Author Topic: Character Help...  (Read 3889 times)


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Character Help...
« on: November 11, 2010, 05:28:57 AM »
So I am having trouble figuring out a decent character Trouble for this dude here, aside from the common Arrogance one that we see on all the various Necromancer builds or one referencing his Father, which I already basically did with the High Concept compel. Any ideas that would make a decent one, and are their any general suggestions you suggest I make for the character in general?

Quote from: Tbora
Character Name: Boris Krüger
High Concept: Kemmlerite Bastard of a Demon Lord
Trouble: Cynical Heir to Decades of Bad Publicity
Other: My Youth in a Pressure Cooker; Truth Among The Bones; All I Got Was This Musty Old Tome; Death Has a Great Ass; The Council Won't Stop Me, Nothing Will

High Concept: Kemmlerite Bastard of a Demon Lord
Invoke: When his nature as a Necromancer is in someway beneficial or performing Necromancy. At times when his fathers name may have some weight in a beneficial manner.
Compel: A Demon Lord is his father, and naturally if people don't hate and want to hurt him for being a Necromancer they very well might for who his father is if nothing else.Not to mention that said Father still loves to meddle and control Boris for his own purposes too.

Trouble: Cynical Heir to Decades of Bad Publicity
Invoke: Sometimes a bad rep is not a bad thing, invoke when this is the case. On the other hand sometimes being able to play the "woe is me" tragic past car is down right useful, especially when dealing with goodie goodie two shoes that really do believe he might actually change is ways...
Compel: Boris doesn't expect to get much help from anyone with all the bad press he has been receiving since, well, before he was born and rightfully so.Lots of people really don't want anything to do with him and treat him as such.And those that are willing to associate his name with theirs tend to want a new necromancer on a leash more then anything, and he really doesn't appreciate people trying to use him and will act appropriately.


 Boris was born as the result of a bargain between his mother who was a German noble slash dark wizard and his father the Demon Lord Asmodeus in the year 1831 when the former attempted to summon and bind the latter to her will. A talented summoner but a poor binder she successfully summoned the Lord of Lust but quite naturally failed miserably at binding him.

 Only by her quick thinking did she manage to save her skin, she offered to give him a child to be a foothold in the mortal world in return for sparing her life to which he agreed. Nine months Boris was born as a result of their union and for the next thirteen years he grew up with his mother unaware of his less then human family tree.

 At this time the White Council managed to close in on his mother, who managed to avoid them for over fifty years sent Boris away to save him from the Council's grasp in her last act of compassion and love. Now in his mid teens his father appeared before him for the first time and informed him of his heritage.

Per the bargain made many years ago Asmodeus claimed his son as his and sent him off to become the student of the man to be known as the greatest Necromancer to ever live Heinrich Kemmler to become as the Demon Lord put it “actually useful to me”. Their he lived and thrived, learning the art of Magic and Necromancy along side his fellow apprentices. During these critical years he learned to view everything as a test due to the competitive nature of the environment, not trust anyone easily, nor to take something at face value.

Phase Aspect: My Youth in a Pressure Cooker
Invoke: To accomplish difficult feats, to push on in situations that seem hopeless or particularly distasteful. To defend in social situations where someone is attempting to threaten or intimidate him.
Compel: To be paranoid or to give some the cold shoulder when it might be to his disadvantage, for his darker nature to shine through in matters of morality. To try something that may be beyond his ability due to overconfidence because what he has experienced previously.

Rising Conflict:

The 19th century just around the corner and his Master about to kick off his biggest plot yet in the form of the first World War, Boris was just now learning the finer points of Necromancy, the more delicate portions of the Art, and all gaining all the knowledge that comes with it.

Although exposed to his Master's view point regarding Necromancy being the only “true” magic, it was only now that he he accepted it as his own. Just about to turn 20, Kemmler guided pupil through his first Epic Ritual, in which he summoned an ancient spirit of great power and binded it to his will. This act forever aligning him to the Path of the Necromancer.

Phase Aspect: Truth Among The Bones
Invoke: Necromantic workings of power, social situations in which his belief regarding necromancy might in some way be advantageous.
Compel: When going on a "why my power is greater then yours" might put him at a disadvantage in a situation, to put him into conflict with someone who disagrees with his views.

The Story:  (Introducing ____ )

WWI at its peak, Kemmler was preparing his first attempt at the Darkhallow, but before he could even start, the White Council finally managed to locate him and his apprentices before they could the Rite of Ascension and sent the entire organization after them. The Brute Squad in Archangel, every single last Warden, the Senior Council, and all the even moderately combat talented wizards they could get their hands on.

Seeing the primary wards guarding the fortress being torn apart by the Senior Council, while the zombie hoards were getting decimated, and the various shades that were called up banished, Boris saw the outcome of the battle before it was even halfway through. Taking what he could of his things he slipped away, but not before managing to grab his Master's personal spell book and private journal. Slipping out through the secret exit through the Nevernever he managed to get away unnoticed in all the chaos and confusion surrounding the event. And while Kemmler might not have noticed his Grimoire missing, that is not to say his other students didn't... Only with the help of ____ Boris managed to evade his fellow apprentices who soon followed him in his actions of fleeing the compound.

Phase Aspect: All I Got Was This Musty Old Tome
Invoke: Acts of Necromancy, thaumaturgic rituals of various sorts, drawing upon obscure pieces of knowledge that his Master may have discovered that is beneficial in some way.
Compel: This book and all the secrets inside of it once belonged to the Greatest Necromancer Ever so naturally people want it ranging from his fellow necromancers to the fae, to warlocks of other breeds hoping to draw upon the knowledge inside to vampires of the Black Court who may in someway use it to strengthen themselves.

Guest Star: (With ____ )

In the Guest Star he puts it upon himself to help ____ doing (insert task here) and is somehow killed, but as a Necromancer he has some tricks up his sleeve for such an occasion, and just as his about to perform a quick resurrection of himself.But before he does he meets the Grim Reaper, surprisingly she, yes she, is not a white boned skeleton in a black robe though she DOES have a scythe is in fact a flesh and blood woman, and a way hot one to boot. Despite being a supernatural being almost certainly the equal if not greater then the Faery Queens, Archangels, and Old Gods, Boris hitted on her all the while gathering his power and mentally preparing his spell to get away. To his immense surprise the big 'D' responded to his come ons and actually flirted back. Just as old Grim was about to claim him and lead him to his appropriate afterlife (Most likely Hell) he unleashed his spell, but not before gustily asking her out.Boris didn't hear a response in time when the spell activated so boy was he surprised when he saw her ring the doorbell waiting to go on the date a week later.For better or worse he now has Death for a girlfriend with all the benefits and troubles that go along with it...

Phase Aspect: Death Has a Great Ass
Invoke: Death knows an awful lot, making her an excellent source of information.Oh and then their are all of the other "standard benefits" of having a significant other in your life.
Compel: Relationships just like anything can cause trouble, and when your girlfriend has the kind of power to influence things on a cosmic scale its not good to upset her or keep her waiting if you want to keep your soul.

Guest Star Redux: (With ____ )

Over the years Boris has had trouble with the council, and when he finds one of his few close allies ____ is in trouble with them, he feels compelled to assist them.Forced to fight Wardens and the might of the Council to help out his friend. The council, nor anyone else who gets in his way will keep him from accomplishing his goals, heaven help them if they try...

Phase Aspect:  The Council Won't Stop Me, Nobody Will
Invoke: When facing the White Council, or other similar opposition, in martial, social, or magical combat.
Compel: To get him to square off against one of the previously aforementioned parties.


Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline
Superb Endurance, Lore
Great Alertness, Athletics
GoodContacts, Presence, Intimidation
Fair Fists, Rapport, Scholarship
Average: Craftsmanship, Driving, Might, Weapons, Deceit


 [-3] Evocation (Spirit Power +2, Spirit Control +1)
 [-3] Thaumaturgy (Necromancy Control +2, Worldwalking Control +1)
 [-1] The Sight
 [-0] Soulgaze
 [-0] Wizards Constitution
 [-3] Refinement
 [-2] Law Breaker (Fifth Law)
 [-2] Law Breaker (First Law)
 [-1] Law Breaker (Seventh Law)
 [-2] IoP: Kemmler's Grimoire
     [-2] Kemmlerian  Necromancy
     [-1]Expansive Magical Repertoire (Lore Stunt): Your Lore skill is considered 2 steps higher when factoring in how many rotes your character knows.
     [+1] IoP Bonus

Total Refresh: -17


Kemmler's Grimoire [+1 Offensive Control and +2 Offensive Power with Spirit]
Sacrificial Gauntlet (8 shift Block or Armor 4, up to 5 times per session) [6 Enchanted Item Slots]


Night of the Living Dead: 10 Shift Maneuver, places 2 Sticky Aspects (Surrounded By Zombies!, and Zombie Horde!) on each person in one entire Zone individually. Gives a 1 Stress Mental Hit.

Zombie Grapple: 10 Shift Effect, places a Block 6 on everyone in an entire Zone for three exchanges and again gives a 1 Stress Mental Hit.

Death Bolt: Weapon: 10 attack on a single target. Deals a 1 Stress Mental Hit.

Shield of Souls: 9 shift Block, deals a 2 Stress Mental Hit. Usually extended for 8 rounds the next exchange if it's done at all.

Zombie Horde Binding: 12 shifts. 10 shift Zombie binding to raise every corpse in the Zone as a minion for one scene . Deals a 3 Mental Stress hit.

Ripped Apart By Zombies: Weapon: 8 attack, on everyone in a Zone. Usually you will Tag both Night of the Living Dead Aspects on this attack, making it a 17 shift attack and killing almost anybody. Gives a 1 Stress Mental hit.

Zombie Summoning: 8 shift effect. Summons up Zombie Spirits, one for every corpse in the Zone. Gives a 1 Stress Mental Hit.


Mental: OOOO (+1 extra mild consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 extra mild consequence)
Social: OOOO
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 04:09:01 PM by Tbora »

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 06:33:02 AM »
How about:
Inherited Relationships:  While Boris hasn't shattered the laws of Magic the way Kemmler did, being tend to judge him because of his relationship to Kemmler.
Invoke: Impressing anyone who knew of Kemmler, gaining contacts among the darker practitioners, making a powerful impression.
Compel: Negative relations with self declared champions of good.

It's a theme that runs through the character's other aspects and dominates his life in a mostly negative way - which makes it a good trouble.


Offline Aminar

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 06:39:17 AM »
Hmm, he's dating Death, an apprentice of Kemmler, and the son of Asmodeus.  He's got some high profile past.  Maybe someone powerful wants him bad.  Think something like Nicodemus has been trying to recruit him for years, Mab is jealous of Death, and the remaining Kemmlerites are trying to bust him up.  Tie that up with a strong desire not to be controlled and you have a nice trouble.  

Call it-I help me, not you.  Go away.

Offline Genhuman

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 06:43:02 AM »
Could go with the fact that a demon/human hybrid may not exactly be appealing looking....

Face only a Mother could Love
My mother was a test tube.  My father was a knife.


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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 03:01:00 PM »
Those are all great options, and personally I like the Inherited Relationships, and I Help Me, Not You.  Go Away.

Are their any good ways or wordings that I can more or less combine those two?

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 03:31:54 PM »
Those are all great options, and personally I like the Inherited Relationships, and I Help Me, Not You.  Go Away.

Are their any good ways or wordings that I can more or less combine those two?

How about Cynical Heir to Decades of Bad Publicity? Gets across the idea that Boris isn't used to much help from others and that he suffers some backlash as a result of his more-than-questionable relationships.
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart


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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 03:37:14 PM »
How about Cynical Heir to Decades of Bad Publicity? Gets across the idea that Boris isn't used to much help from others and that he suffers some backlash as a result of his more-than-questionable relationships.

Love so I am gonna use, unless someone has a better idea :D

Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 03:47:03 PM »
One of the things I read on someone's blog was that aspects tend to be more powerful if they are a line you can hear the character saying (sorry, blogger, I forget who this was!).   So instead of Cynical heir... you might want to phrase it in a quote that the character might say about that situation, like "Don't judge Me for Years of Bad Publicity", or "It's not my fault Dad was a Bad dude", ect.  (I still think Cynical heir... sounds cool, but I can't offer better phasing).

The blogger's point was that if you can say the line in character (as an invoke) or reference it in a compel (it's unfortunate that this dude is about to judge you due to years of bad publicity from your father) then you know the aspect is useable in the situation, and it makes it more relevant.


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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 04:12:51 PM »
Thanks for the advice mostlyawake, if I ever self compel/invoke the aspect I will be sure to somehow paraphrase the aspect to the point you know I am doing so even if I don't state it as such.

So what does everyone think of the character as a whole?

Anything you really like about it, or feel that could use a change?

Any advice is highly valued.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2010, 04:34:45 PM »
I think the whole "date with Death" thing is a bit much.
Mortals, vampires, fae, gods, worlds, stars... everything dies. A personification of Death would be a major aspect of the cosmos. Something so vast that just about everyone is like gnats to them; all the "gods" that walked the Earth have been doing so for what, 100.000 years? Life has existed (and been dying) on Earth for over 3 billion - thirty thousand times longer.

I can see your character being friendly with the aspect of death responsible for humanity (which would explain why she'd be humanoid) but not capital-D Death.


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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2010, 04:39:44 PM »
I think the whole "date with Death" thing is a bit much.
Mortals, vampires, fae, gods, worlds, stars... everything dies. A personification of Death would be a major aspect of the cosmos. Something so vast that just about everyone is like gnats to them; all the "gods" that walked the Earth have been doing so for what, 100.000 years? Life has existed (and been dying) on Earth for over 3 billion - thirty thousand times longer.

I can see your character being friendly with the aspect of death responsible for humanity (which would explain why she'd be humanoid) but not capital-D Death.

Its as much a reference to Marvel Comic's Deadpool for I would be a HUGE fan of (Look it up if you don't get it) and their for comedic purposes as anything else.

And since it hardly makes a difference in game terms other then as a bit of character history I don't really see a problem with it.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 04:41:53 PM by Tbora »

Offline tymire

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2010, 06:31:54 PM »
Off subject but the best Death portrayed EVER is from Disc World's The Hogfather.  The movie is just hillarious and have to recommend it.

Offline cgodfrey7

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Re: Character Help...
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 05:51:29 PM »
Given your heritage, how about a concept of I Vant Your Blood! Your blood has to be useful in making potions to control demons, or undead maybe.  Also, if you are captured and offered as a sacrifice to try to bargain with some major demonlords, either your father or another demonlord to give that demonlord power over your father.