Author Topic: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?  (Read 10012 times)

Offline MadDogMike

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Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:55:55 PM »
Had a question regarding Gard's stats from OW; she has Supernatural Recovery, but no Catch for it listed. For a valkyrie-style PC/NPC, what makes a good Catch for the power? My only thoughts are A. maybe something tied into fate/wyrd where someone "fated to kill you" can overcome it. Possibly an Aspect the GM can compel to satisfy the Catch at appropriate points? You'd either lose your supernatural resistance (but get Fate points) or spend a lot of Fate avoiding it, both of which are strong limitations on the ability and the Fate point gaining/spending gives a nice sort of accepting/fighting against fate flavor to the whole thing. Shouldn't be done EVERY fight obviously, but is fitting for some sort of specific nemesis-style enemy for the character (for bonus points, said nemesis has a similar Catch the PC/NPC satisfies as well). Or B. a more simple Gard-specific idea, given who she's descended from, venom makes a certain amount of sense given how said ancestor died. Or maybe mistletoe, if you want to channel THAT Norse myth ("No, don't kiss me under THAT!" ;D).

Apologies if this has been addressed in errata or something I missed; I also haven't gotten more than a glance at Side Jobs yet so I don't know if this was addressed in her short story either.

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 06:05:32 PM »
Look more into the myth if you can. One of my friends played as someone who had been returned to life by the blood of the world serpent so he took hammers as a catch (Because the world serpent is fated to be killed by Thor's hammer).

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2010, 06:08:47 PM »
I have a player in my group (Dumbledresden) who's playing a scion/descendant of Heimdal. The catch for his toughness powers is the mistletoe witch fits very nicely and is really flexible in terms of possible refund depending on who can find out about it. I suggest you go with that.

That reminds me ... I have yet to attack him with a mistletoe oil coated weapon ... hmmm.
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Offline Dumbledresden

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 11:22:12 PM »
I totally hate you all for reminding my GM to do that...^^
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 11:45:45 PM by Dumbledresden »
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Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 11:44:44 PM »
one of the players in my game actually wanted to be a male valkyrie I'm somewhat inclinded to allow it but hesitant because A. i dont know if that's even possible I've only ever heard of women Valkyrie B. im worried the end result owuld be way over powered
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Offline deathwombat

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2010, 11:51:18 PM »
One of the chosen warriors? Think of a decent catch and  give him a big honking  appropriate weapon and go mad
Bad typists untie!!!!

Offline Becq

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 03:01:54 AM »
So long as the character creation rules are followed, I would think that balance should take care of itself.  The player valkyrie is going to have fewer powers due to limited refresh (even after adding a Catch and granting a discount), and quite a lot fewer skills, as well.  The Catch is likely to only be worth a point or two (anyone ever heard solid stories about Valkyrie's weaknesses?), so the player character version is likely to have to drop Supernatural Recovery to Inhuman and/or lose the Rune Magic.  (Note that the Supernatural Senses should probably be a required template item for a Valkyrie, and therefore should not be dropped.)

Offline MijRai

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 03:11:57 AM »
Mistletoe, definitely.
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

DV MijRai v1.2 YR 1 FR 1 BK+++ JB+ TH++ !WG CL SW BC+ RP++++ MC+++ SHMolly++;Murphy+

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 12:34:52 PM »
So long as the character creation rules are followed, I would think that balance should take care of itself.  The player valkyrie is going to have fewer powers due to limited refresh (even after adding a Catch and granting a discount), and quite a lot fewer skills, as well.  The Catch is likely to only be worth a point or two (anyone ever heard solid stories about Valkyrie's weaknesses?), so the player character version is likely to have to drop Supernatural Recovery to Inhuman and/or lose the Rune Magic.  (Note that the Supernatural Senses should probably be a required template item for a Valkyrie, and therefore should not be dropped.)

sweet that all sounds amazingly do-able  :) 

Mistletoe, definitely.

yeah that sounds most reasonable (much better than attacks received from blind siblings  ;D) at best the refresh bonus would be +2 it can't be that hard to get your hands on mistletoe oil you could coat a weapon with you could probably find it at an aroma therepy supply store or something similar but as far as I can tell there aren't many people that spend there time looking up Norse mythology haha
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Offline WillH

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 12:43:47 PM »
one of the players in my game actually wanted to be a male valkyrie I'm somewhat inclinded to allow it but hesitant because A. i dont know if that's even possible I've only ever heard of women Valkyrie B. im worried the end result owuld be way over powered

I can see male valkyrie. The stories only have female valkyrie based on the cultural norms of the time, but Odin seems to keep up with the times, machine guns, computers, etc.

Offline ralexs1991

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 12:48:20 PM »
I can see male valkyrie. The stories only have female valkyrie based on the cultural norms of the time, but Odin seems to keep up with the times, machine guns, computers, etc.

yeah he's just a hip dude like that
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Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2010, 12:50:44 PM »
just make it a valkyrie scion ... no problem ... Gard seems to be a little keen on Hendriks. Can't see why they shouldn't be able to have kids. Can't see why the kids shouldn't be male... 
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Offline Becq

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2010, 07:58:23 PM »
just make it a valkyrie scion ... no problem ... Gard seems to be a little keen on Hendriks. Can't see why they shouldn't be able to have kids. Can't see why the kids shouldn't be male... 
Unless they eat the male children...  :p

Off hand, I'd put Mistletoe at +1.  Knowledge-wise, I'd think it was very specialized.  And Mistletoe doesn't grow on trees ... er ... I mean it's not something you can pop down to the local Walmart and pick up (unless it's the Holidays, of course, and even then who knows if it's proper weapons-grade Mistletoe!)

By the way, what is the Mistletoe suggestion based on?

Offline Dumbledresden

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2010, 08:35:37 PM »
Well, you get it pretty easily if you ask me. Especially during Christmas its everywhere..i really really mean EVERYWHERE.

Its based on the Ragnarok Cycle of the Nordic mythology, especially the story of Baldur.


Baldr is known primarily for the story of his death. His death is seen as the first in the chain of events which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the gods at Ragnarök. Baldr will be reborn in the new world, according to Völuspá.
He had a dream of his own death and his mother had the same dreams. Since dreams were usually prophetic, this depressed him, so his mother Frigg made every object on earth vow never to hurt Baldr. All objects made this vow except mistletoe. Frigg had thought it too unimportant and nonthreatening to bother asking it to make the vow (alternatively, it seemed too young to swear).
When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a magical spear from this plant (in some later versions, an arrow). He hurried to the place where the gods were indulging in their new pastime of hurling objects at Baldr, which would bounce off without harming him. Loki gave the spear to Baldr's brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it (other versions suggest that Loki guided the arrow himself).

Its actually not a very fitting catch if you don't play a scion of Baldur, but after all the little mistletoe led to the events that caused the downfall of the Nordic Gods, thereby I deemed it a worthy catch for their off-springs.

And to be honest, when I created my Scion and his catch i was pretty new to the DF Game and thereby had some difficulties to come up with better catches, that weren't that worn and boring.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 08:47:58 PM by Dumbledresden »
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Offline Becq

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Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2010, 08:46:08 PM »
How easy is it to weaponize?  Because if it's just a matter of not getting to use toughness to soak that massive hit from the tossed bundle of Mistletoe, well, I dunno...