A few random concepts.
1) A teenager who has run away from home from being ostracized, because she refused to give up her imaginary friends... But the imaginary friends are actually ghosts, several of whom have been following her for years (Ghost Speaker, a really high Contacts)
2) An ex-merc... From the revolutionary war. A Hessian would work well for this. He's immune to aging and regenerates, with fairly high martial skills. Similar to the Scribe of Thoth in actual powers.
3) A wanderer or traveler. Give him the... What's the power, Worldwalker? He became homeless at a relatively young age, and just started walking... And it turns out, he's supernaturally good at travelling. Make it more fun by not letting him *realize* he's been entering the Nevernever - just make him think he's been on Earth the entire time, and play it up as a weirdly questionable grasp on reality.
4) The Guardian of the Holy Grail. An ancient night, bunch of Conviction powers, and one totally awesome Item of Power. For bonus points, base him on the Indiana Jones mythology.
5) ...or, some random schlub who picked up the Holy Grail at a garage sale. He now knows what he has, but is highly unconvinced of his own religious beliefs. Hijinks ensue.
6) The Great And Powerful Turtle! ...Wait, you've never read Wild Cards? Bah. Well, he's the world's strongest telekinetic, but he has a mental block that only lets him use his powers when he's in a (self-made, with the help of a mechanic friend) shell he converted out of a car. Super-hero type guy, but very naive. Oh, and you would want to base his powers off Spellcasting for the effects.
7) Thor, with amnesia, and a day job at Home Depot (he works in the Tools department).

A were-Boa Constricter.
9) A Sphinx, cursed to be in human form. (No, I have *no* idea what his powers would be like. *none*.)
10) The Beast, from Beauty and the Beast (I'm partial to Villeneuve's version), if Belle never found him and instead he was the tragically cursed victim of a fairy who failed to seduce him and turned him into a monster when she couldn't.
11) A vampire hunter. Give him a spiked chain whip, formed from one of the nails from Christ's cross and blessed by the church. He could use Holy Water Grenades and a bladed throwing weapon shaped like a cross.