Still hard at work. The Neverglades got a new draft recently. The Catch Up chapter is a beast that threatens to feast upon the succulent eyemeats of the Underkoffler. Rob Donoghue's chapter on the open road is sounding more and more interesting. Vegas is coming together, as are others, too, while the Russian Revolution has nearly reached its feverish conclusion.
Those are the 7 for-sure ones. There's one short "maybe" one that I don't want to mention in case it gets jettisoned.
So in other words, "Hey Guys! I have a secret.... and you guys can't know" ?
Well, since there are three casefiles currently out as of Evil Acts, I'd say, yes, that's still the case.The Paranet Papers is coming in 2012. Can't say when in 2012, because I don't know.
We may be able to get some other stuff out there too, but Paranet's furthest along. We've got a "left field" freebie coming in a bit (maybe a month?) too -- not a casefile. Something else.
Left field freebie?