Author Topic: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review  (Read 2443 times)

Offline Janus Node

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Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« on: October 06, 2010, 06:11:39 PM »
With my campaign finally past city building and character gen, I've had a successful first session.  Without going into tons of story detail, my group is going up against a group of demons that have a disturbing tendency to not just dissolve away into inert ectoplasm when killed.  They don't know many details yet, but I've begun building the demon concept and stats, and I would like to get some constructive review of what I have before revealing more throughout play.  Thanks to anyone willing to help!

"Gatecrasher" Demons
A small gang of demons so-named because of their congregation in San Francisco and the secret method they have discovered of coming through and staying in the Mortal realm.

Gatecrashers are demons that have harnessed a ritual and artifact that allows them to not only enter into a True Mortal host, but also fuse with them in body and soul to become anchored in the Mortal realm.  Hosts must be willing, and afterwards both memories and personalities become one.  When killed, the essence/soul of the Gatecrasher is drawn back to the Artifact used in the ceremony, where it can be re-invested into a new willing host.

As a group, the Gatecrashers number no more than a dozen at any time.  All hosts have been drawn from disillusioned gang members and organized crime syndicates that were desperate for a fast track to power.  The demons gain free reign on Earth, but have formed their own syndicate because of the influence of the mortal desires they gained in the fusion process.  Important and influential Gatecrashers might have slightly more power than the listed template (1 step up in Power Level).

Standard Template:
High Concept: Infernal Criminal
Power Level:  (7/25/Great)
Refresh: 0
   4 - Deceit
   3 - Burglary, Guns
   2 - Fists, Alertness, Athletics
   1 - Stealth, Might, Intimidation, Contacts
(5 points for customization)
Stress:  Physical OOOO, Social OO, Mental OO
Stunts:  Badder than you thought (+2 Intimidation when Human Guise dropped)
Powers:  Human Guise, Pack Instincts (Other Gatecrashers), Cloak of Shadows, Inhuman Strength, {Inhuman Recovery, Inhuman Toughness} Catch (Only at Night or during SF's Supernatural Fog, Specialized Research to find out), Resurrection (Special Condition: Access to Phylactery & new willing host)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 08:56:40 PM »
I like the concept and it looks like you have a good handle on the rules. But I'm not sure what Resurrection does or what its refresh cost is. Furthermore, the value of the catch is unclear. I would guess +2 or +3, but I'm not sure which. Is this guy supposed to have positive refresh, and therefore free will?

There's nothing wrong with the stats, but they seem a bit all over the place. It's not really clear what the Gatecrasher Demon is supposed to be good at. I would suggest that you get rid of the customization points and instead make several different skill lists for different specialties. Three lists ought to cover it: one for fighters, one for thieves, and one for manipulators. I can make the skill lists if you like.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2010, 09:20:26 PM »
I would have different 'tiers' of Gatecrashers.

Tier One - Muscle.  These are your typical gang-bangers, infused with hellish might.

Tier Two - Stealth.  Some of the geekers have potential.  These Gatecrashers focus on stealth and sudden assassinations.  Used against harder targets, or people who might be a problem because of their knowledge.

Tier Three - Leaders.  These are the ones who call the shots.  They rarely get involved with direct criminal activity; they meet with civic leaders, police officers, and anyone who seems vulnerable to temptation.  Although not incapable in combat, they are apt to have several Teir One types around 'just in case'.
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Offline MijRai

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2010, 10:22:29 PM »
Different Classed forcusing on different things would be good. Vary them a bit. Give your Muscle Claws and Inhuman Strength, the Stealth Speed and Cloak of Shadows, and the Bosses some Channeling or Ritual with a Refinement for foci.
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

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Offline deathwombat

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2010, 12:07:11 AM »
And cannot kill them with magic without violating the First Law
Wicked cool!!!!!
Bad typists untie!!!!

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2010, 11:01:23 PM »
Hmm.  That would be an interesting decision.  If someone voluntarily sells their soul for power, do they still fall under the Laws of Magic?  Thralls do (barely), but the Black Court doesn't ask for volunteers; thralls are victims.

I could see arguments either way; does a Denarian, for instance, fall under the Laws, since they CAN choose to forsake their demon?

This would be something to work out BEFORE any wizards in your group get twitchy with zapping demon-possessed mortals.  It's fine to set up the tactical and moral dilemma, imho; it's not so cool to spring it on people without warning.
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline wyvern

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2010, 11:12:03 PM »
Well, the traditional "selling your soul" deal doesn't result in loss of soul 'till after you die.  And we know you can soulgaze a denarian.  On the other hand, I don't remember Harry ever going easy on them or worrying about first law violations when fighting them...  (Though this could just be a case of me having the approximate memory of a goldfish?)  So... huh.  Not sure.

From the description of these critters - an actual merging of human and demon - I'd think the first law (and second through fifth as appropriate) would still apply to them, though.

At the very least, a properly paranoid practitioner would probably assume that the laws of magic apply - I mean, do you really want to try to explain to a Warden "No, no, I didn't violate any laws, those weren't people anymore, really."

Offline Becq

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2010, 02:11:55 AM »
I think that a person who "willingingly fuses their body and soul" with a demon is no longer human, at least for the purposes of the metaphysical Laws.  They might have a tough time explaining the situation to a Warden (if allowed the opportunity to explain) but they wouldn't gain a Lawbreaker for killing one.  I consider this distinct from a situation where an unwilling mortal is possessed (assuming that the mortal's soul still exists in the body).

My reasononing is that the Lawbreaker's litmus test is "violating the sanctity of life and break the bonds that tether a soul to a mortal being" -- and if such a fusion has taken place in both body and soul, then the sanctity of life no longer exists, the soul is no longer that of a mortal, and neither is the resulting merged being.

Your mileage may vary.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2010, 08:41:38 PM »
Either definition would work, metaphysically.  It's just you should have a clear idea of which way it goes before people blast away.
You're the spirit of a nation, all right.  But it's NOT America.

Offline rickayelm

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Re: Custom Critters: Looking for constructive review
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2010, 09:15:54 PM »
It has bean a few years sinse I last read Fool Moon, but if I remember correctly it mentions that a lycanthrope possessed by its spirit of rage is not protected by the first law. I would think that the same thing would go for demon possesion.