Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 105603 times)

Offline raydjulia

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Re: help with Character Concepts
« Reply #180 on: August 25, 2012, 11:20:00 AM »
Im looking for some help with a char concept, im thinking of a scion of the erlking, and young man early 20s , hard around the edges. high concept: son of the erlking  trouble:hunter or hunted (or maybe  Hunted by the hunter).
 Aspects:  I know im going to regret this
               You cant escape me
               Stupidly stubborn
I want him to a hunter, but not you typical hunter he will hunter down and find anything , person , item , etc for the right price. well thats how its starts anyways , i want him to have a change or heart, at some point and decide that doing the right thing doesnt have a price.

possible powers: echo of beasts( has ability to track by smell, very cool for a hunter)
                       Channeling: Balefire  ( i read somewhere that the erlking uses balefire)
                        inhuman speed
                        swift transition( he can track u anywere)

i have never made a char and would any ideas of maybe a suggestion or 2 , or if anyone wants to post a char fleshed out with these ideas i would appreciate it

Offline MagusVulpes

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #181 on: September 27, 2012, 06:32:17 AM »
I've stated a TON of guys for NPC characters, decided I'd start sharing them here, so here's one of my personal favs for you to enjoy. They're all set to PL's of 10, and can easily slide up or down without much change to the chars. Have fun.

Cyrus Solomon Gold
High Aspect: Undead Mobster
Trouble: Bound to the Swamp

Physical: OO(OOOO)
Mental:   OO
Social:    OOO

  • Superb (+5): Might, Fists
  • Great (+4): Contacts, Deceit
  • Good (+3): Discipline, Intimidation
  • Fair (+2): Lore, Presence, Burglary
  • Average (+1): Guns, Resources, Empathy, Alertness, Craftsmanship

Supernatural Powers:
  • Human Guise [-0]
  • Living Dead [-1]
  • Ghost Speaker [-1]
  • Supernatural Toughness [-4]
    • The Catch: Holy Articles [+3]
  • Supernatural Strength [-4]
  • Restoration of Self [-1]

Adjusted Refresh: 2

Appearance and Age: Cyrus appears to be a man in is late 30's in decent enough shape, when he appears human which is whenever he isn't in sunlight, the rest of the time he appears as a rotted, withered, degenerated corpse. He was born in the early 1800's, died in the 1830-40's, and was resurrected by the confluence of power in the Swamp in the 1940's. He regained sentience at some point after that, so he's been around for a while.

Cyrus Gold's Aspects

High Concept: Undead Mobster - A mobster who was killed in the 1830's or 40's that has been resurrected by the confluence of powers in the Swamp.
Invoke: TO make use of Undead abilities or mobster skills.
Compel: Any time being undead or a known criminal would complicate matters.

Trouble: Bound to the Swamp - That which keeps him among the living.
Invoke: When using a skill related to the Swamp either in or about.
Compel: As an Achille's Heel without exposure to the Swamp he begins to deteriorate at a normal pace once more.

Restoration of Self: Cyrus Solomon Gold is the result of a natural convergence of mystical energies within Slaughter Swamp. He is a fully sentient zombie, maintained by the natural energies found around the Swamp. Whenever Cyrus is injured by merely remaining within the swamp he can be restored, so long as the time spent there is equivalent to the time needed for a 'vanilla' to heal accordingly (or in some cases a wizard). Also, by being placed in the swamp after being 'killed' Cyrus will return to unlife after enough time has passed to do so.

Concept and Background:

Cyrus Solomon Gold was born in the early 1800's. He lived a life of crime, which eventually caught up with him when a rival mobster killed him and had his body buried in Slaughter Swamp where no one would ever find him. He arose in 1944, initially as a mindless zombie that wondered the swamp slaughtering any hapless traveler he happened across. Legends say that several times the militia would head out into the swamp to destroy the monster, but despite many success, the Slaughter Beast kept returning. The confluence of energies the locals unconsciously directed towards the swamp, energies of fear and dread, kept Cyrus returning, reviving him each time a storm rolled through in which lightning would touch down in the swamp. Eventually, to put an end to the stories of the walking dead perpetuated by locals, the Catholic Church sent a group of priests to bless the edge of Slaughter Swamp so that the Slaughter Beast couldn't leave it's borders.

It worked, Cyrus was trapped in the swamp, and as time went by he slowly came back to himself. Years later, when the blessing finally faded, Cyrus emerged from the swamp, and set to rebuilding that which he had lost. He has since worked himself to death, several times, to reclaim the power he lost with his death decades before. His power base is centered on the swamp, and as such has taken to calling himself the “Beast of Slaughter Swamp” in a bit of irony as he actually is the beast of legend. He's managed to maintain control of the area over the past century, no one guessing who he truly is, as each time he dies he chooses a new alias and begins controlling the mob anew, though his lieutenants know of his condition.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #182 on: September 27, 2012, 09:05:07 PM »
Keep 'em coming.

Offline MagusVulpes

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #183 on: September 29, 2012, 03:37:18 AM »
And another I like, mainly b/c of the wordplay in the High Concept.

Selena Kitt (Wereform) - Submerged
High Aspect: Were-cat Burglar
Trouble: Renowned Criminal
Other Aspects:

Physical: OOOO
Mental:   OO
Social:    OOO

Skills (Human):
  • Superb (+5): Athletics
  • Great (+4): Burglary, Fists
  • Good (+3): Endurance, Investigation, Resources
  • Fair (+2): Stealth, Contacts, Deceit, Alertness
  • Average (+1): Presence, Lore, Discipline, Empathy, Weapons

Skills (Cat):
  • Superb (+5): Athletics, Burglary
  • Great (+4): Alertness, Fists
  • Good (+3): Endurance, Investigation
  • Fair (+2):Stealth, Deceit
  • Average (+1): Presence, Survival

Supernatural Powers:
  • Beast Change (Cat)
  • Echoes of the Beast (Cat)
  • Human Form
    • Diminuitive Size
    • Inhuman Speed
    • Claws

Mortal Stunts:
  • Cat-Burglar (Burglary)
  • Pick-Pocket (Deceit)

Adjusted Refresh: 3

Appearance & Age: Selena is in her mid-late 20's, stands between 5'8" and 5'9" and has a athletic gymnist's build. She has green eyes and black hair, and on camera her eyes flash likes a cat's.

Selena Kitt's Aspects

High Concept: Were-Cat Burglar
Invoke: Whenever catlike relexes or a burglar's experience would be useful.
Compel: Whenever a game of cat-and-mouse is available or something valuable needs relocating.

Trouble: Renowned Criminal
Invoke: To use reputation to seal a deal or to reflect knowledge.
Compel: Whenever law enforcement becomes involved.

Concept and Background:

Selena was a regular cat-burglar until she came across a scroll that was hidden in an ancient cat statue that was broken on her way out of... collecting it. After some research she found it to be a technique to transform oneself into a cat, clothing and all. With a great deal of looking she finally tracked down the articles she needed to perform the ritual and managed to pull it off. Granted the power to shapeshift into a cat, her ability to... collect antiquities flew to new heights as she managed to get into places no human would have managed.

When she isn't adding to her personal collection, she sells her skills to collect rarities for any number of individuals from any number of places, though she tries to avoid home robbery, mostly due to losing her shapeshifting because of thresholds more than any idea of protocol. Although her skills at burglary makes most residential thefts of minor consequence. That and her shapeshifting makes it easier to evade capture more than making it easier to rob a place.

As an interesting side effect, she's also gained the power to speak to cats, though most don't deign to speak of much more than food and their need for attention.
If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.
- Magus

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Aged Demonic Samurai Kappa
« Reply #184 on: September 29, 2012, 04:26:03 PM »
Some badguys I came up with for my brother's game, the idea tickles me enough I have to share'em. Fairly high level antagonists for a 12-or-so refresh game. The Items of Power are only for the channeling powers.

Name: "Mozart"
High Concept: Kappa Assassin
Hirelings of the Jade Court
Brothers Are We
Silent but Deadly
Dancing with the Metal Blade
Not Without Honor

Superb: Weapons, Stealth      
Great: Fists, Athletics, Alertness   
Good: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Presence
Fair: Lore, Might, Survival, Rapport
Average: Contacts, Empathy, Intimidation, Investigation

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Mental: OOOO
Social: OOOO

Aquatic [-1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch (Holy Articles, loses powers when water dish on head is empty) [+2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Cloack Of Shadows [-1]
Item of Power (Nodachi) [+1]
Channeling (Metal) [-2]
Duelist [-1] (Not the book's version; just Defense +1 vs. a single opponent)

Total Refresh: -12

Nodachi: 2 Focus Slots, Metal Control+1, Power+1 for Offense. Weapon:3 otherwise.
Samurai Armor: Armor:2
Shell: Armor:4 vs. attacks to the rear

Name: "Beethoven"
High Concept: Kappa Assassin
Does Machines (and magical constructs)
Brothers Are We
Silent But Deadly
Reach of the Naginata
Not Without Honor

Superb: Lore         
Great: Stealth, Athletics, Endurance, Discipline
Good: Conviction, Weapons, Intimidation, Might
Fair: Contacts, Rapport, Survival, Alertness
Average: Fists, Empathy, Presence, Investigation

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Mental: OOOO
Social: OOO

Aquatic [-1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch (Holy Articles, loses powers when water dish on head is empty) [+2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Cloack Of Shadows [-1]
Item of Power (Naginata) [+1]
Channeling (Wood) [-2]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Refinement [-2]

Total Refresh: -13

Thaumaturgy Specializations:
Veils: Complexity +2
Divination: Complexity+1

Naginata: 3 Focus Slots, Control+1, Power+2 Offense; Weapon:3 otherwise
Prayer Beads: 1 Focus Slot, Power+1 Defense
Kimono: 2 Enchanted Slots, Armor:2, 4 uses
Hachimaki: 1 Enchanted Slot, Mental Armor:2, 2 uses
1 Enchanted slot set aside for potions
Shell: Armor:4 against back attacks

Name: "Salieri"
High Concept: Kappa Assassin
Cool But Rude
Brothers Are We
Silent But Deadly
My Claws Will Break Your Blade
Not Without Honor

Superb: Fists, Might
Great: Stealth, Endurance, Alertness
Good: Conviction, Athletics, Intimidation
Fair: Lore, Discipline, Survival
Average: Contacts, Empathy, Presence, Investigation

Physical: OOOO(OOOO)
Mental: OOOO
Social   : OOO

Aquatic [-1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Holy Articles, loses powers when water dish on head is empty) [+2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Cloak Of Shadow [-1]
Item Of Power (Claws) [+1
Channeling (Fire) [-2]
Redirected Force [-1]
Armed Arts (Claws) [-1]
Berserker [-1]

Total Refresh: -13

Three-Bladed Claws: 2 Focus Slots, Power+1, Control+1 Offense. Weapon:2 otherwise.
Shell: Armor:4 vs. back attacks

Name: "Bach"
High Concept: Kappa Assassin
Party Dude
Brothers Are We
Silent But Deadly
Tangled In The Kusari
Not Without Honor

Superb: Might
Great: Stealth, Athletics, Rapport, Weapons
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Intimidation, Discipline
Fair: Contacts, Fists, Survival, Alertness
Average: Lore, Empathy, Presence, Investigation

Physical: OOOO(OO)
Mental: OOOO
Social: OOO

Aquatic [-1]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Item of Power (Kusari) [+1]
Channeling (Earth) [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Holy Articles, loses powers when water dish on head is empty) [+2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Cloak Of Shadow [-1]
Kusarigamajutsu (Weapons+1 for combat maneuvers) [-1]

Total Refresh: -11

Kusari: 2 Focus Slots, Power+1, Control+1 Offense. Weapon:2 otherwise.
Shell: Armor:4 vs. back attacks

General: Mostly, I envision them as formidable one-on-one, but a nightmare when they're working together. They don't talk much, and when they do, it's usually in Japanese. Mozart and Beethoven are methodical and try to assess their enemy before they engage, while Bach tends to wing it and Salieri, well, there's a reason he has the Berserker stunt.

Also, they usually have some kind of covering for the dish on their head, so that it's a bit harder to knock the water out.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 06:38:44 PM by Mr. Death »
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline Llayne

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #185 on: October 07, 2012, 10:55:43 PM »
Another character I don't recall actually using.

Sergeant Jakib Donovan
High Concept: “Fox-Blooded Detective And Venatori Initiate”
Trouble: “They Think I’m Playing Them”
Other Aspects: “Glory Only In Victory” “Led By The Nose” “On The Sly” “Trying To Do Good Things” "Picking Up The Pieces"

Superb (+5)     Deceit
Great (+4)       Alertness, Intimidation
Good (+3)       Fists, Presence, Rapport
Fair (+2)         Guns, Burglary, Stealth, Investigation
Average (+1)   Endurance, Lore, Athletics, Discipline, Scholarship

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OO

Echoes of the Beast -1
     Beast Senses: +1 to Alertness or Investigation when hearing or smell are a factor.
     Beast Trappings: Jake can identify 'signature' scents, and can use them to track an individual purely by scent or to identify somebody by scent.
     Beast Friend: Instinctual understanding of canidae.
Cloak of Shadows -1
    See in the Dark: Perception skill rolls are not penalized by darkness.
    Melt into the Shadows: You’re more effective than most at hiding in a reasonably sized area of darkness or shadow. Under the cover of darkness, you get a +2 bonus to your Stealth rolls.
Scent of the Supernatural -1
     Smell the Arcane: Jake has heightened arcane senses and gets +1 to Investigation or Alertness to identify the presence of the supernatural, but identifying it is still limited by his personal experience or Lore.
     Smell the Spark: Jake can smell beings who have some magic potential, again using Investigation or Alertness, but requiring Lore to actually identify the type of magic. Even a failed roll might indicate something is 'off.'
Scent of Emotion -1
     Jake's sense of smell is so keen that he can smell the hormonal indicators for strong emotions such as fear, anger, and lust. This allows him to use Alertness, rather than Empathy, to perform the Reading People and Social Defense trappings of Empathy, as long has he can smell the target. This means that targets whose emotions do not affect their smell (such as most spiritual beings, some constructs, and the undead) are unaffected, as are targets who are not within scent range or whose scent is masked by other strong odors. In addition, he's grown dependent upon your heightened sense of smell, and thus are at something of a disadvantage when forced to work without it. You suffer a -1 to all social skills in any situation in which you cannot use your sense of smell to judge the subject's mood.

Footwork -1
     You may use Fists to dodge attacks instead of Athletics, in all the circumstances where Athletics might apply.
Undercover Officer-1
     +2 to Deceit for the purposes of maintaining an assumed personality or persona.
Pickpocket -1
     You may use the Deceit skill to perform pick-pocketing with no increases in difficulty.

Adjusted Refresh: 3


High Concept: “Fox-Blooded Detective And Venatori Initiate”
Jake’s abilities are unique as far as he and the Venatori know and he has been actively looking for their origin. He’s a Cop through and through which brings with it all the usual privileges and problems, and he has a foot in the door of the Venatori Umbrorum, which could be a great boon if he could manage to flex his status as a lowly initiate.
Invoke: To get a bonus when using his powers, or when calling on aid from the Police or Venatori, when using his position as a Detective or Venator in a social situation.
Compel: To have his beastlike instincts get him into trouble, to have him targeted for trouble because of his position in either organization, or to be tasked with work or an assignment a member of the Police or Venatori Umbrorum.

Trouble: “They Think I’m Playing Them”
The recent bust turned disaster has lost Jake the trust of pretty much everybody. The Police think he’s dirty, the Venatori has pulled away from him for fear of implicating themselves, his family is afraid he’ll sully the family name and his CI’s won’t come near him, afraid he’d sell them out to save himself.
Invoke: As a Deceit or Intimidation bonus against cops and criminals who already think the worst of him.
Compel: Compel to cause a social situation with just about anybody, to have cops who think he’s dirty be out to get him,

    Jake was born to a prominent Boston family. The Donovan’s family motto was Gloria In Tantum Victoria… Glory Only In Victory.  Driven by these words the Donovan’s strived to succeed in whatever they did, a pressure that Jakib felt from a very young age.
    He was a star running back and Team Captain in high school until he blew out his knee senior year. His real gift lay in dealing with people however. Jake was elected Class President and quickly became adept at telling people what they wanted to hear. This had his father formulating plans to add another politician to the family tree. It was also during his teenage years that started to develop senses far beyond anything a human should have. His search for an explanation to his weird abilities brought him in contact with the Venatori Umbrorum and opened his eyes to the supernatural world.
    After college he chose to join the Police Force instead of going into politics, or even following his father’s footsteps into business or law. His father was upset but when Jake’s decision became inevitable he began changing his plans, many politicians rose through the ranks of the police before being elected for office after all.
    His Venatori contacts proved useful during his early years, arming him with knowledge when he faced a supernatural threat, providing him with ‘tips’ for facilitate arrests or busts, even supplying back up for matters the police couldn’t, or shouldn’t, handle. He quickly became the department’s poster boy and was marked for great things.
Aspect: “Glory Only In Victory”
Invoke: Invoke to have his supreme focus or obsession for success help him in just about any situation when working toward a declared goal. The extensive amount of time spent undercover has given Jake a keen insight into the criminal mind. Invoke in social situations when dealing with criminals, when making declarations or guessing the intent of criminals, when masquerading as a criminal.
Compel: Compel to have him chose his goal over something else that’s important to him, to focus on his goal to the exclusion of all else, to have him react poorly if he fails.

Rising Conflict:
    After his initial time in patrol he transferred to the Vice unit where he saw more than he ever wanted to of the criminal underbelly. He also got face to face with a number of supernatural bad guys that preyed on drug addicts, hookers and the homeless, the kind of people society wasn’t really going to miss. As a fresh face he was assigned undercover jobs where he started to excel. His natural knack for dealing with people helped him fit naturally into the many messed up situations he investigated. He even spent time deep undercover where he busted Patrick Kinney, a midlevel mobster and brother to Sean Kinney. Patrick was running illegal gambling dens and sports books throughout the city. The real impact came later when it became clear that several of the Police Commissioners political rivals were implicated in the bust, earning JD major points with the brass.
    Due to this success he made Sergeant the first time up and started running his own team. At that point Jake was able to start funneling funds to the Venatori from busts before it entered evidence. It was just destined to be incinerated anyway, and it better equipped the Venatori cells working in Boston. The success simply made him flush for more and he became obsessed with the job. It paid off however and he racked up success after success with both the Police and the Venatori. Rumors floating around the Force said he was on track to become the youngest Lieutenant in Department History.
Aspect: "Led By The Nose"
Invoke: JD's senses serve him well on the job. Invoke when his powers, looking for clues, or trying to locate somebody or something in particular.
Compel: His powers are so useful he tends to rely on them to the exclusion of all else. Compel to have his powers unusable or unavailable for some reason, to have his powers offer complications

Starring in Fire and Vice with Rick Atty and Samuel Ward.
    Torch (Red Torch) was the newest designer drug on the scene, a seemingly upgraded version of Ecstasy. Jake could tell right away that there was something ‘extra’ in this little pill from the supernatural side of town. He chased the dealers for over six months without nabbing anybody higher than a street level dealer. Even the Venatori couldn’t give him any leads, although they were pretty sure it was mortal magic.
    He was so focused on work that, like so many other officers, his personal life fell apart. He was never there for his wife or kids and she finally left him. Like men across the country he just wanted the divorce over with quickly, so he pretty much screwed himself with inappropriately high alimony and child support. When Blue Torch and White Torch start popping up and causing despair and fear in the druggies, Jake knew things were only going to get worse and he became even more obsessed with work.
    When extra strength ‘Hot Torches’ start burning out college aged addicts in record numbers, only Undercover Officer Jake Donovan can put a stop to it. But will he succeed when forced to deal with an army of street thugs, a mortal practitioner and his summer court bodyguard, all while an IA detective rides his ass?
    Sam Ward runs interference with the IA Detective while JD posed as a Torch addict to get closer to the source. Once he got in he discovered it was too hot to handle himself… fortunately he had Rick Atty and Sam Ward on speed dial. The Detective helped them sneak in, and then causes a distraction while the were-beardealt with the street thugs and the Gruff Guardian, which gave Jake the chance to give the mage a taste of his own medicine.
Aspect: “On The Sly”
Invoke: JD is naturally devious, and the extensive amount of time spent undercover has given Jake a keen insight into the criminal mind. Invoke in social situations when dealing with criminals, when making declarations or guessing the intent of criminals, when masquerading as a criminal, to conceal the truth, misdirect his target, to pretend to be somebody else, or when attempting something that his assumed ‘personality’ should be able to do.
Compel: This shiftiness causes him problems as well. Compel to have him cut corners to make things easier, lie when it’d be easier to tell the truth, to have his reputation for being deceptive hinder him, to get caught in his web of lies.

Guest Starring in Bear on the Beat with Rick Atty and Kevin Stiles.
    Officer Rick Atty is investigating a local gang on the Warf, the very same gang that Jake’s team is staking out. When things turn rough, Jake is on hand to provide back up and winds up getting caught in a mess that requires both of them to get out of.
Aspect: “Trying To Do Good Things”
Invoke: The motto of Jake’s Freemason Lodge is “Good men trying to do good things.” He’s taken it to heart and tries to live by it. Invoke in combat when standing up against the darkness, in social situations when trying to affect change for the better, for mental fortitude when trying to do the right thing.
Compel: To have him put himself in danger to help somebody out, to have him step into a complicated situation because it’s the right thing, or have the “Good Thing” run counter to the “Law.”

Also Starring in Loaded for Bear with Rick Atty and Gavin Hall.
    After months of trying find anything to use against the Ghost Dragons, not to mention enduring excessive IA scrutiny, JDs team finally got a break when Ricky Atty brought them a tip.  The beat-cop had caught wind of a local gang getting ready to buy some prostitutes from the Dragons. Jake cut some bureaucratic corners (something his superiors have forgiven in the past due to his success rate) and worked himself undercover in time to set up a bust during their next deal.
    The deal went sour however and the Ghost Dragons start unloading on the gang Jake had infiltrated... even before the deal really started. His backup moved in to help but the asian gangers were deadly dangerous, and killed several members of his team. Rick and the Bruins arrived in time to scare the Dragons off, but the damage was done. Rick helps JD clean up the scene and then vanishes so he didn't complicate the situation further.
     Jake was left to explain why he was conducting an unofficial investigation, why the buy money was missing, how four of his team members were killed (including the deputy superintendent's daughter) with no bodies, blood, or evidence that anybody else was even there.
     The answers didn't add up and Sergeant Donovan was suspended. The tireless work of his attorney and union rep got him reinstated, but he was now chained to a desk with little hope of redeeming himself. He spent his days manning the tip line, seething about how things turned out, and trying to piece together a case against the Ghost Dragons on the side.
Aspect: “Picking Up The Pieces”
Invoke: Jakes whole life is in shambles, so there’s no place to go but up. (he hopes) Invoke when attempting to fix the various facets of his life that have fallen apart over the years.
Compel: He’s pretty much ruined everything he’s cared about, so compel to have any or all of that come back to haunt him.


Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #186 on: October 23, 2012, 05:29:17 AM »
I only recently discovered this thread...more accurately, I always new it was here and only recently read through it all.  It's great work and I have to say that I've been busy with my "Ctrl C/V" so that I can steal NPC's for my own use.  Would you consider doing a few NPC's specific to a setting?

A good natured and charismatic old Merchant who sells charms/trinkets/protections.  (he's not even sure if they actually work)
He travels the country-side on a cart pulled by an ox.
He's actually a spy for a neighbooring country.  So his whole merchant thing is a charade.
I'd put him around waist deep.  He doesn't fight at all and prefers to flee or surrender.

I'd planned to do this stuff myself, but you're so much better with the custom stunts/powers than I am.

Firstname Lastname (Up To Your Waist)

High Concept: Spy Disguised As A Travelling Merchant
Other Aspects: Good Natured And Charismatic, Seller Of Questionably-Effective Trinkets, Too Old To Fight
Great: Deceit, Rapport
Good: Resources, Empathy
Fair: Contacts, Presence
Average: Survival, Alertness, Investigation, Driving, Scholarship, Lore, Burglary
Best Foot Forward (Rapport): +1 to make first impression, never make bad impression.
Just A Harmless Merchant (Deceit): +2 to pretend to be a harmless merchant.
Espionage (Contacts): +2 to gather information.
Discreet Investigations (Contacts): Information gathering is not obvious, opponents must beat Contacts roll to discover it.
Good Luck Charms (Resources): Add Good Luck Charms trapping to Resources. Use it to make Maneuvers and Declarations related to luck, protection against evil, and people's perceptions of those things.
Total Refresh Cost:
-3 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Offline Taran

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #187 on: October 24, 2012, 02:56:07 PM »
Thanks Sanctaphrax

If it matters, his name is Agasha Bajiza.

I'm wondering the reasoning (meta/power gaming-wise) of having his resourses at 3 and contacts at 2.  It seems to me that they should be switched.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 05:48:20 PM by Taran »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #188 on: October 25, 2012, 12:31:53 AM »
No special reason. Feel free to switch 'em, you obviously know the character better than I do.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #189 on: January 13, 2013, 06:19:19 AM »
Here's the titular character of a webcomic I really like, written up as a playable Submerged character. He's basically a big blob of nanomachines, which makes him superhuman in a number of interesting ways.

He works as a mercenary, and is pretty much a sociopath. A friendly one, though.

I don't think this is a perfect set of stats, it's just a quick sketch. No doubt the Aspects could be better, and I may have left out some ability of his. Feel free to criticize.

Sergeant Schlock (Submerged)

High Concept: Amorph Mercenary
Trouble Aspect: Violent Sociopath
Other Aspects: Surprisingly Smart And Charming, Ovalquick Addiction, Amazing History, A Hero To Many, Burn You Up And Eat Your Ashes
Superb: Guns
Great: Might, Intimidation, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Athletics, Investigation
Fair: Fists, Rapport, Empathy
Average: Presence, Contacts, Conviction
Amorphous Form [-1]
Undying [-0]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch/Limitation [+3]
Plasma Cannon [-1]
Supernatural Senses [-2]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Schlock's Catch is anything that can scatter his body or affect each part of it equally. Lethal ambient temperatures, fire hoses, plasma grenades, that sort of thing. Its value is the same for The Catch and Limitation, since in a world with either Evocation or plasma weaponry it's pretty easy to satisfy.

The plasma cannon is modelled as an assault rifle/grenade launcher that inflicts +2 stress and has a rocket mode that lets Schlock fly. It wouldn't be an IoP in the source material, but in DFRPG...

Schlock's supernatural senses let him taste everything that he touches, identify chemicals by smell/taste, and move his eyes around.

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The Mad Hatter
« Reply #190 on: January 16, 2013, 06:25:04 AM »
This interpretation comes from a lot of different things. I just finished reading the Sandman and Hatter M, and this is a Grimmer* interpretation of the maniac milliner. I wrote him up as a playable character in a Scuba Diving game, but I figured I might as well post him for public use.
*I hope you cringed as much reading that as I did writing it.

Power Level
Scuba Diving (17 refresh, 45 skill points, Fantastic skill cap)
Changeling, Sidhe Knight

Madrigan Millineros Theophilus Carter (“Mad”, to his friends)
High Concept
The Mad Hatter
“We’re All Mad Here”
Jack of Spades; Nightmare Child; Not Actually A Very Good Milliner; Charming, Until I’m Not

Fantastic: Conviction, Weapons
Superb: Discipline, Lore
Great: Stealth, Intimidation, Athletics,
Good: Alertness, Endurance, Might
Fair:, Performance, Presence, Craftsmanship
Average:Investigation , Rapport, Resources

Mental:0000 +1 mild consequence
Physical:0000(0000) and Armor:2, or 3 if wearing the Cloak.

Weapon Specialization (Swords): You know how to attack effectively with a specific type of weapon. Choose a type of weapon. Your attacks with that type of weapon inflict two additional stress.

Dream Eater [-1] (Emotional Vampire, only works on sleeping people)
Oneiromancy [-5]
Refinement [-3]
Marked By Power [-1] (Wonderland)
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Catch [+3] is pure iron.
Total Refresh Cost: -16
Fate Points: 1

Focus Items (10 Slots)
Ring of Ivory (Oneiromancy +3 Offensive Control)
Ring of Horn (Oneiromancy +2 Offensive Power)
Mirror-Glass Bracelet (Oneiromancy +2 Defensive Power, +3 Defensive Control)

Mundane Equipment
A rather beat up old top hat, of which he is very fond. ("Why? Because it's my bloody hat. It isn't magic and it certainly isn't a crown. Ask to try it on again and i'll swallow your mind like a gumdrop, mortal.")
(really he has killed people over this hat)

Technically, Vorpal and the Cloak of Empty Mirrors. He carries them often. The Vorpal Sword is a blade like no other- If you put a dozen swords of every sort into a crucible, and melted it down, distilling them, Vorpal would be at the bottom. It does, indeed, go snicker-snack. It's blade is made of mirror-glass that never reflects exactly what it's meant to, and the pommel, hilt, and crossguard are the bones of a long forgotten god. The Cloak of Empty Mirrors, which he wears almost all the time if he can get away with it, is a knee-length black duster with no mantle. It swallows light and reflects a starry void. In the bottom four or five inches, sullen emerald-indigo dreamfire burns.

Possible Spells and Rotes

Dreamfire Sandstorm
Type: Oneiromancy Evocation, attack
Shifts: 8
Control: Rote
Duration: 1 action
Opposed By: Target Athletics, magical block
Effect: The more violent side of conjuring dream-stuff. Emerald-indigo Dreamfire, black sand and mirthless shadows scour at the target. Weapon:8 at Legendary attack.

The Dream Hunters
Type: Oneiromancy Evothaum, Summoning
Shifts: 10 (requires an invocation or sponsor debt)
Control: Rote
Duration: An hour.
Effect:  Calls up two Nightmares to vex, beguile, or simply kill a target. Nightmares can look like almost anything- they’re spun from raw dream-stuff and imbued with animating intelligence. Whether or not they’re golems is up to your interpretation of what oneiroplasm is, but their stats are identical to those of the Fetch known as Hammerhands (OW 42). The Oneiromancer creating the Nightmare gives it a Name following it’s creation, and thus it is bound to his will. (Mechanically, I don’t have to go through the whole discipline vs. conviction. I’m it’s daddy.) If you want the Nightmare to target a specific person (a Nightmare of this sort is called a Nemesis), it requires several symbolic links to them (blood, hair, skin, spit) and gains several powers- Supernatural Sense of it’s prey’s location, Human Guise into the target, it’s building block abilities all move up one tier, and it gains the ability to pierce the target’s Catch with it’s natural weapons. A few Nemesi may have Modular Abilities and True Shapeshifting- these are the Sidhe of the Nightmares, and are not created, but called, and even then, not easily. (The March Hare, for example, is a Sidhe of the Nightmares.)

Just A Dream
Type: Oneiromancy evocation, defensive block (veil)
Shifts: 9
Control: Roll Discipline plus relevant foci. Requires sponsor debt/invocation.
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: Target Discipline
Effect: Dreams are perception, and perception is reality. Alter someone's perceptions, and you alter their reality. You create a phantasm of your nonexistence, acting as a 7-shift veil that can be seen through.

The Knight of Spades
Type: Oneiromancy Evothaum, Conjuration
Shifts: 8
Control: Rote
Duration: A day.
Effect: Children dream of knights and their swords. Knights dream of the perfect blade. Vorpal is what swords dream of. Conjures Vorpal- a Weapon:4, impossibly sharp short sword- and the Cloak of Empty Mirrors, which acts as Armor:3. The other shift is devoted to duration.

Through the Looking-Glass
Type: Oneiromancy Ritual, Worldwalking
Complexity: 7 (must tag a Nearby Mirror, Reflecting Pool, or similar scene aspect)
Duration: a half-minute
Effect: Opens a portal to Wonderland (the Dreaming) or the Nevernever through a mirror.  Because of it’s low complexity and aspect tag, Mad can cast this in about fifteen seconds, less if he pushes himself.
Variations: More shifts leave the portal open longer, but that is really inadvisable. You laugh at the idea of a Jabberwock, until you actually see one.

Welcome to Wonderland
Type: Oneiromancy Evothaum, Psychomancy
Shifts: 8
Control: Rote
Duration: see explanation
Opposed By: target Discipline
Effect: A simple, nonviolent way of ending a conflict. Puts the target to sleep, represented as a direct attack on the mental stress track. It's a Weapon:0 attack at accuracy 8. You're going to sleep for a long, long time. Often used to prepare someone for Dream Eater.

Mirror Images
Type: Oneiromancy evocation, offensive block
Shifts: 8
Control: Roll Discipline
Duration: Usually 2 exchanges, beefed up to 4 with sponsor debt
Opposed By: Target Discipline
Effect: Creates a shifting dreamscape of shadows, sand, and reflections at the edge of a zone. Mechanically, it increases a zone border by 7 shifts, generally to Epic, for 2 exchanges.

Type: Oneiromancy evocation, defensive block
Shifts: 8
Control: Rote
Duration: 1 exchanges
Effect: Shadows and reflections bend themselves into a shield to preserve their master. Acts as an 8-shift block or Armor:4 for one exchange.

Description: You have mastered the powers of Sleep and Dreams. Far more powerful than most believe, Dreams and Reality are a wyrm biting its own tail- they both tell each other what they are, all the time.
Sponsor: Ancient gods of sleep, the ever-moving moon. Can be self sponsored, but generally among psychomancers, Nightmare changelings, or denizens of Wonderland.
Agenda: “And now to sleep, perchance to dream...”. You put people to sleep and give them dreams or nightmares. Compels to knock people out and eat their dreams. Oneiromancers are cold and proud. Punish those who slight you, slights imagined or otherwise.
Evocation: Oneiromancy evocations involve direct mental assault, shadows, sand, reflections,  perception, dreams, dreamfire, sleep, and the manipulation of oneiroplasm (psychically charged ectoplasm) to create objects.
Thaumaturgy: Oneiromancy rituals involve putting people to sleep, prophetic dreams, sending messages in dreams, and the manipulation of perception. On the darker side, you can call up Nightmares (middling fetches) that take the shape of the target’s worst one.
Evothaum: You gain the ability to use Psychomancy, Summoning, and Conjuration at Evocation’s speed.
Extra Benefits:
-The Dreamtime
Gain the Demesne power when in the Dreaming. It is, literally, the stuff of dreams, and dreams are yours to command.
You can use Lore in place of Empathy for the Reading People and Social Defense trappings of that skill.

Mad, rather fittingly, is kind of a badass. He’s hitting at Weapon:8 with Vorpal, and with Fantastic Weapons, not many argue about how unfair that is. If they do, certainly not for long. His Oneiromancy isn’t really offensively inclined, but he’s throwing around 8-shift attacks and defenses. His favorite tricks are direct mental assaults that knock people out, calling Nightmares to serve him, and calling his favoured weapons and armor. He dodges at Fantastic and sprints at Legendary. Unfortunately, he’s also mad. As the proverbial hatter. He is the proverbial hatter, as a matter of fact. He's not crazy like a fishmalk, he's crazy like Heath Ledger's Joker. He’s funny and charming until, very abruptly, he isn’t. At all. Then he’s a high-functioning sociopath who’s incredibly violent and very easily bored. Think Cat Sith but with actual human morals. He just ignores them.

Note- Through The Looking-Glass only takes a few seconds because the two extra shifts are devoted to reducing the time spent on the ritual, not keeping the portal open longer.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 01:26:35 AM by Hick Jr »
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #191 on: January 16, 2013, 09:21:30 PM »
Seems like an interesting character.

Sponsored Magic looks decent.

I think he's got 7 extra skill points, though. And he seems to be missing 2 focus slots.

And some of those spells are mechanically flawed. The Dream Hunters, Knight Of Spades, and Welcome To Wonderland all look bad to me.

PS: Might as well toss the spells and Sponsored Magic onto the appropriate list threads.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #192 on: January 16, 2013, 10:37:54 PM »
I figured I could post my character from the campaign I play in if anyone would be interested. Very non-combative. A drawing of her can be found in the Art-section of the forum.
We started at Feet in the Water-level, but I have also made a submerged-lever version so I know the general idea on what to level up her to.

Focused Practitioner (feet in the water level):

Name: Amy Clarke

A young girl who lives up to the stereotypes of Goth girls. She is a follower of the wiccan faith, and is quite proficient in divination. She never goes anywhere without her deck of tarot cards and a small crystal ball and other such typical trappings. She is almost always dressed in elegant black dresses and a leather corset, and often wears heavy black makeup. She has fair skin, and long lush black hair. She has a number of tattoos and piercings. She likes silver jewellery, piercings and tattoos, and always want more of all of the above.

Personalitywise, she is very romantic, and likes to engage in typical girly stuff. Usuallly softspoken and always willing to learn new things. Loves to stand on stage, and can be seen as a bit flamboyant. She is attracted to both boys and girls, and is a bit submissive but very protective of her friends and those she consider to be innocents. She is not afraid to stand up to bigger and tougher things than her to protect those she loves.

Age: 20 years. (Birthday: 17th of June)
Height: 1,67 M, Weight, 53 Kg.

Left shoulder: A large red rose.
Right shoulder: Stylized theatre masks
Right thigh: Large Asian dragon
Left calf: Lilies wrapping around the leg

Each ear: 7 piercings. Top 6 are silver rings, the lowest are dream-catchers of silver
Nose: silver stud on right side
Silver stud in lower lip
Nipples: rings made out of enchanted faerie ice (hard as metal and will not melt, protected so she doesn't get freezeburns from wearing them, but they are cold to the touch.)
Belly button: silver stud
Intimate piercing: ring made out of faerie ice (see description of nipplerings)

Other jewellery
A smooth clear crystal about 5 cm long in an oval drop-shape set in silver, hanging from a thick silver chain around her neck. (This is her focus item)

What you see at a soulgaze:
A scene of thick mist. A shape is moving inside and with a gesture of her hand makes the mists part. Behind her you see ruins from ancient Greece. The woman is Amy, and she is dressed in modern clothing. She has a clear intensive gaze as if she is looking through you. The feeling you get is that she knows more than she should, and that you do not want to awaken her curiosity. She is protective but also has the potential to be ruthless in knowing more. That if she has a way of finding out something she will not let it go. Also clear that she is ruled by stormy emotions rather than cold calculations.

High Concept: Seeress of Secrets
Trouble: Unbelievers in society

Where do you come from:
She grew up with strict parents; Alison and Richard Clarke. Her mother was a teacher, and her father a governmental employee. They always expected more of her and pushed her hard. In school, she often spent time daydreaming, which didn’t go over so well.
Aspect:  Pay attention!

What shaped you:
At puberty, she started seeing strange visions. Some people in her surrounding thought that she was either taking drugs or being crazy. In order to understand what was happening to her, she read everything she could about her situation.
Aspect: Strange visions

What was your first adventure: All the world is a stage
There were lots of mysterious happenings at an old theatre where Amy worked at. Some people claimed that it was haunted. Using her powers of divination, she found that it really was haunted by the ghosts of Clarice Sterling and actor William Reading. Both where shot dead by Clarice’s jealous husband Jonathan after he found out they had an affair, but the incident were hushed down due to his connections.  She got the help of reporter Tim Dobson, to find the whole story as he had access to old newspaper archives. The reason that the ghosts where active was that shady businessman James Howell II tried to put pressure on City Hall to get the theatre condemned in order for him to get approval to tear it down and build luxury apartments there. Activist Imogen Tayler helped organize a successful protest rally in order to save the theatre.
Aspect:  Echoes of the past

Whose path have you crossed: Star Thyme
In “Djinn, Lamp and Monkey” Amy helped a confused girl, who turned out to be a djinn, to find her magical lamp that a monkey had stolen and run away with.
Aspect: There is more between Heaven and Earth…

Who else’s path have you crossed: Mirou Divin
In “Dragon Rising” Amy got a premonition of the future, and tried to help Mirou Divin to avoid the situation. Fate wanted otherwise, as he didn’t heed her warnings, but eventually he managed to return relatively unscathed.
Aspect: Cassandra’s Tears

-2 Ritual (Divination)
-1 Psychometry
-1 The Sight
 0  Cassandra’s Tears
 0  Soul Gaze
 0  Wizard’s Constitution

Refresh rate: -4

Great (4): Lore
Good (3): Discipline, Investigation
Fair (2): Conviction, Empathy, Rapport
Average (1): Contacts, Performance, Presence, Resources

Focus items
Pendant of divination +2 (Complexity: Divination)

Submerged level

-3 Thaumaturgy: Complexity (Divination +3, Wards +1), Control (Biomancy +1, Divination +2)
-1 Psychometry
-1 The Sight
-3 Refinement
 0  Cassandra’s Tears
 0  Soul Gaze
 0  Wizard’s constitution

Mortal Stunts:
Finely Tuned Third Eye

Refresh rate: -9

Superb (5): Discipline, Lore
Great (4): Conviction, Investigation
Good (3): Empathy, Rapport
Fair (2): Alertness, Athletics, Performance
Average (1): Contacts, Driving, Presence, Resources, Weapons

Focus items
Pendant of divination +2 (Complexity: Divination).
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 11:04:15 PM by Ulfgeir »
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #193 on: January 16, 2013, 11:00:20 PM »
That's what I get for posting at three in the morning. -_-
It's after a couple milestones.

The focus item "error" was in fact engineered by the Kremlin, a Communist goblin faction led by their iron-fisted dictator, Tsauberon.

I'm justifying those with Evothaum, but what about them is flawed? Knight of Spades follows the Conjuration rules, Hammerhands doesn't have a listed Conviction, and I think that's how a mental assault works.

Edit- Did you want me to put them in the threads, or was it a declaration of intent?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:42:01 AM by Hick Jr »
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #194 on: January 17, 2013, 10:51:12 PM »
Bloody goblins. Always getting up in everyone's business.

I meant that you'd post the things to the threads, but I can do it if you'd rather not.

As for the spells...

Thaumaturgy doesn't have a weapon rating. On the other hand, I don't think many GMs would make you spend shifts to extend the duration of sleep.

A mundane weapon 4 sword is probably impossible. Except maybe if it's massive. A mundane armour 3 cloak is also pretty sketchy. Maybe you could conjure such things, but...I wouldn't allow it at that complexity. (This one does depend a bit on the GM.)

The nightmare summoning is the most problematic spell. First of all, it is not reasonable to bypass the normal control process by narrating your summoning to include a Naming. Secondly, I really don't know where you got such a low complexity number from. And thirdly, giving the summon a big stack of extra Powers for no added complexity isn't exactly fair.

Also Human Guise doesn't let you look like someone else.

PS: I prefer to avoid the canonical summoning rules...they're not really very balanced. I can point you to some homebrew if you like.