+5 Conviction and +4 Discipline
+1 Power and +2 Control
+2 Invoking Rising Conflict
+2 Tagging Earlier Aspect
+1 Roll
Weapon 6 hitting at +11. Or, a Weapon 4 hitting an entire zone at +11.
I was fighting a dozen ghouls at the time, all in the same zone as me. Took a step back, so in the end the spell was +10, but at the same time, they have +4 Athletics. Nameless baddies have no Fate Points, and at their
best rolls the best they can do is take a 6 shift hit, which is enough to down all of them anyways. That is assuming they get the
best roll possible. More likely that they have lower rolls and die faster.
There is a reason one of that guy's aspects is called Ghoul-B-Gone