Author Topic: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP  (Read 2871 times)

Offline Surfmonkey01

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Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« on: October 27, 2010, 01:50:29 AM »
In my campaign, the guys have made some powerful enemies.  Now that we near a major milestone, I need to stat 2 of them out.  I need some help, though, I'm having a hard time deciding how to do them.  They are Puck - I think we all know him, and Agarash - a middle range dragon with a serious chip on his shoulder.  Anyone got any help they can give me with these guys?

Offline MijRai

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 02:27:33 AM »
-4 Greater Glamours
-4 Seelie Magic
-4 True Shapeshifting
-2+?Modular Abilities

little D dragon:

-1 Wings
-2 Hulking Size
-1 Claws
-2/-4 Inhuman/Supernatural Speed
-8 Supernatural Toughness/Strength
?-2 Maybe Inhuman Recovery
-2 Breath Weapon
?-2/-3 Channeling or Evocation
?-2/-3 Ritual or Thaumaturgy

Feel free to remove/modify those, but they are simple basics. Puck doesn't really need a proper skillset, since he has True Shapeshifting.
Your dragon would need fists, athletics, and some magic. Lots of intimidation, too.
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

DV MijRai v1.2 YR 1 FR 1 BK+++ JB+ TH++ !WG CL SW BC+ RP++++ MC+++ SHMolly++;Murphy+

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2010, 03:03:50 AM »
MijRai hits the nail on the head, if you ask me. If you're interested in more complete stats then I can help you, but first I'll need to know a bit more about what you have in mind. To be more precise, I need to know:

-What power level you have in mind. I would guess about 50 skill points and 21 refresh, but please feel free to correct me.
-Whether or not these guys have free will. I would guess that they don't.
-What these characters do. Are they combat monsters, social tanks, behind the scenes manipulators, magical powerhouses, or what? I would expect a bit of each, but it's not my game and I have no idea how these guys are going to be used.

If you answer these questions, then I can have a couple of characters up on the Generic NPCs thread by the end of the week.

Offline Surfmonkey01

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2010, 09:01:52 PM »
Well, Puck I'm kinda running as the few version of the Joker... Not really a combat guy.  More creepy, manipulative, and scary as f**k.  Hes also the one PC's dad.  The dragon, he's more a basic concept... He's already sponsored a bad guy or two behind the scenes, now I want to give him a face.  More combat themed, but not too ridiculous... The PCs are at the 2nd highest refresh level, can't remember the name right now.  The skill and refresh totals you listed sound good to me.  Basically, a few of our plotlines are coming to a head, a major milestone looms, and I need these guys to step out of the shadows and be seen.

Does that help?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 12:43:38 AM »
That helps. Stats will be posted to the Generic NPCs thread as well as this one, but over there they'll be called Ancient Sidhe Trickster and Ordinary Dragon.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 01:49:34 AM »
And they're done. Before I get to the actual characters, let me explain what I did.

I chose to specialize Puck in social combat, with a few tricks up his sleeve in the form of supernatural powers. He should be able to beat your entire group in social combat. Outside of the social scene, he can weave 8 shift illusions and raise any physical skills up to Fantastic at the cost of mental/social skills using True Shapeshifting.

Agarash is a very different beast. He's not useless socially, but he really shines as either a mastermind or a physical fighter. He might not be able to kill your entire group singlehandedly, but he'll certainly give them a good fight. And he's got the Contacts and Resources skills to avoid ever doing anything in person.

Both Puck and Agarash are capable of spellcasting, but neither is much good at it.

One brief note before you see the actual characters: both are influenced by my personal opinions. Most people probably wouldn't have given them so many stunts, and some people would have kept the refresh level at or above zero. If you feel the need to change anything, please feel free.

Enough of that. Let's get to the characters.


High Concept: Ancient Trickster Faerie
Other Aspects: Scary As F**k, You Cannot Trust Your Eyes, Faerie Court Jester,
Fantastic: Deceit, Intimidation
Superb: Presence, Performance
Great: Lore, Empathy
Good: Rapport, Conviction, Discipline
Fair:  Contacts, Alertness, Stealth
Average: Endurance, Investigation, Craftsmanship, Burglary, Scholarship
Wearing An Extremely Trustworthy Face (Deceit): As long as you are in a certain form, +2 to Deceit.
Founded Upon Lies (Deceit): +2 to any roll in which you tag or invoke an aspect created with Deceit.
Scary As F**k (Intimidation): Intimidate attacks inflict 2 extra stress.
Subtle Menace (Intimidation): Don’t need context of power to use Intimidation.
Polite Threats (Intimidation):  May use Intimidation without being rude or directly threatening someone.
Jester (Performance): +2 to Performance to make jokes and generally be funny.
Pointed Performance (Performance): May use Performance to create specific aspects.
The Opinions Of Humans Are Irrelevant To Me (Presence): Armour 1 against social attacks from humans.
Shield Of Lies (Deceit): Use Deceit, unmodified, to defend against everything in social combat.
Marked By Power [-1]
Greater Glamours [-4]
Unseelie Magic [-4]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Modular Abilities 3 [-5]
Refresh Total:


High Concept: Ordinary Dragon
Other Aspects: Limitless Greed, Chip On The Shoulder, Cower Before Me Puny Humans, Sponsor of Mortals, I Don’t Need Magic To Kill You
Fantastic: Resources, Fists
Superb: Contacts, Might
Great: Athletics, Presence
Good: Intimidation, Conviction, Endurance
Fair: Lore, Discipline, Alertness
Average: Deceit, Empathy, Rapport, Investigation, Survival
Dragon Treasure (Resources): +2 to Resources for gold, jewels, and other such things.
Hoard (Resources): Can be assumed to own items with value up to your Resources skill.
Regal Presence (Presence): +1 to Presence and Intimidation when in a position of power.
Breath Control (Fists): Use Fists to wield Breath Weapon.
The Boss (Contacts): Add Employment trapping to Contacts. Use it to hire people.
Minions (Contacts): May use Contacts to declare that certain minions are present.
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch [+2] True Heroism
Dragon Magic [-4]
Breath Weapon [-2]
Human Form [+1] affecting:
Wings [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Claws [-1]
Refresh Total:

Offline Surfmonkey01

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 02:29:31 AM »
Badass.  Thank you so much, my good man  ;D

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 03:09:28 AM »
You are very welcome. I hope your players like them, or at least hate them in a good way.