Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 105720 times)

Offline Llayne

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #120 on: August 08, 2011, 11:12:51 PM »
(My second character, although he's never been played. Still want to though. There's a lower refresh version floating around from a Neutral Grounds game)

Matthias Ulysses Turner
AKA: Matt, Matty, Mutt (derogatory)
High Aspect: “Wizardling of the White Council”
Trouble: “Teen Angst”
Other Aspects: “My Mom, the Apothecary” “I did my fieldwork in a lab” “Brave when I need to be... usually.” “Crystal, Gamer Girl and Secret Crush.” "It’s not OCD!”

Superb: Lore, Conviction
Great: Discipline, Scholarship
Good: Performance, Craftsmanship
Fair: Empathy, Athletics
Average: Driving, Endurance.

Mortal Stunts and Powers:
Evocation (Spirit, Fire, Earth) -3
Thaumaturgy -3
The Sight -1
Soul gaze -0
Wizards Constitution -0

-Elements (Spirit, Fire, Earth)
-Control (Spirit +1)
-Crafting (Strength +1)

Total Refresh Cost -7

Adjusted Refresh: 1

Focus Items:
-The One Ring: +1 control and power for Escal (1 focus slot)
-Folding Gandalf the White Staff: +1 Spirit offensive power and control (2 focus slots)
-Arwen's Evenstar Necklace: Alertness Great (+4) for 2 exchanges, 2 uses per session (1 enchanted item slot)
-Counter-spell Bracelet: Fantastic (+6) counter spell, 1 use per session (1 enchanted item slot)

-6 year old mountain bike
-large collection of various geeky items
-White Council robes and Blue Stole

Paur (Spirit, evocation, offensive, attack) Shifts 6 (tied to staff)
Escal(Spirit, evocation, defense, block/veil) Shifts 6 (tied to ring)
Glawar (Spirit, evocation, offense, maneuver) Shifts 6 "Blinded" (tied to staff)
Cam (Spirit, evocation, offensive, maneuver) Shifts 6 “Tripped”/”Disarmed”/etc  (tied to staff)
Ram (Spirit, evocation, defense, block/armor) 5 shifts

Physical: OOO
Social: OO
Mental: OOOO +1 mild consequence

High Concept: Wizardling of the White Council
I’ve passed the wizard trials and been accorded full rights and responsibilities of a Wizard of the Council... sort of.
Invoke: to gain strength from the knowledge that I met all the requirements to become a wizard. To call for aid from the council.
Compel: Many believe I should not have been granted full wizard status. Many others treat me as little better than an apprentice. My voice carries little voice within the Council.

Trouble Aspect: “Teen Angst”
I’m 16, almost a man. I don’t need to be babied; I can take care of myself. I mean I can’t drive, vote, drink, or afford my own place, but yeah  I can take care of myself.
Invoke: to use the fact that I’m just a teenager to my advantage.
Compel: whenever the sucky parts of being a kid come into play. Curfew, school, etc…

Background:Just a normal, New Age childhood.
Aspect: “My Mom, the Apothecary”
My mom (Valerie) is the daughter of hippies, and a full fledge earth mother/new age eclectic herself. She has an apothecary shop in Old Town, so I was grew up around a lot of ‘odd’ people with ‘odd’ ideas. She sells a lot to tourists and the New Age/Goth kids in the area, but also serves as a general store/trading post for a lot of the minor practitioners as well. We live in Upper Fells Point, about a block away from Patterson Park. She has our basement locked and I’m never let down there. From the smell I think she might be brewing potions, but who knows  maybe she’s just growing a mutant strain of pot. I’ve smelled THAT coming from her room on more than on occasion.
Invoke: To use her contacts, to raid her store, for room and board, to get a ride.
Compel: She’s my mom for crying out loud, they cause all sorts of trouble.

Rising Conflict: My dorky dreams come true
Aspect: “I did my fieldwork in a lab”
I was forced into child labor at a young age  first stocking shelves at my mom’s shop, then running errands and making deliveries. It was on a delivery that I met my first real wizard. (Edmund Timmons) He saw that I had the potential to be a wizard, and after a very long talk with my mother (which I was not privy to) I became his apprentice. Well, one of them. I was 11 years old, and the other apprentice (Derek Jacobs) was 17. He was a complete dick. Picture a jock with magic powers and you get the general idea. He was the one who started calling me Mutt, although it spread through school pretty quickly. (god I hate that nickname. Do parents even think about the initials when they name there kids? At least my last name isn't Foster) He treated me like dirt, but luckily enough he became a full wizard a couple years later and went off on his own. Edmund was a good teacher, but was obsessive about keeping me from taking risks. (I think his talk with my mom had something to do with this.) All the magical learning I did was through books or a carefully controlled lab environment. What the heck did I care, I was doing MAGIC!
I was (am) admittedly a bit of a nerd, and not being able to get on the internet totally blew. I had a close knit group of friends (other nerds mostly) and we played Arcanos, read comic books, went to conventions...  all that good stuff. One of my friends was a bit of a juvenile delinquent. (Eddie) He got us into trouble some times, but it was okay, he raised our ‘cred’ in school.
Invoke: When dealing with the theory or knowledge of magic.
Compel: To cause difficulties when actually forced to do magic in stressful situations or distracting environments.

Starring in Shadow Magic with Joe Molino and Nick Grey.
Aspect: “Brave when I need to be... usually.”
My master was off on some Council business when rumors of thefts and attacks on practitioners started flowing around. (Working in my mom’s shop does have its advantages) I tried getting a hold of Edmund but it was no good. I tried calling Derek (who was a Warden now) but the prick just blew me off. I finally talked to my mom’s new sweetheart (who was a Sorcerer) who said he’d look into it. When a week went by and he didn’t get back to me I started investigating. (My mom and her boyfriend caught me coming back the first night so I was grounded and forced to sneak out afterward) By poking my nose around town I found out:
     A. that Goblins are bullies (don’t’ ask)
     B. that Goblins are afraid of Joe Molino (you rock Joe!)
     C. that the thefts and attacks were made by shade-like things from the Nevernever, and
     D. my mom’s boyfriend was the Summoner calling forth the shades.
I snuck in and destroyed the shades, but was captured by the Summoner right afterward. Edmund showed up to rescue me but the Sorcerer killed him. (while I sat frozen in fear) The Sorcerer brought my mom down to his lair to sacrifice her (cliché  right? I tried telling him that) to summon something even nastier from the Nevernever. I guess I found my courage or just got used to being afraid because in the middle of his ritual (as he was getting ready to kill my mom) I escaped and blasted him with magic. He started losing control of the spell and was forced to deal with whatever he was summoning. Not knowing what else to do but knowing I couldn’t deal with either him or the ‘demon’ head on, I constructed a circle around both of them. The summoner’s magic was cut off (he was using my mom's fear as fuel) and the ‘thing’ killed him. I held it in the circle for what seemed like hours, but didn't have the energy to attempt to banish it. Luckily, Council Wizard (Nick Grey) showed up and combined his will with mine, sending the beast back to the Nevernever. He didn’t know what to do with me since my master was dead, but when I told him I was ready for the trials, he tested me and made me a full wizard.
Invoke: when the situation is dire to summon up my courage.
Compel: to cause me to falter or pause during dangerous situations when I’m not immediately threatened.

Guest Starring in Little Girl Lost with Joe Molino and Johnathan Davian
Aspect: “Crystal, Gamer Girl and Secret Crush.”
Nick must have gotten his ass chewed by his higher ups in the Council for making me a wizard... or maybe he'd gotten in trouble before. I could see that he was under the Doom of Damocles, but didn't want to ask him about it. He came around from time to time to check on me. I didn’t get my status as a wizard revoked, but I wasn’t given any tasks either. It was just as well; my mom seemed to blame me for everything and was keeping an even closer eye on me. It was around this time I REALLY started to notice girls, especially one of my gaming friends. (Crystal York.) It’s kind of stupid, I could argue with her about the best way to stat a Ranger or why the Amazing Spiderman #31 was better than #121, but the second the conversation strayed from geeky subjects I froze up and got all weird. One day I was showing my Arcanos buddies (minus Crystal) and new friend Joe Molino a ‘divination’ I had set up in the girl’s locker room at school. My mom caught us, and… well, I was seriously grounded. (it was worth it though, trust me) Joe came by a few days later and asked me to help him find a missing little girl. I snuck out with Joe to get a hair to track her by. I focused the tracking spell on Joe and he was on his way. My mom caught me as I was sneaking back in and doubled my restriction. (how does she always know? I was veiled and everything!) She read Joe the riot act a few days later when he came by, but when he told her why I had snuck out, and that I had helped save a little girl, she relented, even giving him some blueberry pie. (she didn’t reduce my restriction though!)
Invoke: To call upon Crystal for help (she can drive!) to to help her if she’s in trouble.
Compel: to make me freeze up or otherwise put my foot in my mouth when talking to Crystal or other girls. To make me go after Crystal if she’s in trouble.

Guest Starring in Warden and Warlock with Nick Grey And Perry Columbus (chronologically before Shadow Magic)
Aspect: “It’s not OCD!”
As a Teenage Wizard (ok, apprentice really) you have a lot of things going for you, but there are also major disadvantages. Most notably is the fact that the greatest thing to happen to Nerdkind in a few decades, the Mecca of Geeks across the globe, the Internet, was off limits. I come close to a computer and my ‘magic static’ does its thing and the computer starts smoking (if that’s all that happens I consider myself lucky)
Like any good Wizard faced with a problem I figured I could find a solution through research and experimentation. I could calm my ‘static’ for a time  it was part of the preparation process for doing any real complex thaumaturgy. The problem is that ‘calm’ goes away the second I lose focus or get excited. (most of the good stuff on the internet makes me VERY excited) Unable to maintain my focus I turned to an external solution.
It took me a file to find what I thought was a solution, and during that time my Mom noted that it was all I seemed to talk or think about. I tried telling her it was nothing, but she brought up the time I read and re-read the latest edition of Arcanos until I had the books memorized, or when I spend all of my allowance on Magic cards because I was trying to build the ultimate deck. (Red and Green by the way, I’m untouchable) She went so far as to take me to a doctor to see if I had any problems. (which I’m sure I do, but I don’t have OCD!)
Anyway, in my research I’d learned about enchanted items that build up their change from ambient energy...  light, body heat, sound...  there was a whole slew of examples and theories. So I made a bracelet that would soak up the my ‘magic static’ and hopefully enable me to use a computer! I tried a handful of times, but the bracelet ended up soaking in too much power, drawing in from the surrounding area as well. I kept making changes and trying again though. Once I thought I had that problem fixed, I tried one more time. Once again it started drawing in too much energy, but before I could do anything about it, I was attacked! I tried to defend myself but the bracelet was absorbing my own energy as soon as I could draw it in! (like I wasn’t scared enough already) Once I saw the Warden cloak I shouted that I was a member of the White Council, and Warden Nick Grey stopped throwing lightning at me long enough for me to explain. Nick seemed pissed that he’d been chasing ME around on a wild goose chase when there was a Warlock on the loose. I told him that when I was doing my experiments I noticed another source of magic. Based on the different locations I’d done my experiments at, I knew it was coming from the Druid Park area. Nick went on his way (without so much as a ‘thank you‘), and I returned back to Edmond’s lab, where I was instantly punished for doing experiments outside the lab. He was even less happy when he got the report I had ‘interfered’ in warden business. (My life sucks some times)
Invoke: To know some minor fact about one of my ‘interests’. (I’m not going to say obsessions!) On rolls related to whatever project I’m currently ‘interested’ in.
Compel: To have my current ‘interest’ take over my life or distract me from something else I should be doing.

I was fairly pudgy until last year, but then I shot up 4 inches. (riding around town on my bike doing deleiveries didn't hurt either) I'm a fairly respectable 5'9 now, but when I look in the mirror I look kind of gangly. I'm pretty pale but I like it that way... when I get any sun I start to freckle. My hair is medium brown and fairly short, just so I don't have to mess around with it. My eyes are green. (I just had to look in a mirror before I told you that) My clothes are normal clothes I guess. A lot of them are bought second hand. (that's one of the reasons I don't think my Mom grows pot... we'd have more money if she did)

What can I say? I think I'm pretty funny, and smart. As smart as somebody who doesn't have regular access to the internet any way. I do have an actual set of encyclopedias though. (yes, they still make them) I also think I must be at least a little attractive because sometimes I see girls looking at me in the hallway, and then they turn to each other and giggle a little bit. Being a wizard is tough though. I take it seriously... wizards are supposed to help people after all. It's kind of hard to balance being a wizard with all the normal teenage stuff I have going on. I worry that I might not be doing a good enough job.

Notes and Facts:
1) Crystal's mom is dead. Her dad is a construction foreman, and member of the Barony of Bright Hills (part of the SCA) and makes weapons and armor to sell.
2) I tried getting access to Edmund's library after he passed away, but Derek showed up and claimed Edmund's house as his own. I don't know if there was a will or what, but I wasn't in any postion to argue. The dick is almost never there but has it heavily warded. As a result my own personal library is pretty meager.
3) Since Mom claimed the basement for her 'work' I took the attic. I had to clean it out by myself and set up wards and stuff, but it turned out pretty decent. It's big enough, but some parts of the ceiling are low and I smack my head from time to time.
4) When I first told my friends I was a Wizard they talked about it at school. When some jocks came up to me and asked me I just started rattling off Arcanos stats. I got beat up a few times (a few more times than usual) but now most people just take me as a really, REALLY, big geek.
5) I got the idea to make my staff 'folding' from a blind man's cane. This was after I tried riding my bike with a 6 foot staff slung across my back. (don't try it at home folks)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 11:22:32 PM by Llayne »

Offline Llayne

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #121 on: August 08, 2011, 11:15:12 PM »
(Third character)

Ranger Sergeant Joseph West
High Concept: "Spirit Warrior and Texas Ranger"
Trouble: "My Family Comes First"
Aspects: "Spirits Guide Me" "Evil Don't Belong Here" “One Riot, One Ranger” “Heavy Shoulders But A Light Heart“ “This Aint My First Rodeo”

Physical OOOO
Mental   OOO
Social    OOO

+4  Investigation, Guns
+3  Athletics, Endurance, Fists
+2  Alertness, Lore, Intimidation, Contacts
+1  Presence, Scholarship, Rapport, Conviction, Empathy

Modular Abilities -7 (5 form points)

Sleeping Bear
The Sleeping Bear is a Totem of healing and wisdom. While invoking the Sleeping Bear the Spirit Warrior is extremely groggy if awake, and -4 to all actions. If he sleeps, he gains access to the Dream World, which can grant him great insight.
-Dreaming (Ritual: Divination) -2
 *Complexity +1 (specialty gained by trading in both focus item slots… GM Call?)
-Supernatural Recovery -4
-The Catch: Attacks to the Soul +1
(I consider it researchable so +1, and then ‘energy’ attacks that aren’t specifically physical. “Chi” attacks, non force based Spirit Evocations, Entropy evocations, etc… so that “might” be another +1, in which case I’d spend it on a refinement for Dreaming)

Hunting Wolf
The Hunting Wolf is a Totem of action and aggression. He is restless and prone to impatience for he is on the hunt. While invoking the Hunting Wolf the Spirit Warrior gains access to his phenomenal strength and speed. He can track by scent and is focused only on his prey.  The Hunting Wolf is all about action and instinct, he is brash and primal.
-Echoes of the Beast -1 (hearing, scent, track by scent)
-Inhuman Strength -2
-Inhuman Speed -2

Watching Raven
The Watching Raven is a powerful Spirit Animal. He is the seer of the unseen, the watcher of the gates between worlds. While invoking the Watching Raven the Spirit Warrior gains access to his otherworldly abilities of perception, as well as the ability to cross over into the Otherworld, should he dare. The Watching Raven is not prone to action, and avoids it. He is an observer of details and hoarder of secrets.
-Echoes of the Beast -1 (vision, touch, nightvision?)
-Cloak of Shadows -1
-World Walker -2
-The Sight -1

Note: Because off the effects the Spirit Animals have on his emotions, thoughts and personality, Joseph only invokes them when they are needed and walks around without 'his powers' most of the time.

Adjusted Refresh: 1


"Standard" Gear
S/W Model 500 (Weapon 3, 5 round cylinder)
Concealable Stab/Ballistic Vest: 1

"Throw Down" Gear
Desert Eagle (Weapon 3, 7+1 round magazine)
Tactical Stab/Ballistic Armor: 2
AA-12 Shotgun (Weapon 3, 32 round drum)
Various ‘creature specific’ combat gear (wooden stakes, holy water, steel buckshot, etc…)

High Concept: Spirit Warrior and Texas Ranger
Joseph is both a Spirit Warrior and a Texas Ranger… he couldn’t imagine being one and not the other, that’s how much each plays into making him who he is. A lot of times the two go hand in hand, but a lot of times he gets pulled in different directions as well.
Invoke: When trying to fight off evil, to call on aid from allies
Compel: When the Rangers or his People call on him for assistance

Trouble: “My Family Comes First”
Since his career choice has put him at odds with a significant portion of his Tribe, Joseph has become extremely devoted to his family. Life for him becomes extremely difficult when work and home don’t mesh.
Invoke: To take extreme measures when his family is in danger
Compel: To place his family in danger or to have him make a choice where his family is affected

Background: Ancient Ways in a Modern World
Aspect: Spirits Guide Me
Joseph grew up on the Alabama/Coushatta Reservation near Houston. His people were conflicted at the time. Some hated the “White Man” so much they refused to leave the reservation, and others felt that the Tribes future depended on gambling and casinos. Another group felt it most important to preserve the old language and culture.
As he grew, Joseph learned all about his people and his language. He learned the old ways with wide eyes and an open heart. As part of his trials of manhood he under went the rites and bonded with a Spirit Animal, becoming a Spirit Warrior for his people. He fought alongside the other Spirit Warriors in the Tribe, defending the reservation from supernatural predators.
Invoke: When calling upon one of his Spirit Animals for additional aid
Compel: to have the personality or agenda of the Spirit Animal overwhelm me

Rising Conflict: Lore gives way to Law
Aspect: “Evil Don’t Belong Here”
As he grew older he believed the spirits were guiding him to something more than just the reservation. He felt that it was his purpose to protect everyone, not just his people. His decision to join law enforcement angered many of his people, and angered them more when he discovered he could invoke more than one Spirit. This was a very rare gift, and the Old Ones thought it meant he was destined to be a Medicine Man.
Joseph’s mind was set however, and he dedicated his life to his job. This only changed when he was married, for then he knew that there was nothing more sacred to him than the safety of his family. His family grew and he excelled at work, until he received a promotion that almost every law man in Texas covets… that of a Texas Ranger.

Starring in Soul of a Ranger with  Gabriel Grey and Aggamemnon
Aspect: “One Riot, One Ranger”
****Still editing****
Red Court Vampires and their Thralls and summoned spirits tried to take over Houston while the bulk of the Rangers were up north dealing with the Hurricane. Sleeping Bear guided West to a auto garage, but instead of a Red Vampire he found Deacon Grey, who had just captured a Red himself. West, Grey and Aggamemnon went after the Red Court Count that was leading the attack and had bound the spirits. While Grey and Aggamemnon went after the Vampire and Thrall guards, West broke the item that the Count was using to control the spirits and they turned on the Vamps and Thralls. The attack dissolved, but the damage to the city was significant.
Invoke: When combating supernatural predators or defending the great state of Texas, when working by himself.
Compel: To have him jump in at anything remotely evil. To potentially cause problems in a group when he is used to working by himself.

Guest Starring in Trail of the Coyote with Bobby Williamson and Gabriel Grey
Aspect: “Heavy Shoulders But A Light Heart”
Hurricane Ike rolled through, and with the aid of the Watching Raven Joseph could see the curtain between the World and the Otherhworld parting. He tried to pursue the spirits that came through, but the winds were too strong for West, even when drawing on the aid of the Hunting Wolf. Unsure of what to do he called upon the Sleeping Bear and entered the Dream, where he saw a column of light peering down through the clouds, lighting up an abandoned house. The next day he sought out the house, even as the storm broke. When he went inside he didn't find dark spirits, he found the exhausted and worn out Bobby Williamson. The Watching Raven showed him that Bobby was empowered by the Mother Earth. Joseph did his best to answer Bobby's questions and guide regarding the gift he had received. He also took him to Deacon Grey’s halfway house to get him off the streets.
Invoke: To laugh off or take in stride events as the come.
Compel: When the weight of his responsibilities becomes too much or he is pulled in too many directions.

Guest Starring in The Hunted don‘t Always Run with Mizore Smith and David Gamble and Gabriel Grey
Aspect: “This Aint My First Rodeo”
Deacon Grey calls West when a couple of High School kids run afoul of the Red Court. Things get even more interesting when the girl turns out to be a Changeling, and the boy seemed to have some sort of power as well, albeit dormant. He admires the will of Mizore as she chose to stop running and face her hunters. West keeps tabs on the two kids over the next couple of years to make sure they were staying out of trouble. It was fairly difficult, especially given Mizore's... quirky behavior.
Invoke: when his experience or age are a benefit
Compel: when being old and set in your ways could prove troublesome

Cameo in Capital Offense with Roland Williams.
Joseph was called upon by Roland to help prove that his current client was innocent. West offered what help he could, but Roland knew the Ranger was aware of the supernatural world from a few of the previous times they’d met. West avoided saying anything regarding the paranormal, but he managed to slip in a few key facts to try to help his friend. Roland picked up on that information and used it to further his case and eventually get his client acquitted.

Cameo in Rise of the Phoenix with David Gamble and Mizore Smith


Melanie "Mel" West (Hawkins)
High Concept: Ranger's Wife
Age: 41
Joseph and Melanie met in college and married in 1989 shortly after he graduated and was accepted into the Texas State Troopers. She carries her years (and her pregnancies) well, and her raven hair is still black, although lines are starting to show on her face from all the joy and stress that life brings. She manages the household and a catering company with apparent ease. She is also the craftsman in the West family, and has planned and implemented all the addtions they have added onto the house, as well as the apartment above the garage and the shed/shop in the backyard. Joseph is all thumbs when it comes to tools, and he is relegated to manual labor.

Charlize "Charlie" West
High Concept: Joseph's Brainy Eldest Daughter
Age: 18
Charlie is highly intellegent and driven. At 18 she has already been accepted into the Texas A&M Engineering program with a partial scholarship. The proximity made her mother happy, and the scholarship and in-state tuition made Joseph's bank account happy. She feels little connection with her heritage, and seeks to rise above her parents 'middle class' station in life.

Nicole "Niki" West
High Concept: Willful Middle Child
Age: 15
Niki feels that the whole world is against her. Part of this is because she's a middle child. She resents any attempt to make her do anything. Both parents have been forced to be task masters where Niki is concerned, so she is still walking down the 'right' path, although she fights it the whole way, and Joseph constantly fears that she is getting into things she shouldn't be.

Ryan Adam West
High Concept: Ranger's Son
Age: 13
Ryan is the only one of Joseph's children to feel a connection to his heritage and his tribe. He loves his time with his uncles on the reservation and is begining to speak the tribal language fluently. He gets decent grades, but he is definitely more of an active kid, excelling in sports and outdoors activities.

Erik Joseph West (Hawkins)
High Concept: Ranger's Adopted Son
Other Aspects: I Saw the Darkness
Age: 13
Erik is the eldest son of Joseph's brother in law who died 5 years ago. Joseph and Mel were the godparents and took the kids in. Erik was there when his parents died, and it seriously hurt him. After 5 years he is starting to come out of his shell. He and Ryan are tied at the hip, and the relationship has been good for him.

Alexis "Alex" Michelle West (Hawkins)
High Concept: Ranger's Adopted Daughter
Other Aspects: I Don't Remember My Parents
Age:   6
Alex is a precocious young girl that seems to get into everything. Out of all of the kids, she is the only one to ever accidentally start the car and drive it through the back wall of the garage, so that should tell you something. She doesn't remember her parents although she knows what happened, and that Joseph and Mel adopted her.

Offline Llayne

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #122 on: August 08, 2011, 11:31:00 PM »
(My second shot at a Changeling... I think he worked out a little better.)

Erik Vanders
AKA: “Van” “Van the Man” "Vandal"
High Concept: "Half-Elf Entrepreneur"
Trouble: "Flirting With Disaster"
Other Aspects: "I'm My Own Man Damn It!" "Itchy Trigger Finger" "Ever After... Top Rated Night Club And Money Pit" “With Friends Like These…” "My Brothers, My Burden"

If the well tanned skin didn't set him apart from most of the Twin Cities residents, the metallic silver hair certainly did. He has pale green eyes and a flashing smile. He is lean of build and average in height. He generally wears suits or clothing of the latest fashions, but are generally tasteful or understated, not gaudy or flashy. He's everything you might expext of a 27 year old club owner.

Superb:   Deceit, Contacts
Great:     Empathy, Guns
Good:     Rapport, Presence
Fair:       Lore, Resources, Alertness
Average: Intimidation, Athletics, Endurance, Driving, Scholarship

Mortal Sunts:
Gunslinger (Guns) -1
   +1 to ranged attacks using a pistol or revolver.
Way of the Gun (Guns) -1
   Van may use Guns instead of Craftsmanship to build and repair such items, and his skill with them gives him an extra +1 to damage on a successful hit.

Glamours -2
World Walker -2
Inhuman Speed -2

Refresh: 2

Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Mental: OO

Various 'Van' Crafted Handguns: Weapon 3
S&O Securities Specialty Ammo
Armor Vest: Armor 1

Fae Template:
   If Van ever gives in to his Faerie half and accepts all of these powers he will become fully Fae and lose his mortal free will, becoming an NPC.
Glamours -2
Inhuman Speed -2
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
The Catch: Standard Fae +3

High Concept: "Half-Elf Entrepreneur"
Invoke: To use his Faerie heritage and knowledge to his advantage, when starting off on a new business venture, to have his reputation precede him.
Compel: To have the Fae stick their fingers into Van's life, to cause a business deal to go awry, or have his reputation hinder him.

Trouble: "Flirting With Disaster"
Invoke: Enough is never enough for Van. Invoke when going after something new, when doing something dangerous or risky.
Compel: To have Van over extend himself as he goes after his latest target, to have some of his risky deals come back and bite him in the butt, to have him go after a new target when there is other business going on.

Background: Everybody Wants Something, and I want Everything
Phase Aspect: “I’m My Own Man Damn It!“
   Erik was born the oldest of three boys to a dirt poor family. His mother died when he was 12, leaving them with their drunken wretch of a father (Dean) to look after them. In fact, his mother’s death and the arrival of Morgana happened almost at the same time… something Van didn’t put together until much later. He had always been the odd one of the bunch, and when the Summer Sidhe told him he was a Changeling he couldn’t say he was too shocked. Van secretly hoped that his Fae parent was male... because that meant that he wasn't really related to Dean at all.
   He hated being poor and looked jealously at the kids that always had new clothes or shoes. His younger years were spent being told what to do and pulled in a dozen different directions by his selfish father, helpless brothers, and the mysterious Morgana. Even Finvarra made a few appearances, trying to lure Van into his court.
   It got to the point where it was too much for Van, and when he was 17 he ran away from home, leaving his younger brothers (Jason, Scott and Tommy) in the tender care of their father.
Invoke: For a willpower bonus when trying to do something on his own. For social defense or fortitude against being manipulated by others.
Compel: To force him to refuse help even when it might be better.

Rising Conflict: Guns, Girls and Gangsters
Aspect: "Itchy Trigger Finger"
   There’s not much work for a  17 year old runaway in the Twin Cities, so he soon found himself involved in a life of crime. Something that suited him as a matter of fact…. He had a knack for guns and a silver tongue the devil himself would be jealous of. He was brash and impetuous, but it was paying off. He was rising through the ranks of seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities at an alarming rate. Then one day his shoot first and ask questions later attitude landed him in hot water... the police had him red handed.
   So he sang like a canary.
   With his criminal cohorts behind bars, all charges against him dropped, and the part he played in the whole affair a well kept secret, Van made the decision to extricate himself from a life of crime, and move on to bigger and better (or at least safer) things.
Invoke: In the heat of the moment Van will often go with his gut. He's rarely prone to hesitation and his instincts usually pay off.  Van may invoke this to make a sudden attack or decision, react quickly to a changing environment, or to rapidly frighten or piss people off.
Compel: His impetuousness can also get him into trouble. Compel to have him jump into a situation without thinking things through first, run his mouth at the wrong time or lose his temper.

Starring in The Club Scene with Ray Rojas and Lukas Grimm.
Aspect: “Ever After…Top Rated Night Club And Money Pit”
   When some of his best customers start turning up dead the owner of the Ever After, Erik Vander, decides to take matters into his own hands. Before he can even look into it he's hit up by both Summer and Winter agents trying to force him to choose a side in the latest Fae Family Feud between Finvarra and Stor Geit.
   He managed to delay that disaster for just long enough to get hit up for money by both his druggie brother Jason and some of his many debtors. Since running a club was a little more expensive than he'd anticipated, he didn't have anything to give either. The collectors were angry, but left quietly. While he was bringing Jason to his apartment to detox when a pair of armed thugs tried to gun him down. With a little glamour, a bit of shooting and copious amounts of running he was safe... for the time being.
   He knew he'd pissed somebody off however, and he wasn't about to get caught unprepared again. It was time for a body guard... and fast. He found it in the form of one Ray Rojas... a rather scary looking man that had both the eyes of somebody well versed in violence and a desperate need for cash. After asking around he discovered his Thursday night act, a rocker by the name of Lukas Grimm, was the fleshly conduit for an angry lion spirit... a leothrope. Van and Ray confronted the feline fiend only to discover, a little late, that Lukas was not the cat they were looking for. Van managed to smooth things over, but the whole affair cost him a Friday night spot for Lukas and five large in repairs to his club to clean up the scuffle.
   Then Van settled the dispute between Stor and Finvarra, found the Night Club Excess and, with the help of Lukas and Ray, defeated the White Court Vampire who had been killing his customers to shut him down. All in all a good day for Van... until he went home and found out his brother had stolen his 60 inch flat screen.
Invoke: To claim the home field advantage, for a social bonus from the prestige of owning it, as temporary bonus to resources.
Compel: To threaten the Ever After, suck up his resources, to have bad guys know exactly where to find him.

Guest Starring in An Eye for an Eye with Dr. Isaac Hall and Lukas Grimm.
Aspect: "With Friends Like These..."
   Things were going well for Van, and by that I mean he was keeping his head above water. While the Ever After was still gobbling up his money by the truckload, the events with the White Court Vampire a while back had solidified his position as a 'guy who knows things' in the supernatural community. The position did have it's drawbacks however, all manner of weirdoes and undesirables sought him out for information or assistance.
   One such undesirable was his brother Scott, who had ended up following in Van's footsteps and become a criminal. Scott tried to pressure Van into giving up information and protection money. Van wasn't about to let his little brother strong arm him and had his inhumanly strong bodyguards sent Scott on his way... for the time being anyway.
   And as far as weirdo were concerned... enter one Dr. Isaac Hall. He was looking for a Wizard... a dead Wizard. By the oddest of luck Van knew where to find one... and the potential threat of angering the White Council meant he could jack of the price a bit. Pleased with himself and having closed the deal so quickly, he was a surprised as anyone when Hall showed back up complaining about ghost problems. Van knew he couldn't ask any of his Wizard contacts to help with this whole ghastly affair, so he called on one of his regular acts... a rocker by the name of Lukas Grimm, who's skills with the guitar were nothing short of magical... literally. With a couple extra bills now fattening Van's wallet, Lukas went off to aid Hall with his latest 'experiment."
Invoke: Van knows people who know people. Invoke to gain information about somebody, to have friends that could help out in a give situation, get access to things beyond his current means.
Compel: Van's friends aren't all good people, and some of them are pretty needy too. Compel to have a friend call on him for aid, to have a friend bring trouble into Van's life or even to have one backstab Van in the course of business. Who needs enemies right?

Also Guest Starring in Street War with Zaphiel Lorenzo and DeMarcus Kane.
Aspect: "My Brothers, My Burden"
Things were actually looking up for Van… the club was doing well and he was trading favors and information in both the supernatural and criminal communities. He thought he might just get out from under his mountain of debt when lycanthrope lawbreakers threatened to tear apart the Twin Cities.
   Van was tempted to try and ride out the storm until he realized his youngest brother Tommy was caught up in the middle of it all. He felt like he'd failed his brothers by running away so long ago and was determined to help them now.
   Two S&O Security specialists, DeMarcus Kane and Zaphiel Lorenzo, seem intent to take back the cities one beast at a time. Van started piecing things together and realize that the throng of ‘thrope thugs had an underlying cause. There was a mortal magic-user stirring up the rage spirits for his own nefarious needs. He fills DeMarcus and Zaphiel in, but even that pair of powerhouses couldn't wade through the waves of berserkers warding the Warlock. Van leads  them through the NeverNever for a surgical strike against the sinister sorcerer.
   Van moves his mouthy brother Tommy in with him, and adds Kane and Lorenzo to his contacts list.
Invoke: Van will stubbornly support his brothers no matter what. Invoke to come to a brother's aid or to try and turn their life around.
Compel: He calls his brothers a burden for a reason... I think that's all that needs to be said.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #123 on: August 10, 2011, 07:58:59 PM »
Ah, so you decided to post Van after all.

Thanks, Llayne.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #124 on: August 30, 2011, 03:33:20 PM »
Name: Magus
High Concept: Savant Prescient Mage
Trouble: Necessary Evils
Aspects: Once a Prince, Cold and Distant, Ancient Grudge, Demon King, Loyal Followers

6: Lore, Scholarship
5: Conviction, Discipline
4: Resources, Contacts,
3: Presence, Weapons
2: Endurance, Athletics
1: Might, Alertness

Lawbreaker 2nd  [-2]
Lawbreaker 1st  [-2]
Cassandra Tears [+0]

Evocation [-3] Elements Fire, Air, Spirit (+1 Power Fire, +2 Power Air)
Thaumaturgy [-3] (+1 transformation Control, +2 transformation Lore)

Demon Kings Scythe [-2]
4 Refinement
+4 Spirit Power offence
+4 Spirit Power Defense
Refresh Adjust -14
Refresh Total +1

« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 10:18:29 PM by ways and means »
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #125 on: August 30, 2011, 04:58:59 PM »
Who's Magus?

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #126 on: August 30, 2011, 05:40:39 PM »
Character from Chrono Trigger. (square game).
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #127 on: August 30, 2011, 10:09:38 PM »
Huh.  I actually wouldn't give him lawbreaker 6th; he got yanked around in time a lot, sure, but none of that was directly his fault.  Seventh, maybe, depending on your interpretation of Lavos.

Working in DFRPG elements, I'd give him spirit as his primary, with fire and air as secondary elements.  Fire covers ice as well, and air for lightning.

Also, he should have Cassandra's Tears.

Anything else?  Hm.  Yes, one more thing: if you haven't played Chrono Trigger, I'd strongly suggest doing so; it's no high-budget graphics extravaganza, but it's a good game.  With a plot.  And time travel.  And the ability to wield a mop as a sword.  (Yes, yes, the mop is the worst weapon in the game, inferior to even your starting blade.  But it's a mop!  How can you go wrong with a mop?)

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #128 on: October 15, 2011, 03:29:55 PM »
((This is the more or less completed version of the very first concept I had when hearing about the DFRPG, let alone getting my hands on the books. David Morgan has been busy in the DV alongside me re-reading the books - I always imagine a concept character coexisting with the protagonists on some level when I read a series set in a compelling setting I would like to play in. It is unlikely that I will ever roll a die in anger playing DFRPG, but by posting David here, I hope that he may see the light of day at a gaming table somewhere at some point. Enjoy.))

Name: David Morgan
High Concept: Scholastic Wizard, Reluctant Warden
Trouble: Single Minded and Stubborn
Template: Wizard

Phase 1: Where did you come from?

Born in Warwick, England, in 1919, David is a scion of a bloodline with a powerful gift for magic. There has been a Morgan in the White Council for more than four generations. He was raised in an atmosphere that blended the social patterns and idiosyncrasies of the British gentry and the Old World formality of the White Council, and was always destined to be a wizard.

Apprenticed in his early teens to his father (Frederick), it quickly became apparent that his magical talents lay in directions different from those of his father (a gifted photomancer), and his apprenticeship was adopted by his father’s younger brother Michael. Michael was a gifted Wizard, and a Warden, and soon helped his new charge develop his gift in less subtle aspects of magic than his father preferred. Sadly, both of these mentors were to be killed in the war against the Red Court - Frederick was at Archangel when it was hit, Michael was killed in the attack on the hospital in the Congo. Another relation, a cousin, was killed during the exposure of Peabody as a traitor and warlock.

At a young age, David fell in love with books and excelled at the mortal boarding schools to which he was sent. While he was at university (Oriel, Oxford, reading History), and within weeks of the Trials of Wizardry being administered, World War II broke out. Despite his family’s objections, he volunteered for service. Quickly tapped for officer training, he served in North Africa and Italy, rising to the rank of Captain and being awarded the Military Cross for bravery.

Aspect: Formality is a Shield

Phase 2: What shaped you?

After de-mobbing from the army in 1946, David undertook the Trials and was initiated as a full member of the council. Tired of war and conflict after his experiences, he declined the offer to train as a warden, instead throwing himself into his studies. He gained his first Phd in History in 1950. Over the following decades, he attended some of the most prestigious universities in the world, collecting several doctoral level degrees in the fields of archaeology, anthropology and history with various specialities.

His experience as a soldier, talent for “combat magic”, and scholastic abilities developed over time into David being involved in many high profile investigations of forgotten magic and history on behalf of the council, often exposing him to dangerous supernatural enemies which he overcame with inventiveness and skill. Rapidly gaining respect and status in the council, his rising star was somewhat dimmed when he refused the offer to become a Warden for a second time in the 1970s, preferring instead to concentrate on pursuing his scholastic interests.

Aspect: Knowledge is it’s Own Reward

Phase 3: What was your first adventure?

David was a newly graduated Doctor of History and very-junior member of the White Council when he took part in a Council sponsored expedition to document any potential magically relevant information at a newly discovered Viking burial site in Norway. Mortal excavations had established the existence of a substantial subterranean complex unlike anything else in Scandanavia, with relics and artifacts being discovered unlike anything traditional academia could define.

While serving as a junior member of the team, a glorified clerk more than anything, David stumbled upon a device that could open a gateway to a pocket demense existing in the Nevernever. While investigating this device, it was inadvertently activated by a tomb robber attracted to the site in search of loot.

With the way to the small demense opened, a trio of monsters he later learned were Grendelkin, as well as a host of smaller entities and creatures burst free from what was apparently their “jail”, and commenced an orgy of destruction and blood letting throughout the site. Alongside the other two members of the White Council team, David managed to save several mortals as well as destroy one of the Grendelkin before becoming trapped in a collapsing underground cave.

The arrival of several more-than-human allies (Valkyries and Einherjar) turned the tide of the immediate battle, seeing the Grendelkin fall. The device remained active though, and an endless stream of minor, but still dangerous, creatures was flowing into the real world. Realising that a minor Earth magic ley-line was what was powering the device, David managed to divert the energy of the line temporarily allowing his colleagues to close it. After releasing the flow of energy, he found his connection with Earth magic even greater than before.

Aspect: Earth Magic Sings in My Veins

Phase 4: Whose path have you crossed?

While undertaking research in Cairo (for yet another Phd, this time in Egyptology) in the 1960s, David ran afoul of a local Warlock named Rashid al-Tani, a cultist of the old Egyptian gods who was trying to craft a massive blood ritual to reawaken the powers of the dark god Seti. In the efforts to track down al-Tani, David was aided by a mercenary named Rikard Baldersson, who was also interested in disrupting the ritual and putting down the Warlock.

Baldersson was a formidable physical combatant, and his abilities complimented David’s well. The Warlock was slain, the ritual disrupted, and the beginning of a friendship that has lasted more than half a century was initiated.

Aspect: Some Secrets are Better Left Buried

Phase 5: Who Else have You Met?

Shortly after the Congo debacle, David was drafted into becoming a Warden. Having sped to the area to provide what help he could, Anastasia Luccio did not give him a choice, although the death of his old master might have prompted him to take up the cloak. David was possibly the last warden to be given a Warden's sword. Combat losses had left Africa even less well covered by Wardens than most other places, and he was placed under the command of Warden Muthambo, who was based in Lusaka.

Having lived in Cape Town on a couple of occasions over the years, David began setting himself up a base there. Unsuited to a diplomatic roll, and feeling a bit bitter about the responsibilities forced upon him, he struggled to make a connection with the local supernatural community.

This changed when he met Connie Nel, a local ectomancer of considerable skill. Totally opposite to David in many ways, Connie and he formed an unlikely relationship – she was his conduit to the community. This formed into a very close, and eventually a romantic relationship resulting in marriage in 2005. Even when David is absent from South Africa in his capacity as Regional Commander and senior Warden of Southern Africa, Connie keeps an eye of the local supernatural community, very much David’s partner in everything except White Council politics - an important consideration given that David was appointed regional commander for Southern Africa (roughly everything South of the Congo) in 2008 when Warden Muthambo was reassigned to command of the Central African Region (everything between the Congo and the Sahara).

Apsect: Devoted to my Wife

Power Level: Submerged

Advancement: 3 Major and 5 Significant Milestones applied, assigned abstractly to reflect his experiences during the war with the Red Court. This makes the entire character -12 Refresh and he has had 8 Skill Points added to the basic Submerged power level.

Superb (+5): Discipline, Scholarship
Great (+4): Conviction, Lore
Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance, Intimidation, Presence
Fair (+2): Athletics, Guns, Investigation, Weapons
Average (+1): Contacts, Driving, Fists, Stealth, Survival

Physical 0 0 0 0
Mental 0 0 0 0
Social 0 0 0 0

Evocation (-3)
Refinements 4 (-4)
Soulgaze (0)
Thaumaturgy (-3)
The Sight (-1)
Wizard’s Constitution (0)

Moral Stunts
Linguist (Scholarship level +4 when determining languages) (-1)

Magical Abilities
Elements: Air, Earth, Spirit
Evocations Specializations: Control (Earth +1), Power (Air +1, Earth +3, Spirit +2)
Thamaturgy Specializations: Crafting (Frequency +1)

Focus Items
Mahogany Staff with silver, iron and copper inlaid runes and sigils (Earth offensive control +2 and Earth Offensive power +1)
Carved Onyx Ring (Spirit Defensive Control +1)

Enchanted Items
Granite Pendant (Stoneskin: Armor 2 effect that activates when 2 or more points of kinetic damage is taken, 2/session)
Iron Ring (Magnify Vision: Applies the Aspect “Telescopic Vision” for 2 Exchanges, 2/session)
Warden Sword (2 slots) (Weapon 3, Counterspell (+6) or Weapon 6 3/session)

Mundane Equipment of Note
Browning Hi-Power 9mm (Weapon 2) w/ 3 clips (39 shots) – his old service pistol from the war.
Fairburn-Sykes Combat Knife (Weapon 1)
Battered but mechanically very sound Ford WOA1 WW2 vintage staff car (painted Khaki)

Despite being 92 years old, David appears of ambiguous age – most people say that he looks anywhere from his mid-30s to early 40s. David has a medium build and unexceptional features – he really looks very mundane and average in an old-fashioned sort of sense. 5’10” and about 175 lbs, strawberry blond hair cut in a 1940s style short back and sides and oiled/combed in a left-hand side parting. Despite his fairness of hair, he has a thin moustache. His eyes are his most remarkable feature – pale blue, almost grey and often possessed of a deep intensity.

The recent war has left its mark – despite his wizardly powers of recuperation, he has a number of scars, the most visible crossing his left cheek horizontally for about an inch. Another old scar, from a shrapnel wound in “the war” is visible on his chin, even after 6 decades, and shows no signs of fading further – a permanent reminder of that conflict.

He normally dresses quite formally depending on the occasion – anything from slightly out-of-date suits of good cut and decent (not amazing) quality, to formal White Council Robes (still a “blue stole”, but probably not far off a red one). He never, ever, wears jeans (favours somewhat baggy Khaki trousers), and seldom anything but a fully buttoned shirt of some description. His “working outfit”, adopted during the war, is made up of modern combat fatigue trousers in an appropriate pattern (or just Dark grey), a grey T-Shirt under a black collared and buttoned heavy cotton shirt, his weapons belt and Warden’s cloak.

David is normally softly spoken, but has an explosive temper when it is ignited. He is stubborn, resistant to radical ideas, can come across a tad curmudgeony. The only person who he seems to have endless patience with is his wife – surprising since she is rather modern, liberal, progressive and “new-agey”. To anyone else, depending on relative statuses in the White Council/Supernatural hierarchy, gets spoken with in a slightly patronizing tone, which is purely unconscious on David’s part. David hates being interrupted when he is fully emerged in his studies – a sure way to earn a display of temper and irritability, even for more senior wizards.

Living: Arabic, English, French, Swedish
Dead: Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Aramaic, Latin, Old Norse

Archaeology – Classical (Magdelene College, Cambridge, UK), 1969, Archaeology – Egyptology (Sorbonne, Paris, 1962), Archaeology - Middle Eastern (Harvard, USA, 1976), Archaeology – Norse (Durham, UK, 1956), Cultural Anthropology (Stanford, USA), History – Anglo-Saxon (Oriel College, Oxford, UK, 1950), History – Modern (University College, University of London, UK, 1989)

Type: Earth Attack
Shifts: 8
Duration: 1 Exchange
Control: Automatic discipline, applies focus item bonuses – staff required
Mental Stress: 1
Opposed By: Target’s Athletics, Magical Blocks or Determined in play
Effect: Concentrates gravity upon a precise area, crushing the target to the ground in a shower of bone splinters and gore. Legendary (+8) Aim and Attack, Weapon 8 effect.

Hidden From Sight
Type: Spirit Defensive Block/Veil
Shifts: 6
Duration: 1 Exchange
Control: Automatic discipline
Mental Stress: 1
Opposed By: Target’s Alertness or other factors determined in play
Effect: Creates a Good (+4) veil over the caster with the benfit of unimpaired vision.

Knee Trembler
Type: Earth Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 8
Mental Stress: 1
Control: Automatic discipline, applies focus item bonuses – staff required
Mental Stress: 1
Duration: 4 exchanges
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics Skill or other determined in play
Effect: David stamps his foot into the ground, causing a flash of green magic to flow from his foot into the earth. Applies “Can’t Keep Their Footing” aspect to everyone in the zone.

Soul Shield
Type: Spirit Defensive Block
Mental Stress: 1
Control: Automatic discipline, applies focus item bonuses – ring required
Mental Stress: 1
Duration: 4 exchanges
Effect: A pale green shimmering force field – pure spirit magic tinged by the power of David’s Earth magic. Creates and Armor 3 effect or a Fantastic (+6) block

((I have come up with a more complete list of spells, which I will post in the relevant thread in the near future. I have also got a number of fully realised concepts, some partially statted out, that I can add, inlcuding Rikard Baldersson and Connie Nel-Morgan. No-where near the detail as I have done for David, but still fully useable. Let me know if you want them))
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:16:11 AM by waddesdonbaz »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #129 on: October 15, 2011, 08:20:19 PM »
This is great character.  My group is just beginning a game based in Hawaii, and my character will probably end up being the new warden in Hawaii and will probably find reason to travel to South Africa for advice from the Regional commander of that area.  Or he could (and probably will) make an appearance in Hawaii.  I would like the further stats - as I could probably incorporate them into my character's history/story.  Your spells are great - my wizard is an earth mage as well.  I am always looking for more earth based spells and descriptions.  I would be interested in more if you have them.

I love the concept!

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #130 on: October 15, 2011, 10:30:17 PM »
Thanks. Glad he may see some action - be sure to drop me a PM and let me know how he does ;) I will throw some stats together for Baldersson and Connie, as well as do some editing to the entry.

Just re-read what I posted and slightly embaressed with the spelling and grammatical/syntax errors.

Also fiddling with a scion (not a changeling dammit) unseelie sorcerer and may develop him to a full write up like the one above at some point. Basically his maternal grandfather was a changeling, his father was a changeling, and it sort of "bred true" into the character, leaving him with the legacy but not having to make "the choice".

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #131 on: October 17, 2011, 09:29:45 AM »
((As Requested, One of David Morgan's Supporting Characters))

Name: Connie Nel-Morgan

High Concept: New-Agey Ectomancer

Trouble: Always sees the good in people

Additional Aspects: Devoted to her husband, Horizontally Laid Back, Instinctively distrusts authority, Reluctant Worker for the White Council, Sympathetic to the Dead

Refresh: 13 – 8 = 5 Remaining (also have applied 8 skill points to the basic Submerged package)

Superb (+5): Empathy, Rapport
Great (+4): Contacts, Lore
Good (+3): Alertness, Conviction, Discipline, Presence
Fair (+2): Athletics, Endurance, Performance, Stealth
Average (+1): Deceit, Driving, Guns, Scholarship

Physical 0 0 0
Mental 0 0 0 0
Social 0 0 0 0

Ghost Speaker (-1)
Ritual (Ectomancy) (-2)
The Sight (-1)
Soulgaze (+0)

Mortal Stunts:-
Ear to the Ground (-1) (Contacts: +2 to rolls to receive a Tip Off)
Linguist (-1): (Scholarship: +4 to Scholarship level when determining known languages)(Speaks: Afrikaans, English, German, Tswana, Xhosa, Zulu)
Occultist (Ghosts) (-1) (Lore: Rolls relating to Ghosts +1, additional +1 to lore relating to Excorcisms)
Rumourmonger (-1) (Contacts: +2 to rolls to start Rumours)

Character Thumbnail:-
Connie never expected to fall in love with a person who epitomizes many of the things that she has fought against her whole adult life – authority, conservatism, hierarchy. Yet she did that shortly after she met David Morgan, at the time a newly appointed Warden assigned to shore up the “thin grey line” in Southern Africa during the White Council’s war with the Red Court. Theirs is a firey relationship, but one based on mutual trust and love. They curb habits and behaviour around one another that they never would around anyone else, and a close, effective partnership has sprung up.

Connie is the social face of David’s authority as regional commander of Souther Africa – he is not great at diplomacy at the best of times, and his habit of coming across superior and patronizing would leave him isolated from the minor talents and other practitioners of his zone of his responsibility if it were not for Connie. She has set up a semi-functional equivalent of “Paranet” (it is massively inhibited in efficacy due to the infrastructure problems of the region outside of South Africa), and operates as David’s assistant and connection to the community.

She is by nature a “hippy”, and just about every stereotype of crystal-waving new ager can be applied to her. Laid back, resentful of authority, instinctively liberal and progressive, relatively un-materialistic, concerned about the environment – Connie is a shopping list of behaviour and traits guaranteed to annoy those who do not share her world view (even David sometimes, although he doesn’t say much about it).

She possesses real talents as well though – she is a fairly skilled Ectomancer, and her abilities regarding the often fractious spirits of Africa have proven useful to David on many occasions. Additionally, as a modern, independent woman, she doggedly maintains her own interests, and serves as a spiritual life coach, medium and free-lance excorsist to pay the bills.

Connie is an attractive (although no stunning) woman, 5’2” and 120 lbs. She has waist length red hair, amber eyes and a generous, curvy figure. She normally dresses in long, flowing, simple dresses and skirts in “earth” colours that emphasize her lack of height. She is normally festooned with silver jewelry of varying quality, often including various roughly cut (if at all) semi-precious gemstones.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:31:49 AM by waddesdonbaz »

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #132 on: October 17, 2011, 09:54:52 AM »
((The Second Supporting Character to David Morgan. I have two others I could do - Isiah Muthambo, David's old Regional Commander and now colleague/friend, and Albert O'Conner, a Cape Coloured street-smart fixer with a minor talent or two. They are not as crucial to David's character though.))

Name: Rikard Baldersson

High Concept: Half-Aesir Mercenary

Trouble: Never leave an enemy alive

Additional Aspects: Are you looking at me?, Grandad is watching, Loyal to the death to those who earn it, Mercenary Code of Honour, Talk is cheap

Refresh: 13 – 12 = 1 Remaining (also have applied 8 skill points to the basic Submerged package)

Superb (+5): Fists, Weapons
Great (+4): Athletics, Intimidation
Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance, Might, Presence
Fair (+2): Conviction, Guns, Stealth, Survival
Average (+1): Burglary, Craftsmanship, Driving, Lore

Physical 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mental 0 0 0
Social 0 0 0 0

Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)
Marked by Power (-1)
The Catch (Mistletoe, esoteric research required) (+2)
     Supernatural Recovery (-4)
     Inhuman Toughness (-2)

Mortal Stunts:-
Linguist (-1) (Scholarship: +4 to Scholarship level when determining known languages) (Speaks: English, French, German, Old Norse, Swedish)
Killer Blow (-1) (Fists: Spend a FP 1/session to add 3 damage to fists)
You Don’t Want Any of This (-1) (Intimidation: +2 on Brush Off Rolls)

Character Thumbnail:-
Rikard has no idea who his father is. Nor does his mother. All both of them knew is that, on a wild night in Stockholm, celebrating a victory in a soccer tournament around  the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, his mom got drunk, got laid, and got pregnant. Rikard is the result. It soon became apparent that he was not “normal”. Faster, tougher and stronger than his peers, Rikard was at first teased, then feared as began savagely beating any would-be tormentor.

Devoid of direction, Rikard joined the army at 19. Despite constant issues over insubordination and excessive violence, he found that he loved the life. Finding the Swedish army “boring”, he joined the Finnish army in 1925, and stayed with them for more than two decades. A complication arose when Rikard discovered that he was not aging significantly – by the time the Winter War began in 1937, he was in his late 30s and looked barely into his 20s.

Rikard served with the Finns throughout the Second World War. In the aftermath, and given a discharge, he joined the French Foreign Legion and served for 2 terms before becoming a mercenary. It was in the late 50s that things changed forever. He was visited in his run-down, vermin infested quarters by a tall man, formally dressed in a manner inappropriate for the tropical hell hole in which Rikard was serving, and sporting an eye patch. This individual berated Rikard for the waste of his talents, his drunkenness, his casual propensity for violence, emphasizing that he was a disgrace to the blood.

Rikard was enraged – he flew at the individual, who proceeded to administer the only comprehensive beating that Rikard had ever received. Broken and bleeding, Rikard really looked at the visitor properly for the first time and revelation came to him – this was Odin, the All-Father. It couldn’t be, it was impossible, but it was true nonetheless and explained so much – Rikard was at least part Aesir. Recognizing the signs of understanding, Odin opened a way and took Rikard away to Oslo.

The next few years were ones of education and investigation. No revelation came about who his Aesir parent was, but the discovery of a vulnerability to Mistletoe and a reading of the old myths lead Rikard to adopt the surname Baldersson. He trained with the Einherjar, and became a “consultant” for Monoc Security, one that was seldom hired out but who acted directly on behalf of the company. It was in this capacity, working on a hunter-kill mission in Egypt, that Rikard met David Morgan. They worked well together, and a friendship sprung up based on mutual respect.

Over the next few decades that encountered each-other semi-regularly, their relationship growing stronger. When Rikard heard that David had become a Warden and had been assigned to Africa without any meaningful support and in the midst of the war between the White Council and the Red Court, he requested and, unexpectedly, received a leave of absence from Odin, who he facetiously always addressed as “granddad”, and travelled to stand by his friend – where he has been ever since, opening up a sub-branch of Monoc in Cape Town to serve both his own loyalties and his duties to his “Grandfather”.

Rikard appears archetypeally Nordic - 6'4", about 220 lbs of solid muscule, pale blond hair (cut in a military style) and ice blue eyes. He dresses casually, or in appropriate "working" or "combat" gear. He is never without at least one gun (usually something enormous in calibre), although when he is "working" he favours either a solid steel fire axe or a 10 lbs sledge hammer and getting in up close and personal. If he has to use longer-reaching weapons, he favours the European assault rifles, particularly the old FN-FAL or British SLR.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:00:58 AM by waddesdonbaz »

Offline waddesdonbaz

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #133 on: October 17, 2011, 10:43:47 AM »
((And here is my final Character for now - a Scion Unseelie Sorcerer))

Name: James Flemming

High Concept: Fae-Blooded Unseelie Sorcer

Trouble: Irreverant and Obnoxious

Additional Aspects: Cruel sense of humour, Do you have any idea how much that costs? I am not a Changeling dammit! Mab knows about me, Mortal enough for the White Council to judge

Refresh: 13 – 12 = 5 Remaining (also have applied 8 skill points to the basic Submerged package)

Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline
Great (+4): Deceit, Lore
Good (+3): Alertness, Endurance, Presence, Resources
Fair (+2): Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth, Weapons
Average (+1): Driving, Guns, Fists, Rapport

Physical 0 0 0 0
Mental 0 0 0 0
Social 0 0 0 0

Glamours (-2)
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Marked by Power (-1)
Unseelie Magic (-4)
Refinements 2 (-2) (Focus/Enchanted Item slots only)
The Sight (-1)
The Catch (Cold Iron and the Like) (+2)

Focus Items:-
Thick Bronze Ring: Unseelie Offensive Control +2
Intricate Silver & Bronze Bracelet: Unseelie Offensive Power +2
Silver & Bronze Ring: Unseelie Defensive Control +1 and Defensive Power +1

Enchanted Items:-
Silver & Yellow Topaz Earring: Grants the Sticky Aspect “See in Total Darkness” 2/session
Silver Belt Buckle: Hardens the user’s skin when they are in receipt of physical damage. Armor 2. 2/session

Bonds of Ice
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Shifts: 4 or 6
Stress Cost: 1
Control: Rote Spell + Focus Items
Duration: 1 Scene
Opposed by: Athletics, Magical Blocks or other determined in play (possibly Might to break free)
Effect: Freezes either a single target or all the targets in a single Zone solid, applying the sticky aspect “Frozen Solid” (Modified version of Entangled Spell from YS)

Fimbul Blast
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Attack
Shifts: 7
Stress Cost: 1
Control: Rote Spell + Focus Items
Duration: 1 Exchange
Opposed by: Athletics, Magical Blocks or other determined in play
Effect: An icy blast of compressed air. Epic (+7) to Attack and Aim, Weapon 7 attack. Appllied consequences may include “Knocked on their Ass” or “Frozen Stiff”.

Fimbul Shield
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Defensive Block/Shield
Shifts: 6
Stress Cost: 1
Control: Rote Spell + Focus Item
Duration: 1 Exchange
Effect: An icy, pale blue shield of magically charged air that blocks incoming attacks. Armor 3 or Fantastic (+6) block.

Midwinter’s Darkness
Type: Unseelie Evocation, Defensive Maneuver
Shifts: 6
Stress Cost: 1
Control: Rote Spell + Focus Item
Duration: 1 Scene
Effect: Inky, icy darkness fills a single targeted zone, applying the “Total Darkness” sticky aspect.

Character Thumbnail:-
James comes from a unique family. About 200 years ago, his great-Grandfather was born a changeling, the child of an Unseelie Shidhe woman and a mortal Wizard. He then married another Changeling and had a child. This child had several children from several partners, all members of the Unseelie court – Mab was indulging herself in seeing how far the blood of the Fae could dilute before having an effect. James is a product of this “experiment” – a 4th generation descendant of pre-choice Unseelie changelings and in him, and his siblings, the power bred true.

More than mortal but never possibly becoming full Fae, and at the same time contemptuous of “normal” Fae scions and indeed normal mortals, James’s family  embraced their obligations to family and court alike, serving as mortal agents for the Winter Court, sort of ancillary “knights” without quite the same level of power or the same protections and status that the knights “enjoyed”. Overseen by his uncle,  the 1st “pure bred”, non-changeling member of the family (most of the changelings made the choice to go “full-Fae” long ago), the “clan” developed considerable secular power, wealth and influence.

James couldn’t stand it. A natural rebel, he was thrown out of expensive private school after expensive private school. What made it worse is that he had magical talents above and beyond his siblings and cousins – he was potentially the most powerful of his generation, and he refused to bow down to the family’s authority and ran away.

Mab was, of course, delighted at his strength of will and rebelliousness. She arranged clandestinely for his to be fully trained in his gifts, acting through proxies. James became a formidable sorcerer while injecting himself into the community of practitioners under the auspices of the White Council but who were not full members. At the same time, he began making his living as a professional poker player.

He mostly follows his own interests, which have included helping the White Council against the Red Court a time or too, and making money and enjoying his life, although the call of Mab and the Winter Court is never far away, a call James diligently tries to divert by making sure he is never in real debt to any Fae… Although he has acted on the behalf of the Winter Court enough for its power to mark him.

James has a definite touch of the unusual in his appearance. His hair is white blond, and normally worn in tight corn-rows. His skin is very pale and very slightly blue tinge. His eyes are dark violet, a purple so deep as to appear almost black. He has extensive celtic pattern tattoos on his Torso, arms and neck, and sports a long, fluffy “soul patch” below his lower lip. He is tall (6’0”) and of spare build (160lbs) and normally dresses in white slacks, white shoes and the loudest Hawaiin shirt he can find – just to piss off his family and any stodgy White Court Fae who might be watching. His speech is slightly nasal and alternates between a "posh English" accent (a relic from the excellent schools he was thrown out of) and a soft Scottish lilt.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:46:39 AM by waddesdonbaz »

Offline JediDresden

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #134 on: October 18, 2011, 02:21:51 AM »
Thanks for the characters and back stories.  I most likely will snag them and have them make an appearance in my game.