Author Topic: Stumped for a concept  (Read 10045 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2010, 10:55:56 PM »
I would quite like to see that list of character concepts. Would you be willing to post it here?

Offline Becq

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2010, 11:29:42 PM »
According to Catholic Dogma their was a fourth nail used for the cross, so its entirely possible for a fourth none sword weapon to be running around ;)
Oh?  I'd always understood there to be three: one for each hand, and one for the two feet (nailed together, one over the other).


I did some quick research, and it seems that the modern Catholic church goes with three nails (which is what's portrayed on any crucifix you look at).  However, much older art shows four nails with the feet side-by-side.  Apparently the shift occured sometime around the thirteenth century as an attempt to portray greater realism.

But then, who knows?  Perhaps there was a fourth nail, and a conspiracy to hide its existence, starting around the thirteenth century...  :)

Offline MyNinjaH8sU

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2010, 03:54:45 AM »

High Concept: God's Wetworks Guy.
Trouble: No One Can Know Of My Work

There is a fourth sword: The Sword of Judgement. The knights of the cross know nothing of it, and he answers only to Uriel, combating threats the knights either cannot or must not, things that would make even they lose their faith.

...or some such idea like that...  ;)

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2010, 05:06:41 AM »
The fourth nail was stolen by a gypsy, so for sparing Our Saviour pain, gypsies are forgiven the sins of lying and stealing.

Well, that's what gypsies claim.

Perhaps a gypsy is entrusted with the Fourth Nail.  It's not a Sword, but it is an Item of Power, used to combat evil in....unusual ways.
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline Kaldra

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2010, 05:19:15 AM »
the good denarian: you are a denarian trapped in a coin who has unfallen but is still trapped in a coin ( you have free will now ). you grant soulfire and other ablities to who ever holds you.

Offline Amelia Crane

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2010, 01:41:09 PM »
Had some new players join my game recently, and to speed up character creation, I made a few characters to inspire concepts.  Here are the ones he didn't use.  Feel free to change as much as you want.  If you tweak until the character is unrecognizable, it just makes it more your own.

1. A Malvora WCV, who can't lie.  It makes him kind of an outcast to his family, but he's a likeable enough optimistic guy.  He tends to jinx any plot he's a part of, whether his own, he is being played or he is being targetted.  But other WCVs keep trying to play him because he has True Hope, so he's a perfect tool against the Skavis. (Suggested Aspects: Black Sheep of House Malvora; Can't Lie; I May Be a Crook, But at Least I'm Not Crooked; I'm Everybody's Friend ... Until I'm Not; Truely Hopeful at Heart; Everyone's Scared of Something; I am a Monkey Wrench)

2. A Champion of God who wields the Spear of Longinus (the other piece of metal the pierced the flesh of Christ).  He is contantly hounded by those who think the spear will let you rule the world.  (Suggested Aspects: Weilder of the Holy Spear; People Think It Can Rule the World; Loves God, Wife, and Country; Everything in Moderation; Right Makes Might; The Spear Dances With a Mind of its Own; Gabriel Watches Over My Shoulder)

3. A rich werehawk, from a long line of them.  He believes his wealth obligates him to improve the world.  But he's got a terminal disease.  How will his legacy be carried on when he is gone?  (Suggested Aspects: Scion of a long line of noble Werehawks; The Doctor Said I Have Six Months Left to Live; Noblesse Oblige; True Courage; My Grandfathers Pocketwatch; A Real People Person; Philanthopist)

Offline Amseriah

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2010, 02:57:21 PM »
Scion of the Oracle of Delphi and Emissary of Apollo.

Offline Drashna

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2010, 04:17:31 PM »
Scion of the Oracle of Delphi
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[qoute='piotr1600']Sure true love will conquer all... You sponsored an instant vision of a tentacled Cthuluoid monstrosity following Elaine around, meeping piteously and making puppy dog eyes at her while she sighs loudly and gently kisses those tentacles...[/qoute]

Offline Amseriah

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2010, 04:49:47 PM »
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Wow...I completely forgot about that, lol.   ::)

Offline Drashna

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2010, 06:03:48 PM »
:)  Well, that doesn't have to be the *only* family tree.  And heck, that could be a major plot point.   I just kinda figured you forgot it, as it *was* mentioned very offhandedly.
[qoute='piotr1600']Sure true love will conquer all... You sponsored an instant vision of a tentacled Cthuluoid monstrosity following Elaine around, meeping piteously and making puppy dog eyes at her while she sighs loudly and gently kisses those tentacles...[/qoute]

Offline Amseriah

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2010, 07:02:49 PM »
Yeah, it has been a while since I have read the early-mid novels.  I do like that idea about having more than one family line.  Could be either a family line that has made it their purpose to protect Her or a line that is very jealous of the other and is searching for ways to steal the power for themselves.

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2010, 08:27:30 PM »
Since Sanctaphrax asked, here's my two lists of character concepts I have sitting around. The first is just some ideas I've had (not included are the 35 or so characters that I have written up and statted out completely). The second list is character ideas from other media.

Waist Deep:
   - Fae Con Man (Changeling)
      - Love is the Longest Con of All
Chest Deep:
   - Precognitive Cop (Minor Talent)
      - Still Just A Rookie
   - Troll-Blooded Hard Man (Changeling)
      - Unstoppable Force
      - Fearsome Countenance
   - Good Ol’ Boy Were-Gator (Were-Creature)
      - Built Like a Fridge
      - Youngest of Twelve
      - Raised on the Swamp
   - Golemancer Sculptor (Focused Practitioner)
      - My Golems George & Lenny
      - Struggling Artist
   - Were-Jaguar Professor of Ancient Cultures (Were-Creature)
      - Latin Heartthrob
      - Globe-Hopping Two-Fisted Adventurer
   - Gregarious Soulfire Wielder (True Believer)
      - Fires of God
      - Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
   - Lord of the Pixies (Changeling)
      - I Don’t Wanna Grow Up
      - Little Folk’s Patron
      - Cloud of Will-O-Wisps
   - Messenger of Hermes (Emissary of Power)
      -Guaranteed On-Time
   - Zen Homicide Detective (True Believer)
      - Lost Years I’ll Never Get Back
      - Wrongly Convicted
      - Austere Millionaire
   - Storyteller of Anansi (Emissary of Power)
      - Spider’s Favored Son
      - Catch A Tiger By The Tale/Tail
      - Master of Illusions
      - Stylish Trendsetter
   - Clued-In NBA Star (Pure Mortal)
   - Patriotic Defender of America (True Believer)
      - The Sword, The Pen & The Mouth

Star Ocean: The Second Story
- Ashton Anchors (Scion)
   - Suffering Swordsman Descended from Dragons
      - Rotten Luck
      - Fire of Gyoro & Ice of Ururun
- Claude C. Kenni (Pure Mortal)
   - Clued-In Navy Ensign
- Rena Lanford (Changeling)
   - Healer of the Summer Court
      - Gentle Pacifist
- Bowman Jeane (Emissary of Power)
   - Brawling Pharmacist of Asclepius
      Inhuman Strength [-2]
      Inhuman Toughness [-2]
      Inhuman Recovery [-2]
         The Catch [+3] is fire
- Leon D.S. Gehste (Changeling)
   - Unseelie Magical Wunderkind
      - Arrogant Brat
- Precis F. Neumann (Pure Mortal)
   - Teen Genius Machinist
- Celine Jules (Wizard)
   - Materialistic Wizard of the White Council
      - A Lady Has Standards
- Noel Chandler (Changeling)
   - Sunny Elven Zoologist
- Chisato Madison (Changeling)
   - Independent Fae Journalist
      - Fists, Feet & Electricity
- Dias Flac (Scion)
   - Brooding Demi-God Soldier
- Opera Vectra (Minor Talent)
   - Wealthy Precognitive Explorer
      - BFG
      - Ernest’s True Love
- Ernest Raviede (Minor Talent)
   - Adventurous Precognitive Archaeologist
      - Opera’s True Love
Sin City
- Marv (Changeling)
   - Brutal Troll-Blooded Hardcase
      - “I Got a Condition…”
      - Her Name Was Goldie
- Dwight (Scion)
   - Gold-Hearted Demonic Gunfighter
      - Sucker for the Babes
      - The Fire Inside
      - My Warrior Woman
- Hartigan (Pure Mortal)
   - Only Honest Cop
      - Bum Ticker
      - Tough as Nails
- Wallace (Scion)
   - Hippie Nephilim War Hero
      - Esther’s Love
      - My Quiet Place
      - Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- Harry Lockhart (Minor Talent)
   - Fast-Talking Prescient Thief
(click to show/hide)
- Note: This is a quote from the movie. Watch it and understand. No offense meant.
      - Who Hates Harry?
      - Captain
(click to show/hide)
- Gay Perry (Pure Mortal)
   - No-Nonsense Private Detective
(click to show/hide)
- Note: This is a quote from the movie. Watch it and understand. No offense meant.
      - Obsidian Inc.
Iron Man
- Tony Stark (Pure Mortal)
   - Genius Billionaire Playboy
      - Stark Industries
      - The Rich & Restless
      - Bon Vivant!
Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes (Minor Talent)
   - Brilliant Precognitive Investigator
      - Elementary, My Dear Watson
      - Insufferable Genius
      - Deductive Reasoning
- Dr. Watson (Pure Mortal)
   - Surgeon & War Hero
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 08:38:24 PM by Buscadera »
"Gus, I'm a lyrical gangster. I'll use some colorful vernacular and if necessary, you'll engage in fisticuffs" -Shawn Spencer

"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why." -Harry Lockhart

Offline Drashna

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2010, 10:06:52 PM »
Heck, you could use hunters, like Sam and Dean Winchester from the tv show Supernatural. Which actually seems like a perfect fit in DFRPG.
[qoute='piotr1600']Sure true love will conquer all... You sponsored an instant vision of a tentacled Cthuluoid monstrosity following Elaine around, meeping piteously and making puppy dog eyes at her while she sighs loudly and gently kisses those tentacles...[/qoute]

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2010, 11:51:00 PM »
Nice character concepts you have there, Buscadera. I might just steal some of them if I ever run out of generic characters to stat up.

By the way, I think that people (including me) would be glad to see some (or all) of those 35 or so characters you have. Don't feel obligated or pressured, though; I understand completely if you don't want to. I know from experience how boring and painful it is to type up a character you already have stats for.

Personally, if I made a Champion Of God I would probably give him a weapon made from either the wood of the True Cross or the body of a saint.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Stumped for a concept
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2010, 02:26:47 AM »
Here's a concept that occurred to me after a post in another thread.  Note that I'm using the spoiler blackout not because of any spoilers but because this concept is a little off colour.

The basic concept is good for any power level from Feet in the Water on up.  In theory higher levels should only give him more refreshes, but maybe Inhuman Toughness or Inhuman Strength could be added to the character.  It works best for someone just out of high school - put the character's age anywhere from a high school senior to a college freshman.  I'll give the character name because it's awkward to refer to someone as "him/he" all the time, but the name doesn't really matter.

Teen seeker of Power who (unfortunately) found it, becoming an Envoy of an old god.

High Concept: Newly chosen acolyte of Priapus
Trouble: Empowered by Priapus
Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Performance ,Scholarship + others
Sponsored Thaumaturgy (Priapus) (-2)
Marked by Power (-1)
Inhuman Recover (-2)

   Tom has spent most of his short life looking for power.  Any power.  Something that would make him Special.  Something that would show the world that he wasn't just another nobody making his way in the world.  In his first year of high school he exposed to Roman Mythology in a way that went further than pop culture references and from then on he dedicated his life to making contact with the Roman gods.  He wasn't picky; he would take any of them except for Cybele.  The act that males had to do to be accepted by the Mater Magna wasn't something that Tom could see any sane person doing.  Other than that almost any god would do - as long as it gave him power.
   Countless other dreamers had sought similar powers, and the vast, overwhelming majority of them passed through the phase, gained a little maturity, and went on with life.  Tom is now he's beginning to wish that he was a part of that vast majority of failed seekers.
   As Tom delved into classical history his efforts shifted from Scholarship to Lore.  Driven by his Conviction that there had to be something to contact, he focused on his task with all the Discipline that he possessed.  Surprisingly, it was his Performance ability that made all the difference.
   For the Roman gods loved poets, and as Tom wrote an epic poem about his epic (well, Tom thought it was epic) quest to contact the old gods Something heard him.  Something that used Tom's hand to complete the poem.  Looking down at the poem, at the stanzas had been written by his hand, Tom saw that his quest had a completion.  All he had to do was accept the god's offer and he would have all the power he sought - and more!
   With the immaturity of young, Tom didn't think twice.  Heck, he barely thought once before accepting the offer and becoming an Envoy of Priapus.  He was slightly disappointed since Priapus was a relatively minor god (he had been hoping for Jupiter or Hecate) and Tom didn't really know much about him, but Tom knew that Priapus was god - a god that answered him with an offer of power - and that was the only thing that mattered.

   Moments after Tom did so, he noticed a major change.
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   More importantly (at least it was more important then) knowledge flooded his mind, teaching him the secrets of magic.  The magic of growing things, of the fields, and a bit about sex and desire.  (Priapus sponsored magic can be seen as a modified version of Seelie Magic, Thaumaturgy only.  Mixed in with the other powers was the Curse of Impotence - otherwise known as Priapus' Vengeance against those who offended him.)
   Tom fell into a deep sleep and his dreams were of Arcadian Fields.
   He thought his greatest dreams had come true.

   The next morning Tom saw that visible part of his empowerment was still there.  To his surprise he discovered that it wouldn't go away. 
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   That was when he discovered the down side of being marked by a god. 
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   Now Tom is troubled.  He has his precious magic, but his life is difficult in so many ways.  Something that he thought must be a blessing has turned into a curse.  Others have noticed the shift in his social life.  Part of him wants the good without the bad.  He's likely to join with a group of other supernaturally touched people (i.e. the party) in an effort to explore the world of magic and solve his problem.  If (um, when) the others notice his problem and ask him about it, Tom will shamefacedly explain his difficulty and ask for suggestions.
(Note: no force this side of a god will be able to help him with that).

This concept could easily be expanded to other "foolish seeker who found power" types - all based on the negative aspects of mythology.  For example, an envoy of Bacchus could have a hell of a drinking problem as the god demands he drink until he looses conscious thought (which was one of that god's sacred rites) and an envoy of Mars might need to get into brawls.
