Tsunami, you've described exactly what I'm talking about.
The character is actually changing reality in game.
Have I ?... now i'm confused. I thought i'd pretty much refuted the original idea of using Fate and declarations.
Declarations do
not constitute a change.
They define how reality is, and always has been.
Therefore, declarations are not the tool to go with here.
Ok, now this character believes he's the only real person. He obviously isn't, or maybe he is, but lets go with he isn't because the other Players want their chars to be real too

His belief however is channeled as some form of power to affect the environment and the entities within.
That's what my proposed power does.
The severity of the change determines how hard you have to believe. And that's where fate points come in. You can spend them on the conviction roll as normal.
However, as it's a maneuver, the result is still temporary.
Imagine a bubble of distorted reality around the character within which the world bends to his beliefs. When he leaves, reality and other peoples beliefs reassert control and return the world to its natural state.
Actual, permanent change to reality would require some other form of power, probably modeled after thaumaturgy.
http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/topic,11734.msg504484.html#msg504484Q: What are the upper levels of magic?
A: There are none, if the person has enough juice. If someone was strong enough, they could completely rewrite reality.
Maybe model it off of sponsored magic, call it solipsism, and give it Thaum at Evo Speed(Transformations)
Follow the same rules, and now you can actually change someone and give them aspects as consequences.