So things for campaign I have thought of:
1) Alternate Council It is, so your free to do what you will that said I would still like you to keep your character along certain guides.IE Wardmaster, Blackstaff, Articifer, Gatekeeper (Divination/Summoning-Binding), Shapeshifter/Healer, Illusionist/Delicate Magics,Generalist. Of coarse those are just ideas, if you have something better you'd like to try just pitch me the character concept and well work something out.
2)No defined refresh level, do what needs to be done to fulfill the character concept, what will happen after that, is the strongest PC made will get 1 refresh added to his score unspent (to make him a PC) and the others will get a corresponding amount of refresh added to theirs unspent to be fate points to equal it out. The Skill point amount is 80 so you have alot to work with.
3) This campaign will have no "solid" GM role.Rather everything in terms of plot can be done by consensus and on the fly in game.Rather then having a major worked out plot we will simply play and see where it leads us.
4) Their is no Number four.