Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 105760 times)

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #135 on: October 18, 2011, 08:36:40 AM »

Re-reading "Summer Knight" at the moment, simply to work out more about the Unseelie sorcerer. Sadly, its pretty categoric that the only mortal agents of the courts are the knights or temporary emissaries, so not sure how the concept holds up to scrutiny.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #136 on: October 19, 2011, 05:54:48 AM »
Who cares?

We aren't out to simulate the novels here.

Even if we were, your Unseelie sorcerer could just be a very frequent temporary emissary.

Or maybe he counts as fey metaphysically owing to his blood and his inability to Choose.

Regardless, I don't think you should let a little thing like that stop you from using a character you like.

PS: Connie seems excessively powerful, given her backstory. 13 refresh and 43 skill points is a lot. She doesn't sound as though she deserves that much.

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #137 on: October 19, 2011, 08:46:49 AM »
I was trying to make her of a league with David and Rikard, but I see your point.

Offline Kiero

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Scion of Vlad Drakul
« Reply #138 on: October 22, 2011, 09:23:34 PM »
As requested...

...we're starting a DFRPG game, City on the River, next week (hi mremann, who's our GM). It's set in our own Bristol (which mremann has posted about in the past) and is now our main game. We're Chest-Deep with Refresh of 8. For context, the rest of the group is looking roughly thus:
  • A White Court Vampire who feeds on greed and runs a gambling joint. Primarily a face/connections character and a deadly shot with a bow.
  • A sneaky Wizard focused on Veils, illusions and mind-trickery, specialising in air and water magic (with French mythological inspirations). Secondary is infiltration/stealth and relies on other people to do the wetwork.
  • A proto-Knight of the Cross sans Sword for the moment who's a genuine nice guy and doesn't use guns. Ever. Obviously going to be a skilled melee-ist, and is a professor of philosophy.
  • Possibly an ex-cop/royal bodyguard with some latent and uncontrolled magical talent.

I love the "building block" physical powers, and since this game was first mooted, I've wanted to play a character who uses them. I want all the supernatural physical boosts, they're just too cool and play right into the sort of character I want to play. One who acts as the group's primary muscle/beatstick. We agreed on a Scion (template is basically a spin on Changeling), and eventually arrived at Vlad Drakul as the sire.

Here's a quick bio (spoilered not because it contains spoilers, but so people can skip it if they like):
(click to show/hide)

Here's the mechanical bits, again spoilered to cut down clutter:

(click to show/hide)

Bonus points for anyone who gets the reference for his name.

His High Aspect is the keystone for his demonic nature, and thus why he was born in the 18th century yet still lives. Also where the powers come from.

His Trouble Aspect is a reference to the notorious episode when he did Very Bad Things, culminating in his appointment with the wielder of Esperacchius in the 1830s. Not sure that's exactly where the worst of it happened, but the name seems to fit for the moment.

Not determining the other Aspects is quite deliberate, that's for working out when we get together.

Skills features some deliberate redundancy in having both Fists and Weapons at Great (+4), I've been round on that and can't find any other satisfactory solution that doesn't leave the character seeming incomplete to my mind. As someone who once followed the code of Furusiyya, he should be capable of handling any melee weapon or fighting unarmed skilfully. Indeed there should even be archery in there, but frankly there's no room. Besides I can imagine he disdained bows (and guns) as the tools of weaklings when he was bad, and avoided them for the risk of collateral damage when he was good.

We've had some discussion about The Choice, which is likely to be a campaign-climactic type event. In that instance his powers would all jump to Mythic and he'd get Claws and Sponsored Magic if he chose his demon side. Obviously if he chose his human side, he'd become a Pure Mortal.

I must admit the notion of a "holy avenger" filled with genuine righteousness coming after him for the crimes of his past really appeals as a focus story. After all, he really is demonic and really did all the things of which he would be accused. There's that whole debate of whether the person you are now can in any way mitigate or atone for the things you did in the past.

Anyway, just wanted to share for debate, critique and whatever else.

Offline Magickal_Grenadier

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #139 on: November 02, 2011, 05:49:43 AM »
Settimo Figilo
High Concept: Scion of Minerva
Other Aspects: Esteemed Professor, Magical Craftsman
Skills: Superb - Lore, Scholarship
           Great - Conviction, Discipline
           Good - Alertness, Presence
           Fair - Resources, Endurance, Empathy
           Average - Athletics, Contacts, Fists, Performance, Rapport
Powers: -1 Marked by Power (Minerva)
    -2 Sponsored Magic
    -3 Evocation
    -3 Thaumaturgy
    -2 Mental Library
    -1 Instant Recall
    +1 Item of Power (Amulet of Minerva)
           -2 Inhuman Recovery
           +0 The Catch (Unknown)
Evocation Specializations: (Air, Water, Spirit)
            (Power +1, Air)
Thaumaturgy Specializations: (Complexity +1)

Sponsored Magic Effects, Focus Items, Sponsor Agenda, et cetera left to your discretion
My Dresden Files purity rating is 43%

Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side and it binds the universe together

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #140 on: November 02, 2011, 06:02:40 AM »
Thanks, Kiero and Grenadier.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #141 on: November 09, 2011, 06:54:24 PM »
Here are the other characters from City On The River.

Name: Oliver Monfort, Champion of God

High Aspect: Enlightened Holy Warrior
Trouble: The Dusty Halls of Academia

Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Weapons, Scholarship
Good (+3): Resources, Discipline
Fair (+2): Presence, Fists, Athletics
Average (+1): Alertness, Performance, Investigation, Empathy, Craftsmanship

[-1] Bless This House
[-1] Guide My Hand
[-1] Holy Touch
[-2] Righteousness

Name: J.B. (Joanne Beverly) Clarke, Emissary of Power

High Aspect: Chosen of the Dolydd Dwr
Trouble: In service to the great…. again!

Great (+4): Alertness, Rapport, Empathy
Good (+3): Athletics, Fists, Lore
Fair (+2): Discipline, Endurance, Presence
Average (+1): Contacts, Driving, Guns

[-1] Marked by Power
[-1] Supernatural Senses (Earth Affinity)
[-2] Worldwalker
[-2] Inhuman Recovery*
[-2] Inhuman Toughness*
[+2] The Catch: Must be touching the ground
[+2] Item of Power (Gauntlets of the Dolydd Dwr):
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-1] Claws

Name: Richard Merovech Masson, Wizard

High Concept: The Spy Who Hexed Me
Trouble: The Sea’s Lost Children

Great (+4): Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Good (+3): Burglary, Deceit, Stealth
Fair (+2): Alertness, Investigation, Empathy
Average (+1): Athletics, Weaponry, Presence

[-3] Evocation
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] The Sight
[+0] Soulgaze
[+0] Wizards Consitution

Evocation Disciplines: Air, Spirit, Water

Evocation Specialisation – Air (Power +1)
Thaumaturgy Specialisation – Crafting (Strength +1)

Focus Items:
Prospero’s Gloves – +1 offensive control for Air
Sea’s Lost Compass – +1 defensive power for Water

Enchanted Items:
Tarasque Hide Jacket – +2 Armour 2/Day
Snake King’s Watch – Veil (+4-strength block vs sight) 2/Day
Velvet Mask – Shapeshift to match target’s appearance & voice (+5-strength manoeuver on self) 1/Day
Gevaudan Fetish – Attack (+5-strength Spirit attack) 1/Day

Cold Lightning – Air Attack +5 (Lightning bolt)
Shimmer – Spirit Block (Sight) +4 (Veil)
Tempest – Air Offensive Manoeuver +5 (Knocks target from their feet, opposed by target’s Might, applies ‘Knocked Down’ temporary aspect
Wavebreak – Water Block +5

Name: Oriana Stefani, White Court Vampire

High Concept: Favourite Daughter of House Stefani
Trouble: Femme Fatale

Great (+4) Deceit, Discipline, Resources
Good (+3) Guns, Athletics, Empathy
Fair (+2) Contacts, Alertness, Presence
Average (+1) Fists, Intimidation, Rapport

[-1] Emotional Vampire
[+0] Human Guise
[-1] Incite Emotion: Greed (Touch Only)
[+1] Feeding Dependency (Greed):
[-2] Inhuman Recovery*
[-2] Inhuman Speed
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[+0] The Catch: True Charity

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #142 on: November 27, 2011, 11:25:53 PM »
The Scoobies

For most of the Scoobies, I took Scooby Doo and looped it around through the “Dia De Los Muertos” Venture Brothers episode, then ran it through this picture.  The day of, I was thinking of actors to “cast” and I knew I didn’t want Matt Lillard for Sonny, because that would have been too obvious.  After I thought of Pineapple Express, the idea of Sonny being Fred’s dealer really pushed the final pieces together.

Shaggy the Black Shuck
For Shaggy’s stats, I glanced at the Hellhound entry in OW but mostly just tried to make him a dog-like monster.  The other Scoobies?  I kinda half-assed it.  I statted out a few Aspects and some meager skills, but I wasn’t looking to make people who could stand toe-to-toe with the PCs.
Black Shuck
Man's Best Friend
Easily Distracted
Omen of Death
Good (+3) Alertness, Fists
Fair (+2) Stealth, Endurance, Athletics
Average (+1) Lore, Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
-2 Inhuman Speed
-1 Claws
-2 Inhuman Toughness
+1 Catch: Holy stuff
-2 Inhuman Recovery
+1 Catch: Holy stuff
-1 Supernatural Sense (Smell)
-1 Echoes of the Beast
Refresh: -7

Sonny Falco
Sonny was a conglomeration of James Franco from Pineapple Express, Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and the Son of Sam killer.
Cowardly Slacker
Under the Influence
Bottomless Pit, Bottomless Pockets
Scooby Doo, What Are You?
Good (+3) Athletics, Alertness
Fair (+2) Driving, Empathy, Stealth
Average (+1) Endurance, Contacts, Craftsmanship, Burglary
-1 Marked By Power
Refresh: -1

Fred Bundy
Fred was a mashup of Fred from Scooby Doo, the stereotypical popped collar douchebag frat boy, and Ted Bundy.
Vengeance-Obsessed Frat Boy
Has No Idea What He's Doing
My Dad Owns a Dealership
Whatever It Takes to Save Patty (changed to “Whatever it Takes to Avenge Patty” after the soup kitchen)
Good (+3) Athletics, Endurance
Fair (+2) Guns, Weapons, Resources
Average (+1) Intimidation, Driving, Presence, Lore
Anything Goes (ability to find impromptu weapons means Fred never has to use Fists)
Refresh: -1

Valerie Dinkley
Valerie was pretty much Velma run through a grimdark filter and given the powers of witchcraft.  She was going to be more Linda Cardellini-like until Kathryn’s player chose her.  Val took a back seat for the most part, since two PCs had Scholarship and Lore covered.  She was there because I needed a way to get a suitable Scooby Doo-alike, and with Val on their side, the Scoobies might actually have half a chance of surviving their future crusades against evil.
Know-It-All Amateur Detective
Knows Too Much For Her Own Good
The Brains of the Operation
Stolen Grimoires of Forbidden Knowledge
Good (+3) Scholarship, Lore
Fair (+2) Investigation, Discipline, Conviction
Average (+1) Athletics, Endurance, Craftsmanship, Alertness
-2 Ritual (Summoning)
Refresh: -2

Patty Blake
I statted up Patty Blake thinking she’d play a larger role than she did.  She was completely Sarah Michelle Gellar, although “Buffy” and “Daphne” were used equally.  Finally, the name Patty was for Patty Hearst, which was both Venture Bros reference and a possible thematic link if Patty ended up vamping out, which is... I guess... kinda similar to Stockholm Syndrome in a way.  :)
Infected Party Girl
The Vampire's Curse
Patty the Vampire Slayer
Good (+3) Discipline, Fists
Fair (+2) Presence, Rapport, Empathy
Average (+1) Deceit, Contacts, Resources, Endurance
-1 Addictive Saliva
-1 Blood Drinker
+1 Feeding Dependency
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Recovery
Refresh: -5

Team Edward

The only vamp I had stats for was Patrick Rogers.  For the other RCVs, I used the OW stats.  His Infecteds had Fair Athletics, Weapons (where applicable), and Fists, and were running Inhuman Strength and Recovery (Susan also had Inhuman Speed through a clerical error on my part).

Professor Patrick Rogers, RCV
Vampire College Professor
Caught Me Monologuing
Intriguing Eccentric
Teacher's Pets
Creature Of The Night
Nesting Instincts
Great (+4) Fists, Presence
Good (+3) Scholarship, Athletics, Deceit
Fair (+2) Empathy, Lore, Stealth, Discipline, Might
Average (+1) Contacts, Resources, Alertness, Rapport, Conviction
-1 Addictive Saliva
-1 Blood Drinker
-1 Claws
-1 Echoes of the Beast
-1 Flesh Mask
-1 Feeding Dependency
-1 Cloak of Shadows
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Speed
-2 Inhuman Toughness
-2 Inhuman Recovery
+2 Catch: holy stuff, sunlight, gutshots
Heavy Rep (Presence for Intimidation when referencing rep)
Authority Figure (+2 Presence on students and spawn)
Personal Magnetism (+2 for charisma)
Footwork (Fists to dodge)
Storm of Punches (-2 to make zone Fists attacks)
Refresh: -16

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #143 on: December 13, 2011, 02:15:54 AM »
This was inspired by the amenities thread.  Note that he's not optimised for power but to have fun.

Name: Jake J Chambers
Template: Wizard
High Concept Aspect: Hedonistic Wizard
Trouble: Am I Having Fun Yet?

   Back in the 1920s the economy was roaring, but not for everyone.  Jake J (the J doesn't stand for anything; it's just a letter) was raised in a one-room tar paper shack, part of one of those large families that existed before effective birth control was developed.  Hunger was a constant companion and it wasn't because his family was too proud to take charity; in the opinion of the town they didn't deserve help.  Prohibition was on, but that never slowed either of his parents in their continual quest to drink away the food money while their children went hungry.  The only time the kids ever got "new" clothes was once a year when a charity lady would drop off heavily patched clothes so they would have something decent to wear to school.  Those well-worn clothes never lasted long, and most of the time the kids went around half-naked.  Not that it really mattered much, at their ages, and the weather was mostly warm enough that the kids didn't need to wear much.  Nor were they alone in their poverty, but their neighbours who didn't drink made out better - if they were willing to beg from the church committees.

   School was a different experience for Jake J.  One his first day he went to play with some kids he didn't know and a few of the older boys decided to teach him a lesson about trying to associate with his betters.  The teacher, when she heard the fight, reacted to "one of them no account Chambers boys causing trouble with his betters" and reached for the strap.  In short, he was quickly taught that him and his family were scum.  On the other hand, Jake J liked school.  There was always a chance that one of the kids would share a lunch with someone who hadn't eaten that day (and maybe not the day before).  Sometimes he had to do things for the food, but it was better than going hungry.

   Not that Jake J was destined to spend much time in school.  If there was work to do he did it, to bring money home.  Sometimes he would "steal" part of his pay to buy something to eat and other times he only worked for food.  And getting work was hard - his father was known to tell the most outrageous jokes (today he would have made a good shock comic) whose punch lines often included bestiality, incest, or interracial sex - and people held those wicked jokes against Jake J and the other children.  When he couldn't work he'd often scrounge for whatever he could find, mainly looking for food.  Most what he can remember of those days is being hungry.

Background Aspect: Grew up Hungry Out of Sight of the Tracks.
(used to go that extra mile or compelled in social situations to undermine his confidence)

Rising Conflict:
   Eventually, when Jake J was around 10, the county had no choice but to get involved.  Jake J's parents were given the opportunity of a lifetime - deliver some corn brew and they'd get to keep a ten gallon drum - with Jake J's mother going to help unload (and make sure her husband didn't drink everything before she could drink her share).  The bootleggers saw them as convenient cut-offs to deal with someone they thought might be a probation agent, the probation agent saw them as a "make due" arrest, and the DA saw them as "proof he was doing something about the evils of alcohol" while secretly accepting bribes.  As for the justice system, it saw them as trash that needed locking up.

   Jake J never saw his parents after they were arrested as neither lasted long in jail.  Years of hard drinking combined with neglectful prison doctors and resulted in his mother's death less than two years into her sentence.  As for his father, the jokes that the man told offended most of his fellow inmates and many of the guards - meaning there were too many suspects when he was stabbed to find his killer.

   When his parents were arrested and none of their relatives would take the children in, the county had to act.  The County Home, while sparse, was a step up for Jake J.  The food was plain and never plentiful, but it was more than Jake J had grown up with.  The uniforms were ill fitting but better than any clothes he had ever worn.  The staff was uncaring and strict, but (unlike his own parents) they usually only beat you if you did something wrong.

   But the county hated to have to pay to feed kids and when a stranger arrived and said he wanted to adopt the only question they asked was if he was a Christian.  Once that was confirmed they lined the kids up in front of him and he picked Jake J from the line.  There was never any thought given to keeping the family together, so that afternoon Jake J left with the stranger.  On the trip "home" the stranger introduced himself as Alexander Wellsworth.

   Jake J was awed by the wealth of his new home (a four bedroom colonial).  Not only did have a bed to himself, he had an entire room to himself! Unbelieving that anyone could live in such luxury, Jake J asked when the others would be moving in and was told that only Jake would be living here because only Jake had the talent to do magic.

   Alexander Wellsworth wasn't a cruel man, but he had never been a parent and often phrased things poorly.  When he decided that he wanted an apprentice he had selected one, and while he offered praise it was always for Jake J's talent, never to Jake J himself.  As Jake J came into contact with other members of the White Council that was how they phrased it too - saying that his magical talent was coming along nicely.

   Even though there wasn't much praise, there was food.  Jake J had a long delayed growth spurt and never went to bed hunger again.  His talent was keeping him fed and you had to respect anything that put food in your belly.

Phase Aspect: I'm The Guy With The Talent
(Note: there are all sorts of ways this can help him, but it can also be compelled to undermine his self-confidence).

The Story: Jake J's Back In Town - What Could Go Wrong?
   It takes years to train as a Wizard and by the time Jake J joined the ranks of the White Council the Roaring Twenties had turned into the Dirty Thirties.  Deciding to call on his old haunts, Jake J went all out.  He borrowed a car, wore the suit that Alexander Wellsworth had bought him as a graduation present, and conjured bling.  He conjured a gold "watch" (not the actual watch, just the casing) and a gold chain to link it to his belt, a pinkie ring, diamond studded gold cufflinks, an emerald tie pin - if it was a piece of jewellery that a man could wear he conjured it.

   Going home he found that his siblings were either dead or in prison, which dashed the hopes of impressing them.  Even the girls were gone - from childbirth, accidents, or domestic violence.  Unfortunately there others who saw him and hated the fact that he impressed them - none of those no account Chambers boys had any right to come back wearing better clothes than them and having more money, especially with the Depression on.  It wasn't right - it wasn't natural for a piece of trash to be their equal (or better).

   Jake's first knowledge of this resentment was when *Guest Star* burst into Jake's motel room with important news.

   (Note: If there isn't another long lived character then it's a character's grandfather or great-grandfather - and any sort of minority works well in this role, including a Catholic, Jew, or other "non-Christian".)

   The news was dire; the men of the town were gathering.  They hadn't decided yet if they were going beat Jake and take his money to teach him his place or beat him, take his money, and kill him as a lesson to others not to get above their place in life.  *Guest Star* was also on the mob's list, for another reason (one involving a lonely wife), and hoped that he could escape the county by however Jake was leaving.  Jake knew that most of his valuable would fade after another sunset, but by then he'd be dead.  With the mob already in sight Jake took the slightly less dangerous option and, along with *Guest Star* he escaped into the Nevernever.

   From the motel room they found themselves in a potentate's place.  Jake had thought his mentor lived well, but this place opened his eyes to a level of luxury that Jake had never previously been able to envision.  Adventures followed, including a chase bit that looked like scene from an Abbot and Costello movie as they were comically pursued through the seraglio.

   When the pair finally escaped and returned to the real world, they were fifty miles and three days away from where they had entered.  On returning to Earth, Jake made a vow - that he owed *Guest Star* his life and *Guest Star* (or his family) could cash that in for a number of lessor favours.  Secretly, Jake also vowed that he would live the good life - with his target set by the other world luxury he had just seen.

Aspect: I Want It All And I Want It Now!

Guest Star: Whose Path Have You Crossed? (Details to be filled in later)
It depends on who you want him to work with.  Odds are you'll want the roles to be sometime recent, so here's a rough timeline for Jake J:
30's - vows to live comfortably - begins to use magic to do so.
40's - ignores the war; his upbringing not instilling many patriotic feelings.  Instead he uses powers to go prospecting, finding mineral deposits that provide wealth in the mundane world.
50's - posing as a semi-respectable businessman, Jake J transfers most of his wealth to a trust - allowing him to reinvent himself as needed.  His plan is to build a small palace/good sized mansion every couple of decades in a new city in a new state, making only local waves as he does so.  The buildings would have to be designed around Jake J's problems with technology, but a rich eccentric can be catered to.

This a plan that gets delayed a bit when Hugh Hefner opens the first Playboy Club - Jake becomes a member and later a visitor to the mansion, stopping only in the mid 70s when his unaging face attracts too much attention.

60's - as the counter culture spread, Jake J lost the respect of many on the White Council when he seemed to join it.  He never thought that the hippies could change the world but enjoyed their sex and drugs lifestyles for a while.
70's - it was the Swinging 70s, and Jake J swung with the swingers.  Jake J also reinvented his identity and moved into a new luxury home.
80's - Jake J had a small coke problem, but he beat it.  He also had a bit of an AIDS scare and developed a thaumaturgy ritual to protect himself from STDs, conjuring condoms until it was perfected.
90's - Jake couldn't take advantage of the Internet Bubble, but he had fun spending money and partying with the new millionaires.

   The new millennium started off well, then disaster hit.  Not the dot com bubble bursting, his wealth is too diverse for that.  No, some idiot boy wizard pissed off an entire vampire court and wouldn't make it better.  Jake's first inkling of the problem was when his latest palace was attacked.  Of course he had mundane security to deal with the riffraff, but they were merely a speed bump for the Red Court assault squad.  But a useful speed bump - it gave Jake a chance to flee.  To run for his life, just as he had once ran from a mob.  All his money meant nothing as the Red Court took his luxuries from him.

   Since then life has been relatively hell.  With many of his possessions in storage, Jake has had to live in existing mansions rather than custom built ones.  Of course this plays hell on the building's electronics (at least one of his rented mansions has caught fire) and existing this way frustrates the hell out of him.  He still has the money, but he doesn't have the entire lifestyle and the only reason he had the money was to live the lifestyle.

Sample aspects could include  "I'm Here - Start the Party", "Money Doesn't Buy Happiness But At Least You Can Choose Your Misery", "I've Got People For That", "Party Time!" - or anything else that makes sense to the group.

Power Level: Submerged
Skill Cap: Superb
Skill Points: 35
Starting Refresh: 10
Adjusted Refresh: 1


Resources: Superb (He likes his comforts)

Discipline: Great (he's still a Wizard of the White Council)
Lore: Great (Conjures more than he uses Evocation)

Conviction: Good (self-image problems)
Deceit: Good (He builds false lives out of webs of lies)
Rapport: Good (He's good at getting people to open up)

Athletics: Fair (keeps himself in fair shape)
Intimidation: Fair (loves to tear into supercilious people)
Presence: Fair
Scholarship: Fair (He never had much learning, at least not compared to most wizards)

Alertness: Average (he hates surprises)
Craftsmanship: Average (sometimes he has to build his own devices)
Fists: Average (early lessons that stayed with him)
Weapons: Average (mostly knives)
Survival: Average (childhood lessons that stayed with him)

Stunts and powers

Resources Stunt: Lush Lifestyle.

Invocation (-3) (Speciality Spirit (power bonus), Fire, Earth)
The Sight (–1)
Soulgaze (–0)
Thaumaturgy (-3) (Conjuration, for conjuring things he can't buy)
Wizard’s Constitution (–0)
Refinement (-1) - Air Evocation (Power) - giving him an element of surprise; since few wizards bother adding another element few suspect him of having four to call on.  Oddly enough, he generally keeps Earth as the surprise one.

Classic Pinkie Ring of Spirit (Focus for Spirit (Power, offensive) +1)
   This wouldn't look out of place in the 1920s.  Today it's less fashionable but Jake J has a sentimental attachment to it.  This was the first piece of real jewellery that Jake J bought.  A small diamond sparkles on the ring.

<Missing Item>

Maybe another focus, but could be a couple more enchanted items, or an item and a potion slot.

Focus Item
Cup of Wisdom (Conjuration Focus, Lore +1)
   When Jake J is about to conjure something he often sips from his cup of wisdom to cut prep time a bit.

Enchanted Items:
Jacuzzi Motor
   Jake J likes to soak in a hot tub (often with company), but hot tubs don't like him.  They are always burning out, water jets pumping too hard or too soft, things break down at the worse possible times.  After one too many hot tub failures he decided to replace it magic.  True, he could use a Thaumaturgy rite to get the water going, but who has time cast one of those when you want soak? Plus the duration is usually too short or too long.  No, he uses his Craftsmanship skills and magic to rip out the motor and replace it with this device/  And if he can't get a hot tub, the motor can be used to spruce up a normal tub (if its large enough).  Just tape this to the side of the sunken tub, small pool, what have you.  The problem is it doesn't work as well when used as in a makeshift way.  Without spouts built into the tub's walls the water just circulates.  Better than nothing, but not what he wants (and what's the sense of having cash if you can't get what you want?).

Water Heater Element
   Not being able to live in custom designed mansions means that water heaters don't always work.  Jake J detests cold showers, hating them enough to craft this item.  Jake J jury-rigs the device to the water heater and is thus ensured of hot water when the heater breaks down.  It's a magic item that doesn't help when foes are breaking down the door, but comfort is important.  Life has to be worth living to live, right?

Name: Spare Hand
Type: Air Evocation, maneuver
Area: What he wants to pick up
   Jake J uses this rote to avoid getting up.  Minor magic might move light objects, but Jake J really doesn't like to get up just to fetch things.  Use Power in place of Might when lifting objects with this spell.  Note that this is the last of his comfort centric rotes and he refuses to replace it with something more effective in combat.

Name: Gotta Run
Type: Spirit Evocation, Defensive block (Veil)
Area: Self
Power: 4 - 3 for the block, 1 for extra duration
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: An observer’s Alertness skill
   Lately Jake J has seen the need to be able to flee in safety.  Reluctantly he dropped one of his more entertaining rotes for this one.

Name: Die You Red Court Bastard, Die!
Type: Spirit Evocation, Attack
Power: 5
Duration: 1 exchange
Area: One target
   A beam of energy that blasts his enemies.  Since the war began, Jake J has been forced to practice his fighting skills and this is the result.  He named the spell this because he views those he has to fight as evil bastards who need have dragged him away from the good things in life, forcing him to fight for his life.

Name: Don't Hurt Me I'm Rich!
Type: Spirit evocation, defensive block
Power: 4
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Deflects incoming attack. If overcome, it vanishes.
   This is your basic shield spell.  Yes, Jake J often screams that when an attack is incoming.  Occasionally it's resulted in a bidding war - as he offers to pay low class thugs more than their current employer can afford.

Thaumaturgy spells:
   Most of his more practised spells deal with his own enjoyment.  He has one that protects him from socially transmitted diseases, ones to cook meals, ones to clean house, and so on.  Others deal with him conjuring the things that he doesn't want to (or can't) buy.  Unique objets d′art are present when he needs them and fade when he doesn't.  Waterbeds are added to rooms when he wants them.  Fresh clothes appear as needed.  Then there's the revenge thing.

   When Jake J feels like screwing with "the good people" (people of good breeding, like those who never allowed him to forget that he and his family were nothing but trash) he'll conjure something valuable.  A diamond bracelet, gold necklace, something along those lines, and pass it along.  Maybe he'll sell it to them at good price (to deal with a temporary cash flow problem), give it as a gift, or allow one of them to accidentally walk off with it.  In any case the item will only last a week - long enough to be appraised and insured, or to be sold to someone else.  Imagine, an expensive thing like that - gone! Maybe a servant took it or maybe it was another family member.  Of course it has to be an inside job - that was the only thing taken from the safe! Or maybe it's someone trying a bit of insurance fraud with a non-existent item? Jake J can get days of enjoyment from the fallout of one these "pranks".

   No, Jake J isn't always the nicest person in the world - and the old scars linger the longest.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #144 on: December 13, 2011, 02:16:45 AM »
Jake J is not happy that his comfortable lifestyle has been interrupted.  If the "throw Harry to the Red Court" motion had gone to a vote in Summer Knight, Jake J would have voted in favour of it.  After all, why should he have to suffer just because some wet behind the ears wizard had his girlfriend munched?

As a result of the war, Jake J has gone from living in specially designed mini-palaces to living tech crowded mansions and he doesn't like it.  Worse, sometimes he has to live in hotel rooms to avoid Red Court attacks, which means his wards are often weak (or require too much of his time to maintain).  Not that the Red Court (or anyone else) has specifically targeted him, but in their eyes he's easy picking.  Or would be, if he wasn't so good at running away.

Often he has a handful of interchangeable female companions accompanying him.  No spells are involved; they accompany him for the usual reason bleached blonde girls like to "travel" with wealthy men.  He doesn't pay them, not really, but lets them go on "shopping sprees" where they can buy whatever they want.  He doesn't treat them any better or worse than the average Superbly wealthy man would treat them.  Sometimes he'll send them away, especial if he thinks that they might be in danger.  They shouldn't be treated as useful servants - virtually none of them are clued in nor would Jake J endanger them by involving them in supernatural world.  Not does he particularly care for them - they are merely trappings of his wealthy lifestyle (and distractions from the cares of the world) - but he doesn't want to see them get hurt.

Ways to tie him into the story:
His former mentor is concerned about him and sends the PCs to help him out - and he needs their help.

His former mentor is dead and Jake J needs help seeking revenge.  He knows that he isn't a combat wizard, but Alexander Wellsworth lifted Jake J from a life of poverty and Jake J pays his debts.

One of his old party pals runs into him and doesn't believe that Jake J is his old friend's son or nephew.  Normally Jake J has people to handle these situations, but now he needs help.

One of the PCs is linked to one of Jake J's party girls and wants rescue her, but neither Jake J nor the girl thinks she needs rescuing - at least until the Red Court (or some other attacker) shows up.

One of the PCs is linked to him as guest stars or are descended of the guest star that helped him in 1930s.  If they call in a favour Jake J pays it back.  Say what you want about the Chambers family but this one believes in paying his debts - as long as it doesn't get him killed.

The PCs need a patron to pay the bills.  Jake J needs someone to take care of "a few, minor things".  Think they can work out a deal?

Jake J has relocated (again!) and needs the PCs to introduce him around this new city.  If any of them are White Council brothers he'll call on that as his in, otherwise he'll talk about future favours or cash.  After they introduce him to the supernatural side of the city he's liable to introduce him to the more entertaining side of their city, throwing a lavish party for them (complete with fire-eaters and dancers).  Which would be the perfect time for an attack - wouldn't it?

A White Council Wizard (or someone connected to the White Council) that the PCs know needs the kind of help that money can buy and seeks Jake J for the aid he can provide.  Something happens to their ally and the only clue they have is that their friend was going to see Jake J.

Jake J has decided that he has the time to screw with someone from "a good family".  He conjures something worth about $10,000 and sells it to the mark for $5,000.  Not that he needs the money - he just wants to see the fallout when the item disappears.  Chaos happens and the PCs get drawn in - maybe they know the mark, the mark's family, or a servant accused of the theft? Jake J doesn't care about the fallout, mostly because of his decades old emotional scars.

Something happened 30 (or 50, or 70) years ago and the person the PCs need to ask about it is Jake J.  Can they get him to stop partying long enough to aid them?

Someone has grabbed one of Jake J's party girls and is holding her for ransom.  The amount they want isn't a high one but he'd rather pay twice that to the PCs to rescue her.  Possible twist - what if the girl has staged a kidnapping to get some cash from Jake J?

A former party girl has a baby and she says that it's Jake J's - and she needs the PCs to help her prove paternity.  If it is his, will Jake J throw money at the problem or change and become a dad?

As above, but it's not a baby.  Jake J has been partying for decades and might have fathered a child anytime from the 40s/50s onward.  Lots of comic potential if the child is still a kid, maybe some awkwardness if it's a teen, and a bit of confusion if it's a senior doing genealogy research.

Jake J turned his back on his family, but that doesn't mean they faded away.  The magic's in his bloodline, right? So maybe a cousin or someone descended from one of his many siblings has the power - and is either a practitioner who needs help or a warlock who needs stopping.  The PCs are involved in the situation before Jake J hears about what's going on with his kin.

As above, only it's a legacy.  A spell caster of the Chambers bloodline is needed to do something (open an old treasure vault, renew the binding on terrible creature) and the only person who fits the bill is too busy partying to take the issue seriously.

Should the war with the Red Court seem to end, Jake J isn't going to believe it's over.  No, he was taken by surprise once and that's not going to happen again (at least not for decade).  He's now war weary with the fear of random attack has been beaten deep inside him.  He might recruit the PCs to help him "defend" against the "Hidden elements of the Red Court".

Should the war end and peace not come, he'll be very upset.  He planned to return to his old life and now he can't.  He'll need help in defending against any new, non-Red Court attackers - mostly because he's not quick to change and will continue to defend against the type of things the Red Court would do rather than the new threat.

(Note: he was originally posted at,29167.msg1249386.html#msg1249386 - where there is a brief discussion of him.  And yes, his powers could be used in so many better ways - but he just wants to have a good time.)

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #145 on: December 13, 2011, 02:19:32 AM »
Note: This character was inspired by the "is using a veil when killing breaking the first law" discussion.  When I started this I was using the name "Doomkiller" as a placeholder - and never thought of a better one.  It probably should be replaced... then again, since the entity is petty and small minded, a melodramatic name like "Doomkiller" could work.

Name: Nelson Gordon (Silent Night)
Template: Scion
High Concept Aspect: A Made Bastard Of the Nevernever
Trouble: Hi, My Name is Nelson and I'm An Addict
   Nelson Gordon grew up without a home.  He was dropped off at an orphanage in 1946 when he was about a year old; more or less.  Papers left with him provided his name but not his age.  It was assumed that Nelson was either abandoned by his parents (perhaps by a war widow) or was illegitimate and thus an object of shame.  Maybe it the possible stain of illegitimacy or just the abundance of younger babies but he was never selected for adoption.  Then again, maybe it was the ... it was hard to put words to it, but there was a kind of shadow over the boy's life.

   Not that this taint was always a bad thing.  Back in those days orphanages often attracted predators and at Nelson's orphanage there was a janitor who liked taking kids down to the boiler room.  One day that janitor invited Nelson down there but before the man was able to make an issue of it that janitor disappeared.  As did any who presented a real threat to Nelson.  No one made anything of it at time but they might have it things were more pronounced.  Nelson suffered the normal traumas of youth (schoolyard fights, the usual types of beatings from the staff) without any sort of guardian angel intervention but threats that were more serious than those were neutralised.

Background Aspect: Touched by Shadows

Rising Conflict:
   Nelson was strange boy growing up, but things became stranger as he began to mature.  Like that time when he hit his early teens and looked across the orphanage yard.  He had seen Mary countless times growing up, but this time he noticed how nice her dress looked.  How shapely it was.  His mind was filled with the idea of walking over to her, of getting her some place alone, of running his hands over her dress - working their way to her lovely neck and squeezing it and squeezing it until her face her turned blue and purple and...

   The other boys talked enough for Nelson to know that it was normal to want to touch Mary but not normal to want to kill her.  Very not normal.  Then the dreams started, dreams were filled with darkness, blood, and death.  That and a majestic figure cheering it all on.  Nelson began to fear night, to fear his dreams, to fear the feelings that girls were awakening in him.

   One night things got too much to bear and Nelson ran from the orphanage.  Not that he was leaving all that early; it wouldn't have been long before he was kicked out to do farm work or otherwise forced into gainful employment.  Because of that no one really looked for him.  Well, no one but his father and his father was the being in the dreams.

   Many dreams and some experiments later, Nelson was standing bodily in the hall of Doomkiller.  Soon after meeting him, Nelson concluded that his father was a mortal who had somehow achieved power - that no real god or godling could be such a petty being.  Doomkiller might be all-powerful in his hall but Nelson soon learned that Doomkiller never left that hall.  Never dared to face other powers that might equal or surpass him.

   The more Nelson learned about the being that had sired him the less respect Nelson had for it.  Doomkiller wasn't just a murderer, he was a rapist who murdered.  No woman survived him.  Either they died in his bed or months later, when they gave birth.  The child swelling within them would leach their life energy, taking the last of it at birth.  Doomkiller bragged that no woman was ever with him twice or with another man after him and that he had dozens of sons scattered around the world, each of them killing and raping in his name.  All of them armed with Doomkillers 'gifts'.  What gifts? That depended on the son.  Some were given physical powers and others mystic one while all received the darkness.

   When he asked about his mother, Doomkiller was frank - he didn't remember the woman's name or what she looked like.

   Nelson chose the mystic path.  Powers were granted to him by this father, through blood and deed.  As he claimed them Nelson felt a part of himself changing and ... Something happened to his eyes.  Since then some people had said that they caught glimpses of his eyes when they looked like cat's eyes, or solid black, or red, or... Whatever the case, Nelson now wears sunglasses all the time. [Note - this change to his eyes isn't constant enough to be an aspect on its own but is part of his Scion high concept for compells.]

   It was only after he returned to the real world that Nelson learned of the other powers that existed in the world.  Of the White Council, their Laws of Magic, and their Wardens.  Nelson decided that since he wasn't human those laws didn't apply to him - but was quick to realise that if he went around killing people the Wardens would probably track him down and kill him.  That he might have power, but they had more and if he went mad dog then they would kill him - as they had killed countless of his half-brothers over the years.
Aspect: Inhuman Sorcerer

First Story:
   Nelson had a need to kill and inflict pain, he had the means to do it, but he also had the brains not to.  He was smart enough to recognise that if he was a mad dog killer someone bigger would come along and put him down.  The White Council, another predator, or that the cops could get lucky.  That he needed to control his urges before they got him killed.

   He stumbled on part of the answer while sleeping in a park.  While he was staying there he ran into a man who smoked constantly - smoking so he wouldn't start drinking again - and another who chewed gum to keep from smoking.  Later he met another man who drank to control his heroin cravings.  From them he learned the concept of sublimation of addictions, support systems, and 12 step programs.  Of course there was no group called "Killers Anonymous" but Nelson found that if he kept his wording vague he could fit in with the drug addicts.  Especially if he focused on the RUSH of feelings and energy and pleasure and...

   After he started to attend meetings on an irregular bases, Nelson searched out ways to dull his needs, to sublimate them into something vaguely more acceptable.   Nelson had grown up hearing about mob hit men and that seemed like a good place to start in his quest to find a way to kill without becoming a mad dog.  As he began to move in criminal circles, Nelson found a place where his creepiness was more of an asset than an hindrance.  Joining the fringes of that world, Nelson was shocked to learn that (with very rare exceptions) bruisers and hit men didn't enbjoy inflicting pain or killing people - that it was generally just about the money.  Sometimes it was about money and respect but mostly it was the money.  A man didn't pay you what he owed you? Then you threaten him with a beating.  Sometimes you have to beat someone, just so the rest of the people who owe know that you're serious, but most times you just threatened because, well, how is the guy going to pay you back if he's in the hospital? Someone owes a hell of a lot and won't pay? Threaten to kill him but he can't pay if he's dead now can he?

   Of course examples needed to be made and problems "dealt with", but there was far less violence in the criminal underworld than Nelson had been led to believe.  Luckily there was friction between various groups; Nelson got his start as hit man dealing with various ethnic groups whose gangs didn't "respect" the Don.  Even then it was often about money - whether it was a drug debt or protection money, the victim could have bought his way out.

   The first time that Nelson was trusted to deal with a "make him pay or make him go" situation on his own he knew this might be his one chance to impress people.  Using his powers to veil himself, Nelson ramped the spell up to the point where it could survive passing uninvited through a threshold.  Then he snuck into the man's house and took pictures, lots of pictures.  Pictures of the man sleeping, of the man's wife sleeping, pictures of the man's children sleeping, and (just to avoid confusion) a picture that showed a gun and a hand-written note.  The note said simply "Pay your debts" because Nelson couldn't think of an "or else" he could add that wouldn't subtract from the impact that the pictures would make.

   The man paid and Nelson was noticed.  He was given other work.

   A few mouths later the job was a man named Maritti and that man ignored the photos. Maritti had buried a couple of corpses in shallow graves and decided he was tough enough that no one could force him to pay what he owed on a 10 kilo shipment of smack.  Nelson took another set of pictures, this time including photos of the Maritti's wife as she ran errands and Maritti's kids as they played in their schoolyard.  He gathered the photos, added a note reading "Three Day Grace Period", and left it by Maritti's pillow.  The morning of the fourth day, the Maritti's wife awoke to discover that she was sleeping with a corpse - that someone had used a silenced pistol to put two bullets in the back of her husband's head while he slept.

   That got him noticed more.  Getting in, not making a fuss, getting out - that impressed the people who mattered.  As for Maritti's family, there had never been a serious threat against them.  You threaten to kill a man's children and he pays but if you actually kill a kid, that's when things fall apart.  That was when the target either tries to kill you or talks to the cops or otherwise doesn't pay you - and getting payment is what matters.

   Becoming a trusted enforcer for the mob was good for him.  Nelson knew that he would never be a made guy, that he didn't have the right ethnic background for that, but now he had someone deciding who he should kill.  As a bonus, the mob rarely involved civilians in its business - meaning that the bulk of the people Nelson killed were murderers and virtually all of them were criminals who even other criminals agreed needed killing.

   Killing with a gun didn't feed his cravings, but it dulled them enough to keep Nelson from killing with his bare hands.  He now had rules and there was a structure to his life that he could use to fight his urges.  He wasn't some mad dog killer but the enforcement arm of a business - and that's was what counted.
Aspect: It's Always About The Money

(Note: there's no guest star here.  This part of his story happens in the 60s so unless you have long lived characters it's a bit early for a guest star.  If you do then you can work in a character running into Nelson while he's working.)

Guest Star roles should be fairly recent ones and based off his normal activities, which have changed a bit over the years.  He has worked for decades for the Palladino family but over those years the world has changed in ways that no one could have expected.  The 60s involved a struggle with other ethnic groups, but after that came the bikers and more ethnic competition.  The Haitians, the Vietnamese, the Triads, and an endless supply of bikers have tried moving in on the Palladino family's operations.  When possible Palladino family work out a profit sharing arrangement, when that wasn't possible, well it was always about the money.  That and respect, which meant that Nelson has had quite a bit of work over the years.  Always striking at night, always using a silenced weapon, Nelson has become the legend known to organised crime experts as Silent Night.

   Of course, he's never been made a full member of the group so he can't work on Made Guys, but there are few people who remember that.  Old Man Palladino knows, him and a few other Old Timers, but most assume that Silent Night is a Made Guy.  That or a crew that all uses the same methods.  The local version of Murder Incorporate.

   As Nelson grew into the role of a mob extortionist and murderer, he developed other skills.  Photography, stalking targets, following people.  Sometime in the 70s he developed another source of income - working as professional dominant brings in money while sating part of his appetite for pain.  He has also gone a number of monster hunts, protecting his boss' territory from other predators - during which time he may have crossed paths of PCs.  Not that he hunts monsters for idealist reasons, he does it to protect his boss.  Nelson needs someone else to decide when to kill, someone to pick his targets, and that someone can't tell Nelson what to do if some Red Court vampire has its claws into his boss.

   His boss, Old Man Palladino, makes the decisions for Nelson.  Who lives, who dies, when, and how.  Old Man Palladino knows who and what Nelson is, about Nelson's urges to murder with his bare hands, and how tightly Nelson keeps those desires under control.  That he's the one who gives Nelson the permission Nelson needs to kill.

Sample Aspects could include "Hungry for Pain", "Just Doing My Job", "The Old Ways Are The Best", "Family Comes First"

Power Level: Submerged
Skill Cap: Superb
Skill Points: 35
Starting Refresh: 10
Adjusted Refresh: 2

Guns: Superb - he kills with a gun; it's not how he wants to kill but it's how he allows himself to do it.

Discipline: Great - he needs this keep himself from killing without orders.
Lore: Great - he's studied what he is and what else is out there.

Burglary: Good - he routinely breaks into homes.
Conviction: Good - years of self-examination has left him in the position where he knows who he is.
Stealth: Good - he knows how to sneak even when he's not veiled.

Alertness: Fair
Deceit: Fair
Fists: Fair - he's ready to kill with his bare hands, but doesn't.
Resources: Fair - his job pays well he spends enough to indulge in every vice except the one he wants most.

Contacts: Average - organised crime.
Craftsmanship: Average - makes his own silencers.
Endurance: Average
Investigation: Average - finding information about his targets,
Performance: Average - photography (including developing the photos).

Oddly enough, he lacks Intimidation.  His methods speak for themselves and he rarely gets in close and personal with his targets.

Stunts and powers
Lore: Finely Tuned Third Eye
Stealth: Swift and Silent

Wizard’s Constitution [-0]
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Sponsored Magic: Doomkiller Kin [-4] - magic dealing darkness, death, deception, illusions, veils, and things of that nature.  Sunlight is anathema to Doomkiller's power - washing away a step every 30 minutes the spell is in direct sunlight.

Item of Power: Doomkiller's Amulet
Description: A metal amulet that "glows" with a faint darkness.
Musts: This is one of several amulets forged by Doomkiller for his by-blows.  To date they have only been used by his descendants.  Perhaps they can be used by others, perhaps not.  In either case Doomkiller might send agents to deal with any non-relative who tries to use this.  Or he might not.
[-0] It Is What It Is.
[-0] Unbreakable. Doomkiller's Amulet cannot be destroyed save by an impressive ritual of the Light.
[+1] One-Time Discount.  Doomkiller's Amulet is easily concealed.
[–6] Mythic Recovery
[+4] Catch Sunlight (common, easy to discover).  Sunlight is the antithesis of Doomkiller's power. Injuries suffered under the light of the sun can not be healed by the amulet.  Exposure to sunlight renders the amulet useless for up to five minutes.
Net Cost [-1].
During the late 70s, Nelson was involved in a "misunderstanding" involving a debate over whether a couple of kids should die gruesome deaths because their father gave state's evidence.  His disagreement over that happening (and refusal to do the job) resulted in Nelson being shot in both kneecaps.  Crawling away, Nelson was forced to return to his father for aid.  Doomkiller offered aid but not until Nelson "proved" that he truly wanted it.  Seventeen kills was the task that Doomkiller deemed an appropriate show of devotion.  Shattered kneecaps didn't make it easy and no one was giving him orders (or permission) but 17 killers died under Nelson's gun to show that he really wanted to be able to walk without crutches.  Now he generally wears the amulet under his shirt.
Note: since he can lose the IoP it doesn't replace his Wizard’s Constitution.
Second Note: This only really has to grant Inhuman Recovery but the gamer in me couldn't help but notice that it would only cost -1 regardless of whether it was Inhuman Recovery, Supernatural Recovery, or Mythic Recovery so went with the most powerful option.  Feel free to downgrade it in your games.

Ring of Veils (Focus, Lore +1)
Nelson's standard methods depend on his Veils.  He's become very good with them.

Six "potion" slots:
Nelson likes to keep his options open.  True, he can cast a limited form of Thaumaturgy at the speed of Evocation, but sometimes he doesn't have time to manage that so prepares tricks ahead of time.  Some of them are actual potions while others are disposal charms.  He generally has two backup veils prepared and something to open a way to the Nevernever.  Lore rolls can determine the others.

In addition to veils, Nelson does what he calls "EMP".  He claims to have a series of small devices that generate powerful EMP fields, the perfect way of foiling bugs and other surveillance devices, but in fact he just casts powerful hexes (destroying tech is destroying, so it's something his magic can do).  Powerful enough that they fry the listening devices that have taken down so many in his profession.  Of course the "EMP" also destroys the electronics of his allies (including digital watches, smart phones, etc) but Nelson views that as an acceptable loss.

Using him in play:
   He's not a hero but not really a villain.  The mob never sends him out to deal with civilians so Nelson knows that he "deals" only with criminals.  Criminals who have come up short either in respect or cash (and cash is a sign of respect) when dealing with the Palladino family.  He thinks that a few of his targets might not have been killers but knows that few men have the balls to stand up to the Palladinos without first having made their bones.  He's a killer killing killers, nothing more.

   Nelson and his controller follow the old code.  No killing cops, no killing civilians, no killing Made Guys, and no killing without the boss' say so.  At least that's how Old Man Palladino sees thing.  Occasionally Nelson will allow something to become personal (i.e. terrifies or kills without orders) but even when something's personal Nelson won't allow himself to kill anyone he considers an innocent.  Doing so might be the thin edge of the wedge that turns him into a mad dog and he doesn't dare risk that.

   But Nelson's way of life is shifting, introducing chaos where Nelson needs order.  The main problem is that Old Man Palladino is now an old man.  His sons, well, in that business the end is usually prison or death and the Palladino boys didn't end up in jail.  The good news is they left him with grandkids.

   The bad news? Those grandkids.
(continued next message)

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #146 on: December 13, 2011, 02:20:08 AM »
   In the first place there's too many of them and in the second place they didn't grow up hungry.  They think that they know what's needed to run a crime family but they lack the hunger that put Old Man Palladino in the boss' seat. One of them is the head of a tech company - maybe he has a brain, maybe he doesn't, but he's got Family money backing him.  Another one's a lawyer, a few of them are in legitimate fields, then there are the ones who think that they had what it takes to run the family business.  A couple of the challengers are even girls.  Old Man Palladino is okay with the idea of a girl taking over the family business but concerned over the number of claimants.  He knows that most of them don't have what it takes and wishes that fewer of them were making their moves.  He even hopes that most of them live through the change of guard of but he's a realist.  He knows that some of them are going to be too stupid to back down and his real hope is that those ones can have open caskets at their funerals.  He would hate to have to order (or even authorise) a hit on one of them, but when the thing is what the thing is then what are you going to do?

   All of this presents a problem for Nelson.  He needs someone to give him his orders.  Someone to select his targets.  Now he has too many people vying for his attention.  Most times his orders come via cut outs and he doesn't always know which member of the Pallandino family is issuing the orders.

   As his ordered life descends into chaos, Nelson tries to keep to the tactics that he's built his life around.  He gets a name (and usually an address) and goes to work.  He casts as powerful a veil as he can - knowing that the threshold will rip part of it away.  He either follows someone into the house or slips in with his Burglary skill.  Sometimes the threshold rips away too much and he has to drink a potion to give himself a new veil, but he always manages.  Once inside he waits patiently until the family goes to sleep, then he creeps from room to room with a camera (film, not digital).  After taking photos of the family sleeping, Nelson slips out of the house.

   Once home he develops the film, selects appropriate photos, and puts them in an envelope with a note that says something like "pay your debts" or "respect the agreement".  Then he slips back into the house and leaves this "polite reminder" behind.  Sometimes he even puts the envelope on the pillow next to the sleeping target.

   Most times that's enough.  If the target doesn't come running, begging to be allowed to make payments, then Nelson makes a second trip.  Often he has to avoid extra security but it's rarely an issue.  He takes more pictures, develops them, but this time the note says something along the lines of "three day grace period".  If no attempts to pay are made by the end of the grace period he returns to finalise the problem.  Normally he carries a pair of silenced weapons, one to use on the target and one to use if he needs to shoot someone later (he hates linking crime scenes).

   Afterwards he takes the used gun(s) and silencer(s) to a blast furnace - destroying all the evidence.

   Then he goes to a meeting.  Every time Nelson kills he attends a NA meeting pretending to be drug addict who got drunk to control his urges.  In a way it's true; Nelson sees them as parallel addictions.  Just as booze is softer than drugs, killing with a gun is softer than killing with his bare hands.  Better than killing the way he wants to.  The way he craves to.  And he doesn't just go after a killing.  No, he tries for a meeting a month, mixing up which ones he attends so no one tracks him.  Sometimes he'll attend AA or other 12 step meetings - since he's already lying about his addiction what's a few more lies if it helps him keep it together?

   In between killings Nelson feeds his desires by being a professional dom, drinking, gambling, and otherwise distracting himself from his inborn need to kill.

   Nelson has lived this way for decades, but (as mentioned above) the old ways are dying.  The mob isn't what it used to be; hungry rivals are always sniffing around looking for an easy mark.  The use of film (necessary because of the amount of hexing he does) marks him as an anachronism.  Worse are the crooked cops, ones who enter the drug trade and expect their badges to give them a pass.  Nelson knows that it's only a matter of time before one of them refuses to pay what he owes and Nelson worries how the Wardens will react over a cop killing - even the killing of a crooked cop.

   Yes, Nelson has encountered Wardens.  They see him as one of countless mercenary thugs, one with more self control than most.  Technically he's probably on their list of things to deal with but he doesn't use magic to kill and he only kills people who deserve killing - which puts him below everything that preys on innocents.  There's some debate over whether he's human enough to be their problem or if he's a less than human predator.  Nelson has never been soul gazed, not with his constant use of sunglasses, and might not be human.  Or maybe he is human and is simply deluding himself over his status.  Regards of if he is an inhuman predator or just another human with odd powers, if Nelson begins killing at random the Wardens will deal with him.

   For his part, Nelson sees the Wardens as his death.  He knows that if he ever gives into the cravings that the Wardens will take him down.  Sometimes that knowledge is the only thing that keeps him from giving into his cravings.

Using him in a game:
(Note: most of these suggestions boil down to: The PCs encounter Nelson.  He's a killer but he only kills other killers.  How to they react?)

- the PCs hear the legend of the unstoppable hit man called Silent Night.  He's just another background element in the city - until someone gets involved with wrong crowd.

- The PCs are in the Nevernever when a portal opens and a semi veiled man ducks through it.  One of Nelson's missions went bad enough that he had to use his backup plan - ducking into the Nevernever and hoping to wind up in a less dangerous situation.  He and his silenced pistols will help the PCs until they all get somewhere safe.  This is a nice, non-hostile way of introducing Nelson to the PCs.

- There's something hunting in the wrong part of town.  The PCs hunt down its lair and discovers that someone else has already dealt with the problem - using silenced pistols to end the threat to his boss' interests.

- There's a monster hunt going on and someone suggests that the PCs could use some extra muscle.  A few phone calls later and Nelson shows up, looking like an old style gangster in a grey suit.  He's not there for idealist reasons but to pay back a favour to someone who helped him defend the Palladino family assets from a different (now dead) monster.  How do the PCs deal react to a mercenary?

- there's a monster that needs fighting.  Red Court / White Court / Black Court - or maybe something else that impacts on the city's sex trade.  The PCs get an unexpected ally - one that disappears when the threat makes a deal with the Pallandino family.  How to the PCs handle this desertion?

- There's an up and coming mobster who runs afoul of the PCs.  Problem is, the mobster's one of Old Man Palladino's heirs and he knows how to tap Silent Night for a job.  Nelson doesn't know why one of the PCs is a target but assumes they are in the rackets.  Nelson does his standard "here are photos of you sleeping" job - how do the PCs react?

- someone comes to the PCs with a sob story; her husband's in trouble and he's dragged the rest of his family in with him.  She's found photos of her family sleeping with a threatening note and she's panicking.  Can the PCs help her? What she doesn't know is that her husband owes six figures for a drug deal that was supposed to set him for life.  The deal went south but the Palladino's want their money - or at least a payment plan.  If the target makes a good faith offer to pay something then Nelson will be called off.  Otherwise the target (but not his family) will die.

- someone a PC vaguely remembers from college needs help.  He's got an envelop full of photos and he's sure that whoever took them had to be something supernatural to get passed his security system.  He knows that the PC has something to do with weird stuff - can he get some help? Of course he's leaving out the suitcase of cash he's got stashed in the trunk of his car, full of money he owes the Palladino family, and the two bodies he buried in a riverbank to get the money.

- The PCs are doing whatever it is they're doing when they stumble over a dead body.  Someone who thought that he was tougher than the Pallandino family was told that he wasn't.  If the PCs get involved they'll learn what kind of a man he was and have to decide if the dead man deserves revenge.

- While Nelson is having fun in Vegas one of the claimants to the Pallandino throne decides to get cute.  He (or she) gets someone to act like a serial killer who uses Silent Night's MO.  Striking at night, using a silenced weapon, just like Nelson.  The only real difference is that the serial killer uses a digital camera and takes the photos after the killing.   That and he (or they) is leaving the name "Silent Night" in blood at the crime scene.  The PCs start dealing with the mess - which gets messier when Nelson gets back in town with orders to reclaim his reputation no matter how many killings it takes to do that.

- the PCs encounter a tech start up that looks like a pump and dump con job.  Someone tried to raise extra cash and now that things have gone bad he's gone running back home looking for backup.  Old Man Palladino, he likes the boy and asks Nelson to straighten things out.  The PCs are left to wonder: How did things go from checking out a high tech con job to being warned off by the mob?

- the PCs are going up against a major lowlife (one with lots of goons working for him) when the lowlife gets targeted by Silent Night.  Maybe the PCs even see one of the envelopes of photos? They think that they have new ally in the fight, but when the lowlife makes peace with the Palladino family the threat goes away.  That, or the lowlife they've almost dealt with is mercilessly killed in his sleep.

- the PCs are in conflict with a lowlife.  When he turns up dead the police are torn - was it the PCs or the near mythical Silent Night? Either way, one of the PCs look like a good fall guy for the crime.

- On the run, the PCs stumble into a N.A. meeting and think it's a nice place to lay low for a while.  Something follows them and interrupts this guy while he's sharing.  When things go bad someone gets marked for revenge.  See, Nelson needed that meeting and doesn't like anyone interrupting him when he's sharing.  He's acting without orders on this one, but sometimes things get personal.

- one of the PCs have an addiction problem or otherwise go to meetings.  That PC runs into a nice, quiet guy who's been fighting his addiction for years.  If the PC is supernatural there's a good chance that Nelson will notice and trail the PC for a while (checking to make sure that the PC isn't a threat).  If there's a monster hunt going on then they might end up with Silent Night for backup.

- An ally of the PC goes to meeting and makes a new friend.  When the PCs call their ally for help they get a bit extra, an average looking guy who's there to help the ally (and maybe the PCs).

- If the PCs are shady then someone comes to them openly admitting that he's a rival of the Pallandino crime family and he needs help.  The Pallandinos have this ghost named Silent Night working for them and the rival want the PCs to help him destroy the legend.

- One of a PC's neighbours wind up dead - shot dead in the night.  It seems that he was involved in the rackets and didn't think that he needed to pay his debts.  A typical gangland slaying.  Do the PCs get involved?

- The PCs stumble across an envelope full of pictures of a family sleeping.  Photos of children sleeping.  That's just plain creepy - do the PCs investigate? If they do they find that the people in the pictures don't want to talk about it.  They owed a debt that they didn't think they could pay - but when they saw those pictures they were inspired.  They found enough money for a down payment and agreed to an instalment plan and they don't want the PCs getting involved in their ongoing criminal activities.  Especially not until they've paid off that debt.

- The PCs hear some details about Silent Night and assume that he's supernatural.  Otherwise, why would he use an old fashion camera in this day and age? As they learn more about him, do they get involved or leave him to kill other killers?

- A PC friend or ally of Nelson is injured and Nelson loans out his amulet.  Does his father get involved?

- One of Nelson's half-brothers hits town.  He's a killer who's only semi in control of his actions.  Nelson tries to help him a bit... A serial killer with boosted physical abilities mixing with a mob hit man with magical abilities - that's not a good picture.
(Note: this was first posted at,30354.0.html and there's a bit commentary there - mainly about typos.)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 02:23:22 AM by Richard_Chilton »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #147 on: December 15, 2011, 02:20:34 PM »
Name: Nozick Branch

High Aspect: Out of work Demonic Henchman Scion   
Trouble: In love with the Opposition
Aspects: Its a bad job (but someone's got to do it), Individuality is my excuse, Mildly Malevolent, Animal Rights Activist

Superb(+5): Discipline, Athletics   
Great(+4): Alertness, Endurance
Good(+3): Might, Conviction
Fair (+2): Presence, Empathy
Average(-1): Lore, Scholarship

For Someone Else's Glory [-2]: You can hide in plain sight by making yourself too unimportant to see. The greater Veils part of Greater Glamours.
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Quick Silver Steel Style: Speed is your strongest attribute and what defines your fighting style , you can use your athletics skill for the close combat trapping of weapons when wielding light slashing weapons (daggers, kukuris etc).
Knives, Knives, Knives: Weapon wielding a pair of daggers add plus two to your weapons rating.   

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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #148 on: December 15, 2011, 07:07:34 PM »
Not a huge fan of the Athletics attack stunt. But otherwise I like him.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #149 on: December 15, 2011, 08:41:23 PM »
Not a huge fan of the Athletics attack stunt. But otherwise I like him.

Yes, using Athletics as an attack is a textbook example of an overpowered Stunt, simply because Athletics is already a lynchpin skill with a lot of utility: tacking an attack onto it is considered abusive, but YMMV.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets