Absolutely! I'm happy to help and happy to brainstorm! Post any you have as well please.
I think this time I'm going to try and think of some other non-combat applications for it:
Creating Ice Sculptures of remarkable complexity and beauty. Either as art for its own sake, or perhaps to replicate a face or sight that you had seen previously. You could use ice like a police sketch, allowing someone to talk to you and refine it over and over to allow them to show who it was that, say, assaulted the Winter stronghold nearby... - Thaumaturgy to emulate Performance.
Winter may not be able to create heat, an Igloo, or other Ice structure would be extremely useful - Thaumaturgy to emulate Survival.
Course you could get seriously epic if you were somewhere with a tropical, or at least very warm climate: a sudden cold front could cause all manner of intense storms and weather phenomenon - Seriously badass thaumaturgy, but possible.
A tracking spell could let you find a deceased body with a sample - Homing in on the essence of death.
How's that? More?