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Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2011, 07:58:59 PM »
but I'm kinda a douche. :)

It's all water, right? ;)
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
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That I’m positive are not even mine"

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Offline sandchigger

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2011, 08:00:49 PM »
*ba dum kshh*
I may well be silly, but I am never moronic.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2011, 09:38:29 PM »
I generallly run on the logic that unless you are in a desert thier is going to be water vapor in the air and water in the ground and water in people. In a city there will also be water in pipes and sewers and you can use any of it that you are reasonably close too. 
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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2011, 07:21:36 AM »
There is the possibility that conjured water doesn't have the same effect that regular water does.  But the idea is to conjure the water and for the duration of the spell it is moving in a circle around the target.

The player has a couple other cute tricks.  One spell to soak everybody in the zone... the next is a flash freeze targetted spell that requires the tagged aspect "soaked" to have full power.  And yes, he admitted to playing a Frost Mage in World of Warcraft.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2011, 03:49:20 PM »
Except in the books, Harry specifically says several times that "conjured fire acts just like regular fire" once it's summoned. It burns shit. Often to the detriment of Harry, his friends and the insurance company of whatever building he's in at the time. I fail to see why water conjured/coalesced/created/crackerjacked in the same manner would behave unlike normal water.
I may well be silly, but I am never moronic.

Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2011, 05:57:16 AM »
I am working on a thaumaturgy healing spell, and I need some ideas for calculating its complexity, and what would be needed to cast it.  And a good name too.

The thaumaturgical principle at the core is that the implement used to harm can be used to heal.  If you have the knife used to cut someone, the knife 'remembers' the whole body it injured, and the edges of the wound, and so it can be used to undo the harm it did.  If you have the claw of the ghoul that disemboweled someone,  you can touch the claws to the wounds, do the ritual, and at least reduce the severity of the wound.

What sorts of healing things should you be able to do with thaumaturgy?

Ectoplasm makes a sterile bandage?  Seal up a wound without requiring stitches?  Put pressure on a blood vessel... without requiring even a cut in the skin, if you have a sufficiently good model to work from.

Strengthen the vital forces of the body by directly transferring life energy.

Could magic be used on a prosthetic, so the phantom pain and phantom limb sensations are actually real?

What sorts of healing spells have people used?  What are the limits on healing spells?  What limits make good stories, (like you need to have the weapon or poison that inflicted the injury) and what are just sensible game mechanic limitations?

Offline devonapple

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2011, 06:52:28 AM »
Healing spells risk trivializing the Consequence system in Dresden File. That said, there is a Reiki Healing Spell to use as a model (YS 300).

Using that as a model, you spend 4 shifts for the basic spell, then shifts equal to the Consequence(s) being healed. Doing so shifts a consequence down one level in severity, letting it recover more quickly - however, it still occupies the same Consequence slot, so you can't suddenly fit an additional Consequence there. Healing Stress, of course, is moot, because it goes away almost immediately. And if you wanted it to go away in combat, this wouldn't be Thaumaturgy (well. it could be Sponsored Magic, but that's another discussion).

If the sky's the limit, and the GM allows it, I would imagine that paying twice for each Consequence would remove it entirely, freeing up the Consequence slot.

So, for a target who has filled up his 2-, 4- and 6-point Consequences with physical injuries that would respond to healing energy, healing them completely could be (I propose):
4 base +
2+2 to remove the Mild Consequence +
4+4 to remove Moderate Consequence +
6+6 to remove Serious Consequence =
28 shifts. Which is enough shifts to outright kill many mortals.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2011, 08:19:10 PM »
Some ideas for keeping healing spells in balance:

Healing spells aren't universal.  You can't use the spell you learned to fix a bullet wound to fix a ghoul claw wound.  You have to do the research, whatever complexity it is, again.

Healing spells gone wrong have some of the nastiest and most insidious backlash effects.  You take 5 points of physical backlash and take a mild consequence... you get a cold that just won't go away.  And it gets worse.  And fallout is worse.  A healing spell gone wrong can easily become cancerous.  Or call a necromantic entity into being to 'restore the balance' or some such creepiness.

Thaumaturgic surgery has dangers just like real world surgery does.

Some ideas for generating the power for healing spells.

Family vigil:  family members pray, tell stories, keep watch.  Each member will take the consequences Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, and emotional catharsis.

Just like a potion, for powerful thaumaturgic surgery you need 8 elements that symbolize life.  The five senses, mind, spirit and a base.  The sound of a stream, the smell of rich fertile earth, with a base of seed which contain all the vital energy to start new life, the bark of an ancient tree for touch, etc...  And something for spirit and mind that specifically call to the person being healed.

Have an 'exploratory' ritual, to magically assess the injury.  This provides a taggable aspect "I know what I am doing" for a possible reroll if needed.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2011, 06:19:18 PM »
I thought these were here already, but I guess they are only with the character write ups.

Note: these spells were written with specific characters in mind - a lowlife unimaginative villain, a young scion, and an Emissary of Priapus.

From the villain at,24639.msg1044868.html#msg1044868:
Name: Flip Skirt
Type: Air Evocation, maneuver
Area: One target in a skirt
Most people would just use a minor magic effect for something like this, but most people aren't Magic Man.  The rote does what it says it does - it uses air to flip up a skirt.  Mini skirt, poodle skirt, dress skirt, it doesn't matter.  The affect is similar to standing over an air vent (a la Marilyn Monroe).  It's childish, but that's Magic Man for you.  It has no effect if the target isn't wearing a skirt.  Slacks, shorts, jeans, a tracksuit, you name it and it won't work on it.
Mechanically it's a maneuver with Power 4.  That's more than most maneuvers need, but Magic Man likes putting a little extra in it.
(Note - he'll sometimes use this as a pick up bit, "noticing" how a girl's power has manifested and offering to teach her so things sort of things don't happen in the future.)

Name: Dave Ain't Here Man
Type: Air Evocation, Defensive block
Area: Self
Power: 4 - 3 for the block, 1 for extra duration
Duration: 2 exchanges
When Magic Man needs to get the hell out of a situation the air bend light away from him.  That makes it a bit hard for him to see but effectively Veils long enough to get a head start.  So far it's worked well enough, and he's need to do it often enough that it's a rote.

For the preteen "I don't want to be an anti-christ" at,25470.msg1084136.html#msg1084136:
The Green Glow of Protection
Type: Spirit evocation, defensive block
Power: 5 shifts
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Deflects an incoming attack. If overcome, it vanishes.
Stevie is tough - he knows that.  But there's always wood out there and some things are just too big to for his toughness to handle.  When he brings up this defence Stevie knows it's very unlikely that he will be hurt.

Type: Spirit evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 4 - 3 shifts for the maneuver + 1 for duration.
Duration: Two exchanges
Effect: Pulls down his opponent's pants and tangles them around the target's legs, giving them the aspect of * Pantsed *.
Stevie is still a kid at heart and this was the first rote he came up with.  He's thinking of replacing with a wedgie spell, but he hasn't gotten around to doing that yet.  Basically, a greenish glow pulls someone's pants and tangles it around their legs - making it a variant of the Entanglement spell from the book.   Note that the young at heart (and in body) Stevie didn't design this to take down someone's underwear so unless the target is going commando or wearing only a single layer of clothing (like a bathing suit) this rote is not as embarrassing as it could be.  Nor does it work on women wearing skirts, dresses, etc (unless he can see their underwear) because Stevie was taught that trying to flip a girl's skirt up was a nasty no-no.

The Sickly Green Dart of Energy
Type: Spirit evocation, attack
Power: 5; Stevie wasn't kidding around when he made this rote.
Control: Roll Discipline as attack roll.
Target: One target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: One action
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skill, magical blocks, etc.
Those who think that Stevie is just a cute kid are surprised by this rote while its existence confirms the suspicions of those who believe him to be the spawn of hell.  He knew he needed something like this when his mentor fell in battle.  So far he has never used it against a human, only monsters, and only when he has to.  A part of him fears that his father would approve of this spell.

From the Emissary of Priapus at,22322.msg1116271.html#msg1116271:
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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2011, 07:15:50 PM »
Facial Recognition
Type: Thaumaturgy, Divination
Complexity: 10 (more required based on circumstances (See Below)
Duration: Scene
Effect: With a recent and accurate photograph of the subject and a blank sheet of paper the caster can recreate a target's most recent image taken by one of the myriad video cameras in ATM's, Traffic cameras, close circuit cameras, etc. The caster runs her left hand over the picture, as an eerie glow emanates from under it, then runs her other hand across the blank sheet. The glow from her right hand lightly burns a brownscale recreation of the target's most recent moment on camera, hopefully supplying clues as to their most recent whereabouts, onto the blank paper.
Notes:10 succeses is for a large town, more successes would be needed for a city or larger area with even more cameras. Photo may include useful things like the ATM the target was photographed by, the name of the store the camera is in, a time/date stamp, etc. Wards around the target do not alter the process, however wards around the camera that took the picture will force a reversion to the next most recent picture, and so on.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 07:18:22 PM by computerking »
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PS: %^#@ Orbius. This may or may not be relevant to the discussion, but whatever.

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2011, 11:55:01 AM »
Here is a list of spells that I have come up with – some are re-writes from YS, some are just flavour variations of generic things like Attacks and Blocks. I am even adding those since they may contribute to someone who is looking for some thematically flavoured spells and who is struggling to find or think of what they are looking for.

Apologies if anything seems cookie-cutter and overly generic. I have definitely knicked some ideas from other posts on the boards and adapted them to one extent or another.

Most of these were thought up with regards the spell casting characters that I have posted in the “Spare Character Concepts” thread, and spells listed as rotes on those characters are also listed here for completeness.

I have not included a Stress Cost for these spells – that would of course depend on the power of whoever is going to cast them. I will list everything at 6 shifts of power or complexity unless the specifics of the spell require broader or more power.

Air Magic

Air Lance
Type: Air Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skills, magical blocks, or other determined in play
Effect: A strong precision blast of compressed air that hammers the target harder than a bullet. Fantastic (+6) to aim and attack, Weapon 6.

Cushion of Air
Type: Air Evocation, Defensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6 or more
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Exchange, more if more power is pumped in
Effect: An emergency spell for those in freefall, if they have time to cast it. Can also be used just prior to jumping off something into a drop. Forms a cushion of air that reduces damage from falling by effectively reducing the height of the fall by 2’ per shift of power. Minimum power of 6 shifts since there will not really be time to cast it if falling less than 12’.

Magnify Vision
Type: Air Thaumaturgy, Maneuver
Complexity: 6
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: Gives the caster the sticky aspect “Telescopic Vision”. When used, a lens of air is formed just in front of the caster’s eyes that magnifies vision. An altered version could grant “Microscopic Vision” instead.

Refractive Cloak
Type: Air Evocation, Defensive Block/Veil
Shifts: 6
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: Bends light to hide the caster from view. Provides a Great (+4) Veil with unimpaired vision.

Shield of Wind
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Defensive Block/Shield
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: An pale blue shield of magically charged air that blocks incoming attacks. Armor 3 or Fantastic (+6) block.

Speed of the Wind
Type: Air Thaumaturgy, Maneuver
Complexity: 6
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: Gives the caster one benefit from the Inhuman Speed supernatural power, chosen at the time of casting. Greater complexity can be pumped in for longer durations.

Static Disharge
Type: Air Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skills, magical blocks, or other determined in play
Effect: The spell concentrates atmospheric static electricity around the target and discharges it into them. Fantastic (+6) to aim and attack, Weapon 6.

Wind Blast
Type: Air Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skills, magical blocks, or other determined in play
Effect: A strong, concentrated (although less so than Air Lance) gust of wind aimed at a single target. Fantastic (+6) to aim and attack, applies “Knocked Flat on their Backside” fragile Affect to the target.

Earth Magic

Type: Earth Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 6
Duration: 1 Exchange
Control: Discipline
Opposed By: Target’s Athletics, Magical Blocks or Determined in play
Effect: Concentrates gravity upon a precise area, crushing the target to the ground in a shower of bone splinters and gore. Fantastic (+6) Aim and Attack, Weapon 6 effect.

Cloud of Matter
Type: Earth Evocation, Defensive Block
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: A swirling cloud of dust and small matter particals that protects the caster or interferes with magical effects. Creates and Armor 3 effect or a Fantastic (+6) block

Electromagnetic Shield
Type: Earth Evocation, Defensive Block
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: A deep green shimmering force field – Electromagnetic effect that blocks attacks or grounds magical effects. Creates and Armor 3 effect or a Fantastic (+6) block

Electromagnetic Slingshot
Type: Earth Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 6
Duration: 1 Exchange
Control: Discipline
Opposed By: Target’s Athletics, Magical Blocks or Determined in play
Effect: Propels a ferrous missile at the target with unimagineable speed and power. Many caster will carry a few ball bearings around with them to provide a ready source of ammunition. Fantastic (+6) Aim and Attack, Weapon 6 effect.

Knee Trembler
Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Mental Stress: 1
Control: Discipline
Mental Stress: 1
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics Skill or other determined in play
Effect: Caster stamps his foot into the ground, causing a flash of green magic to flow from his foot into the earth. Applies “Can’t Keep Their Footing” aspect to everyone in a single targeted zone.

Magnetic Disarmament
Type: Earth Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 5
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 exchange
Opposed by: Target’s Might Skill or other determined in play
Effect: Superb (+5) Aim and Attack to tear a metallic weapon out of the hands of the holder and apply the fragile aspect “Disarmed” to the target. Easily expandable to disarm multiple targets.

Rooted to the Earth
Type: Earth Evocation, Defensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Mental Stress: 1
Control: Discipline
Duration: 4 exchanges
Effect: Grants the caster “Hard to knock off his feet” aspect for the duration of the spell. A thaumaturgical use of this spell is quite possible as well, but in this incarnation it is more about

Type: Earth Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 6
Duration: 1 Exchange
Control: Discipline
Opposed By: Target’s Endurance, Magical Blocks or Determined in play
Effect: A thin grey ray of magic that disrupts inorganic material, making it brittle and breaking it. Can also be used against living targets, effectively disintegrating portions of them. Fantastic (+6) Aim and Attack, Weapon 6 effect.

Strength of the Earth
Type: Earth Thaumaturgy, Maneuver
Complexity: 6
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: Gives the caster one benefit from the Inhuman Strength supernatural power, chosen at the time of casting. Greater complexity can be pumped in for longer durations.

Type: Earth Evocation, Defensive Block
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: The caster’s skin hardens and takes on aspects of the caster’s stone or mineral of choice. Creates and Armor 3 effect or a Fantastic (+6) block

Type: Earth Thaumaturgy, Maneuver
Complexity: 6
Mental Stress: 1
Duration: 1 Hour
Effect: Applies the “Knows Where Everyone is Located” fragile aspect in a single zone – as long as they are touching the ground. Can be extended with more shifts of power when fighting blind or against invisible targets.

Unseelie Magic

((All Air Magic spells above are of course applicable, often with altered names and the adjective “Icy” applied to the description. For example, the Unseelie version of Air Lance I have renamed Fimbul Blast and Wind Rush is Winter’s Herald, and Shield of Wind is Fimbul Protection. Shatter under Earth Magic above is used as Call of Decay. There are a couple of very Unseelie effects that have developed though, mostly with inspiration from an old thread on here which I cant find now.))

Breath of Mab
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Defensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 3 Exchanges
Effect: Frozen, icy fog fills a single targeted zone, applying the “Thick Frozen Fog” sticky aspect. A complexity 4 ritual would work to set it out for the whole scene – this is the quick and dirty version.

Bonds of Ice
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 4 or 6
Control: Discipline
Duration: 1 Scene
Opposed by: Athletics, Magical Blocks or other determined in play (possibly Might to break free)
Effect: Freezes either a single target or all the targets in a single Zone solid, applying the sticky aspect “Frozen Solid” (Modified version of Entangled Spell from YS)

Eyes of Night
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Maneuver
Shifts: 4
Control: Discipline
Effect: Applies the “Can see in Total Darkness” sticky aspect to the caster. Easily cast as a thaumaturgic ritual for longer durations.

Midwinter’s Darkness
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Defensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Control: Rote Spell + Focus Item
Duration: 3 Exchanges
Effect: Inky, icy darkness fills a single targeted zone, applying the “Total Darkness” sticky aspect. A complexity 4 ritual would work to set it out for the whole scene – this is the quick and dirty version.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2012, 04:00:38 AM »
This is a list of some of the spells designed for the Butchered New Haven campaign.

Old Burial Ground Binding Circle*
This Binding Circle was cast by Eric Holt to contain a powerful spirit entity or perhaps ghost within the Old Burial Ground on BSA Camp Mattabessitt.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Binding
Complexity: 12
Duration: One month
Effect: An 8-shift Block containing the Bound entity within it's grave site

The spell is intended to create a temporary barrier to passage through a doorway.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Wards
Complexity: 3
Duration: Sunrise
Effect: A Block of Good (+3) strength versus entry.
Variations: Spell Complexity can be increased to raise the strength of the Block and/or Duration. Additionally Symbolic Links can be created at +2 complexity each, to alert when the Block is attacked or breached.
Notes: Requires an actual doorway/threshold with door for the spell to be cast upon.

Eric Holt's Cabin Ward*
This is the Ward around caretaker Eric Holt's cabin at BSA Camp Mattabessitt in Bethany, CT.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Wards
Complexity: 16
Duration: One month
Effect: An 8-shift Block on entry into the cabin
Notes: Wardflames provide warning to those within the cabin if supernatural entities or beings approach within 100 yards of the cabin. Additionally, the key to the lock in the cabin door is a symbolic link, alerting Eric if something comes into contact with the Ward while he's away from his cabin.

This spell provides a ritual method to open mundane locks.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Transformation
Complexity: 3
Duration: none (immediate)
Effect: Spell immediately unlocks a Good (+3) quality lock. Examples of Good (+3) quality locks include Masterlock padlocks and most house deadbolt locks.
Variations: The Complexity can be increased so that the spell take effect on better locks, and/or in more difficult circumstances (i.e. multiple locks, a Threshold, etc.)
Notes: Locks on exterior doors of something with a Threshold (home, Church, etc) are protected by the Threshold as normal. Also any locks on a cemetery gate are also protected by a Threshold, if the caster is within the cemetery when casting the Unlock spell.

Old Burial Ground Aura of Misdirection*
The Aura of Misdirection is intended to steer the casual hiker and/or exploring Boy Scout away from the Old Burial Ground on Camp Mattabessitt and hopefully avoid having someone accidentally release the entity Bound within the circle.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Psychomancy
Complexity: 14
Duration: One month
Effect: A 5-shift Block opposed by Lore, Scholarship or Survival, depending on whether which skill is highest, to proceed to the Old Burial Ground. Those who fail to overcome the Block get re-directed around or away from the actual location of the Old Burial Ground.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2012, 11:53:27 PM »
devonapple came up with an excellent guide to conjuration some time ago, and now I'd like to use it. If these inspire you to post some conjurations of your own, you can find the guide here:,23613.0.html

Type: Conjuration ritual
Complexity: 30 (method one) or 20 (method two)
Duration: A few days
Effect: Creates five person-like things that walk around and talk. A Great roll is needed to determine that they aren't real.
Notes: This one's a bit creepy. Might take your players by surprise.

Fool's Gold
Type: Conjuration ritual
Complexity: 15 (method one) or 11 (method two)
Duration: one week
Effect: Creates a very small lump of gold. A Legendary roll is needed to determine that it isn't real.
Notes: This is what everyone first thinks of when they hear about conjuration, right?

Flock Of Birds
Type: Conjuration ritual
Complexity: 23 (method one) or 13 (method two)
Duration: one day
Effect: Creates about fifty birds that fly around and sqawk. A Fair roll reveals that they aren't real birds.

Cinderella's Dress
Type: Conjuration ritual
Complexity: 17 (method one) or 11 (method two)
Duration: One day
Effect: Creates a beautiful dress with a sticky aspect of GORGEOUS. A Fantastic roll is needed to determine that it isn't a real dress.
Notes: I'm using a cost of 4 shifts per sticky aspect for this one.

Wizard's Palace
Type: Conjuration ritual
Complexity: 42 (method one) or 30 (method two)
Duration: A wizard's lifetime
Effect: Creates a large, ornate house with over a dozen rooms and all the furniture a man could need. It is immediately obvious that it isn't a real building.
Notes: Watch out: this can be counterspelled.

I have a question,(and sorry ahead if it is dumb... I haven't quite gotten to spell casting yet in Your story) but... what exactly would a, "fake dress / fake house," look like? I mean... I could understand if it was an illussion and they worked like an, "Emperors New Cloths," thing... but isn't a house just an artificial construct in which a person is meant to live? How can one have a full size structure meant to house a person with out being a real house... also... same for the dress... like it is made of some continuous piece of stuff, that covers the all the naughty bits, without use of pants... isn't that a dress?

sorry I realize as I type that this must seem like one of those silly nitpicky posts, but what I guess I am asking is, if a vanilla mortal makes a +5 check against the dress/house what do they see? if not a naked woman or a translucent house then... do they get to see magic like if they had sight?

By the by... I know I seem like a prick, but I ask because I think these spells sound awsome and am thinking about using them in an upcoming game. :-D
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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2012, 07:42:25 PM »
No need for all the apologies, dude. You've done nothing offensive. And I'm difficult to offend online anyway.

The bits about realness refer to the fact that conjured objects aren't made out of real matter. They're made of ectoplasm, which is like magical quasi-matter.

Noticing that a conjured dress is not real tips you off to the fact that it was conjured, or at least to the fact that it's somehow unnatural. It's kind of like noticing that a fake Rolex is not a real Rolex.

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Re: Custom Spell Compilation Thread
« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2012, 12:51:58 AM »
No I get that, but... lets say I am a vanilla mortal, one that doesn't know about magic. Now lets just say that I am a police detective, in the organized crime devision, who does undercover work. Now it is no streach to imagen that I might have a, Superb Awarness skill. Now if that were true, Could easily, notice that, "the dress is fake/the house is fake," but what does that mean? I have no idea what ectoplasm is. and more over as long as there is energy running threw ectoplasm, it IS what ever it, "looks like," that is to say, I can't disbelive it like I could an illusion, because it IS really there. It has Mass, and feels exactly as normal cloth would,(density is the same, and if it is made of organic fibers will actually have D.N.A.(as in white night, I believe)).

I guess what I am saying is, I don't really think you should be able to, "see threw it," unless you have a way to sense magical energies and there movement.


maybe these should just be Illusions instead of conjurations.
I am the Gnome in your garden.
The one that keeps your pet from running away.
The one that keeps growing you all those delicious nutritious Dandelions.
The one who...