying to grasp the world that’s around us.  As we make our choices, we start shaping who we’re going to be.  For these characters, that’s where I wanted them to see how they grow.  They’re all coming from fairly similar places, and I want to explore how their choices will make their lives different.   That’s always a critical part of writing.  If you’re not writing where your character’s choices aren’t what’s driving the story and what’s creating your world, then you’re not doing it right.

WonkyCast 17:  Jim Butcher (June 2015)
Location: Source

… it did mean that you could bring Sue into the books.  (tail end of Why Chicago? story)
That wasn’t until later, though.  That was after I had already written the books and was watching a History Channel show about Sue.  I just watched it with my mouth open.  I was currently writing Storm Front when I was watching that show.  I was like, “I’ve got to use this!  I’ve got to use this!”  For five years, I waited to write that scene, and when I finally got to write it, I was like AAAHHH DELAYED GRATIFICATION FULFILLED!  SO AWESOME!

Slippery Words
Location: Source

You describe Albion as a black spire.  Why isn’t Albion white?
You’ll find out more about that later.  It’s a good question that I can’t answer without being very spoilery.  That’s no fun for anybody.

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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #251 on: July 15, 2016, 12:18:35 PM »
Thank you sir!
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #252 on: March 05, 2017, 06:59:50 PM »
Partial transcript of the stuff I found interesting DF wise from the 2016 Myths and Legends Conference Q&A

At what time did Ebenezer know that Harry existed, and does he know that Thomas is his grandson.
Not until it was too late.  Not till after Justin’s death that he was able to find out.  As far as Thomas, Stay Tuned.

So in regards to Molly and the process that she’s been going through and growing up and such and now she’s the winter lady… I’m kind of interested in… it’s kind of two fold.  How long has it been since a mortal has become that level of a farie and what kinds of repercussions or changes do you think that we are going to see.
Well it’s been a while since there was a pure mortal… I mean technically Maeve and Sarissa are pure mortals and are only influenced by the mantle so… they were first generation Half Fae, but… As far as Molly being pure mortal… is she really any more is sort of the question and sort of what we are dealing with.  I don’t know if you’ve read your short story [audience:  It’s not out yet] It’s not out yet?  Oh, Oh, ok, Well you should read that! Definitely.  It’s called Cold Case. 

What was your inspiration for Michael?
The Sheep Farmer’s Daughter Series by Elizabeth Moon.  It’s one of the better Paladin series I’ve ever read.  And I’m like, You know what?  I wanna do a paladin, I want to do somebody who is righteous, not self-righteous.  Someone who walks the walk instead of talking the talk.  And so I wanted to drop Michael in as someone who was very near a paragon of Christian and Catholic ideals… Not of Christian and Catholic Dogma, and that’s where that character came from.  Someone who was very close to being a really, really good human being, and I wanted him to be there, especially as a contrast to Dresden because Dresden is always messing around in these murky areas and I wanted somebody for whom that was not an issue.  Going into the murk has never been an issue for Michael because he’s a different person from where he stands and the way he looks at the universe that is not what he is going to do.  But he’s also nevery going to be the guy who has to make the hard horrible choices that Harry sometimes has to.  And the question is, is he avoiding responsibility, or does his belief allow him to create other options that aren’t horrible choices?  How does that work?  I don’t know.  I wanted to write a story about it, maybe I could figure something out.  But yah, Michael is the guy that I wish I was, the guy that I think a lot of people wish they were. 

In one of the recent books you had Uriel bestow his power on Michael and Uriel said, “if you screw up with this, I will fall.”  Is that what happened to any of the Denarians?
The Denarians were all either angels who sided with Lucifer, or they were angels who did not get off the fence… or did not get off the fence in a timely enough fashion.  Lasciel was one of those angels who tried to play both sides off the middle and it did not work out for her after the angel war.  Which makes her more bitter because her schemes fell apart.  She was pretty confident about those schemes.  But yah the Denarian’s are all angels who either sided with Lucifer during the rebellion or were sort of cast out after, there was this whole crew of angels who were like, “well you know what, you disserted from this combat or you fled this battle and your gone as well.”  And they might not have been cast into the lake of fire but they went other places. 

Does Lucifer have his own coin? And will he make an appearance?
NO, are you kidding?  He’s the [British accent] prince of $%&#@ darkness.[/British accent] no that doesn’t happen.  No that was the deal, better to rule in hell than serve in heaven, and he does rule in hell, he’s not stuck in a coin.  We will get to see him on stage later, that’s not until the big trilogy.  He’s firkin Satan, you can’t get any worse. 

Will we see Billy or Jenny Sells again?
Let me think that’s way back…  [audience] Monica Sells’ kids [/audience]  OH those two God.  Um.. Maybe… that could well be… Oh my gosh…  They are on a page or notes somewhere and now you’ve reminded me… *expression of painful consideration* I’m going to have to think about this.  Yah, uh, thank you for that question.  I’ll work on it.  Oh my God we will… That has to happen now.  I mean they aren’t going to have a different view of Harry than the White Council does (context, earlier in the Q&A Jim said the Council thinks Harry is the next Kemmler/Dark Lord in the making)
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #253 on: July 21, 2017, 11:43:20 AM »
Do we have a list of pure interview links somewhere here?
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Re: WoJ transcription help needed + mention new WoJ's here
« Reply #254 on: July 27, 2017, 05:19:45 PM »,28457.0.html

This has more recent stuff than the OP's from this thread. 
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