Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 105556 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #150 on: December 16, 2011, 02:45:50 AM »
I wouldn't go quite that far. A heavy restriction and no Speed bonuses is probably enough.

Offline Vargo Teras

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #151 on: January 25, 2012, 06:47:55 AM »
Name: Father Robert Pembrooke

High Aspect: Vessel of Divine Power
Trouble: A Man of Peace

Superb (+5): Conviction, Scholarship
Great (+4): Discipline, Lore
Good (+3): Empathy, Rapport
Fair (+2): Presence, Contacts
Average (+1): Alertness, Resources

Blessed Words
Tower of Faith

[-0] Wizard's Constitution
[-1] Bless This House
[-1] Guide My Hand
[-5] Sponsored Magic (Soulfire)

Background: The Dickensian Aspect
Robert Pembrooke was born to poverty in London, in the late nineteenth century.  The charity of the Church was the only thing that sustained him in body and mind; he chose in turn to give his life to the Church.

Rising Conflict: One Man Against the Darkness
Father Pembrooke has always been a man of deep faith, and this included a belief that evil was not merely a thing that men did to each other, but that there was true darkness in the world.  He studied the occult extensively, becoming an expert in demonic possession and exorcisms, hauntings and the lore of witchcraft.  This belief was hardly shared by his fellow priests; while many were still good, faithful men, they turned a blind eye to evidence that worse things stalked the night than burglars and cutthroats.  When he discovered the power that God had granted him to battle the forces of the Adversary, he took this as a sign that he neither needed, nor should seek, help besides the Lord, his Shepherd.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2012, 08:54:36 PM »
I like what you have there, but one thing puzzles me. What level is this guy at? 30 skill points and 9 refresh spent indicates some sort of Chest Deep/Submerged hybrid.

Offline Vargo Teras

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #153 on: January 25, 2012, 09:45:51 PM »
Not an intentional hybrid, but rather bad maths.  To make Chest Deep, remove the stunts; for Submerged, I'd add Average Endurance, Investigation, and Performance (strictly for ceremonial purposes), and bump Alertness and Resources to Fair.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 09:47:26 PM by Vargo Teras »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #154 on: February 19, 2012, 12:02:35 PM »
As requested by Sanctaphrax from my own thread. This is my wife's character and main protagonist in my DFRPG campaign.

NAME: Raven White
HIGH CONCEPT: Born Spell Slinger
TROUBLE: I Need To Know!
OTHER ASPECTS: Student of Elizabeth Deverell, Bringing Down The House!

SUPERB (+5) Conviction, Discipline
GREAT (+4) Lore, Presence
GOOD (+3) Empathy, Rapport
FAIR (+2) Contacts, Investigation, Resources
AVERAGE (+1) Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Performance, Scholarship

POWERS: Evocation - Air, Earth, Spirit (-3), Thaumaturgy (-3), Soul Gaze (-0), The Sight (-1), Wizard's Constitution (-0), Refinement (-2)

SPECIALIZATIONS: EVOCATION Control (Earth +1), Power (Earth +2); THAUMATURGY Complexity (Divination +1)

FOCUS ITEMS: Holly Wand - Earth (+1 Defensive Control, +1 Offensive Control), Mum's Tarot Deck - Divination (+1 Complexity, +1 Control)

ENCHANTED ITEMS: Raven's Red Converse HiTops - Great (+4) Athletics for sprint action, 1 use per session; Raven's Red Duffle Coat - Block 4/Armour:2, 1 use per session; 2 potions slots

ROTE SPELLS: "Bulwark", Earth, Defensive Block, Shifts 7, Duration 1, Stress 1, Holly Wand integral to rote; 3 left for my wife to define

BACKGROUND: Mum and Dad went missing at Astley Castle, 31st October 1977. Six months later the castle burned down and black magic effigies were found in an upper room. Raised by my grandparents, my gran tutored me initially in the arts. My talent outgrew her know-how and tuition was handed to gran's close friend Elizabeth Deverell - a wizard of The White Council.
ASPECT: Student of Elizabeth Deverell
RISING CONFLICT: Halloween 1990, found Gran dead in her kitchen. Same effigy was left next to her body as found in castle. My Sight revealed a symbol like a "?" was magically tattooed on to Gran's face. As I called Elizabeth to tell her, a mantis-like demon rose from the shadows and attacked. In my pain and anger I managed to collapse the house on top of it and ran.
ASPECT: Bringing Down The House!

3 Aspects left to define in play.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 12:07:46 PM by H++ »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #155 on: February 28, 2012, 08:31:15 PM »
In case I ever get to be a player in DFRPG, I've got a concept ready.
Power Level: Feet In The Water

Name: Darren Hughes
High Concept: Destiny Left Me A Watch.
Trouble: You Don't Get To Retire From This Job
Other Aspects: Born To A Couple of Silver Spoons, Doing the Right Thing, "I Might Have A Sword, But I Definitely Have A Club."
Guest Star Aspects to be done at a later point.

Great - Conviction, Resources
Good - Presence, Weapons
Fair - Contacts, Deceit
Average - Lore, Scholarship

Riposte (Weapons) [-1]
Windfall (Resources) [-1]

Item of Power (Pocketwatch) [+1], covering:
- Cassandra's Tears [+0]
- Guide My Hand [-1]
- Marked By Power (Fate) [-1]
- Wizard's Constitution [-1]

Physical OO
Mental OOOO
Social OOOO

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Lukas, Leothrope Rocker
« Reply #156 on: March 08, 2012, 10:54:08 PM »
Lukas (aka Lukas Grimm, aka Lukas Skallagrimmsson) (Submerged)

Lukas is a middleweight Minnesota rock musician with the ability to manipulate reality with his magic; he also possesses the berzerker spirit of a lion, which he can let loose at will. Born to a long line of skalds (the storytellers of the old Scandinavian ways), his mystical music talents are eagerly sought by several supernatural groups, for a variety of purposes from the selfish to the insane. As he struggles to become famous in the mortal world he loves, Lukas fights the pull of his heritage, but despite himself, his involvement in the supernatural world has increased greatly of late, and he resents it very much.

High Concept: Leothrope Rocker
Trouble: Forsaken Skaldic Heritage
Other Aspects:
Bearer of the Guitar of Ages;
Sure, What the Hell...;
Easily Underestimated Man-Child;
The New Ways - Just Like the Old Ways;
You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

Superb: Presence, Performance
Great: Intimidation, Fists
Good: Athletics, Conviction
Fair: Rapport, Endurance, Might
Average: Alertness, Contacts, Discipline, Empathy, Lore

[-1] Bardic Spirit: Presence is used instead of Conviction to determine spellcasting power.
[-1] Bardic Finesse: Performance is used instead of Discipline to determine spellcasting control.

[-1] Echoes of the Beast:+1 to physical Intimidation checks (not social threats), talk to felines
[+1] Human Form: affecting Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Toughness and Inhuman Recovery
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-2] Inhuman Toughness
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+2] Catch: Monkshood

[-2] Channeling: Music
[-1] Item of Power (Guitar of the Ages) [+2]: providing Refinement 3 [-3] spent on +3 to Offensive Discipline and Conviction (Channeling: Music)

Focus Items (Channeling: Music):
Silver-Gold Torc Necklace (2 slots): +1 to Defensive Power (Presence) and Control (Performance) (Channeling: Music)
Guitar of the Ages (IoP, 3 slots): +3 to Offensive Power (Presence) and Control (Performance) (Channeling: Music)

Casting Scores:
Offensive Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance/ Epic (+7) Presence and Performance with Guitar of Ages
Defensive Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance/ Superb (+5) Presence and Performance with Torc Necklace
Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance

Physical: 000 (as Leothrope: 000(00) Armor:1)
Mental: 0000
Social: 0000, plus one additional Mild Social Consequence

Adjusted Refresh: 1

High Concept: Leothrope Rocker
Lukas is a talented musician, despite his relative obscurity. His occasional fits of temper, as well as the unexplainable weirdness which seems to follow him around, have managed to limit his career. Thankfully, he has managed to achieve relative control over the leonine rage spirit within him, and can call it forth at his will.
Invoke: Leveraging his reputation as a musician; invoking his leothropic nature.
Compel: Unwanted attention; lifestyle complications; berzerk triggers.

Trouble Concept: Forsaken Skaldic Heritage
Lukas is part of a line of skalds, and possesses hereditary music-based magical talents, in addition to his rage spirit. Though he wants to focus on achieving success in the mundane world, he is fated to be a player in the supernatural world, and despite his best efforts, he is continually pulled into a variety of weird plots which depend on his musical talents.
Invoke: Leverage his ancient heritage; resist attempts to draw him into supernatural situations; deflect obligation/responsibility.
Compel: Inescapable supernatural situations; inconvenient cultural expectations; in demand.

Background Aspect: The New Ways - Just Like the Old Ways
Description: Lukas was born into a line of gifted musicians dating back to the days of the Vikings. Although his parents, Feydr and Hilde Skallagrimmsson,  initiated him into the mysteries of his skaldic forebears, Lukas was far more interested in rock n' roll music and indulging his more carnal tastes. It would be many years before the other half of his heritage - the berzerker Viking side - would manifest. In retrospect, it was easy to see why he could not be easily raised to his parents' ideals, and had they known of the rage spirit which had chosen him to be its vessel, they might have done something about it long ago. Lukas occupies an awkward middle ground between rage and creativity, and it pulls at him to this day. Despite his somewhat dysfunctional and narcissistic self-image, this dichotomy between violence and inspiration is as old as mankind. As much as he fools himself into thinking he is modern and separate from his heritage, he is as subject to the old ways as to the new.
Invoke: Lore declarations and skaldic knowledge; ease of navigating old world customs; finding common ground with those holding old world sentiments; appearing windswept and interesting.
Compel: Obligated to observe/respect old traditions; giving in to Viking impulses and excesses; inner conflict.

Rising Conflict: Bearer of the Guitar of Ages
Description: Little did he know that his parents had been trying to groom him for a particular purpose: to bear the sacred relic of his ancestors and use it to preserve knowledge and honor. Without their son, the Skallagrimmssons did their best to confront some of the primal supernatural threats which had been trying to settle in Minnesota, but soon they were overcome, slain by forces unknown. Lukas - deep in a life of hedonism and self-oblivion - first learned of their fate when he was visited by their ghosts. Eager to dismiss the visions as drug-induced hallucinations, he ignored them as best he could. But their ghosts persevered, and eventually he looked up Corbin Freyrson, an old family friend, for advice. Corbin didn't know much, but shared his belief that the Skallagrimmssons were living a double life, and that they were taking some serious risks on a regular basis. Eventually Lukas discovered that his parents had been guarding something, and had arranged that he could find it. When he beheld the relic - an ancient stringed instrument of intricate design - it called to him, and being of low impulse control, he held it. The relic shimmered and warped in his hands, conforming to his ideal of a modern rock guitar. It taught him its magic, and he learned to use it to weave music that had never been heard before. Eventually he learned to summon the magic of his skaldic ancestors on his own, but to this day, he is far more powerful with the Guitar of Ages than he is without it.
Invoke: Improving the results of his magic; impressing certain people or supernatural elements; occasionally used to beat people and things in true rock n' roll style.
Compel: The Guitar will occasionally push him into some situations; the ancient supernatural foes of his ancestors occasionally want to complicate life for the bearer of the ancient relic.

Story Aspect 1: Easily Underestimated Man-Child
First Story: Ballroom Blitz
Description: A rogue Black Court Vampire, Eva-Marie Kaltenbach, has set her sights on an obscure indie music festival in Duluth. Zaphiel Lorenzo and DeMarcus Kane (having been clued in anonymously by a rival Red Court Vampire who would prefer not to attract attention) integrate themselves into the security team. When the vampire makes her move against an obscure musician named Lukas, Zaphiel and DeMarcus find the target anything but helpless as he summons musical magic before entering the fray with a roar and a berzerker rage. Together with Raphiel "Ray" Rojas, a previous acquaintance of Lukas', they drive the vampiress away, but fail to destroy her. The duo learn that Lukas is in demand by numerous supernatural elements for his musical abilities, and despite his aversion to getting involved, easily recognize that he has that rare blend of confidence and deathwish which makes him a fellow spirit.
Invoke: Underestimated by opponents; sympathetic people tend to cut him slack or try to take care of him.
Compel: Fits of self-indulgence or petulance; others discount his viewpoint; dismissed/not take seriously.

Story Aspect 2: Sure, What the Hell...
Guest Star: Liquid Courage. (Raphiel)
Description: Concerned about rumors of a Black Court presence in an abandoned house somewhere in Minnesota, Raphiel Rojas hits a local bar to sort out his thoughts. He fell in with bored rock singer Lukas, and recognizing that the seemingly shallow singer concealed significant supernatural power, confided his misgivings about the upcoming raid: Black Court Vampires always had Renfields, and killing them caused Raphiel great sorrow. Lukas, in a move later attributed alternately to drunkenness or boredom, agreed to help this kindred tortured spirit. Although they did not find the rumored vampire, they found evidence of its recent occupancy: a mind-shattered Renfield on the verge of complete breakdown. Raphiel and Lukas did the only humane thing possible and put the wrecked human being out of its misery.
Invoke: Impulsive behavior; recklessness; grace under fire; steeled resolve in the face of danger; talking others into taking risks.
Compel: Impulsive behavior; recklessness; easily enticed into dangerous, unwise, and risky situations.]

Story Aspect 3: You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry
Guest Star: The Club Scene (Van)
Description: When trouble comes looking for Van "the Man," the owner of the Ever After, Lukas' regular Thursday night gig, Lukas gets caught in the crossfire. Some of Van's best customers start turning up dead, so Van - pulled in several directions over money - hurries to figure out why. When Van hears of Lukas' rage spirit, the hedonistic rocker seems the likely culprit. Van and his new bodyguard, the intense Raphiel Rojas, confront Lukas, but realize in the ensuing struggle that Lukas the wrong guy. Together they discovered the real culprit, a rival club owner - and White Court Vampire - who had been trying to get Van's club shut down.
Invoke: Intimidation; bonuses to damage/combat; berzerker rage.
Compel: Lose temper; social brusqueness; berzerker rage.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 07:50:45 PM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #157 on: March 09, 2012, 03:10:08 AM »
I originally though presence worked for both control and power. 

After rereading it, I really like the character.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #158 on: March 27, 2012, 05:35:17 PM »
Was trying to stat a Mass Effect Reaper it seems that Dresden files might not be the right system for statting absurdly powerful opponents. 

Aspects: Giant Tecno-Organic Ship, Millions of Years Old, 1 Ship Armada, Beyond Human Comprehension, Vanguard of Destruction

Legendary: Guns, Endurance
Epic: Intimidation, Presence, Deceit, Scholarship, Might
Fantastic: Manoeuvring (athletics for ships), Alertness, Conviction

Reaper Heavy Weapons [-20] All of your weapons do +40 Stress and fulfil the Overload Catch of Shield related Toughness. 
Reaper Shields: (Physical Immunity with a catch of sufficient damage (if he takes +100 stress or more) [-8]
Two kilometres wide [-8]: (+8 Stress Boxes, +4 for enemies to hit him)
Indoctrination [-4] Potent Lasting Incite Emotion
Dragons Teeth [-4] (based of Master Domination) You can turn enemies you defeat into husks this takes a while.
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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #159 on: March 27, 2012, 06:26:26 PM »
Unthinkable Size from the custom power list is your friend.

Also, I think that his weapon ability and shields can be managed better. If every spaceship has Physical Immunity to small arms, then Sovereign's weaponry could just be weapon 10 or so.

I lack enough knowledge of Mass Effect to comment further.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #160 on: March 29, 2012, 08:16:01 PM »
Eliath Grey

High Concept: Shape Shifting Business Man
Trouble: Plagued by my Sins
Other Aspects:
Ex-Mossad Agent
At any costs
A Man Or Monster
A Dutiful Son
Information Broker 

Human Form 
Superb: Contacts, Resources 
Great: Intimidation, Scholarship
Good:  Investigation, Discipline 
Fair: Athletics, Endurance ,Guns 
Average: Might, Fists, Empathy, Lore, Alertness

Sin Form (this form is the physical representation of his sins brought about by his natural magic aptitude and self loathing, The Form is monstrous to behold a black plated monstrous bugs with multiplicity of razor sharp pincers and mandibles.)

Superb: Fists, Athletics
Great: Might, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Discipline
Fair:  Investigation, Intimidation
Average: Empathy, lore, Scholarship, Conviction, Discipline
Un-encumbered (athletics) When carrying no weapons or armour and any weight capable of slowing you down, Add +2 to your dodge roll.
All Out Offence (fists) +2 to fist skills when attacking full out but take a -2 to any defence roll.
Sin Form (aka Beast Form) -1

Human Form [+1] Affecting
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
[+3] Poison Catch (+2 for availability, +1 for knowledge)
Monstrous Claws [-2] Your Fists attacks are at Weapon Rating 4 in this form

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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #161 on: March 30, 2012, 03:39:02 AM »
I like this one. Optimized yet interesting.

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The Red Warden
« Reply #162 on: April 06, 2012, 08:14:37 PM »
Lian Xing
Not all of the Wardens attacked in the decimation at the Congo hospital were killed. Unbeknownst to the White Council at large, a particularly devious Red Court noble captured and infected a handful of the Wardens. They either escaped, or were killed, before they could fully turn, and the survivors now use their new abilities in the war effort.

High Concept:
Warden Infected by the Red Court

An Honor to my Family (She's driven to make her family proud, but at the same time they have very high expectations of her)
I'd Give My Life For the Council (She's intensely loyal to the Council and the other Wardens)
Must Maintain Discipline (Sometimes she has trouble keeping her cool, despite her intense training)
Subtle and Precise Power (She favors precision attacks based on her high Discipline score, but can't throw a whole lot of power around without her Foci)
"Do You Still Trust Me?" (Some on the White Council--even other wardens--may think it simply a liability to let any wizard live with the taint of the Red Court in them)

Unfamiliar Hunger

Superb: Discipline         
Great: Athletics, Lore
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Weapons      
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Investigation, Presence   
Average: Contacts, Empathy, Fists, Rapport, Scholarship

Physical: OOOO
Mental: OOOO
Social: OOO
Hunger: OOOO (extra Mild consequence)

Evocation [-3] (Spirit, Metal, Air)
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Addictive Saliva [-1]
Blood Drinker [-1]
Feeding Dependency [+1]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Catch [-0] (Holy stuff)

Total Refresh: -10

Evo: Spirit (Control+1)

Enchanted Items:
Warden Sword (Weapon6/Counterspell 6, 3 uses)
Tunic (Armor:2, 3 uses)

Focus Items
1 slot: Warden Sword (Jian-style chinese sword): Metal, Offensive Power+1
1 slot: Beaded Necklace: Air, Defensive Power +2 (only used with Aeris block)

Rote Spells:
Ferris: Metal-3-shift Self Maneuver: Sense The Blade (gives herself greater control over her sword, tagged for Weapons rolls)
Aeris: Air-Block:5 vs. Attacks (Uses air currents to deflect attacks rather than stop them outright)
Saltatio: Metal-Weapon:4 attack (channels her magic through the sword to better guide her strikes)
Duplicio: Spirit-Block:5 vs. Perception (creates a pair of illusory Lians to confuse enemies and prevent them from directly attacking)

EDITS: Replaced Craftsmanship with Intimidation, and reworded Duplicio a little bit. And reassigned the beads to Air defensive power; had misremembered how it was on her sheet.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 02:30:00 PM by Mr. Death »
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #163 on: April 07, 2012, 12:06:13 AM »
Very nice. There are a couple things that I question, though:

-Why no Intimidation skill?
-How exactly does Duplicio work? Does it only block Alertness actions, or can it be used against attacks?

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #164 on: April 07, 2012, 05:18:27 AM »
Well, mostly because I have a bad habit of simply forgetting about the Intimidation skill when building characters. It might take the place of Craftsmanship, though, if it's needed.

Duplicio I see as a block against Alertness that the enemy has to surpass in order to land a successful attack, similar to a veil. The way I see it working is, when she casts it, a pair of illusory doppelgangers pop out and maneuver around Lian on the battlefield, with the Alertness roll representing the enemy's ability to sort out which one's real. A failed roll means they pick the wrong target and can't attack her directly, a successful Alertness roll means they target the real deal and can act directly against her.  Indirect attacks, like going 'Screw it' and filling the zone with fire or simultaneously attacking all three images via a spray attack, might work, of course.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 08:18:08 PM by Mr. Death »
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast