Author Topic: Spare Character Concepts  (Read 104618 times)

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2011, 11:39:38 AM »
Ways & Means,

I really hope you meant, Knowledge of Foulest Magic?

Otherwise I am getting this terrible image of summoning Zombie Turkeys. . .

Uhm Hahaha oops I blame Dislexia
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I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #106 on: May 27, 2011, 10:48:39 PM »
Teen seeker of Power who (unfortunately) found it, becoming an Emissary of an old god.

Note: This was started long ago in another thread - and I finally got around to doing up the stats

Name: Tom
Template: Emissary of Power
High Concept: Newly chosen acolyte of Priapus
Trouble: Empowered by Priapus

Tom has spent most of his short life looking for power.  Any power.  Something that would make him Special with a capital 'S'.  Something that would show the world that he wasn't just another nobody making his way in life.  In his first year of high school he exposed to Roman Mythology in a way that went further than pop culture references and from then on he dedicated his life to making contact with the Roman gods.  He wasn't picky; he would take any of them except for Cybele.  The act that males had to do to be accepted by the Mater Magna wasn't something that Tom could see any sane person doing.  Other than that almost any god would do - as long as it gave him power.

Countless other dreamers had sought similar powers, and the vast, overwhelming majority of them passed through the phase, gained a little maturity, and went on with life.  Tom is now he's beginning to wish that he was a part of that vast majority of failed seekers.

Phase Aspect: Dreams Can Come True

Rising Conflict: What shaped you?
As Tom delved into classical history his efforts shifted from Scholarship to Lore.  Driven by his Conviction that there had to be something to contact, he focused on his task with all the Discipline that he possessed.  Surprisingly, it was his Performance ability that made all the difference.

For the Roman gods loved poets, and as Tom wrote an epic poem about his epic (well, Tom thought it was epic) quest to contact the old gods Something heard him.  Something that used Tom's hand to complete the poem.  Looking down at the poem, at the stanzas had been written by his hand, Tom saw that his quest had a completion.  All he had to do was accept the god's offer and he would have all the power he sought - and more!

With the immaturity of youth, Tom didn't think twice.  Heck, he barely thought once before accepting the offer and becoming an Envoy of Priapus.  He was slightly disappointed since Priapus was a relatively minor god (he had been hoping for Jupiter or Hecate) and Tom didn't really know much about him, but Tom knew that Priapus was god - a god that answered him with an offer of power - and that was the only thing that mattered.

Moments after Tom did so, he noticed a major change. 
(click to show/hide)

More importantly (at least it was more important then) knowledge flooded his mind, teaching him the secrets of magic.  The magic of growing things, of the fields, some transformation, and a bit about sex and desire.  (Priapus sponsored magic can be seen as a modified version of Seelie Magic.  Mixed in with the other powers was the Curse of Impotence - otherwise known as The Dread Curse of Priapus that was unleashed against those who offended him.)

Tom fell into a deep sleep and his dreams were of Arcadian Fields.

He thought his greatest dreams had come true.

The next morning Tom saw that visible part of his empowerment was still there.  To his surprise he discovered that it wouldn't go away. 
(click to show/hide)

That was when he discovered the down side of being marked by a god. 
(click to show/hide)

Phase Aspect: Always Ready - Whether He Wants To Be Or Not

The Story: Looking for a cure in all the wrong places.
His dreams answered, Tom was troubled.  He had his precious magic, but his life is difficult in so many ways.  Something that he thought must be a blessing has turned into a curse.  Others notice the shift in his social life.  Part of him wanted the good without the bad.  Seeking others who had powers (and wearing very loose slacks and wrapping a velco wristband around his thigh to conceal his "mark") he came across something that took an interest in him while making problems for others in a nightclub - White Court Vampire problems.

Good taste prevents going into details, but Tom did his all to distract a certain female White Court Vampire so that others could get away.  She thought he would be a momentary distraction, but thanks to his mark of power Tom proved so much more.  Only the fact that he was marked by a power prevented her from draining his life force during the hours they spent together.  When she finally called an end to the distraction, she helped a very drain Tom along his way and gave him her phone number.

Phase Aspect: Bom Chicka Wah Wah Comes Through

Guest Star: Whose Path Have You Crossed? (Details to be filled in later)
It depends on who you want him to work with.  Tom is likely to join with a group of other supernaturally touched people (i.e. the party) in an effort to explore the world of magic and solve his problem.  If (um, when) the others notice his problem and ask him about it, Tom will shamefacedly explain his difficulty and ask for suggestions.  Note: no force this side of a god will be able to help him with that, but Tom won't give up looking for a way to keep the benefits while ditching the downside.

Sample Aspects could be: "Have My Cake and Eat It Too" and "Poetry For The Win".

Power Level: Up to Your Waist
Skill Cap: Great
Skill Points: 25
Starting Refresh: 7
Adjusted Refresh: 1

Lore: Great
Conviction: Great

Discipline: Good
Performance: Good

Athletics: Fair
Endurance: Fair
Scholarship: Fair (includes knowledge of chemicals and 'party' drugs).

Deceit: Average (Distraction and Misdirection to slip something into someone's drink)
Fists: Average
Might: Average
Presence: Average
Rapport: Average (it might be exchanged with Discipline or Performance at his next milestone)

Stunts and Powers:
Sex Appeal (rapport) - as the god makes his presence felt in Tom, Tom becomes more and more of a player.

Inhuman Recover (-2)

Marked by Power (-1)

Sponsored Rituals (Priapus) (-2): Priapus is a god of growing things, not of flashy things.  This is effectively Rituals: Priapus but it still has the sponsored magic trappings.  Like sponsored magic, it can't be used in ways that the sponsor would not like (e.g. no harming fields, even indirectly) and debt can be accrued, but it cannot be used to cast thaumaturgy at evocation speeds.    Before it can be used to aid plant growth the area has to be dedicated in someway to Priapus.  Anything from a poem that threatens a curse to a sign that says "Protected by Priapus" will do.

Rituals Items:
Focus Item
Cup of the Drunken Co-Ed (Sponsored Rituals, Lore +1)
This isn't so much a cup as a large goblet like bowl.   Tim mixes various things in the goblet / bowl and more often than not drinks the concoction as part of ritual.  It got its name because it was passed around at a few parties, filled with booze in an attempt to get girls drunk.

Enchanted Item
Ring of the Fields (defensive block 4, once per day)
Wind and the rain strike at the fields, but the fields endure.  Men plow the fields and the fields endure.  Crops come and go but the fields endure.  This ring allows Tim to tap some of that eternal vibe - once a day it raises a block around him (as usually he can take mental stress to activate it more often).  It has gotten him out a few scraps.  Tim found it soon after he was marked and thinks it may be of ancient make.  It is made of white gold (electrum) and appears to be made up of an erotic daisy chain of nude figures doing predictable things.

Tim keeps a slot open for potions.  Lust potions won't do (the resulting sex won't pay off any debts) but sleep potions will work just fine.  Other times he'll have a different potion (usually leaves it open and makes the Lore Roll)

The Dread Curse of Priapus
Type: Thaumaturgy, Priapus Ritual Curse
Complexity: 16
Duration: More or less permanent.
Effect: Assigns a male victim the Extreme Consequence of "Impotent"; resisted by Endurance
Variations: Can boost the complexity to deal with thresholds and other issues.
Notes: Designed to work on people of up to Great Endurance, the math is 4 (for Great) + 4 (max roll) + 8 (to assign an Extreme Consequence "Impotent").   Luckily there are restrictions that Priapus imposes before allowing this spell to be cast:

1) the target must be male (females face a different punishment), and
2) the target must be 25 years old or older (male youths face a different punishment), and
3) the target must have wronged Tim or Priapus in some way.

That last part could be as simple as trespassing on land where Tim has placed a "this area protected by Priapus" sign or making fun of Tim's "mark of power".  Attacking Tim definitely counts as an offence to both of them - not that offending both of them makes it easier to cast the spell, but if Tim forgives an assault he can always change his mind later and cast this spell since the god is still holding a grudge.

The different punishments referred to above aren't spells (see below) but angry sex with the victim - whether they are willing or not.  That was how Priapus rolled back in the day and he expects his new follower to do the same.  Tim has yet to inflict any of Priapus' punishments, but Priapus thinks it's only a matter of time before the boy gets into the mood of things.

Maidenhead Revisit
Type: Thaumaturgy, Priapus Ritual Transformation Maneuver
Complexity: 4 (3 for Maneuver + 1 to make it sticky)
Duration: Not touching that with a ten foot pole
Effect: Assigns the Aspect "Virgin".
Notes: Designed for use when a female or male youth (pubescent and under 25) offends Priapus or his Emissary, it makes the angry sex just that much worse.  Tim hasn't used this either as part of a "punishment" or for fun, but knowledge of the spell came with his empowerment.  No, it has no effects on those who already have that aspect.

Blessing of Priapus
Type: Thaumaturgy, Priapus Ritual Transformation Maneuver
Complexity: 4 (3 for Maneuver + 1 to make it sticky)
Duration: Until, um, exhausted?
Effect: Assigns the Aspect "Erect" to a mature male; cannot be used to counteract the Dread Curse.
Notes: Viagra in spell form.  Yes, it can be put into a potion for later use.  Tim sees this ritual as a quick way to pay back males who mock his "mark of power".  Sort of a "Ha-ha you're pitching a tent too - if you call that a tent" spell.  Is this a blessing or curse? Depends on the circumstances.

Tim is apt to try to solve every problem with magic - recklessly going into debt, because what's the point of having magic if you don't use it? He thinks that there must be a way for him to keep all of his powers but have control of his 'mark'.

He is slowly replacing his wardrobe with loose fitting clothes, ponchos, and anything else he can use to hide his problem.

Using him in play:
He would be a seriously hard PC to play, but he could be a good NPC and serve as an example of what happens when you carelessly pursue power.

Story Ideas:
Tim approaches the PCs for help with his problem.  He will haver if there are females around and isn't all that happy to explain things to them, but he wants a way to have his powers without the disadvantages.

A PC is attending a cultural event that includes poetry readings, and for a change one of the poems isn't just doggerel verse.  It's not merely good, it's Great.  Probably better than Great (depending on Tim's dice roll).  Only thing is, the poet is behaving slightly off kilter.  He's sitting at a table and won't stand up for any reason.  And his clothes... Well, artist types often dress odd, but why won't this strange young man stand up?

A bunch of signs pop up, declaring things to be under the protection of Priapus.  How can the PCs do anything other than investigate?

A girl that the PCs know wakes up with a hangover, a bit of an ache, and no memory of how she ended up sharing a bed with Tim or what happened.  Do the PCs handle the creep? What if Tim says (honestly) that he was so drunk that he doesn't remember that night either?

Tim starts a cult.  He uses magic to impress people.  He uses magic to come up with fun substances for their parties.  He uses magic to make the sex better.  In short, he soon becomes a successful (if unambitious) cult leader to people who like partying.  Either someone else tries to take advantage of this cult or the cult starts funnelling too much power to the old gods.  Either way, Tim's little "24/7 party cult" becomes a problem that needs to be dealt with - but Tim isn't an evil cult leader.  He's a lazy but kind of nice guy who likes to party and is being exploited.  How do the PCs handle things?

Tim decides he wants money and tries to make it as a porn star under the name "Tom O'Priapus".  Things are really working out for him, until one of his movies is edited in a way that makes fun of Priapus.  Suddenly Tim has an angry patron, one that wants curses hurled, and he needs the PCs to help him deal with the situation without crossing his own line moral lines.

Tim decides to earn some fast money as gardener.  He posts "Protected by Priapus" signs and cast spells.  When vandals strike or neighbourhood youths start trespassing on the "protected" lands Tim starts getting dreams from his patron - and is scared spitless by what Priapus wants him to do.

Tim decides to earn some fast money with a grow-op.  Priapus is a lord of growing things and doesn't care if the crop is legal or a field of cannabis - or even opium poppies.  However, the god will care if the cops torch the fields or rivals drug dealers steal the crop.  Tim has suddenly gone from "make lots of money fast" to "Priapus wants me to do WHAT?" - with the targets being cops, DEA agents, or outlaw bikers.  He'll need the PCs help either to smooth things over or to effect a minor revenge that will satisfy Priapus and leave Tim alive.

Tim decides to earn some fast money with a grow-op.  The crop grows in record time but then Tim is stuck with it.  He knows it's worth money but he doesn't know how to process the crop for sale or who to sell it to.  He could run into problems with undercover cops, minor drug dealers, not so minor gangsters, or even something supernatural that was meeting the area's drugs needs (maybe a Summer Court Fae known as The Lord of the Sweet Leaf?).  Regardless of whether the trouble is mundane or supernatural, Tim needs help.  Can the PCs help him? Do they see this as a way to teach him that "quick fixes" aren't worth the hassle?

Tim gets arrested for a date rape that didn't happen.  It was one of the times that he only used his charms (as opposed to booze) but the girl later regretted the act and claims that he drugged her.  He calls a PC with connects to the courts or one that he knows can pay his bail.  Tim knows he'll have a really hard time of it in jail and needs help now.  Will the PCs believe him or even care that he's in jail?

Tim comes to a bad end.  Maybe one of his get rich quick ideas crashed and burned, maybe he goes to jail for rape (and learns how it feels to be someone's bitch), maybe he annoyed something bigger on the supernatural food chain and got chewed up - whatever happened, make it something that the PCs could have prevented.  Then the shit hits the fan old style.  Priapus doesn't like what happened to his emissary and takes action.  The Furies are unleashed.  Nemesis stalks the streets.  An old god stirs to reminded others that when he marks a mortal then that mortal is HIS TOY and everyone better bloody well respect that.  Forgotten old myths are becoming frightening realities and it's at least partly the PC's fault - what do they do?

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #107 on: June 22, 2011, 10:39:35 AM »
Name: Lewis Stevens (Submerged)

High Concept: Scion of Chaos  
Trouble: Many Enemies

Aspects: Infuriating Arrogance, Twisted Sense of Humour, Black Hearted Retch, Impulse Control Issues, Child of Chaos

Skills: +5: Intimidate, Atheletics
          +4: Discipline, Convcition
          +3: Alertness, Performance
          +2: Contacts, Resources, Endurance
          +1: Scholarship, Lore, Investigation, Surivival, Presence

Incite Anger [-4] Range, Potent and Lasting
Emotion Vampire (Rage/Anger) [-1]
Feeding Dependancy (Rage/ Anger) [+1] Affecting

Physical Immunity [-8]
Incite Crowd [-1] You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

Catch of only against the attacks of people or creatures who are enraged at him (an aspect mentioning him is necessary) [+5]


Infuriate: Scaring people isn’t your forte; seriously pissing them off, on the other hand, is right up your alley. Gain +2 to any roll when deliberately trying to get someone angry with you (a social or mental attack or a maneuver with such a goal). Any consequences (such as grudges) or temporary aspects that result must name you as the source and target of the anger.

Refresh Modifier [-9]
Total Refresh [+1]  

« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 11:16:05 AM by ways and means »
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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Rock'n Roller Leothrope Skald
« Reply #108 on: July 15, 2011, 10:24:02 PM »
High Concept: Rock'n Roller Leothrope Skald (Submerged)
Trouble: Forsaken Skaldic Heritage
Other Aspects:
Bearer of the Guitar of Ages;
Sure, What the Hell...;
Easily Underestimated Man-Child;
The New Ways - Just Like the Old Ways;
You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry

Superb: Presence, Performance
Great: Deceit Intimidation, Fists
Good: Intimidation Athletics, Conviction
Fair: Rapport, Endurance, Might
Average: Alertness, Contacts, Discipline, Empathy, Lore

[-1] Bardic Spirit: Presence is used instead of Conviction to determine spellcasting power.
[-1] Bardic Finesse: Performance is used instead of Discipline to determine spellcasting control.

[-1] Echoes of the Beast:+1 to physical Intimidation checks (not social threats), talk to felines
[+1] Human Form: affecting Inhuman Strength, Inhuman Toughness and Inhuman Recovery
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-2] Inhuman Toughness
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+2] Catch: Monkshood

[-2] Channeling: Music
[-1] Item of Power (Guitar of the Ages) [+2]: providing Refinement 3 [-3] spent on +3 to Offensive Discipline and Conviction (Channeling: Music)

Focus Items (Channeling: Music):
Silver-Gold Torc Necklace (2 slots): +1 to Defensive Power (Presence) and Control (Performance) (Channeling: Music)
Guitar of the Ages (IoP, 3 slots): +3 to Offensive Power (Presence) and Control (Performance) (Channeling: Music)

Casting Scores:
Offensive Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance/ Epic (+7) Presence and Performance with Guitar of Ages
Defensive Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance/ Superb (+5) Presence and Performance with Torc Necklace
Channeling (Music): Great (+4) Presence and Performance

Physical: 000 (as Leothrope: 000(00) Armor:1)
Mental: 0000
Social: 0000, plus one additional Mild Social Consequence

Adjusted Refresh: 1
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #109 on: July 16, 2011, 04:08:50 AM »
Thank you, devonapple.

Now for some more characters from the same game.

Presenting: Falar's DeMarcus Kane and my own Dr. Isaac Hall.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2011, 04:11:07 AM »
DeMarcus Kane
High Concept: S&O's Ex-Pat Ira Company Man
Trouble: Holding on to a Hairsbreadth

Where Did You Come From?
DeMarcus was born Samuel Ira to one of the lower ranking members of House Ira early in 1981. Although the house of rage tends towards a more direct route than other of the White Court, still, no one within told him of his powers or his choice until it was too late. Sport, to them, was playing with mortals and influencing them to kill each other and die in the attempt and DeMarcus was no different. He claimed his first kill in 1994 and that's when he claimed his new name - Demarcus - a rite of passage in House Ira. It's also when he met his demon.

At first, the presence of the demon utterly terrified him. He ran far away from House Ira to live alone for a while, still feeding the demon as he felt it sapping at his strength, but not fully giving in to its control. It didn't take time for that fear to erode in the feelings of power after he had fed. And soon, he was turning brother against brother, child against mother, friend against friend ... and loving it.

Aspect: I'm Gonna Have To Go With Wrath

What Shaped You?
Almost ten years after his first kill, DeMarcus began to sicken of the life he had carved for himself with House Ira. He never had a chance to be much in the way of leadership in the House, such as there was any and anything else he turned his hand to ended in war and death - that by his own choice. His mood sank into a deep depression and, in his fugue, he neglected his hunger, except when it was near impossible for him to move.

It was in this state that he stumbled into the doors of a 'new' theatre and sat down to watch an old horror movie. And then he experienced fear as he'd never had before. It seemed to roll in waves across the theatre and the monster on screen took on the visage of his demon, jibing the heroine to rash acts and horrible choices, while DeMarcus broke out in a cold sweat. Even with his heightened anxiety, he still sat through the movie, then immediately went up and introduced himself to the manager - and saw that he had walked in to the Conclave of the Kane.

In a split second, he knew what he wanted to do. Bowing low, he asked permission to leave House Ira and pledge himself to the Way of the Kane - a way of being a monster, but chaining that monster to his own ends and what his conscience could live with. Derrial took him in with open arms and that's when he became DeMarcus Kane, the seeker of peace, even if it's for other people.

Aspect: The Way of Kane

First Novel: Babes, Bullets & Blacktop
When DeMarcus takes a job as bodyguard for a visiting fae dignitary, little does he know he'll be protecting her from an old leader from his past. Will he be able to stand against the combined powers of House Ira, or will wrath itself consume him?

Zaphiel knows that he must some how repay DeMarcus for his help in the street way, so he joins forces with him to protect the fae dignitary. With their powers combined, nothing can stand in their way. So, Zaphiel handily deals with the first maneuver of the Ira problem with a flick of a sword of fire, but the fae dignitary indicates disapproval of the pair's direct approach.

After the attack of the fey lady's assassin, Zaphiel and DeMarcus were left with severe injuries and poison-filled veins. This would have been a serious problem, had Dr Isaac Hall not happened to walk by. The incredible luck involved in his appearance resembled divine intervention, actually. Anyway, Dr Hall stitched them back up and cleaned their blood with a potent magical antitoxin that he just happened to have in his pocket. In return for his help, Dr Hall demanded that Zaphiel and DeMarcus explain their adventures to him. They did so, and Dr Hall was so intrigued by their story that he spent the next few hours following them around in hopes of seeing more. As it happened, his decision to follow them was a very good one for everyone involved...but that's another story.

Aspect: Adelaide's Chosen Prey

Guest Star: Street War
When Zaphiel's job gets him involved in a lycanthrope street war, his brethren offer him an easy way out-coming back to heaven. But will Zaphiel stay strong and end the street war on his own, or heed the call of heaven?

Who says Zaphiel has to do anything on his own when he's got the power of a Kane Conclave vampire at his back? Demarcus backs his partner's play in the street war, but it seems that these spirits of rage are being stirred up by something more than territory battles.

Aspect: Zaphiel's Best Badass Buddy

Guest Star Redux: Ballroom Blitz

A rogue Red Court Vampire has set her sights on an obscure indie music festival in Duluth. Zaphiel Lorenzo and DeMarcus Kane (having been clued in anonymously by a rival group of Red Court Vampires who would prefer not to attract attention) integrate themselves into the security team. When the vampire makes her move against an obscure musician named Lukas, Zaphiel and DeMarcus find the target anything but helpless as he summons musical magic before entering the fray with a roar and a berzerker rage. Together they drive the vampiress away, but fail to destroy her. The duo learn that Lukas is in demand by numerous supernatural elements for his musical abilities, and despite his aversion to getting involved, easily recognize that he has that rare blend of confidence and deathwish which makes him a fellow spirit.

Aspect: Backup is Deadly

Superb (+5): Athletics, Endurance
Great (+4): Alertness, Guns
Good (+3): Intimidation, Discipline
Fair (+2) Contacts, Weapons, Lore
Average (+1): Driving, Might, Conviction, Fists, Presence

Stunts [-2]

Take the Hit - When DeMarcus' block against attacks against a certain target is overcome, he may take stress equal to the number of shifts the block was overcome by to have it remain, effectively taking the hit himself. For example, is there is a Good (+3) block in effect and the attack is a Superb (+5) attack, DeMarcus can take 2 stress (or a mild physical consequence) for the block to remain in effect.

He also gains one additional mild physical consequence that can only be used for this purpose.

Bodyguard's Block - When using Athletics to block an attack against targets, it may be rolled at +2. If DeMarcus is protecting only a single target, the bonus increases to a +3. DeMarcus may also spend shifts in duration with Athletics blocks, as with magical blocks.

Powers [-5]
Emotional Vampire [-1]
Human Guise [+0]
Incite Emotion (Touch Only): Wrath [-1]

Feeding Dependency: Wrath [+1] which affects the following abilities:
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
- The Catch: True Peace  [+0]
Inhuman Speed [-2]

Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO, +2 Mild Consequence
Social: OOO
Hunger: OOOO

Noteworthy Inventory
Bulletproof Vest: Armor:1
Telescoping Baton: Weapon:2
Glock 9mm: Weapon:2
Chevy Lumina: It's a car. Easily holds five people. Modified to have Armor:3.

Adjusted Refresh: 3

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #111 on: July 16, 2011, 04:15:15 AM »
Dr. Isaac Hall (Submerged)

High Concept: Mad Scientist With Wizard Bits
Trouble Aspect: FOR SCIENCE!
Other Aspects: Hristo's A Pretty Cool Guy, I Wish I Was A Wizard, Hennepin County's Eccentric Genius, I Literally Died To Get This Eye, My Favourite Guinea Pigs
Superb: Lore, Scholarship
Great: Discipline, Craftsmanship
Good: Conviction, Investigation
Fair: Resources, Contacts, Alertness
Average: Fists, Endurance, Presence, Rapport, Intimidation
Organ Transplant Surgeon (Scholarship): +1 to Scholarship concerning surgery, +2 to Scholarship concerning organ transplants.
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Refinement [-1]
Semi-Item Of Power (Wizard's Eyeball) [+0]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Living Dead [-1]
Thaumaturgy: +1 crafting power, +1 crafting frequency
Enchanted Items: Lab Coat (Block 6 against attack twice/session, armour 3 twice/session), Blasting Rod (Weapon 6 attack with two zones of range twice/session), 3 potion slots (power 6, two uses)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Background: I Wish I Was A Wizard.

Isaac Hall was raised by Samuel Hall, his father and a wizard of the white council. Samuel Hall was fascinated by the interaction between magic, technology, and science. He passed that fascination onto his son, but he couldn't pass on his magical powers. Isaac never managed anything more than a bit of crafting. He tried and tried, but he didn't have the talent. This was very tough for him, especially since he knew the theory of magic inside and out.

Rising Conflict: Hennepin County's Eccentric Genius

After realizing that he had no real chance of becoming a wizard, Isaac decided to attend university and then medical school. That's what smart kids do, after all. At university, people thought that he was incredibly weird. Probably because his home-schooling gave him little idea of how to interact with mortals. Now he could have tried to fit in. But instead, he played up his own weirdness and created a mad scientist persona for himself. Because he was very very very smart, people accepted this. After all, geniuses are never really crazy: they're just eccentric. Anyway, he passed with fantastic marks and quickly got a job at [Local Hospital]. He's been there for over a decade now, and he's acquired a great deal of respect there for his skill.

First Adventure: Hristo's A Pretty Cool Guy

Dr. Hall didn't do much magic for a while after getting a job at [Local Hospital]. There were too many other things to occupy his curiosity. But one day, a stange man named Hristo came to the hospital looking for a bit of discreet medical help with a secret project. Dr. Hall agreed to help him when nobody else would, mostly to satisfy his own curiosity about Hristo's project. He was rewarded by a glimpse of something amazing: the creation of human/supernatural hybrids. This project seized Isaac's interest, and his association with Hristo blossomed into a full partnership. Isaac was a magically-aware doctor with a special skill for organ transplants, which made him ideal for Hristo's purposes. It should be noted that Isaac doesn't know Hristo as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he's be horrified.

Starring In An Eye For An Eye, with guest appearances from Lukas Grimm and Erik Vander: I Literally Died To Get This Eye.

Not long after Hristo and Isaac began their collaboration, Samuel Hall died. This made Isaac very sad, but Hristo showed him that there was a silver lining: he could implant his father's body parts into himself and in doing so inherit his powers. The family connection would ensure that the implantation went well, and something of Samuel would live on through his son.

The fact that Isaac took this as consolation says a lot about him.

Anyway, getting parts of Samuel's body without pissing off his Warden friends would not be easy. Hristo contacted Erik Vander for help in planning a daring heist. And surprisingly, it worked. They got Samuel's entire body out of there and replaced with a glamour, and no-one noticed. (Except for one janitor who was easily bamboozled into believing that he had hallucinated the whole thing.)

Unfortunately, it turned out that Samuel wasn't as alright with this as Isaac had expected. His ghost came back for revenge. Fortunately, Erik Vander knew someone who could calm him down with magic music. That someone was Lukas Grimm. Lukas did his part, and Samuel calmed down enough for a tearful and moving and tremendously awkward conversation with his son. At the end of it, Samuel agreed to have his eye placed into his son's head. Truth is, Samuel was always a lot like his son. He could never resist a crazy experiment.

The transplantation procedure went very well, until Lukas Grimm's stalker burst onto the scene with a demand that he marry her. He responded by asking "Have we met?".

That was not the right thing to say. She had a minor breakdown, and during it she knocked over some rather important life support gear. Isaac died on the operating table.

But for some reason, it didn't stick. Isaac only half-died. His pulse stopped, his breath disappeared...and he kept moving. He found that absolutely fascinating, and so he went on to perform a great number of experiments upon his own body.

Samuel's ghost passed about a week later, quite happily. Lukas's fan got mental help. Erik pocketed a large sum of money, courtesy of Isaac's inheritance. Lukas earned another crazy story to tell, as if he didn't already have enough. Isaac got The Sight and full Thaumaturgy. And Hristo learned a lot about how he could refine his methods.

Guest Starring In Babes, Bullets, And Blacktop, with Zaphiel Lorenzo and DeMarcus Kane: My Favourite Guinea Pigs.

After the attack of the fey lady's assassin, Zaphiel and DeMarcus were left with severe injuries and poison-filled veins. This would have been a serious problem, had Dr Isaac Hall not happened to walk by. The incredible luck involved in his appearance resembled divine intervention, actually. Anyway, Dr Hall stitched them back up and cleaned their blood with a potent magical antitoxin that he just happened to have in his pocket. In return for his help, Dr Hall demanded that Zaphiel and DeMarcus explain their adventures to him. They did so, and Dr Hall was so intrigued by their story that he spent the next few hours following them around in hopes of seeing more. As it happened, his decision to follow them was a very good one for everyone involved...but that's another story.

Guest Starring In Ray Of Sunshine with Ray Rojas and Zaphiel Lorenzo: My Favourite Guinea Pigs.

Ray Rojas had a problem. He needed to destroy a scourge of Mexican Black Court Vampires in order to save some children, but he knew that to fight them alone would be suicidal. So he contacted a fellow named Zaphiel Lorenzo to help him out. With Zaphiel at his back, he felt good about his chances. He declared his preparations complete and booked a flight to Mexico.

Just before they left, Ray and Zaphiel got to talking about Ray's lack of decent weaponry. Zaphiel mentioned that he knew a guy who could help, and that that guy's name was Isaac Hall. So they payed the doctor a visit, and were rewarded with a sword of crystallized flame. But there was a catch: Isaac insisted that he be allowed to accompany the two warriors, to see his masterpiece in action. Reluctantly, they agreed.

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Human Prince of Faerie Example
« Reply #112 on: July 22, 2011, 04:29:53 AM »
Originally from the Human Prince of Faerie thread

Peter Walker (Feet In The Water)
High Concept:  "Teen Prince of The Neighborhood Pixies"
Trouble: "My Secret Life"
Other Aspects: "Parents' Pride And Joy," "Channeling The Inner Hero," "My Complex Love Life," "A Faerie Tale Education," "A Knack For Bargains"

Good (+3): Conviction, Fists, Presence
Fair (+2): Discipline, Rapport, Scholarship
Average (+1): Alertness, Deceit, Empathy, Endurance, Lore

Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO

Faerie Crown [Item of Power]
     One Time Discount [+2]
     Indestructible [+0]
     Glamours [-2]
     Light Source (See Pixie entry, page 48 of Our World) [-0]
     Supenatural Recovery [-4]
     The Catch: Cold Iron [Easily Accessible +2; Specific Research Material Necessary (not everyone is aware humans can become Princes of Faerie) +1]

Final Cost [-1]

Martial Artist
Armed Arts: Gun (Staff) and Dao (Sword)  (Note that Dao training can be applied to similarly sized objects such as canes or baseball bats)
Redirected Force

Refresh: 1

High Concept: "Teen Prince Of The Neighborhood Pixies"
Peter is an ordinary teenage kid who just happens to be Crown Prince of a tribe of pixies which has settled in his part of town.  Which means not only does he get to deal with all the normal things in a teenager's existence, good and bad, but all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of being the leader to a group of faeries on top of that.  Talk about a full plate!
Invoke: as a bonus to any activities related to fufilling his Princely duties, as a bonus to anything done being done in the capacity of an ordinary teenager, for effect to have his subjects do something significantly onerous or dangerous for him
Compel: to have Peter's responsibilities as Prince complicate his life; to have typical teen limitations and concerns complicate Peter's activities or involvement with supernatural matters.

Trouble: "My Secret Life"
There are a lot of people in Peter's life who are clueless about the supernatural in general, let alone Peter's Princedom.  Teachers, friends, classmates, and most importantly, his parents.  Peter would like to keep it that way to avoid freaking them out.  Unfortunately, keeping the supernatural side of the world from being discovered is a lot harder when your involved with it in a major way.  Luckily, he can get help from his sister Lucy and his best friend since kindergarten Jane to protect the clueless people in his life from the truth.
Invoke: as a bonus when trying to hide or explain away supernatural creatures or incidents to the clueless, as a bonus to attempts to convince supernatural beings to cooperate with attempts to keeping the supernatural secret
Compel: to have supernatural beings visit or incidents occur while there's a chance that a clueless person in Peter's life could potentially notice

Background: "Parents' Pride And Joy"
The elder of two children, Peter is the son of Frank and Janet Walker.  His father is a senior surveyor and civil engineer for the city, while his mother is a Park Ranger.  His sister Kate is two years younger than him.  Growing up, he's always been supported and encouraged by his parents to achieve both at academics and extracurricular activities.  And it's paid off.  Peter has excelled academically, regularly placing on the honor roll.  And when movies got Peter interested in learning kung fu, his parents sprung for lessons from the best instructors in the city, and proudly display the trophies he's won in various regional competitions. 

Despite all their attention and indulgences, Frank and Janet set fair but firm rules that they expected Peter to follow.  This positive encourgement coupled with an adequate discipline shaped Peter to be a good kid.  This of course was another source of pride for his parents.  While other parents had problem children who got into various kinds of trouble their son was a good kid.  Of course, being a good kid, Peter feels obligated to live up to his parents opinions and expectations and avoid doing things that would disappoint them.
Invoke: as a bonus to social interaction with his parents; for effect to declare that he has something due to it being provided by his parents.
Compel: to have Peter do something in order to live up to his parent's expectations or to avoid disappointing them.

Rising Conflict: "Channeling The Inner Hero"
It seemed for a time that Peter Walker was going to have a nice but ordinary life.  Then came the summer he first met the pixies.  It started one day when he was sitting out on the deck eating pizza.  He had gone back inside just for a second to get a drink and when he came back outside there was a tiny, winged figure munching on the slice on his plate.  She quickly noticed his return and flitted away rapidly.

At first Peter just wanted to brush off the experience as an overactive imagination, but then curiosity got the better of him.  He began leaving a piece of pizza out every night, only to find the next morning it was entirely gone.  After a few nights, he decided to stay up and wait.  His patience was rewarded by the sight of several of the winged figures flying up to feast on the pizza he had left for them.  He went out to get a closer look at them, and while most flew away quickly this time one decided to stay when he asked.  That night an arrangement was forged in which the pixies would stay and answer questions in return for pizza.

The rest of the summer he would out with the pixies, sharing pizza with them and learning about Faerie and other aspects of the supernatural world.  Peter and the pixies became friends, and he ended up helping their community in other ways.  Then one day, a week or so before the beginning of the school year, terror came to the neighborhood pixie tribe in the form of a young malk.  The faerie predator had stumbled upon the tribe and became determined to hunt them all down and eat them. 

When Peter heard about this he knew he could not let that happen to his friends.  Giving the pixies sanctuary in his room, he went out with his bo staff to try to convince the malk to leave.  But the malk, unwilling to give up his prey, could not be persuaded to go.  It in fact threatened to add Peter to that category if he did not invite him inside and let him hunt. 

Realizing the only way to insure the long term safety of his friends was to fight, Peter attacked the malk despite how dangerous he knew it was.  It was a tough, and vicious fight, but in the end Peter triumphed thanks to his determination and training.  Grateful for Peter's defense of them and impressed with his willingness to risk life and limb on their behalf, the pixie tribe decided to make him their Crown Prince.  And thus began the next, stranger and more exciting chapter in Peter's life.
Invoke: as a bonus anytime Peter is doing something difficult or dangerous for the sake of another, as a bonus to social interaction with anyone aware of his heroic deeds.
Compel: to have a circumstance or event arise in which Peter will have to act in a heroic manner to prevent others from being hurt.

First Story - Save Me A Dance: "My Complex Love Life"
So the school is throwing a dance and Peter's trying to figure out who to take.  He has a crush on this girl named Georgia in is home room, but he's not even sure she knows he exists.  Then there's Jane, who suggested they be each other's back-up "safety dates" in case they couldn't get real ones, but he's not exactly sure how he feels about that.  Of course, being a Prince of Faerie, Peter's girl problems do not stay confined to the safe and mundane.  It seems Aiela, a young nymph, has her heart set on a having the True Love of a Prince and has set her sights on him, going so far as to adopt the identiy of a human girl and start attending his high school in pursuit of him.  Oh, and then there's the fact that Peter's subjects have decided to help their Prince get the girl, only they're divided as to which girl is the right one and have split into different "teams," each trying to make sure that Peter ends up with their choice for best match.
Invoke: as a bonus to social interaction with potential romantic interests, as a bonus to anything done to help or protect a potential romantic interest.
Compel: to have a potential love interest complicate his life in some way, to have his pixie subjects complicate his life with well-meaning "help" in regards to his love life.

Guest Star Spot - Insert Story From Fellow Party Member Here: "A Faerie Tale Education"
Peter has learned most of what he knows about the supernatural from his subjects.  Which has its advantages and disadvantages.  Any story that one ties this aspect to should have those things be a factor in Peter's involvement.
Invoke: as a bonus to Lore rolls for matters pertaining to faerie, as a bonus to social interaction with faeries thanks to tutoring on faerie ettiquette and culture, as a bonus to Contact rolls involving faeries or people tied to faeries in some way, for effect to declare a fact or circumstance that would derive from knowledge of Faerie
Compel: have knowledge or attitudes about beings, organizations, or prominenent individuals in the Supernatural World influenced by the perspectives and biases held by his subjects

Guest Star Spot Redux - Insert Story From Fellow Party Member Here: "A Knack For Bargains"
One thing one picks up early when dealing with Faerie is the importance the place on bargains.  Peter has learned that lesson well, and is very careful when it comes to making them.  Any story that one ties to this aspect should have a bargain or bargaining be a factor in Peter's involvement
Invoke: as a bonus to convince someone to make a bargain, to negotiate favorable terms for a bargain, to assess any loopholes that can be found in a bargain; for effect to declare that Peter is calling upon the terms of a past bargain for something.
Compel: when the terms of a bargain that Peter has made complicates a situation he is in.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #113 on: July 27, 2011, 04:02:11 PM »
Simon Smith
High Concept:  Possessed NEET underachiever
Trouble: Sharing my head with a Dead Angel

Aspect: Graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, Personality Bleed, Memories of Eternity, Borrowed Weapons

5: Guns, Athletics
4: Lore, Scholarship
3: Endurance, Discipline
2: Conviction, Presence, Empathy
1: Deceit, Weapons, Fists, Survival, Contacts

Guns Akimbo- You can add half your second weapon rating (rounded up) to your first
Demolitions Expert: +1 accuracy with rocket launchers and grenades.

Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
[Catch of Innocents +3]
Inhuman Speed [-2]

Burning Brands [-2]
Pair of Rocket Launchers, Weapon 5 each

Obvious Item of Power +2
Shape Changer – Can transform into a pair of prayer beads with a supplemental action [-1]
Infinite Ammo [-1] Can be shot as many times as wanted without be re-loading
Magical Disruption [-1] the weapon when fired as well damaging everything in the area gives the area the aspect Magical Disruption
Protection of Innocence [+0] this weapon cannot affect normal humans not tainted by magic
True Aim [-1]

Total Refresh [1]

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Even forever must come to an end....
I think.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #114 on: July 29, 2011, 05:21:45 AM »
Is this someone I should have heard of?

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #115 on: July 29, 2011, 05:24:34 AM »
And here's BumblingBear's character from Terror In The Twin Cities.

Raphiel "Ray" Rojas 

Ray Rojas was raised to believe that he is the son of an angel.  In reality, he is the offspring of one of the Fallen.  Ray's life can be complicated especially of late.  It's not easy trying to be a hero when half of who you are genetically is screaming for you to be the exact opposite.


Raphiel is about 5'6", and almost as wide as he is tall.  He is very, very thick and well muscled.  His eyes spark with a barely-controlled inner fire, and when he takes on his true form, wings of shadow rise up behind him, filling the room or obscuring the sky.

He keeps a number of knives on his person.  Of note is a ceramic boot knife (weapon:1) that he always has on him.  He likes throwing spikes and javelins, but is pragmatic enough to know when not to carry big weapons around.  He always has at least a few knives on him, though.

His weapon of choice is a large, solid steel Pudao.  Much too heavy to be used by a vanilla mortal, it is large, sturdy, and well tempered enough to tear through a car. 

"La Noche" A solid steel Pudao.  Weighs approximately 20 lbs.  Weapon: 4

Ray is partial to wearing snazzy trenchcoats and likes to carry a steel cane made from pipe fittings.

High Concept: Half Demon Vigilante 
Trouble: Demonic Urges
Other Aspects: Heroic Self Image; Bathed in Hellfire; Dedicated Pragmatist; Lend a Hand; He who dies with the most toys...

Superb (+5): Weapons, Intimidation
Great (+4): Athletics, Discipline
Good (+3): Endurance, Conviction
Fair (+2): Presence, Might, Alertness
Average (+1): Scholarship, Fists, Guns, Lore, Rapport, Investigation

Stress Track:
Physical: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ([ ] [ ] [ ] [ ])
Mental:   [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Social:    [ ] [ ] [ ]


(0)    Demonic constitution
(-0)   Human Guise
(-1)   Marked By Power
(-4)   Supernatural Toughness
(+3)   Catch: Holy
(-1)   Wings
(-2)   Inhuman strength
(-1)   Demonic warrior.  +1 to "weapons" for all edged weapons.
(-2)   Wings of Night.  Raphael may use his wings to block with the weapons skill while enjoying a +2 bonus.
(-1)   Hellfire Aura.  Raphiel may increase the weapon rating of his weapons by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box he's filled in. Increase the bonus to +3 if in proximity to another source of hellfire or demonic energy.  While imbued in this way, weapons may meet the catch of "fire" or "unholy".

Refresh Spent: -9
Total  Remaining:+1

Stress Track:

High Concept: Half Demon Vigilante
Raphiel wants to do the right thing and feels a burning anger whenever he sees evidence of supernatural creatures preying on mortals.  However, he himself is part monster and he doesn't even know it.
Invoke: His reputation is pretty scary; anything involving his upbringing and his martial training; his desire to do the "right" thing
Compel: Distrust from other members of the supernatural based on his aura; may feel empathy for evil; he may be recognized for what he is or even approached by a Fallen Angel or a Nicklehead; may want to do something heroic a lot differently than other heroes

Trouble Concept: Demonic Urges
Half of Ray's DNA is demon - the real thing.  Whether his mother knows about this is unknown, but unlikely.  Chances are that she really believes he is half angel as well.  Unfortunately for Ray, he has been fighting demonic urges his whole life and only a fairly good sense of self confidence and a high discipline has allowed him to ignore most of them.
Invoke: When doing something bad or naughty, to be more frightening, rare insights into the minds of criminals or killers, to rend or tear, to ingratiate himself with monsters
Compel: Pretty much anything considered "bad" or destructive.  Some examples would be stealing, destroying things, killing things, destroying a fallen enemy instead of gathering intel, preferring to target an unarmed adversary, poisoning a family pet, etc.  Anything psychotic, crazy, or loony.  The urge to fight in a chicken suit might even be an urge depending on who Ray's bio father was.

Background Aspect:"Heroic self image"
Raphiel was born on the west coast.  His mother, a second generation Mexican American, always told him that his father was an angel of the Lord, and that he was destined for great things.  He was brought to church, he was taught a strong moral code, and throughout his life, he always attributed the strange reactions animals and some other people had to him to be his angelic heritage.
After being almost nearly full grown, Raphiel felt his blood stir, and began learning how to fight.  He found that killing came very easy for him, and although he was talented in all forms of combat, melee combat was the most satisfying.
Invoke:  Ray's self image is iron clad.  Could be used for combat; for social combat; to resist mental attacks or revelation of his true nature; to convince people he is a hero... This aspect reflects his training too so it could apply to weapons.
Compel: Really stupid actions that could be heroics, or going about it a terrible way; not admitting fault or being aware that he is doing anything wrong; not backing down when he should; feeling above the law and better than others

Rising Conflict:"Bathed in Hellfire"
Once Ray was old enough to start his own life, he discovered that he could make money from his natural talent with weapons.  He traveled the country, teaching martial arts classes or helping with manual labor to pay the bills.
During this time of travel, he discovered that he not only had a knack for killing and weapons, but also for convincing other people to do what he wanted them to do.  He figured that it was more of his angelic background, and always took pleasure from angels saying "Be not afraid" in the Bible.
Ray would sometimes wonder about the strange urges he would get to destroy things, burn things down, kill innocent people or animals, and even pee on graves.  He chalked it down to his hormones being stronger than most because of his supernatural genes.
Right before his travels ended and he wound up in the Twin Cities, Ray encountered a minor warlock with access to hellfire.  Ray felt invigorated near it and felt more powerful than ever before.  After the warlock was dead and Ray had some time to reflect, he decided that his special power was to fight the minions of hell, and he must naturally get a power boost from On High in order to do so.
Invoke: Combat related skills; breaking or tearing; intimidation; fighting holy or unholy enemies; mental and social toughness
Compel: Self Delusions; unintentionally frighten people; attracted to violence (violence magnet); wrong place at the wrong time; may change into true form while stressed

First Story:  "Dedicated Pragmatist"
On his adventures and his missions to protect the innocent and after he got the the Twin Cities, Raphiel had to make hard choices.  He became fascinated with the idea of the Greater Good, and one night he had the opportunity to save a family of 4 from a burning building, or a little girl in another apartment.  Raphiel chose to save the family of four, and was surprised when he was asked if the decision was difficult for him.  He responded that 4 vs. 1 is simple math.  He is also not above justifying nefarious actions for the greater good.
He also believes in logic above emotion. 
On one particular mission, Ray broke into a Black Court Vampire nest to save missing children in Mexico.  The back of the building he was in was large, so he searched for some time, eventually hearing the sound of a child crying.  He had deduced that the monster was down one hallway, hiding in a place that was impossible to escape from.  Ray had brought a jar and a pump in case the vampire turned to gas to escape.  However, Ray ended up going the opposite direction to find the screaming child.
What he found was a recording on a loop from speakers and an ipod.
After backtracking to where he had been before, he discovered that the vampire had escaped, and all the children were dead, killed out of spite.
After this experience, Raphiel vowed to never let his heart and concern guide his actions again.
Invoke: To do what needs to be done; mental and social defenses; anything vs BCVs (hates them)
Compel: Can be downright evil to do what he feels needs to be done, could be at odds with the group over how things are done; believes in the greater good - civilians can die; group conflict; dedicated to the greater good; despises BCVs

Story Aspect 1: "Lend a hand"
Guest Star: Liquid Courage. (Lukas Grimm)
Description: Concerned about rumors of a Black Court presence in an abandoned house somewhere in Minnesota, Raphiel Rojas hits a local bar to sort out his thoughts. He fell in with bored rock singer Lukas, and recognizing that the seemingly shallow singer concealed significant supernatural power, confided his misgivings about the upcoming raid: Black Court Vampires always had Renfields, and killing them caused Raphiel great sorrow. Lukas, in a move later attributed alternately to drunkenness or boredom, agreed to help this kindred tortured spirit. Although they did not find the rumored vampire, they found evidence of its recent occupancy: a mind-shattered Renfield on the verge of complete breakdown. Raphiel and Lukas did the only humane thing possible and put the wrecked human being out of its misery.
Invoke:  Emboldened by allies; more confident around allies; may seek out an ally; bonus to social skills with strangers, strangers can take an immediate liking to him
Compel: Gives too much away to a stranger; ask for help too easily; not want to go alone to do something; want strength in numbers; too trusting and/or naive

Story Aspect 2: "He who dies with the most toys..."
Guest Star: Ray of Sunshine. (Isaac Hall) and (Zaphiel Lorenzo)
Ray Rojas had a problem. He needed to destroy a scourge of Mexican Black Court Vampires in order to save some children, but he knew that to fight them alone would be suicidal. So he contacted a fellow named Zaphiel Lorenzo to help him out. With Zaphiel at his back, he felt good about his chances. He declared his preparations complete and booked a flight to Mexico.
Just before they left, Ray and Zaphiel got to talking about Ray's lack of decent weaponry. Zaphiel mentioned that he knew a guy who could help, and that that guy's name was Isaac Hall. So they payed the doctor a visit, and were rewarded with a sword of crystallized flame. But there was a catch: Isaac insisted that he be allowed to accompany the two warriors, to see his masterpiece in action. Reluctantly, they agreed.
Invoke:  Concerning weapons, gear, possessions, etc; assessments or declarations about gear etc; knows people dealing in gear
Compel:  Obsessed with weapons and new gear; will make deals for powerful weapons; bigger and better weapons are high on his priority list; likes flashy weapons and impressing people with them; will put himself in harms way to find stuff/gear/weapons; will ask questions about someone else's weapons or go off on tangents about weapon knowledge, may put a mission on hold for a shiny new toy

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #116 on: August 05, 2011, 07:51:30 PM »
Some NPCs that showed up in my Highway to Hell game.  The warlock is definitely meant to be an enemy, while the agents could be potential allies or antagonists as needed.

Sanctaphrax mentioned the warlock might need additional Lawbreaker ratings.  That may be true.  Adjust accordingly.

Fugitive Afghan Warlock
Escaped Afghan Warlock
Out of Place
Keeper of Forbidden Wisdom
BLACKBOX Wants Me For Their Own
I Can Kill You With My Brain
Lesser Men's Minds Are My Plaything
Must Destroy What I Cannot Control
Discipline, Conviction    Great
Lore, Athletics, Endurance    Good
Guns, Deceit, Empathy, Rapport    Fair
Survival, Presence, Alertness, Intimidation, Stealth    Average
Channeling (spirit)    -2
Foci: +1 offensive power, +1 offensive control
Ritual (spirit)    -2
Foci: +2 Discipline control
Lawbreaker (1st)    -1
Lawbreaker (3rd)    -1
Lawbreaker (4th)    -1
Refresh: -7

Major Jeffrey Flynn
Man Who Stares At Goats
Crackpot "Jedi"
Thought Stargate Project Was Reputable
Unerring Predictions That Nobody Believes
Grand Unified Theory of the Supernatural
The Dude Abides
Nothing to Lose
Discipline, Lore    Great
Investigation, Alertness, Scholarship    Good
Rapport, Contacts, Athletics    Fair
Conviction, Presence, Driving, Guns, Endurance    Average
Twitchy 3rd Eye: +2 Lore for Arcane Senses
Cassandra's Tears    0
Psychometry    -1
Ritual (spirit)    -2
Ritual Foci: +2 no-prep Lore
Refresh: -4

Agent Dana Fox
BLACKBOX Field Agent
Perpetual Shit Detail
GI Jane
Too Honest For Black Ops
Occam's - or Bauer's - Razor
Seen Shit That'd Turn You White
Guns, Weapons    Great
Conviction, Empathy    Good
Driving, Discipline, Alertness    Fair
Endurance, Contacts, Athletics, Investigation, Lore    Average
Anything Goes: Never suffer complications from lack of proper weaponry
That Ain't a Knife: Use Weapons instead of Intimidation; must be armed obviously
Shot On The Run: Use Guns to defend against physical attacks
Occultist: Wizards (Mentalists):  Choose one type of supernatural (vampires or demons or wizards); gain +1 Lore when dealing with that subset.  Choose a more specialized focus within that category for an additional +1 (Red Court, Denarians, Wardens)
Resilient Self-Image: You may take 2 additional mild mental consequences (this might be OP, maybe just one.  YMMV)
Tower of Faith: Armor:1 against mental or social stress
Refresh: -6

Agent Patrick Roberts
BLACKBOX Field Agent
In the Basement
Former Marine
Both Sides of the Conspiracy
Knowledge is Power
He Who Fights Monsters
The System Isn't Perfect But It Works
Fists, Deceit    Great
Might, Discipline    Good
Driving, Investigation, Alertness    Fair
Endurance, Presence, Conviction, Guns, Burglary    Average
Wrestler:  +1 Might when maintaining a grapple
Footwork: Use Fists to dodge instead of Athletics
Takes One to Know One: Use Deceit instead of Empathy to catch someone in a lie
Martial Artist:  +1 to Fists knowledge rolls to asses or declare Aspects
Lethal Weapon: Unarmed attacks are Weapon:2, Weapon:1 against Armor:1.  No bonus against heavier Armor
Refresh: -5

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #117 on: August 07, 2011, 04:45:19 PM »
Thank you, admiral.

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #118 on: August 08, 2011, 07:08:25 PM »
These are the PCs for my Highway to Hell campaign.  Right now I've only got Clay up.  I'll edit the rest in as I get them.

Clayton Haycock James
Marine Recon Biker
Wrecked as a Soldier
Fights Like an Engine
Been Through the Wringer
Knock Me Down But Never Out
Where Did You Come By That?
4: Endurance,Fists
3: Might, Alertness
2: Guns, Driving, Presence
1: Discipline, Athletics, Craftsmanship, Stealth, Investigation
No pain, no gain (+1 mild phys consequence)
No guts, no glory (+1 moderate phys consequence)
Thick Skinned (+1 phys stress)
Spell Resistant (+1 armor .vs. magic)
Tough as Nails (+1 armor .vs. physical blunt dmg)
Foot Work (fists for dodging)
Demoralizing stance (fists for Intimidate)
Refresh: -7

Scott Specter
High Concept: Mean Motherfucking Servant of God
Trouble: On a Mission from God
Driven by Redemption
Outlaws to the End
Path of the Righteous Ex-Con
Occult of Personality
By the Skin of My Teeth
Great (+4) Conviction, Discipline
Good (+3) Intimidation, Rapport
Fair (+2) Presence, Empathy, Driving
Average (+1) Lore, Weapons, Fists, Endurance, Guns, Athletics
-1 The Sight (+ Soulgaze)
-2 Righteousness
-1 Holy Touch
-1 Devout Words
Refresh: -5
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 12:49:16 AM by admiralducksauce »

Offline Llayne

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Re: Spare Character Concepts
« Reply #119 on: August 08, 2011, 11:01:50 PM »
(My fist character, he would have taken up the mantle of Autumn Knight eventually.)

Mallory Janus

High Concept: “Summer Half-Sidhe in King Autumn's Court”
Mallory has a hatred of the Summer Court for the way they treated him and his siblings. He bound himself to the Autumn Court to stay alive, and to free himself from Summer’s influence.
Invoke: on knowledge rolls about the fae
Compel: to have him do a task for Autumn, to have him act on his hatred of Summer.

Trouble: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”
Mallory has so many conflicting influences on his life that he spends a lot of time between a rock and a hard place… he practically lives there.
Invoke:  for help in dealing with bad situations
Compel: to put him in a situations where his influences are at odds.

Background:  Old Money Family
Aspect: “Spoiled rich kid in one world, red-headed step child in another.”
Dad (Alexander)  and Mom (Elizabeth) were constantly traveling, leaving me and my older brother (Blake) and my younger siblings (Donovan, Kennedy, Madison) at home with the nanny. Growing up we had the best of everything… schools, tutors, clothes. I was also tricked, pranked and bullied by the local Fae. I was forced to learn how to deal in both worlds and my siblings all became varying degrees of clued in.
Invoke: mental or social situations dealing with upper class mortals and lower class Fae.
Compel:  when dealing with Powerful fae or poor people.

Rising Conflict: Strings upon Strings 
Aspect: “I AM my brother’s keeper.”
Dad was pissed because I didn‘t go off to college right away.. Blake stopped believing in my ‘stories’ and we had a falling out and told Dad I was crazy. Dad cut me off unless I went to college and sent me to a shrink. I actually start opening up and telling my shrink everything… the first time I really told anybody about my situation. I started feeling better and more confident, but during my time at home the Fae became more and more interested in my family. Our huse was broken into by the fae and they held my younger siblings hostage… my worst fears come true. I embraced more of my fae heritage in order to save them.  I confronted my shrink afterward, the only other person who knew my fears,  and she turned out to be a Summer Sidhe. (Evelynn) In order to insulate my family from the Fae that that constantly seemed attracted to me, I finally relented and went to college like my dad wanted.
Invoke: when working to help out a sibling, or to a lesser extent changlings.
Compel: to get him too go out of his way and get caught up in things with his siblings or changelings.

Staring in: “Summer’s End” with Joseph Smith and James Mitchell
Aspect: “I'm Playing With The Big Boys Now."
When his own brother gets caught on the wrong side of a deal with the Fae, Mallory Janus is forced to take up Donovan’s bargain and rescue his brother’s changeling friends. But will he succeed when pitted against professional criminals, a winter bogart, a devious faerie princess,  a mysterious entity offering him power, his own slipping grip on humanity and a spirit from Native American folklore?
When Mallory runs into a crotchety goblin, Werewolf Joseph Smith steps in and picks up the trail… literally! After leading them to the criminals warehouse he takes on the human traffickers while Mallory and James slip past to the boss.
After feeling like he was being followed for the last couple of days, Mallory is finally arrested by Detective James Mitchell. Mal set’s the story straight and James is more than willing to help them rescue the changelings, even coming up with the plan to do it!  While Mallory goes after the spirit, James frees the changelings.
Invoke: To use his status as an underdog as an advantage, to surprise a more powerful opponent with his ability.
Compel: to put him up against overwhelming odds, to cause panic or despair when facing a powerful opponent.

Guest Staring in: “Lightning Vengeance” with Faraday Church and Joseph Smith
Aspect:  “Wit is my blade; sarcasm my shield.”
Faraday Church called upon Mallory Janus to seal off a Red Court Noble’s Nevernever escape. Mallory rallied the local Wyld Fae at dusk to help increase the strength of the binding and completed the 'thickening' ritual just as the Red Noble opened the portal to the Nevernever. The Noble had a small glimpse of freedom before the portal closed, and Faraday was on him.
Invoke: to use humor to his aid in social situations.
Compel: to have him crack a joke at the WRONG time or place.

Guest Starring in: “The Sanctity of Children” with this Tubal Cain and Faraday Church
Aspect: “Both the Player and the Played.”
Faraday Church asked Mallory to find out about some Red Court Vamps for his friend Tubal Cain. Mal hit up some of his contacts, sending information to the two Sorcerers as he got it. He attracted the attention of some Red Court Thralls but managed to turn the situation around, locating the Vamps Cain was after. He met Cain and Faraday at the location and helped them rescue the children. He took them to safety while Cain finished the job.
Invoke: to help him out when chatting up a hottie.
Compel: to have him think he’s working the girl, when the girl’s really working him.

Superb (+5) Athletics
Great (+4) Contacts, Intimidation
Good (+3) Lore, Presence, Weapons
Fair (+2) Alertness, Empathy, Rapport, Stealth
Average (+1) Burglary, Conviction, Driving, Endurance, Investigation, Resources

Physical OOO
Social OOOO
Mental OOO

Mortal Stunts:
I Know Just The Guy -1
Subtle Menace -1

Woldwalker -2
Inhuman Speed -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
The Catch (Cold iron and the like) -3

Adjusted Refresh: 3

Jian Weapon 2 (cold iron, silver, holy)
Collapsible baton Weapon 2 (cold iron) X5
2 Bedroom Apartment near UW

Mallory is of average height with a lean, wiry build. his skin seems to always be tanned, which is quite difficult in Seattle unless you're cheating. His eyes are moss green and his red hair is leaning more toward copper, appearing to have a metallic sheen in the right lighting. His features are angular and quite striking... a benefit of his Elf heritage. He dresses in nice clothes for the most part, although he has a battered old olive drab trench coat that he wears when he knows he's going to be up to no good.

He is normally quite personable, with a natural charisma and an easy way with people. His persona is generally not dominating, but relaxed and care free. He likes to crack jokes, both at himself and others, and his jokes can be a defense mechanism when he's in a stressful situation. He generally seems to avoid conflict, but his easy going nature dissappears if he feels a threat looming, and his attitude and words become menacing. This act has gotten him out of more fights than he can count, but it has also backfired in spectatular fashion as well.

Although he still has a bad taste in his mouth from the way summer has treated him, he has generally come to like a lot of the fae and Changelings he's associated with over the past couple of years. This scares him a little bit... he knows he is walking a fine line between two worlds. His errands already have him dealing and making bargains like one of the fae at times, and the growing affinity he feels for some of his associates seems all the more forboding.

Facts and Notes:
1) The last time Mallory went home was for Christmas. His older brother Blake was an obnoxious ass as usual. His younger brother Donovan seemed withdrawn and distant, but Mallory didn't press because he had issues of his own going on at the time. His sisters Kennedy and Madison (both still in High School) were very into witch craft and the whole 'Goth' scene, which was not at all unusual for Seatte. He has been trying to keep tabs on them ever since, trying to keep them from running into any of the supernatural community.
2) Mallory's care was a High School graduation present from his parents. They said it was safe enough so he didn't kill himself, expensive enough so he wouldn't embarrass them, and bland enough (mettalic beige paint job) not to attract too much attention.
3) He doesn't know which one of his parents slept with a Fae, or if he replaced the 'real' Mallory Janus as an infant like some of the old stories say. Neither one of his mortal parents seems to have any clue about the para-normal. He doesn't know who his 'fae' parent is either, but his current guess is Evelynn, the Summer Sidhe that has been toying with him.
4) Mallory's hair was actually more of a strawberry blonde, but when he signed on with Autumn it became darker and took on it's present 'coppery' tone. His eyes went from topaz blue to moss green.
5) Mallory extrapolated the fact that he was half-Sidhe (elf) from his interactions with Waylen's bastard Changeling children. After meeting over a dozen he figures he'll be about 5 ft tall if he completely crosses over... maybe a little shorter.
6) He is attending UW and has just started Grad School. He is working toward an MBA, but is pretty much phoning it in and getting grades just good enough to pass. It keeps his father off his back, who in turn provides him with tuition, rent, insurance and a small monthly allowance.

Clouded Skies: Significant. Added Resources at Average. Moved Weapons to Good and Stealth to Fair. Changed "Autumn Who?" to "I'm Playing With The Big Boys Now."