Author Topic: Character Check/Opinions  (Read 2123 times)

Offline neko128

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Character Check/Opinions
« on: November 04, 2010, 06:18:54 PM »
Okay, I put together this character.  It's not *quite* complete - the "Guest Star" sections aren't included and the power level isn't decided, because I don't have all the details on the campaign he'll be in yet...  So I put out alternate sets of skills/powers/stunts depending on what the refresh base actually ends up being.  But the basic concept is all there, and the powers are pretty static anyway - it's mostly the stunts that expand.  I'm not sure "Emissary of Power" fits thematically, but it was the closest template to what I wanted in the base book, and it fits well enough.

Short version?  He's a tortured, haunted guy - but determined to move on with life and try to make sure what happened to him never happens to anyone else.  He's been touched by an Outsider, and though he survived the experience, he's never been the same.  Right now he's 23 - he was touched by the Old God when he was 17, and spent 5 years in the hands of the Wardens before going back out on his own.

Anyway - thoughts, opinions, questions, problems with the statting, anything you see; I'm curious what y'all think.

Character: Damian
Template: Emissary of Power
High Concept: Touched by a Dark God
    -As a teenager, Damian was almost sacrificed by a Warlock to open a window for one of the Old Gods.  He was rescued by the Wardens of the White Council before his body could be consumed by the summoning, but not before the Dark God's mind touched his - and he shared that twisted monster's views of the world.  His physical form survived, but it was years before anyone was certain his mind had.  While he was never accused of breaking the Laws of Magic (he was a victim, not a lawbreaker), that moment of insanity left him with a number of "gifts" that it took the White Council years to teach him to control.
Trouble: I've Seen the Other Side, and It's Too Late to Look Away
    -Whatever entity he touched sees the past, present and future, both the physical world and the underlying truth, as one view that no mortal was meant to see, let alone comprehend - and it left Damian unable to turn that perception off.  He lost his mind entirely when it happened, with both the sheer amount of information and the horrors it revealed to him shattering his mind.  Even now, years later when he's been pieced back together, the world around him is a far darker place.  Even worse, the dark shadow remains; those sensitive enough can sense the power that once touched him, which all too often awakens fear or desire.
Background: Ward of the White Council
    -When his mind shattered, a small group of Wardens decided they needed to save him instead of deserting or killing him.  They nursed him back to health with the help of others on the White Council, pieced his mind back together, restored his sanity, and in fact remain protective of him to some extent even now, several years later.  However, they also know exactly how far his powers go - and that he can see and comprehend things things most people will never understand...  And how useful that can be to them in their work.
Rising Conflict: Once You're In Their World, They'll Never Let You Leave
    -His plight is fairly well-known.  The monsters may not know him personally, but a surprising number are fimiliar with "the man who was touched by the Old One". 
The Story: It's Only Paranoia If They Aren't Out to Get You
    -He's entered the world of the monsters, and seen just how deep that rabbit hole goes.  He knows the depths of terror and depravity that the worst of them can reach, just by their very nature.  He puts nothing, no matter how horrible or unthinkable, past the Supernatural...  And knows just how much they touch the mortal world without mortals ever knowing it.  But when your mind works that way, you see the hand of the Supernatural everywhere - whether or not it's really there.  Damian knows this - and knows that the mortal world sees him as nothing more than one more insane doomsayer, most of the time - but he still forces himself to do what he can to save the unsuspecting.  This wa
Guest Star #1: TBD
Guest Star #2: TBD

Feet In The Water:
Skills: (20 points, cap at Great)
Great: Discipline, Lore
Good: Conviction, Investigation
Fair: Empathy, Rapport
Average: Deceit, Intimidation

Ghost Speaker [-1] - Death is no boundary to some creatures, and the dead recognize Damian as one of their own.
Marked by Power [-1] - The shadow of a dark god lingers on Damian, and those In The Know recognize it even if they don't know his story.
Cassandra's Tears[0] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
Psychometry [-1] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
The Sight [-1] - The old one he touched saw the mortal world and the underlying truth to it without effort - and now, so does Damian.  The problem is turning it off.

I've Seen Worse (+2 to Discipline when used to defend against The Sight) [-1]

Base Refresh: +6
Adjusted Refresh: +1

Up To Your Waist:
Skills: (25 points, cap at Great)
Great: Discipline, Lore
Good: Conviction, Investigation
Fair: Empathy, Intimidation, Rapport
Average: Alertness, Contacts, Deceit

Ghost Speaker [-1] - Death is no boundary to some creatures, and the dead recognize Damian as one of their own.
Marked by Power [-1] - The shadow of a dark god lingers on Damian, and those In The Know recognize it even if they don't know his story.
Cassandra's Tears[0] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
Psychometry [-1] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
The Sight [-1] - The old one he touched saw the mortal world and the underlying truth to it without effort - and now, so does Damian.  The problem is turning it off.

I've Seen Worse (+2 to Discipline when used to defend against The Sight) [-1]
This Wasn't Done by Mortal Hand (May use Lore instead of Investigation for Examination checks, but only when the clues or subjects are Supernatural in some way) [-1]

Base Refresh: +7
Adjusted Refresh: +1

Skills: (30 points, cap at Superb)
Superb: Discipline, Lore
Great: Conviction, Rapport
Good: Investigation, Intimidation
Fair: Alertness, Empathy
Average: Contacts, Deceit

Ghost Speaker [-1] - Death is no boundary to some creatures, and the dead recognize Damian as one of their own.
Marked by Power [-1] - The shadow of a dark god lingers on Damian, and those In The Know recognize it even if they don't know his story.
Cassandra's Tears[0] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
Psychometry [-1] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
The Sight [-1] - The old one he touched saw the mortal world and the underlying truth to it without effort - and now, so does Damian.  The problem is turning it off.

I've Seen Worse (+2 to Discipline when used to defend against The Sight) [-1]
This Wasn't Done by Mortal Hand (May use Lore instead of Investigation for Examination checks, but only when the clues or subjects are Supernatural in some way) [-1]
Finely Tuned 3rd Eye (+2 to Lore when used as a replacement for Alertness to detect the Supernatural) [-1]

Base Refresh: +8
Adjusted Refresh: +1

Skills: (35 points, cap at Superb)
Superb: Discipline, Lore
Great: Conviction, Rapport
Good: Investigation, Intimidation
Fair: Alertness, Contacts, Empathy
Average: Deceit, Endurance, Fists, Presence, Scholarship

Ghost Speaker [-1] - Death is no boundary to some creatures, and the dead recognize Damian as one of their own.
Marked by Power [-1] - The shadow of a dark god lingers on Damian, and those In The Know recognize it even if they don't know his story.
Cassandra's Tears[0] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
Psychometry [-1] - The old one he touched sees the past, present, and future as one - and Damian still sees them that way, at least some of the time.
The Sight [-1] - The old one he touched saw the mortal world and the underlying truth to it without effort - and now, so does Damian.  The problem is turning it off.

I've Seen Worse (+2 to Discipline when used to defend against The Sight) [-1]
This Wasn't Done by Mortal Hand (May use Lore instead of Investigation for Examination checks, but only when the clues or subjects are Supernatural in some way) [-1]
Finely Tuned 3rd Eye (+2 to Lore when used as a replacement for Alertness to detect the Supernatural) [-1]
Monsters are All the Same (+1 to Lore and arrive at findings 1 step faster when using Lore to replace Examination; same as "Scene of the Crime" from Investigation) [-1]

Base Refresh: +10
Adjusted Refresh: +2

Offline sinker

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Re: Character Check/Opinions
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 06:49:57 PM »
Of note the template isn't necessary. If you can't find a template that works don't use one. I'm playing a Champion of God right now that doesn't have half of the musts but the concept fits better than any other so I'm ignoring the bits I don't find pertinent.

Otherwise looks good. I dig the concept.

Offline Drashna

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Re: Character Check/Opinions
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 12:56:10 AM »
Feels very lovecraftian. :)  Love the feel.

And I'd recommend "submitting" the stunts here to the homebrew stunts list.  I don't see them in the books, nor on that list, and they are definitely fun flavor!
[qoute='piotr1600']Sure true love will conquer all... You sponsored an instant vision of a tentacled Cthuluoid monstrosity following Elaine around, meeping piteously and making puppy dog eyes at her while she sighs loudly and gently kisses those tentacles...[/qoute]