Author Topic: Generic NPCs  (Read 189055 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #750 on: January 17, 2013, 11:09:35 PM »
Remember this guy?

Telekinetic (Feet In The Water)

Though the government tries to control all psychic powers, it can't. Telekinesis, in particular, is hard to control because it generally becomes noticeable when the psychic is in their teens. And teenagers with superhuman abilities almost always fight back when you try to kidnap them.

So the typical telekinetic is a fugitive kid.

High Concept: Telekinetic
Other Aspects: Hunted By The Government, Teenage Immaturity, Surprisingly Capable
Great: Conviction, Discipline
Good: Athletics, Alertness
Fair: Stealth, Deceit
Average: Endurance, Rapport
Telekinesis (Metaphysical Inhuman Strength) [-5]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Since I just revised Telekinesis, I should revise his stats as well. If you want to use him with the new and improved Telekinesis, replace his one and only Power with

Enhanced Telekinesis [-3]
Inhuman Strength [-2]

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #751 on: February 10, 2013, 02:48:49 AM »
Soo, because I was bored, I wrote up Kvothe the Arcane, of the Kingkiller Chronicle. The magic system there is almost Sanderson-esque in it's complexity, but it bears enough fundamental resemblances to the DV that I was able to adapt it. Kvothe has a boatload of Fists, Deceit, Performance, and Lore stunts along with his Naming and Sympathy. The Naming i'm choosing to represent as Incite Effect, and the Sympathy as Thaumaturgy. Kvothe is a specialist crafter. I'm having difficulty on choosing what skill he uses for Incite Effect though. Discipline is boring and he already uses it for sympathy, his Conviction isn't very high, and having it be Performance is overpowered despite it making the most sense. For now it's Discipline, but I'm open to suggestions. He should be up by tonight.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 03:11:24 AM by Hick Jr »
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #752 on: February 10, 2013, 03:17:45 AM »
“Kvothe the Arcane, Kvothe Kingkiller, Kvothe the Bloodless, Maedre, Lightfinger, Shadicar, Dulator, Six-String”
High Concept
Fledgling Namer/Living Legend
The Chandrian Killed My Troupe
“The best musician you will ever hear or see from a distance”, Impossibly Fast Learner, Perpetual Poverty, Edema Ruh, Namer-To-Be, Speaks in Sevens

Epic: Performance
Fantastic: Lore, Discipline
Superb: Scholarship, Alertness
Great: Athletics, Fists, Deceit
Good: Burglary, Presence, Stealth
Fair: Survival, Rapport, Endurance
Average: Conviction, Craftsmanship, Intimidation, Investigation

Martial Artist (Fists)
The Ketan (Fists): As Armed Arts, applying to swords.
Lethal Weapon (Fists)
Redirected Force (Fists)
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance)

Takes One To Know One (Deceit)
Pickpocket (Deceit)
Calm Blue Ocean (Discipline)

Occultist (Lore) (The Chandrian, the Amyr)
Method Actor: A good actor can slip into his role so completely that his original self is consumed. Pick a type of being. You may use your Performance skill instead of your Deceit skill to impersonate that type of being. When disguising yourself as that type of being, your disguise can stand up to more than casual scrutiny.
Acting Scary: (Requires Method Actor) Even a totally harmless person can pretend to be something terrifying. While using Method Actor to disguise yourself, you may use your Performance skill instead of your Intimidation skill.
Lyric (Performance): You’re arguably the greatest bard in the world. Gain a +2 to Performance when using a Lute, and it's considered to be 2 higher when modifying a social skill.
Sympathist (Lore): You are an arcanist, capable of powerful sympathy. You use Discipline in place of Lore to determine the base Complexity of your thaumaturgic rituals.
“Alar Like A Blade of Ramston Steel” (Discipline): Exactly what it says on the tin. Your Alar, the mental exercise that allows you to perform magic, is impeccable. Gain a +2 to your Discipline when using it for sympathy or any other type of magic governed by Alar.
Incite Effect (Naming) (At Range, Potent, Physical, Mental, Mass, Restrictive) [-7]
The Sight [-1]
Limitation [+?] (Only while his sleeping mind is awake for the Sight, and doing any naming requires a Compel, or an Invocation and spending a Fate Point to turn on the power for the scene.)
Thaumaturgy [-3] (+1 Crafting Power) (2 Focus Slots)
Refinement [-5] (Crafting Strength +3, Crafting Frequency +2, 5 Focus Slots)
Total Refresh Cost: -33

Focus Slots (1 Slot)
Artficery Tools (+1 Crafting Frequency)
Enchanted Items (12 Slots)
The Shaed (Acts as a 10-shift veil 5 times per session) [3 slots]
Caesura (See Warden Sword- Blade is Weapon:4) [2 Slots]
The rest are potion slots. [7 Slots]

Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #753 on: February 11, 2013, 04:09:38 AM »
I don't know the source material, so this is just a mechanical critique.

You need to specify a type of being for Method Actor.

The Alar stunt is too good. Compare it to Refinement.
Lyric might be a touch too good. Or maybe not, I dunno.

Sympathist shouldn't exist. No double-dipping on casting skills.

Not sure what the problem with using Performance for Incite Effect is. As long as it's understood that Lyric doesn't boost it, of course.

Crafting Strength and Crafting Power are the same thing.

I only count 30 Refresh spent, not counting Limitation.

Not sure what's up with Caesura.

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #754 on: February 12, 2013, 02:48:43 AM »
Well, hideous mechanical errors are to be expected in a character I wrote up during one of my sleep-deprivation binges. In order-

-Okay. I'll remove it.

-Lyric is based directly off Poet from YS. I basically just altered some phrasing. Again, it's an accurate representation of how good he is at playing a lute.

-Mechanically, it's the only way I could get Thaumaturgy to reconcile with how sympathy is done in the novels. It doesn't matter much anyway, seeing as how his Lore and Discipline are the same.

-My quibble was that some cheesemeisters might interpret it as increasing it for that purpose, which is why I left it at discipline.

-Typo. I'll edit that.
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #755 on: February 12, 2013, 05:04:07 AM »
Double-dipping casting skills is bad news regardless of relative rating. Spending 1 Refresh on literally nothing isn't good, generally.

And honestly errors are to be expected whenever statting anything this big. The numbers get a bit out of control, you know?

Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #756 on: February 12, 2013, 05:16:04 AM »
True. And I slip in and out of cohesion when it comes to writeups. Sometimes things turn out well, and you get cool templates and sponsored magic. And sometimes they don't, and you get awful Jade Court ideas and dodgy homebrew stunts.
Hi! My home is called an apiary! I collect honey, and defend the Queen!

Not-so-secretly a power hungry megalomaniac with a Modular Abilities addiction.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #757 on: February 12, 2013, 05:17:43 AM »
I liked your Jade Court idea, actually.

Offline S1C0

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #758 on: March 30, 2013, 07:17:10 PM »
at Sanctaphrax
i have an idea for an npc enemy could you help me with this
my idea is similar to d&d's woodling template but with a cursed by an evil nature elemental
to attack/transform into an enemy the way they would get cursed is any living thing that
steps or crosses a ring of toadstools gets the curse
a varaiety of things would help more mabey give them a sponsor and mythic recovery catch fire/cold
Vae Victus

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #759 on: March 31, 2013, 03:26:50 AM »

So basically becoming one of these wood creatures would be a take-out effect. It would change your High Concept and it would give you some Powers.

So I think your idea would probably work best as a Template, like Red Court Infected.

Other than quick healing, what do you get from becoming a wood creature? Do you become stronger? Tougher? Able to speak to trees?

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #760 on: March 31, 2013, 05:02:46 AM »
a form of sponsor magic perhaps Nature or plant elemental
the powers are able to adapt to promote more debt
Vae Victus

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #761 on: March 31, 2013, 05:08:05 AM »
Not sure what you mean by adapting to promote more debt, but there's plant magic on the Sponsored Magic list. It looks like this:

Description: You draw upon the power of the world's plant life. It's a pretty simple form of magic, but a powerful one.
Sponsor: The collective ur-mind of all plants everywhere.
Agenda: Plants are not smart enough to have an actual agenda, but as a general rule plants like growing and dislike dying.
Evocation: Plant evocations work by creating and manipulating plants. Surprise!
Thaumaturgy: Plant Magic can be used to cast rituals that have to do with plants. It can make plants grow, give plants magical properties, create plant matter out of nowhere, turn people into plants, and so on.
Evothaum: Spells that make plants grow can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Plant Magic.
Extra Benefits: You get the Echoes Of The Beast Power, with plants as your beast. This adds one to your Alertness and Survival skills in plant-rich areas and lets you talk to plants.

That work for you?

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #762 on: April 01, 2013, 04:37:18 AM »
It looks to be a good template for a new sponsor that would mention a cursed plant lifeform
type deal thanks for the suggestion how wpuld a npc that has that going on look like
Vae Victus

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #763 on: April 01, 2013, 04:47:32 AM »
Here's one example.

Offline S1C0

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #764 on: April 01, 2013, 04:57:09 AM »
That would be a good random encounter
how about a fungus pit monster a trap hole
of digestion possibly make it venomous 
Vae Victus