Some context to this post: it was in response to a deleted question from snowbank asking why the mods aren't making him change the avatar since 3 people have stated it creeps them out. -Mickey
They said it was creepy. They're not calling for the mods to tell him to change it. They've come up with alternate ways of dealing with it if it bothers them, like ad-blocking.
If you're going to start using numbers, there are more than 3 who took the time to voice that they don't find it offensive at all. One even said his own avatar is creepier, and you said it was ok because it was cartoonish and couldn't move fast.
It's subjective.
"I personally would be more creeped out by an intact doll."
"I find it creepy; however, whatever thoughts I have about it, is on me.
I do not expect him to take it down "
"FM's avatar kinda gives me that whole metaphor loss of innocence kinda thing."
"On another note, AcornArmy's solution of using Adblock Plus and Pop-up Addons works like a champ, you can totally select specific adds or individual sources! Frustration level (not to mention creepy level) went down exponentially. Gotta love firefox."
"and as was mentioned earlier even Toy Story had a creepier one."
"So, is the avatar creepy? Kinda/sorta.
Is it over the line somehow? I don't think so at all.
At base, it is a picture of a child's toy with some missing bits.
Judging from some of the stuff that I've seen at the movies and in video games, it is not in any way improper for a PG-13 audience.
It would seem to me that those disturbed/offended should be the ones blocking the image as the most proper solution.
But if (FM) chose to change it because of being asked nicely, that would be very cool too...
And FWIW, I find clowns to be *much* creepier and waaay more disturbing.."
"I like the avatar and find it more funny then creepy imo."
"Man.. I totally dig your avatar."
"Eh? My avatar is more disturbing than that."