Author Topic: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?  (Read 10014 times)

Offline Dumbledresden

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2010, 09:05:03 PM »
We said that you can coat a weapon with mistletoe-oil, thereby satisfying the catch.
Due to the tale of Ragnarok its even possible to make arrows from mistletoes, and it would also satisfy the catch if you simply bond some of them to a sword, spear, or whatever weapon you use and letting the mistletoes touch wounds that were created by those blades.

If you want to, you could do it Hellboy-Style, filling up some bullets with the oil..
You could also try to poison someone, by putting it into his food.

I would say its not that hard to weaponize and satisfying the catch.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 09:06:36 PM by Dumbledresden »
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Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2010, 02:53:39 PM »
You could also try to poison someone, by putting it into his food.

or you could fry them up some french fries with it haha
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Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2010, 08:43:36 AM »
Or grind it into powder, throw it over them, and then fill then full of bullets.

On rarity, it's something everyone can get, for +2.  A +1 for rarity is form something only some people can get.  Just like having a catch of, say, gold.  Sure it expensive, but everyone can conceivably get some gold to satisfy your catch.

Examples of +1 rarity catches are things like "Inherited Silver", "Necromatic Magic", "Items of (true) faith", etc
Things that plenty of people have but getting your hands on some may be very difficult.

And +0 rarity catches are things that are very hard to get your hands on, like "The bones of the little finger of my left hand, in my safe deposit box in a bank in Jakarta (which you don't know about)."

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2010, 03:23:49 PM »
And +0 rarity catches are things that are very hard to get your hands on, like "The bones of the little finger of my left hand, in my safe deposit box in a bank in Jakarta (which you don't know about)."

well now we all do...  ;D
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Offline Lanir

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2010, 01:41:54 AM »
If the mistletoe doesn't do it for you, maybe something like the White Court weakness. Look at what they're doing and then go after things that are the opposite of that. For a valkyrie, a chooser of the slain, that would seem to be lifesaving devices, particularly modern ones. Shoot her up with adrenaline or saline solution, zap her with a crash cart... You could widen it to surgical steel if you wanted. It'd be pretty hard to take advantage of without some prep in most cases although if you can get her to stick around you have the benefit that any 911 call will almost certainly lead to weapons of valkyrie destruction racing your way.

On a side note... Male valkyries = unavoidable consequence of fem lib?

Offline Kaldra

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2010, 01:47:43 AM »
fem lib?

Offline Save_vs_DM

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2010, 02:52:44 AM »
What about Dead Man's Blood?  It seems to be very fitting to me, at least conceptually.  It would likely only be worth a +1 Catch at most (very limited knowledge, only some people can potentially get it - actually, anyone could kill someone and take their blood, so maybe it's +2?)
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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2010, 12:47:40 PM »
What about hawthorn? There's a story where Odin uses a 'sleep thorn' (a norwegian name for hawthorn) to strip Sigrdrífa of her ability to be victorious in battle (and thus condemns her to wed).

Fear could also work - perhaps the catch is that the supernatural toughness and recovery only work if the Valkyrie doesn't know fear.

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2010, 01:38:58 PM »
What about hawthorn? There's a story where Odin uses a 'sleep thorn' (a norwegian name for hawthorn) to strip Sigrdrífa of her ability to be victorious in battle (and thus condemns her to wed).

Fear could also work - perhaps the catch is that the supernatural toughness and recovery only work if the Valkyrie doesn't know fear.

sounds reasonable but how would that work mechanically
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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2010, 03:01:32 PM »
sounds reasonable but how would that work mechanically

Hawthorn would just require something made of hawthorn wood to be used as a weapon against them (I'll clarify by saying that the hawthorn would have to actually touch them for the effect to happen - no saying "well, my handgun grip is carved hawthorn so it bypasses the valkyrie's catch when I shoot her", but you could bypass the catch by pistol whipping).

Fear - if some one places the aspect of 'afraid' on them via intimidate or the incite emotion power then their toughness powers stop working until they can shake that aspect, and any consequences caused to them during that time are healed as a normal person would have to. This is only a very rough idea, which I don't really intend on fleshing out further as it's completely inapplicable to my own game.

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2010, 03:32:47 PM »
Hawthorn would just require something made of hawthorn wood to be used as a weapon against them (I'll clarify by saying that the hawthorn would have to actually touch them for the effect to happen - no saying "well, my handgun grip is carved hawthorn so it bypasses the valkyrie's catch when I shoot her", but you could bypass the catch by pistol whipping).

Fear - if some one places the aspect of 'afraid' on them via intimidate or the incite emotion power then their toughness powers stop working until they can shake that aspect, and any consequences caused to them during that time are healed as a normal person would have to. This is only a very rough idea, which I don't really intend on fleshing out further as it's completely inapplicable to my own game.

no offense but idt i'll use the fear thing interesting idea but i think the hawthorn and mistletoe ideas work extreamly well I'd give the Hawthorn a lower bonus than mistletoe because that seems like a super rare piece of mythology which would take a nice bit of research
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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2010, 03:40:29 PM »
I'd give the Hawthorn a lower bonus than mistletoe because that seems like a super rare piece of mythology which would take a nice bit of research

It's in the valkyries entry on wikipedia - it's not that hard to find - anyone with a grounding in nordic myth would probably be able to work it out quite quickly. Of course if you want to make it hawthorn grown in Norway, that would satify a lower bonus.

Mistletoe doesn't really make much sense to me as a catch for a Valkyrie - it's Baldur's catch, nothing particularly to do with the any of the Valkyrie legends.

Of course, maybe Valkyries work like scions normally or in reverse - start off powerful and become more human (for player characters you could play them either on the way up to becoming full valkyrie, or on their way down from being a valkyrie - you'd have sort of a reverse of milestones in this character where you give up powers to regain refresh). It may be that falling in love with a human is the first step towards returning to mortality, and actually marrying removes their powers completely - or at least means that they have to give up the mantle of Valkyrie which would remove a chunk of their power. That'd be an interesting way to go - a supernatural creature striving to achieve free will by shedding the trappings of their sponsor. Not relevant to the catch thing of course, but an interesting plot possibility.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 04:04:40 PM by babel2uk »

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2010, 04:10:29 PM »
It's in the valkyries entry on wikipedia - it's not that hard to find - anyone with a grounding in nordic myth would probably be able to work it out quite quickly. Of course if you want to make it hawthorn grown in Norway, that would satify a lower bonus.

Mistletoe doesn't really make much sense to me as a catch for a Valkyrie - it's Baldur's catch, nothing particularly to do with the any of the Valkyrie legends.

Of course, maybe Valkyries work like scions normally or in reverse - start off powerful and become more human (for player characters you could play them either on the way up to becoming full valkyrie, or on their way down from being a valkyrie - you'd have sort of a reverse of milestones in this character where you give up powers to regain refresh). It may be that falling in love with a human is the first step towards returning to mortality, and actually marrying removes their powers completely - or at least means that they have to give up the mantle of Valkyrie which would remove a chunk of their power. That'd be an interesting way to go - a supernatural creature striving to achieve free will by shedding the trappings of their sponsor. Not relevant to the catch thing of course, but an interesting plot possibility.

haha well apparently I suck at researching  :P but yeah that would work better than mistletoe for a catch
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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2010, 04:36:23 PM »
Of course you do have to know you're up against a valkyrie to do the relevant checking to find the catch, and it's not something that the Valkyrie themsleves go out of their way to proclaim.

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2010, 04:49:19 PM »
Of course you do have to know you're up against a valkyrie to do the relevant checking to find the catch, and it's not something that the Valkyrie themsleves go out of their way to proclaim.

yeah very true and its not you could know they were Valkyrie just by looking at them either so that'd be a lore check just to realise what they were then they'd have to do the nessary research to see if there's anything they're week against now I can't imagine Hawthorn being very hard to get one's hands on so I's say +2 maybe +3
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