Author Topic: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects  (Read 3223 times)

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« on: October 05, 2010, 06:49:10 PM »
So I was playing around with a character concept and I am having trouble coming up with Aspects for him.  Any suggestions are welcome.  


Compel: To make him lose his temper or act in a contrary or uncouth manner.
Invoke: When anger or sheer stubbornness could lend him strength to carry on or overcome the odds.

The Civil War ripped Missouri society apart and shaped the life of Virgil Cole Langtry. After a series of campaigns and battles between conventional armies in 1861, guerrilla warfare gripped the state, waged between secessionist "bushwhackers" and the Union. A bitter conflict ensued, bringing an escalating cycle of atrocities by both sides. At the age of 16 Cole fought long and hard against the Union after soldiers destroyed his family’s farm killing his mother and youngest brother in the process.  His rage at the deaths of his family boiled beneath the surface making him capable of violence with very little provocation.  After the war the price on his head forced Cole to flee to the Frontier.  He wandered the West for years working as a cowboy as well as a Deputy Sheriff in a couple of towns.  His difficult personality got him in quite a lot of trouble and many fights so he rarely kept his badge long.  He welcomed the violence.

Compel:  Hard to back down from a confrontation.
Invoke:  For Intimidation or in a gunfight.

After being driven out of Deadwood Cole got work as a scout for the US Army.  He helped track down Indians and was involved in a variety of atrocities against the Sioux. In the Winter of 1876 after the Battle of Little Bighorn Langtry led a platoon of soldiers against a Lakota village.  The soldiers descended on the village and began their grim work with delight.  It was only after most of the village was destroyed that the Skinchanger attacked.  Despite all of his ability and the best weapons the US Army could provide Langtry's men were slaughtered in a cat and mouse campaign that lasted for several days.  He was finally forced to retreat to a cave in the hills after watching the last of his men dragged off to be attended to by the Naagloshii's terrible hunger.  The Shaman in the cave was ancient and, after a Soul Gaze that shook him to his core, explained to Cole that they had to work together to survive against the Evil that had been awakened by miners of the Black Hills.   They fought side by side and between the two of them they managed to drive off the Skinchanger at the cost of the Shaman's life.  Before he died he placed his Death Curse on Cole.  He was to walk the Land and protect it until he atoned for his crimes against the People.  The Soul Gaze had a profound effect on Cole and he embraced his new role and began hunting monsters both Human and Supernatural.  


Cursed by a Shaman to wander the land until he atones for his sins, Cole Langtry, Bounty Hunter, Gunslinger and Indian Scout has hunted monsters across the American West for over 150 years. After being connected to a series of grisly murders in Seattle he suddenly finds himself hunted instead of hunter.  He must clear his name and track down his most bitter enemy.  An Immortal Skinchanger who it is said cannot be killed.



SKILLS (+35)
•   GREAT +4: Guns
•   GOOD +3: Alertness, Athletics, Discipline, Endurance, Weapons
•   FAIR +2: Conviction, Fists, Intimidation, Investigation, Survival
•   AVERAGE +1: Burglary, Contacts, Lore, Presence, Rapport, Stealth

•   Target Rich Environment
•   You Don’t want any of this
•   Animal Handler (Horse)
•   Hunter
•   Pin the Tail
•   Finely Tuned Eye

•   Supernatural Recovery -4
•   The Catch is Fire +3
•   Inhuman Speed -2

Mental (3): OOO
Physical ( 4): OOOO
Social (3) OOO
Armor, Etc:

Total Refresh Cost: 9
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 11:03:45 PM by HumAnnoyd »
It's not the Heat, It's the Humanity.

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Re: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 10:01:02 PM »
I think you have invoke and compel mixed up there. As for the missing aspects, those are the guest star aspects and are created by being a guest star in another players story (or vice versa).
“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 11:01:59 PM »
Yes I know that those come from the guest stars but I wanted to have an idea of new aspects for those stories once the details are worked out.  I think you can plan them out beforehand.  Oh and you are right about my mix up on the Invoke and Compell.  Brain fart.  Been a long week already.  Sigh.
It's not the Heat, It's the Humanity.

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Re: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2010, 09:59:45 PM »
Eye For An Eye

Drinks To Forget

Mood Swings aka Secret Death Wish When No Motivation Present
      Just finished a big hunt, and no news of trouble or monsters to hunt for a week or more, melancholy sets in

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Re: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 06:40:50 AM »
One of my friends was going to play an immortal with the aspect "I know you." Think of how many friends (or enemies) you could make with that much time on your hands.

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: Cursed Immortal Bounty Hunter Aspects
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 07:27:18 PM »
Maybe "You remind me of someone" would work better.

As in you might not know that guy, but after hanging with him for a few minutes you realise that he's a lot like this guy you knew in 1843, and from there you have an idea of how he will react.

It could be tagged for most social situations as well as some combats (you've seen the fighting style before).  It could be compelled in most social situations, meaning you ignore how this person is different from the one you knew way back when so you treat him the wrong way.
