Author Topic: Generic NPCs  (Read 189441 times)

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #690 on: August 04, 2012, 02:57:57 AM »
sweet, you think i should list the refinements as +1 to all Dracula magic, +2 to all Dracula magic
+1 to curses, +2 to weather control, +3 to necromancy, +4 to mind control, +5 to blood magic
also ill post another draft of Dracula in a little while built off all the stuff we have done also ill make sure to label in underlined and bold the custom powers
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #691 on: August 04, 2012, 03:28:20 AM »
Okay, supposing he has

Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Dracula Magic [-4]
Refinement [-10]

Then I'd make his spellcasting look like this:

Evocation (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit): +1 Water Control, +2 Spirit Power, +3 Spirit Control
Thaumaturgy: +1 Entropomancy Complexity, +2 Weatherworking Complexity, +3 Necromancy Complexity, +4 Psychomancy Complexity
Foci: Staff (+1 Dracula Magic Offensive and Defensive Power and Control, +1 Dracula Magic Complexity and Thaumaturgy Control)
Enchanted Items: 4 slots, used for whatever Dracula feels like at the moment

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #692 on: August 04, 2012, 09:07:33 AM »
Vladimir Dracula
High Concept: First of the Vampires
Other Aspects: Nicks been around a long long time,
Legendary++: Alertness, Athletics, Fists, Intimidation, Discipline
Legendary+: Endurance, Conviction, Presence, Lore, Deceit
Legendary: Weapons, Empathy, Rapport, Contacts, Resources
Know yourself: +2 to damage when fighting other vampires
Tough composer: +2 to all discipline rolls dealing with feeding dependency
Resilient self-image: able to take 2 extra mild mental consequences
No pain no gain: able to take 2 extra mild physical consequences
Hunter: As an experienced hunter, you know how to track game in the outdoors. Gain +2 on any efforts to use Survival to track something in the wilderness or other outdoor area.
Blood Drinker [-1]
Echoes of the Beast [-1]: +2 to alertness for bat hearing
Evocation [-3]
Feeding Dependency [+1]
Imageless[-1] cannot be photographed, no reflection
Incite Emotion [-8]: Fear, Lust, Rage, Protectiveness, weapons 6, range
Night Coat [-3]: +6 to stealth in the dark, see in the dark
Modular Abilities [-5]
Mythic Recovery [-6]
Mythic Speed [-6]
Mythic Strength [-6]
Perfected Domination [-6]
Physical Immunity [-6]: immune to all harm except holy objects
Refinement [-10]:
Evocation (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit): +1 Water Control, +2 Spirit Power, +3 Spirit Control
Thaumaturgy: +1 Entropomancy Complexity, +2 Weatherworking Complexity, +3 Necromancy Complexity, +4 Psychomancy Complexity
Foci: Staff (+1 Dracula Magic Offensive and Defensive Power and Control, +1 Dracula Magic Complexity and Thaumaturgy Control)
Enchanted Items: 4 slots, used for whatever Dracula feels like at the moment
Thaumaturgy [-3]
True Shapeshifting [-4]
Vampiric claws [-3]: weapons 6, resurrect dead people as vampires
Mythic Toughness [-6]
Mythic Stoicism [-6]
Mythic Image [-6]: +3 armor to social, +6 social stress boxes
Mythic Willpower [-3]: +6 hunger stress boxes
Dracula Magic [-4]
Description: Dracula has a magic of his own. It's not clear exactly why; perhaps he's simply too powerful not to have his own brand of magic.
Sponsor: Dracula is the source of this magic.
Agenda: It's not entirely clear what Dracula wants.
Evocation: Dracula's Evocations generally work by manipulating blood, the weather, or people's minds. But the occasional necromantic blast is not unheard of.
Thaumaturgy: Dracula's rituals are generally associated with his curse, the weather, psychomancy, entropomancy, and necromancy.
Evothaum: Any ritual that could be cast with Dracula Magic may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Dracula Magic Evocations may be used to inflict mental stress. This costs five shifts; a weapon 2 mental attack is as difficult to cast as a weapon 7 physical attack. And so on.
Physical: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Mental: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Social: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Mild any-2
Mild social-2
Moderate any-4
Moderate physical-4
Moderate mental-4
Moderate social-4
Severe any-6
Severe physical-6
Severe mental-6
Extreme any-8
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Locnil

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #693 on: August 04, 2012, 12:25:33 PM »
By Nick's been around a long long time, I actually meant Nicodemus's Aspect, been around a long long time.  :o

...Though, Nick's been around a long long time does have a nice ring to it.  ;D

Also, you might want to add a note stating what his other skills default to. I'm guessing Epic, but you might want to chose a skill or two that he does do all that well.

Imageless, IMO, should be an invoke/compel on his high concept, or maybe a [-0] power, since it seems to offer no mechanical benefit.

Assuming I remember the Incite Emotion rules correctly, it should be Weapon:4. If you pay an additional point of Refresh, you could make a custom upgrade allowing for Weapon:6, I suppose.

Under which skill does Know Yourself fall under? Come to think of it, you should probably add the skills to all the stunts.

Vampiric Claws should cost more than [-3]. Weapon:6 alone is worth that, let alone making more vamps. Unless, of course, you intended it to be a plot device thing, instead of a your allies are now mine thing.. No offence, but its hard to tell.

So, Feeding Dependency works on all abilities listed under it?

That's all I have to say. Looks like you put quite a good amount of work into it. If you ever use him in a game, let me know. I am fascinated with how high power characters impact games.   8)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #694 on: August 05, 2012, 03:10:12 AM »
Vampiric Claws should cost more than [-3]. Weapon:6 alone is worth that, let alone making more vamps. Unless, of course, you intended it to be a plot device thing, instead of a your allies are now mine thing.. No offence, but its hard to tell.

So far as I can tell, making new vamps is free. At least, BCVs and RCVs don't pay anything for the ability normally.

Not sure if I'd let someone take Claws three times, though. Stacking limitations exist for a reason.

Offline Locnil

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #695 on: August 05, 2012, 03:11:32 AM »
So far as I can tell, making new vamps is free. At least, BCVs and RCVs don't pay anything for the ability normally.

Not sure if I'd let someone take Claws three times, though. Stacking limitations exist for a reason.

Depends on how it works. If he can make a new vamp in the middle of combat from someone he just killed, and have it fight for him, I'd say it's worth something.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #696 on: August 06, 2012, 05:42:30 AM »
I lost power last night so my computer isn't charged so I can't do anything with Dracula to tonight cause his if from I'm iPod but I'll hange feeding dependency and I'll do the soils for he stunts also vamp claws should be -5 then cause it is mid battle type thing and I have already used him in a game just more as plot level not action lvl yet so I'll get back to you guys tomarrow when I get my compute charged
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Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #697 on: August 09, 2012, 07:01:56 AM »
Vladimir Dracula
High Concept: First of the Vampires
Other Aspects: Nicks been around a long long time,
Legendary++: Alertness, Athletics, Fists, Intimidation, Discipline
Legendary+: Endurance, Conviction, Presence, Lore, Deceit
Legendary: Weapons, Empathy, Rapport, Contacts, Resources
Know yourself: (lore) +2 to damage when fighting other vampires
Tough composer: (discipline) +2 to all discipline rolls dealing with feeding dependency
Resilient self-image: (conviction) able to take 2 extra mild mental consequences
No pain no gain: (endurance) able to take 2 extra mild physical consequences
Hunter: (survival)As an experienced hunter, you know how to track game in the outdoors. Gain +2 on any efforts to  ___use Survival to track something in the wilderness or other outdoor area.
Blood Drinker [-1]: full heal after a feeding
Dracula Magic [-4]: his own magic (see below)
Echoes of the Beast [-1]: +2 to alertness for bat hearing
Evocation: [-3] (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit): +1 Water Control, +2 Spirit Power, +3 Spirit Control
___Foci: Staff (+1 Dracula Magic Offensive and Defensive Power and Control, +1 Dracula Magic Complexity and ___Thaumaturgy Control)
___Enchanted Items: 4 slots, used for whatever Dracula feels like at the momentFeeding Dependency [+1]: must ___feed on blood
Imageless[-1] cannot be photographed, no reflection
Incite Emotion [-8]: Fear, Lust, Rage, Protectiveness, weapons 6, range
Modular Abilities [-5]: change with form
Mythic Recovery [-6]: heal 3 mild consequences a scene
Mythic Speed [-6]: +6 to athletics
Mythic Strength [-6]: +12 to might when lifting/breaking, +3 to might when grappling, 4 stress supplementary hit Mythic Toughness [-6]: +3 armor to physical, +6 physical stress boxes
Mythic Stoicism [-6]: +3 armor to mental, +6 mental stress boxes
Mythic Image [-6]: +3 armor to social, +6 social stress boxes
Mythic Willpower [-3]: +6 hunger stress boxes grappling, +3 when modifying a skill with might, +6 to damage
Night Coat [-3]: +6 to stealth in the dark, see in the dark
Perfected Domination [-6]: create perfected Renfields
Physical Immunity [-6]: immune to all harm except holy objects
Refinement [-20]:
Thaumaturgy [-3]: +1 Entropomancy Complexity, +2 Weatherworking Complexity, +3 Necromancy ____Complexity, +4 Psychomancy Complexity
True Shapeshifting [-4]: Shapeshift into anything
Vampiric claws [-3]: weapons 6, resurrect dead people as vampires(see description #1 below)
Physical: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Mental: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Social: OOOOOOOOOOOO armor-3
Mild any-2
Mild social-2
Moderate any-4
Moderate physical-4
Moderate mental-4
Moderate social-4
Severe any-6
Severe physical-6
Severe mental-6
Extreme any-8
Total Refresh Cost
Refresh Total:

Description #1
when an attack from vampiric claws hits it leave a sticky aspect on its victim called ???????? stating that when the victim dies they get reanimated as a black court vampire with
these skills at these levels(unless their original skills are higher)
great: discipline, fists
good: athletics, endurance, intimidation
fair: alertness
along with all these powers
claws [-1]
echoes of the beast [-1]
living dead [-1]
supernatural toughness[-4]
the catch [+3] Bram stoker weaknesses
feeding dependency[+1]
blood drinker [+1]
cloak of shadows [-1]
inhuman strength [-2]
inhuman speed [-2]
domination [-2]
gaseous form [-3]
total:-14 refresh
now only if the victim can accept all of these powers with out going into negative refresh (super mega ultra unlikely that they can) then and only then will they not have to serve Dracula's every whim

Description #2: Dracula has a magic of his own. It's not clear exactly why; perhaps he's simply too powerful not to have his own brand of magic.
Sponsor: Dracula is the source of this magic.
Agenda: It's not entirely clear what Dracula wants.
Evocation: Dracula's Evocations generally work by manipulating blood, the weather, or people's minds. But the occasional necromantic blast is not unheard of.
Thaumaturgy: Dracula's rituals are generally associated with his curse, the weather, Psychomancy, Entropomancy, and necromancy.
Evothaum: Any ritual that could be cast with Dracula Magic may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Dracula Magic Evocations may be used to inflict mental stress. This costs five shifts; a weapon 2 mental attack is as difficult to cast as a weapon 7 physical attack. And so on.
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #698 on: August 18, 2012, 12:42:00 PM »
Were-Carcharodon Megalodon
High concept: ultimate Apex predator
Other aspects: swallow you whole, hunter of the deep blue
Human form
Fantastic-alertness, athletics
Superb-endurance, might
Great good-fists, intimidation
Beast form
Fantastic- fists, might
Superb- athletics, alertness,
Great- intimidation, endurance
[-1] Aquatic
[-1] beast change: megalodon
[-1] claws
[-1] echoes of the beast: +2 to athletics when swimming
[+2] human form, involuntary change
[-6] unthinkable size
[-2] inhuman recovery
[-6] mythic toughness
[-4] supernatural speed
[-4] supernatural strength
[-1] supernatural sense: smell blood
[-1] mindless
Can use intimation skill
Description: For whatever reason, people you grab stay grabbed without any effort from you.
Skills Affected: Might
Superior Hold. When you hold another character in a grapple, you may take a supplemental action to apply a Superior Hold to them. If you do so, you may continue to grapple them on subsequent turns without taking an action.
Swallow Whole. [+1] Gulp. You may only apply Superior Holds to characters smaller than you.
[-3] Mythical jaws (could be taken as specific mythical strength)
Description: your jaw strength is a thing out of legend—legends that feature you.
Skills affected: might
Same bonuses as mythical strength except only with the jaw
Physical stress-OOOOOOOOOO
3 physical armor
By specific strength I mean
Sharks and possible a few other creatures are not super strong but their jaws are
Other animals might only have strong legs, strong arms
This power can only apply to specific part of the body
Total refresh [-30]

mindless is actually pure instinctual rather than mindless and only takes affect when in were-form
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #699 on: August 19, 2012, 06:19:54 PM »
pretty sure unthinkable size is too big.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #700 on: August 20, 2012, 01:50:48 AM »
well they are 70 feet long or bigger but i wrote this in about 3 minutes late last night but yeah i down grade that to titanic size [-4]
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Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #701 on: September 14, 2012, 03:51:17 AM »
Different castes of the Canim from Codex Alera

Canim Warrior
High Concept:Canim of the Warrior Caste
Other Aspects:Wolven Invaders, Born to Fight

5- Weapons, Athletics
4- Fists, Alertness
3- Discipline, Endurance
2- Intimidation, Bows (Guns), Might
1- Survival, Stealth, Presence, Conviction

-2 Inhuman Toughness
+0 The Catch, Unknown
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Speed
-1 Claws
-2 Hulking Size
-1 Echoes of the Beast (Other Canim)

Physical:0000+00+00 Armor:2 Steel Armor

« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 06:50:55 PM by KnightOrbis »

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #702 on: September 14, 2012, 05:00:40 PM »
Different castes of the Canim from Codex Alera

Canim Warrior
High Concept:Canim of the Warrior Caste
Other Aspects:Wolven Invaders, Born to Fight

5- Weapons, Athletics
4- Fists, Alertness
3- Discipline, Endurance
2- Intimidation, Bows (Guns), Might
1- Survival, Stealth, Presence, Conviction

-2 Inhuman Toughness
+0 The Catch, Unknown
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Speed
-1 Claws
-2 Hulking Size
-1 Over-Sized Weaponry (+2 to stress when wielding weapons a normal human couldn't)
-1 Echoes of the Beast (Other Canim)

Physical:0000+00+00 Armor:2 Steel Armor
I like it, though I don't like the Over-Sized Weaponry stunt. Wouldn't the bonus to stress be included by simply giving ridiculously huge weapons a higher weapon rating? That plus the Inhuman Strength is going to have these guys hitting for Weapon:5 or 6 already. That stunt would bump it up to Weapon:7 or 8, which is a little ridiculous.
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Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #703 on: September 14, 2012, 06:51:56 PM »
I was kinda iffy about that too, i'll change it, even without it a few of these are a good threat to a decent sized party, I'm on
lunch break right now and will get the canim makers, ritualists, and hunters up later.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 06:57:03 PM by KnightOrbis »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #704 on: September 14, 2012, 08:24:29 PM »
Skills seem a bit high too. Good skills are professional-level, after all. Superb Weapons is something rather special.