Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 105617 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #210 on: March 06, 2013, 09:13:36 PM »
I've rewritten the Telekinesis Power since the last list update. You may want to use the new version.

Obviously it doesn't matter if you use the latest version of a homebrew Power, but I think this version of Telekinesis is better-written than the old one.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #211 on: March 28, 2013, 03:14:30 AM »
Remember this?

Sergeant Schlock (Submerged)

High Concept: Amorph Mercenary
Trouble Aspect: Violent Sociopath
Other Aspects: Surprisingly Smart And Charming, Ovalquick Addiction, Amazing History, A Hero To Many, Burn You Up And Eat Your Ashes
Superb: Guns
Great: Might, Intimidation, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Athletics, Investigation
Fair: Fists, Rapport, Empathy
Average: Presence, Contacts, Conviction
Amorphous Form [-1]
Undying [-0]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch/Limitation [+3]
Plasma Cannon [-1]
Supernatural Senses [-2]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Schlock's Catch is anything that can scatter his body or affect each part of it equally. Lethal ambient temperatures, fire hoses, plasma grenades, that sort of thing. Its value is the same for The Catch and Limitation, since in a world with either Evocation or plasma weaponry it's pretty easy to satisfy.

The plasma cannon is modelled as an assault rifle/grenade launcher that inflicts +2 stress and has a rocket mode that lets Schlock fly. It wouldn't be an IoP in the source material, but in DFRPG...

Schlock's supernatural senses let him taste everything that he touches, identify chemicals by smell/taste, and move his eyes around.

Well, I sent it to the author and it turns out he actually likes DFRPG. Which is, in my opinion, kind of neat.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #212 on: April 05, 2013, 12:25:24 AM »
That is awesome Sancta. A Tip of the Hat from the author  has to put a smile on your face. :)

Offline LMage

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #213 on: April 28, 2013, 04:40:48 AM »
So, I'm a first time player, and I've been bouncing around a lot of different character ideas. I've settled the one I'm actually using (and have poured the time into, a Champion Of God that serves Hecate) but I figured I'd post a more underdeveloped idea or two that I still liked here and get some feed back.

Character: Marcus Melrose
High Concept: Guilt Ridden Runwaay
Trouble: Naive Of The Demon Within
Other Aspects: The Foster System Sucks But The Streets Suck More, Ignorance Is Bliss, Can't Ever Go Home Again

Good- Empathy, Performance
Fair- Deceit, Stealth
Average- Presence, Rapport, Athletics, Fists

Emotional Vampire (-1)
Incite Emotion (-1, Touch,  Lust)
Innocent Sex Appeal [Allows the use of Empathy, rather then Intimidation, to Seduce] (-1)

Total Cost: -3
Refresh Total: +3


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If this character seems under-powered it's because he's supposed to be. He's more of "The Chick" or "The Heart" in terms of group dynamic, then an actual fighter.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #214 on: April 28, 2013, 05:57:36 AM »
I think you still have 6 skill points to spend.

And IIRC the standard skill for seduction is Rapport.

Offline LMage

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #215 on: April 28, 2013, 06:03:03 AM »
At "Feet In The Water" isn't it only six fate points? (I kept three to offset his lack of combat abilities, since I can't think of what other stunts/powers would make sense for a random kid off the streets to know that would be remotely useful).

I could have sworn that the skill for seduction was intimidation. But I could be wrong.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #216 on: April 28, 2013, 06:12:18 AM »
Your Refresh count is correct. It's the skill count that's off.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #217 on: April 28, 2013, 06:19:15 AM »
*Blink* Oh, you are correct.

Actually, that was intentional, I thought I would mostly save the remaining skill points and set them at a mile stone(s) once the character had had the chance to grow and develop a bit.

I mean, I could add Driving (Average) but other then that, I'm not sure....

Offline Mrmdubois

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #218 on: May 07, 2013, 01:02:25 AM »
There's not really a good reason to save up skill points, Minor Milestones will allow you to redistribute some of them anyway after all, so you might as well be as good as you can be.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #219 on: July 19, 2013, 01:45:47 PM »

Offline Belial666

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #220 on: June 17, 2014, 02:15:15 AM »
Hey Sancta, should I post my Kemmler build here or somewhere else?

Also, your PM folder is full. Hence the post here.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #221 on: June 17, 2014, 02:36:51 AM »
Hm, I dunno. I don't really make the rules, but...I guess this is as good a place as any.

And yeah, I got a bunch of PMs today for some reason. Filled up all my empty space.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #222 on: June 17, 2014, 06:38:39 AM »
This is an old build - one of my first beyond submerged level. Originally posted it back in 2010, I think;


High Concept: Greatest Necromancer Ever Trouble: Terminal God Complex
Other Aspects: Awesomeness Can Be Taught, Dark Lord Of The Dead, Death Is Only The Beginning, Political Wizard, The Laws Exist Only In Your Feeble Minds
Refresh: higher than you  (-51, 450 pts as Warhammer figurine)


+8 Discipline, Conviction
+7 Lore, Presence, Endurance
+6 Intimidate, Contacts, Scholarship
+5 Deceit, Rapport, Resources
+4 Weapons, Empathy, Alertness
+3 Craftmanship, Performance, Might
+2 Riding, Fists, Athletics
+1 Survival, Stealth, Burglary


[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] Wizard - The Sight/Soulgaze/Wizard's Constitution
[-2] Kemmlerian Necromancy
[-27] Refinement x27
[-6] Lawbreaker: 1st/4th/5th, x2
[-3] Physical Immunity: Unkillable  -  Kemmler is immune to any attack that would kill him. He may either keep going or appear to die only to come back later. The catch is that he is only immune to death; he still takes stress and consequences normally and a nonlethal attack would take him out just fine - but see below.
[-1] Mind Over Body  -  Kemmler's own will fuels his existence. As long as his will is intact, his body endures, fueled by his belief in his own immortality. He uses Conviction as a defence vs physical and mental attacks and maneuers.
[+0] Human Guise
[-6] Mythic Recovery  -  Kemmler does not need to sleep or eat and his Necromancy-fueled body can recover from most wounds.
[+2] Catch: Holy Powers and True Faith
[-1] Senses: Lord of the Dead  -  Kemmler can see and hear out of the eyes and ears of any undead being he has personally created. This is a supernatural sense.


Evocation: +6 spirit power, +5 spirit control, +4 earth power, +3 earth control, +2 air power, +1 air control (may use necromancy control if spell incorporates death and/or necromanctic/psychomantic spells as evocation)
Thaumaturgy: +6 necromancy control, +5 necromancy complexity, +4 diabolism complexity, +3 divination complexity, +2 transportation/worldwalking control, +1 focus specialization.
Dark One's Rainment: a suit of armor covered in dark magic runes concealed by a black cloak and strengthened by its own enchantments (armor 3) that acts as a powerful focus for necromancy (+7 necromancy control)
The Helm of Terror: a rune-adorned thick cowl with a faceplate carved out of bone that, when drawn down, conceals Kemmler's face behind the image of a human skull. Acts as a powerful focus for destructive spirit magic (+7 offensive spirit power)
Bracelet of Warding: the weakest of Kemmler's foci but still a powerful item, this skull-adorned silver bracelet acts as a +4 defensive spirit power focus.


Vengeful Gaze of Kemmler Using the power the magic he created, Kemmler throws an immense amount of life-erasing energy at the victim. Weapon 26 at Control 26; you die with no save.
Plague Wind Spreading necromantic energies over a large area, Kemmler could sicken and kill people in a large stadium, major building or small army. Weapon 6 over 10 zones at Control 26.
Mass Momento Mori This spell infuses all living beings in an area with deadly necromantic power, killing them then animating them and binding them at Kemmler's will. Sadly, it only creates relatively weak zombie types. Weapon 6 at Control 26 plus 5 shifts of raising and 5 shifts of binding at all creatures in 5 zones.
Mass Energy Drain This spell fuels necromantic energies to its victims, paralyzing and finally killing them over time as its energy leeches their life-force. 11 shift block (adjudicated as grapple) for 10 exchanges over 3 zones.
Raise Graveyard This spell is a quick "army-raising" spell; at the cost of quality, it raises all the dead in a fairly large area -such as a graveyard or mass grave- as relatively weak zombies. 5 shifts of raising and 5 shifts of binding at all corpses and remains in 8 zones.
Shield of Death This is a rare defensive necromancy spell; using Kemmlerian necromancy, you forge a link between the caster and a bound, mindless or willing victim. For as long as this thaumaturgy lasts, the caster is protected by a 23-shift block (unlike true Wards, it does not strike back or allow special features). Instead of blocking the attacks though, the "block" merely transfers them to the victim. The spell ends at dawn (unless extended with extra shifts) or when the victim dies/is destroyed. Kemmler used his zombies as surrogates cause he had lots of them but a living victim can take a lot more consequences than a weak zombie and has the added benefit that you find a use for potential prisoners and, if you choose correctly, your surrogate may have recovery powers.
Circle of Opening The Door of Night The wielder opens the Door of Night and calls up large amounts of necromantic power, infusing himself and a circle around him with that power that can be then tapped to fuel horribly life-violating magic. Apply 6 aspects on a scene or willing target that can be tagged for offensive necromantic purposes. You still need to flavorfully describe said aspects or your GM might wack your head with a 10-lb abridged copy of the Necronomicon.

(sorry for the french but I didn't have time to find the english equivalent)

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #223 on: August 14, 2014, 05:03:02 AM »
Hi, here is my attempt at a vampire hunter crossed with a Gunslinger from Stephen King's Dark Tower Series. The back story and aspects are based on the character Eddie Dean, but the powers are a more generic representation of a Gunslinger form the series (re-flavored a little but to fit in with the Dresdenverse). There are likely some slight spoilers for the Dark Tower series in here.   

Eddie Dean
(loosely based off the character of the same name from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series)
High Concept: “Gunslinger of the Line of Arthur Eld”
Trouble: “Heroin Addict”
“I Stand for the White”
“From the ‘80s”
“Ka Guides Me”
“Silly Jokes”
“The Guns With the Sandalwood Grips”

(40/40: 2/2/3/4/5)
Superb (+5) Conviction, Alertness
Great (+4)    Guns, Athletics
Good (+3)    Endurance, Fists, Rapport
Fair (+2)    Discipline, Drive, Lore, Intimidate
Average (+1) Survival, Empathy, Craftsmanship, Stealth, Might

()()()() [We eliminated Presence in our Games, we calculate the social stress track based on the higher of Rapport or Intimidate]
Mild Mental:

Stunts & Powers      Refresh: 3 (13 - 10)

Guide My Hand [-1]
Ka leads all living creatures; it is the will of Gan, the spirit of the Dark Tower who spun the world and holds its layers together. Ka is neither good nor evil and has no definite morality; it signifies signifies life-force, consciousness, duty, destiny, but also leaves room for the free will of the individual. However, when Gan’s purposes are threatened Ka lends its aid to the servants of the White, who are sworn to defend the Tower against the Crimson King. Eddie Dean, as a Gunslinger and Servant of the White, has an acute sense for the pull of Ka and it guides his hands (and his feet) to take him where he is most needed.
Faith Manages: As the book
Spiritual Guidance: As the book (this trapping may be flavored as members of Eddie’s Ka-tet, or group, communicating potential danger and their position telepathically)

Righteousness [-2]
As a Gunslinger, Eddie is one of the most powerful and devoted servants of the White. He has sworn to protect the weak and defend the Tower against the minions of the Crimson King.
Potent Prayer: When pursuing his calling (upholding the Gunslinger’s Duty or defending the Tower) Eddie may ask Ka to guide his actions etc. As the book.
Desperate Hour: In times of most desperate need, Eddie may lash out with his mind, heart and will. As the book.
Holy Touch [-1]
When acting in service of Ka, Eddie’s touch is harmful to the minions of the Crimson King, and others who would seek to destroy the Tower or oppose the White.
If Eddie is acting in keeping with his calling as a Gunslinger, upholding his oaths and supporting the White against the forces of Chaos, his touch can be imbued with a holy power. As the book [See also I Kill with My Heart].

Inhuman Speed [-2] (Slightly Modified)
Eddie is not actually Inhumanly fast, however he has trained since the age of six in the arts of combat and tactical movement, giving him abilities similar to those possessed by the inhumanly fast.
Improved Initiative: Eddie’s Danger sense is finely tuned and his draw is lightning fast. His Alertness is at +4 when determining initiative.
Athletic Ability: Eddie’s danger sense, combined with his superior tactical positioning give him an edge when avoiding attacks, and his heritage and training grant him superior athletic ability. All of his Athletics checks are made at +1, including dodging. [Note: he does not gain the customary +2 bonus to sprinting]
Casual Movement: Eddie has mastered shooting on the run and re-positioning in combat. Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, he may move one zone without taking the -1 penalty for a supplemental action.
Quick Hands: Years of practice have lent Eddie’s hands a supernatural quickness when drawing and reloading guns. This allows him to draw or reload guns as a free action, and grants him a +2 bonus on any Guns roll to see who reloads first, or do anything else related to his speed working with guns or ability to reload. [Note: this replaces the stealth and sprinting bonuses]
The Blue Steel Guns with the Sandalwood Grips [-1]
  • Description: These guns were made using the melted down blue-grey steel of the sword, Excalibur, and have the rose, the sign of the Eld and the Tower, engraved in the side. The sandalwood grips of these guns have never lost their fragrance and near the muzzle of each gun can be seen scroll work which translates to "White", which was Arthur Eld’s dinh mark. The guns are extraordinarily large by the standards of modern pistols. They have been called "comically large" by some. The guns shoot .45 caliber magnum bullets (AKA Long Colt .45's). They guns may have been forged to resemble the Colt Single Action Army, or Peacemaker ( Eddie has wielded these guns since the day he passed his test and became a Gunslinger; they have become an extension of his hand. (Largely borrowed from the darktower.wikia site)
  • They’re Big Freakin Guns: The Guns with the Sandalwood Grips are huge, and they fire huge bullets that pack a huge punch. Treat them as Weapon:3 guns.
  • Unbreakable: As items of power The Guns with the Sandalwood Grips cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated on perverting their purpose.
  • Item of Power [+2]
    As huge guns, they are hard to conceal. The discount is already applied, if Eddie gains further Items of Power the discount will not apply. If the guns are the second or subsequent artifacts, the refresh cost is -3.
  • “I Aim with My Eye” [-1] (Re-skinned True Aim)
    “You do not aim with your hand. He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. You aim with your eye.”  The guns fit perfectly in a Gunslinger’s hands, and he knows them well. He is truly able to aim with his eye alone, shooting from the hip as if he had spent minutes lining up the shot. When used in keeping with the Gunslinger’s code the Guns with the Sandalwood Grips grant a +1 to the wielder’s Guns skill.
  • “I Shoot with My Mind” [-2]
    “You do not shoot with your hand. He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. You shoot with your mind.”  The Gunslinger has mastered the art of fan firing using The Guns with the Sandalwood Grips and creating a hail of lead. He can visualize the shots and make them happen. This allows the Gunslinger to make a zone attack at the cost of 2 weapon rating (similar to a spell’s zone attack option). Alternately the Gunslinger may make a spray attack, gaining a +1 bonus to each targeting result (the Gunslinger may not split his spray attack among more targets than the initial value of the attack roll). For example, if the Gunslinger rolled a 6 Guns on an attack he could split it into two attacks at 4, up to 6 attacks at 2 etc.
“I Kill with My Heart” [-1]
“You do not kill with your gun. He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. You kill with your heart.”   A true Gunslinger imbues every shot and strike with the full power of his conviction. His cause is righteous and his blows strike true. This allows the Gunslinger to gain the benefit of Holy Touch on every attack he makes. Further, each attack against a creature offensive to the White deals an additional 1 stress (for a total of 2 stress, or an extra Weapon:2).

See Through People [-1]
Eddie’s senses are finely honed. He rarely misses any detail in his environment and his bright blue eyes seems to pierce through those his gaze falls upon. He is especially adept at picking up on body language or facial micro expressions. This allows him to use his Alertness instead of Empathy to catch someone in a lie.

Vampirologist [-1]
Vampires are among the most dangerous servants of Chaos and the Crimson King. Eddie has spent much of his life hunting and killing Vampires, especially those of the Red Court. He gains a +1 bonus to Lore rolls related to Vampires, and a +2 bonus to Lore rolls related to the Red Court. 

I would especially like some feedback on the Item of Power and the "I Kill With my Heart" power. I think they are probably OK, but I am probably biased. I may update this with description for his aspects later. Also it should be noted that the True faith powers are intended to be identical to those in the book for all practical purposes, just re-flavored a bit. Gunslingers in the books are the foremost servants of the White, standing in opposition to those who would destroy the Dark Tower and plunge the worlds into Chaos (in Dresden terms, this probably means servants of the White God opposed to primarily Outsiders, but also Demons or Vampire's looking to interfere with mortals). Further, they are sworn to a code that requires them to help any innocents that ask for their help. Finally, the main adversary in the series is known as The Crimson King, and some of his most dangerous servants are Vampires (though he has all sorts of nasty monsters at his command), so the concept fits fairly well into a hunter of the Red Court and other supernatural nasties.

Also, how do you guys think the the complement from Potent Prayer works with other bonuses? Do you think his Guns or Athletics are effectively 6 with True Aim/Athletic Ability and Potent Prayer, or do you think the bonus applies first and then the complement doesn't apply? My GM did say when we get to 41 skill points we can go up to Fantastic, and at that point I will just boost Conviction, and then there will be no doubt.                       

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #224 on: August 14, 2014, 06:43:00 PM »
    Overall, looks good. On specific points...

Holy Touch [-1]
When acting in service of Ka, Eddie’s touch is harmful to the minions of the Crimson King, and others who would seek to destroy the Tower or oppose the White.
If Eddie is acting in keeping with his calling as a Gunslinger, upholding his oaths and supporting the White against the forces of Chaos, his touch can be imbued with a holy power. As the book [See also I Kill with My Heart].


“I Kill with My Heart” [-1]
“You do not kill with your gun. He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. You kill with your heart.”   A true Gunslinger imbues every shot and strike with the full power of his conviction. His cause is righteous and his blows strike true. This allows the Gunslinger to gain the benefit of Holy Touch on every attack he makes. Further, each attack against a creature offensive to the White deals an additional 1 stress (for a total of 2 stress, or an extra Weapon:2).

You might want to look at this.

Inhuman Speed [-2] (Slightly Modified)
Eddie is not actually Inhumanly fast, however he has trained since the age of six in the arts of combat and tactical movement, giving him abilities similar to those possessed by the inhumanly fast.
Improved Initiative: Eddie’s Danger sense is finely tuned and his draw is lightning fast. His Alertness is at +4 when determining initiative.
Athletic Ability: Eddie’s danger sense, combined with his superior tactical positioning give him an edge when avoiding attacks, and his heritage and training grant him superior athletic ability. All of his Athletics checks are made at +1, including dodging. [Note: he does not gain the customary +2 bonus to sprinting]
Casual Movement: Eddie has mastered shooting on the run and re-positioning in combat. Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, he may move one zone without taking the -1 penalty for a supplemental action.
Quick Hands: Years of practice have lent Eddie’s hands a supernatural quickness when drawing and reloading guns. This allows him to draw or reload guns as a free action, and grants him a +2 bonus on any Guns roll to see who reloads first, or do anything else related to his speed working with guns or ability to reload. [Note: this replaces the stealth and sprinting bonuses]

Looks reasonable to me. Does he get the standard +1 Athletics to his sprint rolls?

  • “I Shoot with My Mind” [-2]
    “You do not shoot with your hand. He who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. You shoot with your mind.”  The Gunslinger has mastered the art of fan firing using The Guns with the Sandalwood Grips and creating a hail of lead. He can visualize the shots and make them happen. This allows the Gunslinger to make a zone attack at the cost of 2 weapon rating (similar to a spell’s zone attack option). Alternately the Gunslinger may make a spray attack, gaining a +1 bonus to each targeting result (the Gunslinger may not split his spray attack among more targets than the initial value of the attack roll). For example, if the Gunslinger rolled a 6 Guns on an attack he could split it into two attacks at 4, up to 6 attacks at 2 etc.

Looks reasonable to me.

Also, how do you guys think the the complement from Potent Prayer works with other bonuses? Do you think his Guns or Athletics are effectively 6 with True Aim/Athletic Ability and Potent Prayer, or do you think the bonus applies first and then the complement doesn't apply? My GM did say when we get to 41 skill points we can go up to Fantastic, and at that point I will just boost Conviction, and then there will be no doubt.

If I were your GM, I'd say they stack.