Author Topic: Generic NPCs  (Read 189396 times)

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #660 on: June 28, 2012, 09:17:01 AM »
Here's a quick rundown

-sharp claws
-strong enough to break reinforced steel doors
-acid blood that explodes when they die
-spear-like tail that can go through metal
-hive mind of sorts
-can move on any surface; ceilings,walls
-night vision
-can sense other lifeforms
-secondary jaw that can shoot out from their primary ones.

-weapons; wristblades, plasma cannon, shurikens, razor whip, disc blade, retractable light throwing spear(primary weapon,and last resort near-nuclear power bomb)
-strong enough to rip through concrete walls with ease, can jump around twenty feet high and move and climb through dense jungle with incredible ease and speed (at least Superhuman Strength and possibly speed)
-tough enough to survive small arms fire without much trouble and being thrown through stone walls, and thick steel armor
-cloaking device
-they naturally see in infared
-masks with zoom, normal visible light,thermal, voice translater/recorder, and targeting for plasma cannon
-The Predator culture revolves around the hunting and stalking of dangerous lifeforms. After making a kill, a Predator typically skins or decapitates the carcass, converting it into a trophy. Headless, skinless carcasses are hung upside down, and skulls can be worn on belts if detached from the spine, or held aloft if still attached. Failure in a hunt results in the Predator involved committing an honorable suicide, they also won't hunt weak or unworthy quarry (young,sick,unarmed).
-wrist computer that can create holographic images, control predator technology.
-medical kits that are incredibly effective in healing.
-not used to human environment and after prolonged exposure to Earth's atmosphere they must use their mask's rebreather.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 09:22:39 AM by KnightOrbis »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #661 on: June 29, 2012, 03:27:14 AM »
Xenomorph first.

I did this one entirely with canon Powers. If I were to use custom Powers, I might replace Claws with Potent Natural Weaponry. Then I'd drop the Strength to Inhuman.

I'd also consider adding Damage Shield to represent the acid blood.

Xenomorph (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Alien Monster
Other Aspects: Acid Blood, Weird-Ass Life Cycle, Hive Mind
Superb: Fists, Athletics
Great: Intimidation, Stealth
Good: Endurance, Might
Fair: Survival, Alertness
Average: Conviction, Discipline
Echoes Of The Beast [-1]
Spider Walk [-1]
Cloak Of Shadows [-1]
Claws [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Fire, maybe also cold) [+3]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 10:19:12 PM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Mr. Death

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #662 on: June 29, 2012, 04:49:17 PM »
I'd say make the catch fire. In the movies, it seems to be something that rates pretty effectively. Though Ash in the first movie speculates that it's extreme temperatures at either end, hot or cold.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #663 on: July 03, 2012, 04:08:31 AM »
As you can see, I took that suggestion. Thanks.

Now, Predator.

What do you think, KnightOrbis?

Predator (Submerged)

High Concept: Hunter Alien
Other Aspects: Code Of Honour, Incredible Technology, Inhuman Physiology
Superb: Weapons
Great: Lore, Athletics, Survival
Good: Endurance, Alertness, Fists
Fair: Might, Stealth, Discipline
Average: Conviction, Presence, Intimidation
Sufficiently Advanced Technology (Lore): Use Lore to understand very advanced tech.
Tracker (Survival): Tracking is at +1 and is not modified by Investigation.
Echoes Of The Beast [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Unknown) [+0]
Incredible Technology [-2] (Ritual (Crafting) with a new name.)
Refinement [-3] (Giving extra items and machinery that's treated as a Crafting focus.)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline KnightOrbis

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #664 on: July 03, 2012, 03:12:05 PM »
Looks great, i like how you did the predator technology especially, i think with the xeno i also think i will use damage shield and natural weapons and reduce strength to inhuman

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #665 on: July 29, 2012, 05:41:42 AM »
Ancient Dracula

High concept:First Among the Vampires
trouble: loss of a true love
other aspects:gentleman, Know your kin

-3 Vampiric Claws:weapons 4, cause the Attacke to be turned into a BCV or BCV master depending on the Attackers decision
-1 Blood drinker
-4 Cloak or shadows
-4 Perfected domination: allows for the creation of a perfected Renfield
-6 perfected shape shifting: allow the user to tranform almost instantaneosly, along with into multiple animals if wanted(ex-swarm of bats)
-3 weather control
-7 incite emotion:Fear,despair,lust,Deadly emtion makes it a weapons 6, range
-1 undying?
-20 vampiric resistance-3 armor against all attacks, +6 stress boxes in each stress track, physical Immunity to everything but Holy objects, magical fire, and 2 extra moderate consequences usable for any kind of damage
-6 mythic speed
-6 mythic strength
-6 mythic recovery?

12-alertness, athletics, fists, intimidation, deceit, survival
11-might, endurance, conviction, presence, lore, stealth
10-empathy, rapport, discipline, contacts, resources, weapons

i know that this needs some tweaking but i think i at least got the structure of how ancient Dracula would be made
also im a little iffy on the mythic recovery but seeing that he is the first vampire i though that he would eventually gain a healing but im not sure if he should have a high one like mythic or lower like inhuman
i do know that he doesn't have living dead because he was never a actual rotting corpse him self
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Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #666 on: July 29, 2012, 05:47:41 AM »
that would put Dracula at  DEEP one level with a total refresh cost of 67
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #667 on: July 29, 2012, 06:15:21 AM »
Fire elementals! Lots of custom Powers on these guys.

(This is not related to Dracula, will reply to that next post.)

I included summoning complexities because these are summon-able creatures.

Flame Sprite (Hydrophobic)

High Concept: Fire Elemental
Other Aspects: Living Fireball
Summoning Complexity: 16
Good: Fists
Fair: Athletics, Awareness
Average: Endurance, Conviction, Discipline
Light You On Fire (Fists): Natural weapon attacks do +2 stress against flammable targets.
Diminutive Size [-1]
Natural Weaponry [-1]
Damage Shield [-1]
Amorphous Form [-1]
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Catch (Water) [+1] affecting:
Feeding Dependency (Flammable stuff) [+0] affecting:
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Fire Elemental (Feet In The Water)

High Concept: Fire Elemental
Other Aspects: Man Made Of Fire
Summoning Complexity: 29
Great: Fists
Good: Athletics, Endurance
Fair: Awareness, Discipline
Average: Conviction, Survival, Scholarship, Presence, Lore, Intimidation
Light You On Fire (Fists): Natural weapon attacks do +2 stress against flammable targets.
Potent Natural Weaponry [-2]
Dangerous Mutual Damage Shield [-3]
Extra-Dangerous Aura (Endurance) [-3]
Amorphous Form (No Internal Anatomy) [-2]
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Catch (Water) [+2] affecting:
Feeding Dependency (Flammable stuff) [+0] affecting:
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Living Sun (Submerged)

High Concept: Fire Elemental
Other Aspects: Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Summoning Complexity: 55
Superb: Fists
Good: Athletics, Intimidation, Discipline
Fair: Endurance, Conviction, Presence
Average: Lore, Scholarship, Survival
Bullet-Melting Heat (Athletics): +2 to dodge ranged attacks.
Rain Down Death (Fists): +1 to hit foes in a zone directly below.
Light You On Fire (Fists): Natural weapon attacks do +2 stress against flammable targets.
Hulking Size [-2]
Potent Ranged Natural Area Weaponry [-5]
Conductive Lethal Mutual Damage Shield [-5]
Vast Hyper-Dangerous Aura (Endurance) [-7]
Amorphous Form (No Internal Anatomy) [-2]
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
The Catch (Water) [+3] affecting:
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Feeding Dependency (Flammable stuff) [+1] affecting:
Mythic Recovery [-6]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #668 on: July 29, 2012, 06:22:48 AM »
Ancient Dracula

High concept:First Among the Vampires
trouble: loss of a true love
other aspects:gentleman, Know your kin

-3 Vampiric Claws:weapons 4, cause the Attacke to be turned into a BCV or BCV master depending on the Attackers decision
-1 Blood drinker
-4 Cloak or shadows
-4 Perfected domination: allows for the creation of a perfected Renfield
-6 perfected shape shifting: allow the user to tranform almost instantaneosly, along with into multiple animals if wanted(ex-swarm of bats)
-3 weather control
-7 incite emotion:Fear,despair,lust,Deadly emtion makes it a weapons 6, range
-1 undying?
-20 vampiric resistance-3 armor against all attacks, +6 stress boxes in each stress track, physical Immunity to everything but Holy objects, magical fire, and 2 extra moderate consequences usable for any kind of damage
-6 mythic speed
-6 mythic strength
-6 mythic recovery?

12-alertness, athletics, fists, intimidation, deceit, survival
11-might, endurance, conviction, presence, lore, stealth
10-empathy, rapport, discipline, contacts, resources, weapons

i know that this needs some tweaking but i think i at least got the structure of how ancient Dracula would be made
also im a little iffy on the mythic recovery but seeing that he is the first vampire i though that he would eventually gain a healing but im not sure if he should have a high one like mythic or lower like inhuman
i do know that he doesn't have living dead because he was never a actual rotting corpse him self

There are some issues here.

First, those skills are too high. The Senior Council caps out at 6-7, and I wouldn't even give Mab skills past 8.
Second, the Power costs are iffy. Cloak Of Shadows costs 1, making new supernaturals generally doesn't cost Refresh, and Perfected Domination is probably too cheap since Master Dominator costs 4 IIRC.
Third, there are all sorts of new Powers here that don't actually have writeups. What does Weather Control do? How is Perfected Shapeshifting better than True Shapeshifting? Etc.
Fourth, he lacks some abilities I'd expect. Echoes Of The Beast, Modular Abilities, spellcasting, and so on.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #669 on: July 29, 2012, 08:55:53 AM »
first i off i saw weather control somewhere ill have to find it again though
second i know cloak of shadows cost -1 refresh but i figured he would buy it a few time to increase stealth
skills probably just move to 5,6, and 7 but same idea
perfected shape shifting is well actually no different my bad i thought i saw somewhere that it takes a full action or something so the only real difference would allow Dracula to split him self into a swarm of bats rather than just one bat
perfected domination maybe bump it up to -6 wait according to my written notes it is at six oops another typo
echoes of the beast well uh i guess thats why we do drafts first then the final write up
as for spell casting couldn't decide what he would exactly have
i guess modular abilities at say 18 refresh
possible addictive saliva cause then he has a bit of all three of the main courts
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #670 on: July 30, 2012, 05:19:30 AM »
first i off i saw weather control somewhere ill have to find it again though

You know, it occurs to me that my Incite Emotion rewrite could cover Weather Control.

second i know cloak of shadows cost -1 refresh but i figured he would buy it a few time to increase stealth

That isn't actually legal. Powers are one purchase only unless otherwise stated.

perfected shape shifting is well actually no different my bad i thought i saw somewhere that it takes a full action or something so the only real difference would allow Dracula to split him self into a swarm of bats rather than just one bat

Modular Abilities takes a full action. True Shapeshifting is supplemental. Making them faster would be worth Refresh.

Also, I'd probably let a True Shapeshifter turn into a swarm if they could afford the appropriate Powers out of Modular points.

as for spell casting couldn't decide what he would exactly have

I'd expect a mix of Evocation and Thaumaturgy, maybe vampiric Sponsored Magic, and some specializations in necromancy.

i guess modular abilities at say 18 refresh

What would he buy with all of that. He already has max physical Powers.

possible addictive saliva cause then he has a bit of all three of the main courts

Sounds good to me.

What about Feeding Dependency?

Offline Locnil

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #671 on: July 30, 2012, 01:33:15 PM »
That Dracula seems a bit overdone. Speaking of which, did you mean to stat that guy who Jm said could take on Mab in a fair fight, or his son?

Also, IIRC, weather control was from the ancient black court vampires someone did in the middle of this thread.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #672 on: July 30, 2012, 07:46:40 PM »
as for the weather control power here it is
Weather Control[-3] Vampires of this degree learn to affect the weather with the power of their curse alone. This effectively means that the vampire is capable of using maneuvers to place weather-related Aspects. This is a Conviction roll, affecting up to Conviction zones automatically. Conditions range from fog(difficulty 2-3) to strong winds and rains(4-5) to hurricanes(difficulty 7-8).*

ok if you can't buy cloak of shadows more than once could we just make an enhanced version of cloak of shadows

as for the shape shifting just keep true shape shifting with modular abilities of 5-8?

im still a little iffy on how to put refresh points into evocation, Thaumaturgy, or sponsored magic especially once you get focus and enchanted item slots involved so id would be awesome if somebody else could cover that part

then yes i state that at first i figured after all his years as a vampire he doesn't need to feed but ill change that so he does have feeding dependency just maybe a power/stunt that makes him less vulnerable to it
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Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #673 on: July 30, 2012, 08:03:08 PM »
Ancient Dracula

High concept:First Among the Vampires
trouble: loss of a true love
other aspects:gentleman, Know your kin

-3 Vampiric Claws:weapons 4, cause the Attacke to be turned into a BCV or BCV master depending on the Attackers decision
-1 Blood drinker
-3 mask of the night(ie enhanced cloak of shadows, for a +6 to stealth when there are shadows)
-4 Perfected domination: allows for the creation of a perfected Renfield
-4 true shapeshifting
-3 weather control
-7 incite emotion:Fear,despair,lust,Deadly emtion makes it a weapons 6, range
-1 undying?
-20 vampiric resistance-3 armor against all attacks, +6 stress boxes in each stress track, physical Immunity to everything but Holy objects, magical fire, and 2 extra moderate consequences usable for any kind of damage
-6 mythic speed
-6 mythic strength
-6 mythic recovery
-1 addictive saliva
+1 feeding dependency
-3 thaumaturgy
-3 evocation
-4 vampiric magic(might need some ideas of what this could do and i belive all sponsed magic for the most part is   -4 refresh right)
-5 modular abilities

7-alertness, athletics, fists, intimidation, deceit, survival
6-might, endurance, conviction, presence, lore, stealth
5-empathy, rapport, discipline, contacts, resources, weapons

also i need some help in thinking of some more aspects



i believe i did that right(the consequences)
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Offline Locnil

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #674 on: July 31, 2012, 03:53:13 AM »
That sponsored magic should be -2 since he has Evocation and Thaumaturgy. Also, you might want to add some Refinement.