Hm. Jester, thanks. I see what you mean.
But in a way I think that Papa Gruff has the right of it... sorta. Harry only moved one zone I think. I think the rule book said that too. Don't quote me, but that's how it felt.
He shifted only one zone... but the potion allowed him to ignore up to 5 points of barrier. That sounds about right.
In other words, I think the proper answer is a hybrid of Papa Gruffs and yours, Jester.

As for the magic, remember, magic says it allows you to do the improbable or impossible. So with the whole crack under the door thing, he could still open the door or, if its locked, MAYBE break it down, so he could get through it if the door is somehow passable with 5 shifts. Only if it is air-tight (as he turned into wind), or if it would otherwise have required at least 6 shifts, would it have failed.
Ok, I'm relieved now, thanks!
As for the wards and such, I didn't see Lore listed as a limit, but it is for just about everything else, and it makes a great deal of sense... and who knows, maybe I jut missed it anyway. So, either way, good to go, thanks!