Author Topic: You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...  (Read 2922 times)

Offline Ryan_Singer

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You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:09:11 AM »
Had an interesting discussion with my GM today, and found out that a medium-octane hulk is actually a doable DFRPG character concept. Check it:
Code: [Select]
+1 Human Form
*-1 Beast Change
*-4 Supernatural Strength
*-4 Supernatural Toughness
8 Refresh

The bigger the catch on the toughness, the more refresh available. Not a bad start. The Bruce Banner side would have all brainy and social skills, and the Hulk side would be awesome with Fists, Might and Athletics. The character's trouble could be "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry", and compels could force the change. Gard's Berserker stunt would also be appropriate and compellable. This character has a deep shopping list of things to spend earned refresh on, including recovery powers and mythic strength and toughness. I may post a sample skill list for both forms.

Offline Custos

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Re: You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 06:51:37 AM »
Now just to tag a supernatural reason/background onto this design. Emissary of Power seems to be the blanket for most custom things, or Scions, but I'm curious how this could be dressed up. Great idea though. Oh, and of course Item of Power for sh*ts and giggles.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 08:44:39 AM »
There already have been multiple Hulk threads. Try the search it might give you some more good ideas.
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2010, 02:49:14 PM »
Now just to tag a supernatural reason/background onto this design. Emissary of Power seems to be the blanket for most custom things, or Scions, but I'm curious how this could be dressed up. Great idea though. Oh, and of course Item of Power for sh*ts and giggles.

IoP: purple shorts haha
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Offline Becq

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Re: You wouldn't like me while I'm angry...
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2010, 11:29:01 PM »
Definitely a workable concept.  In fact, for the Hulk you'd probably want to change Human Form [+1] to Human Form (Involuntary Change) [+2], and add Hulking Size [-2].  So:

Code: [Select]
+2 Human Form (Involuntary Change)
*-1 Beast Change
*-2 Hulking Form
*-4 Supernatural Strength
*-4 Supernatural Toughness
9 Refresh

As to the Catch ... I'm not sure that the Hulk really had a physical weakness.  Perhaps you might tweak the system to allow for a mental weakness?  For example, perhaps he can be manipulated via his anger, allowing opponents to tag one or several appropriate Aspects for free, when trying to manipulate him?  Or perhaps a trigger that causes his rage to ebb, thus reverting him back to Human Form?

Edit: Oh, and as to justification in the Dresdenverse for this character ... perhaps the character got pissed of at a power Winter Sidhe and was very rude ... and the Sidhe cursed him to forever wear his anger as a change to his form, basically turning him into what for a lack of a better term I will call a Were-Troll.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 11:33:17 PM by Becq »