Author Topic: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?  (Read 3046 times)

Offline Selrach

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Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« on: November 04, 2010, 04:24:06 AM »
Is it possible to perform a manuever in combat that results in 2 aspects? For example,  a martial artist tries to sweep out his opponents legs appplying the Knocked on Your Ass and the Dazed aspects. I ask because I was rereading the section on Thaumaturgy and came across the section where is is possible to apply multiple aspects with a Thaumaturgic spell.
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Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 08:59:47 AM »
Is it possible to perform a manuever in combat that results in 2 aspects? For example,  a martial artist tries to sweep out his opponents legs appplying the Knocked on Your Ass and the Dazed aspects. I ask because I was rereading the section on Thaumaturgy and came across the section where is is possible to apply multiple aspects with a Thaumaturgic spell.

Nope. Ain't possible through vanilla mortal actions. If you want these two aspects on an opponent you'll have to use up two exchanges worth of actions.

You could however try do device a stunt that allows you this. I'm not too sure how it would work, as I haven't giving it any thought so far but that might be possible. If done through a stunt it would have to be a fairly low shift maneuver...
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Offline Becq

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Re: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 10:46:34 PM »
I think the reason you can't get two maneuvers for one action is that meneuvers are an integral part of the Fate point economy of the game.  That is, you are basically getting a free Fate point worth of benefit by performing the maneuver, but that's OK because you're trading in a whole exchange worth of activity to get it.  This is roughly the equivalent of accepting a self-compel to fail an action.  If you were able to place multiple maneuvers in an action, then it would be too powerful comparatively.

Or at least that's my interpretation.

By the way, you might want to take a look at the Overflow rules (YS214), which allow you to get a bit more out of a overly successful roll, which could apply to high maneuver rolls.  At first I thought this might be your answer, but I see that the Overflow rules specify that the bonus 'action' must be the equivalent of a supplemental action, so using it to place another aspect is out.

Offline Ala Alba

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Re: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 11:25:47 PM »
A stunt would probably be the most balanced way to do it. Say something like "When using Fists to place an aspect on someone via maneuver, if you succeed with at least 3 extra shifts, you may place an additional aspect at the same time".

Offline Selrach

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Re: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2010, 04:22:31 AM »
Yeah I did not think it was viable but I could think of nothing out of hand that would shoot it down. It
was something not disallowed/allowed by the rules. Really it will be a rare cicumstance where you beat a capable opponent by enough for it to really matter.
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Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Multiple Aspect Manuever ?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 08:45:31 AM »
In part it's because 'powerful' magical effects are easier to achiever than skill levels.  Most multi-maneuver magical effects are built assuming that the target resists each one separately.  But a power/complexity 16 thaumaturgy effect that can be split into two power 8 maneuvers is pretty easy to pull off for council level magic users.