Author Topic: Generic NPCs  (Read 180863 times)

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #330 on: April 26, 2011, 03:56:35 AM »
well ive never been the best at understanding how refinement  ???works
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #331 on: April 27, 2011, 03:28:25 AM »
Each refresh point spent on Refinement gives two bonuses from the following list:

Focus Slots
Evocation Elements

So to count up the number of Refinements someone needs for their powers, count how many of those they have, subtract what they get for free, and divide by two.

In this case:

16 specializations + 4 elements + 21 focus slots = 41 - 2 free specializations -3 free elements -4 free focus slots = 32/2 = 16

Therefore he has 16 Refinements.

Does that help?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #332 on: April 27, 2011, 11:58:11 PM »
yes it does even explains it better than the book did.
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #333 on: April 28, 2011, 12:36:24 AM »
i have some good news and some bad news
the good news is that im starting a new game about 4 weeks fro now. the bad news is that 3 out of the 5 people that were playing in the game are moving a away so i don't get to use the frost family but  im gonna put them in the next game so if you could finish i think ack frost, the wife and the grand father in 3 to 3 1/2 weeks that would be great.  which souldn't be hard i mean you finised king blizzard in like 3 to 4 days and have barrakan don in another 3 so from to day which is wednesday you have 23 days until i start playing a game let ALONE fight a major milestone. but if u could have the other three finished by the time i start that would be great if not then hopefully soon after. i'll continue to help you figure out what i want aswell.
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #334 on: April 28, 2011, 12:57:52 AM »
No problem. Three weeks is plenty.

Sorry to hear about your group.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #335 on: April 28, 2011, 06:09:23 AM »
thats ok like i said i got a new one started. this one the players want to be completely focused on action so there will be gore
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #336 on: April 29, 2011, 03:22:01 AM »
First draft of Grandfather Glacier. He's like a mind-controlling super-ghost. Not as suitable for a boss battle as his son and grandson are.

What sort of emotions would you like him to Incite?

Does this guy have any skills apart from the ones he uses for his powers? If not, he probably won't get any stunts.

Grandfather Glacier (Deep One)

High Concept: Grandfather Of The Frost Family
Other Aspects: TBD
The Sight [-1]
Piercing Gaze [-0] (Reflavoured Soulgaze)
Wings [-1]
Incite Emotion (Something) [-1]
Three Additional Emotions [-3]
At Range [-1]
Lasting Emotion [-1]
Potent Emotion [-1]
Super-Potent Emotion [-1] (From Vitto Malvora’s writeup in Our World. Gives one weapon 6 Incite Emotion attack per scene.)
Sponsored Magic (Frost Family) [-4]
Demesne [-1]
Swift Transition [-2]
Marked By Power (Frost Family) [-1]
Domination (Master Dominator, Possession) [-7]
Spirit Form [-3]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch (fire) [+3]
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch (things that can strike the immaterial and aren’t cold) [+2]
Custom Powers:
Random Recovery [-2?] When Grandfather Glacier is exposed to fire, flip two coins. If both are heads, then prevent all damage and give Grandfather Glacier the benefits of a scene of recovery.
Emotion Burst [-1] May take a -2 penalty to hit a zone with Incite Emotion.
At Long Range [-1] Incite Emotion has 3 zones of range.
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #337 on: April 29, 2011, 04:48:01 AM »
for skills have what you have been doing like same levels and such as the other to but put lore at +10 cause he's been a round a long dang time and seen a long. have him use lore to like help his knowledge of how to defeat fire and bump his recovery just the normal one not the special one to mythic recovery.  put deceit high as well so if he doesn't want to take control of someone him self he could use telepathy to mimic sed person's conscience to make them come to his side.  also have him be able to do what the faey do with greater glamors except instead of being a faey you have to have blood of the frost family in you, and instead of making things out of ectoplasm make it water or ice.  for incite emotion put loyalty, and treason. so he can make you loyal to him or screw over your friends.  make his physical immunity catch only be affected by things that can strike the immaterial cause he's been around that just things that aren't cold don't affect him anymore. 
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #338 on: April 29, 2011, 04:53:58 AM »
oh i just thought of something else give him like an upgrade version of even possession if you can find one. and for when ever you do the mom i wwant her to have one of the most beast focus items ever. it will be a staff technically but its called the North Pole. if you think that sounds dumb i can come up with a different name or u could as well if you want. also this kinda has to go with the focus item she has lots of refinements like a lot maybe like -30 or something which actually isn't that much compared to the NPC that I'm making who is his own supernatural heavy weight class between the faey mothers and the Almighty.
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Belial666

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #339 on: April 30, 2011, 01:15:39 AM »
OK, somebody asked for plot-level NPCs in another thread. Here's one I've used before. She is a former senior-council member from India with celestial ancestry. As a former Gatekeeper, the descendant of one of the Amesha Spentas and a wizardess that has survived for centuries, Daira is close to supernatural heavyweight even if one tries direct combat. But in non-combat situations, especially where conspiracies, manipulation, secrets and forbidden knowledge is concerned, you lose.



High Concept: Former Gatekeeper
Trouble: Mists of Space and Time
Other Aspects: Daughter of Asha Vahishta, Not a Matter of When But How, Fires of Creation, Defiance in the Face of Armageddon, Teacher of Magic

Former Gatekeeper: The short, slim, young-looking brunette in the heavy blue robe would not strike anyone as a senior member of the White Council. Quiet and more than a bit weird, she focuses on her job; the overseeing of future threats and maintenance of the Wardings against them. Few would be aware of the number of threats and possible threats the future holds for mankind and fewer still would be aware of the entities the Outer Gates keep away and the Wards all over the world created for the sole reason of keeping them away. Aside from that, there's the job of training the future Gatekeeper just in case something unforeseen happens, guiding the council away from threats they know nothing about in the present and helping raise and maintain Wards for other, more immediate purposes. It is no wonder the Gatekeeper is the least seen member of the council - she has little time for anything other than her job and plots.
Naturally, most of the above would have changed after Daira's supposed death in 1961. Old age failed her, some would say, in that major battle. Others believe she was killed directly by one of Kemmler's greater demon allies. Of course, in the middle of combat nobody can be sure what is really going on and with the number of greater demons, outsiders and undead present that day, no wizard dared use The Sight. That only two of Daira's apprentices ever knew she did not age as other wizards did helped her feign her death as it helped hide countless other plots.
Invoke:  on any practical aspects of her job and the application of her skills and powers.
Compel: any demands of her position, nature and the responsibilities of one of the guardians of humanity against everything else.
Mists of Space and Time: Some people are visited by horrible but vague prophetic dreams, eventually driven either insane or bitter by the horror. Others are used by powerful entities that speak of their future with their voices, giving prophesies with no regard for the mortal pawn they use. Those people have it easy. Dara can see the future - not a few prophetic dreams or voices but pivotal events where small choices have vast repercussions. That kind of visions though are almost always of things people would not want to know or would never believe could happen, for without hindsight their meaning is hard to grasp - or seemingly insane.
Invoke: to find obscure, esoteric or prophetic knowledge and use prophetic abilities.
Compel: knowledge demands action - or inaction. What if a man betrays the White Council and causes great harm but the harm must be caused so the Council can awaken and avoid destruction due to complacency? Do nothing or act and bring ruin? What if someone turning Warlock for vengeance will stop a black cult from causing great harm and save lives? Do you reveal to them who abducted and sacrificed their little sister? Compel when the greater good demands inaction in the face of injustice or ugly acts so justice can be served.
Daughter of Asha Vahishta: Born in the port city of Surat in 1604 to parents unknown, Daira grew up in a country where her social standing was practically nonexistent and in a time the indian kingdoms were undermined by the Spanish, English and Dutch. Life was hard, but Daira had a secret; she could see things, people's intentions, the meaning of events... choosing the right thing for her was easy. She got off the streets and in a service to a nice family, was betrothed to a wealthy young man thanks to her good looks after some fortuitous "random" meetings and lived better for a time. And then the visions started - that man would die. That building would burn. Daira spoke her mind -it was the right thing to do- and people started noticing. Few were grateful. Others were full of superstition. Some whose plots failed hated the girl. And most thought her mad. So she stopped speaking, and when she discovered her powers she hid them too. In 1664 the Maratha King Shivaji attacked Surat. Daira had seen the attack, used her powers to try to stop it. But she was so used in lying about her visions and concealing her gifts that she never considered to ask for help. Both sides of the conflict were being manipulated by Raksasha which urged the attackers into pillaging and slaughter. The city was sacked for three weeks, countless slain filling the streets, smoke and fire filling the air. It was worse in the night, when the Rakshasa fed. Daira left the city then and went to some mountain monasteries to the north. She learned of her powers, her association with the Aspect of True Wisdom. While she did not find evidence and did not share her ideas with others, she confirmed the identity of her birth mother through a true vision. She learned to tell the truth, to champion it. And when it is wise to stay silent...
Invoke: social skill rolls where knowing the truth, using the truth and championing the truth -and being known to do so- would be beneficial.
Compel: Daira never lies. She often remains silent when it would be annoying to others if she sees the greater good in that silence and her telling the truth may annoy those who prefer lies.
Not a matter of when, but how: Knowing is half the battle. Planning to use that knowledge correctly is two thirds of the other half. Daira spends hours of her time studying countless subjects, objects and concepts, individuals or groups and anything that can be studied. Time is, for her, unimportant before knowledge - not a skill focused in a field but general knowledge about anything. In the end, she often prefers not to act without knowing than act at all.
Invoke: Assessments and knowledge-related rolls about a subject.
Compel: Not acting when results would be ambivalent or without preparation, being cautious and reserved.
Fires of Creation: Fire destroys. Anyone can use it for that. But unlike how many view it metaphysically, Fire is at least as powerful in creation. It is the nuclear furnance in all stars that creates the heat and elements all life is made of. It is fire that shapes all substances at the hands of man to make the marvels of technology. And yes, it can power weapons - but less chaotic, more directed uses are always stronger than mindless destruction, even in destroying things. For Daira, the creative aspect of fire was self-evident, especially given her inherent access to Soulfire.
Invoke: using Fire-related powers, especially in creative ends.
Compel: Daira will tend to avoid direct destruction if there is a chance to resolve a conflict without it, and will strive to create things when the opportunity presents itself. In addition, she has a strong desire to promote order and creativity in the world.
Defiance in the Face of Armageddon: There is time for sowing and time for reaping. A time for silence and a time for words. A time for waiting and a time for action. While Daira will make plans within plans, use her knowledge, her pawns and her foresight to weaken the opposition and build up so many defenses any normal attacks would fail, when the time for a major conflict comes, she does fight. She stands in the center of the defenders' line, facing down whatever horror her visions warned would crawl out of the abyss and unflinchingly holds the line, doing what must be done in her usual tenacity. There is no compromise with those that would upset the natural order of the universe.
Invoke: in any rolls against Outsiders and other enemies threatening to bring about at least nationwide disaster.
Compel: Daira is uncompromising and unbending in her beliefs. She will not do diplomacy with those who have proven themselves enemies of the world.
Teacher of Magic: The keepers of knowledge have the responsibility of gathering that knowledge, lest it be forgotten, and guarding that knowledge, lest it fall in inept or dangerous hands. But they also have the responsibility of passing it down the generations. At the very least, Daira is responsible for training her successor in the position of Gatekeeper, or at least recognizing promising talents and testing them for suitability in that position. Naturally, evens and circumstances have demanded she intervene and share knowledge with other wizards in various ways; though few know it, she is responsible for arranging the tutelage of more than a dozen major talents in the past two centuries.
Invoke: rolls to recognize magical potential or suitability for a form of magic, influence with wizards she's trained.
Compel: a need and desire to correctly guide the rare true prodigy, training the next Gatekeeper, demands of wizards she has trained on her advice.

Mother Language; Sanskrit. Bonus Languages; Avestan, Aramaic, Eme'Gir (sumerian), Ancient Greek, English
Special; when her All-Seeing-Eye raises her Scholarship to 10 for the scene, Daira speaks 5 extra languages, effectively being able to supernaturally
adapt to people she needs to listen to or texts she must decipher. Despite rumors to the contrary, she doesn't have an actual Gift of Tongues.


Epic: Lore, Conviction
Fantastic: Discipline, Alertness, Stealth
Superb: Presence, Endurance, Scholarship
Great: Empathy, Craftmanship, Athletics
Good: Might, Weapons, Bows
Fair: Intimidate, Investigation, Survival
Average: Ride, Performance, Resources


[-3] Soulfire
[-3] Evocation - fire, spirit, earth, air
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] Deep Reserves - two extra mental mild consequences usable only in spellcasting
[-1] The Sight
[-0] Soulgaze
[-0] Unnatural Constitution - as per wizard's consitution with the exception that Daira is actually unaging.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-0] Veil of Obscurity - as per human guise, making Daira appear bland and unremarkable at most times.
[-1] True Knowledge - +1 to effective Lore as long as Daira follows her nature.
[-1] A Few Seconds Ahead
[-1] Mastery of Counterspelling - by sacrificing her next action, Daira can cast a defensive spell, much like using a defensive item
[-1] Aura of Protection - protective energy surrounds Daira. Zones she is in have a minimum threshold of Fair.
[-2] Mind War - as evil creatures toy with minds, she draws out Truth. This ability allows maneuvers/blocks/attacks similar to Incite Emotion with Lasting
      Emotion. It is based off Daira's Lore rather than Deceit or Intimidate and is limited thematically to granting, revealing or obscuring knowledge.
[-20] Refinements
[-2] Item of Power – Blue Robe of the Archmagi
       It is What it Is:  made of meteoric iron gathered over many years and tempered in the fires of Creation, this looks like a robe and cloak but
       actually is an exquisitely crafted multilayer full body chainmail. Heavy as a full suit of armor but worth it. Armor 3.
       Indestructible: can only be destroyed if its purpose is perverted
       Mandate: the robe's purpose is to aid a wearer that promotes knowledge and order in the universe.
       One-time Discount: +2 (included in cost)
       Power of Truth's Light: this acts as a +6 defensive fire power focus.
       Eye of Providence: the symbol of an Eye atop a Pyramid, surrounded by the rays of the Sun and bound within a circle is prominent upon Daira's robes.
       The symbol glows with a golden light when its power is called and enables the user to employ The Sight (if they posess the ability) without backlash.
Total Refresh: -39
Adjusted Refresh: 1

+7 fire control, +6 fire power, +5 spirit control +4 spirit power, +3 earth control, +2 earth power, +1 air control
+3 crafting frequency, +2 crafting power, +1 foci specialization
Blue Robe of the Archmagi - see Powers
Silver Bracers - +7 defensive fire control
5 seals (potions) at base strength 10, frequency 4, Talisman of the All-Seeing Eye; 3 gems at strength 10, frequency 4
Top gem (diamond) - Glory (block 10 vs Perception - effectively a greater veil)
Left Gem (shapphire) - Protection (ward 10)
Right Gem (emerald) - Knowledge (scholarship 10 effect)

Mental: OOOO (2 extra minor consequences, 2 more for magic)
Physical: OOOO (1 extra minor consequence)
Social: OOOO (1 extra minor consequence)


Blessing of Life
Thaumaturgy, Biomancy/Soulfire 20 shifts
You infuse the target with a spark of creation fire, warmth and life-force, healing them. This is the equivalent of 20 shifts worth of healing and renewal, though what it could heal depends on the severity of the wounds and how quickly the healing is applied.
Blessing of Knowledge
Thaumaturgy, Divination 16 shifts, +2 for area, +2 for duration
You infuse all allies in an area with a glimpse of the vastness of the universe and the way to understand it, pertaining to the situation or challenge at hand. All people in the area get four sticky aspects  applied to them, usually the "Knowledge is Power", "Glimpse of Things to Come", "Spark of Wisdom" and "Divine Insight" aspects though those might vary with the situation. The effect of the aspects lasts longer than normal. On what those aspects can be used depends on the situation, though knowledge almost always helps.
Blinding Glory
Thaumaturgy, Veils/Soulfire 20 shifts
You draw in power and radiance until you glow brighter than the sun both in physical and metaphysical senses. This amount of power floods the senses of anyone looking sat you, forcing their perception away. Mechanically, this is a block against perception (veil) that attackers must beat before they can sense you. It has an advantage over invisibility veils in that it is not an illusion - but it also has the disadvantage that it might make you unseeable but not unnoticed. In fact, you probably write "a soulfire wielder was here" in letters many can read from the highest heaven to the lowest pit. It is possible that rare creatures with very powerful senses abilities can ignore the Blinding Glory altogether without having to roll.
Epic Reflection
Thaumaturgy, Warding 20 shifts
You erect a powerful Ward on a passage, threshold, building or around the caster. Attempts to breach the barrier from outside are blocked and, if not strong enough to breach the barrier, returned upon the attacker in equal measure.
Fires of Heaven
Thaumaturgy, Soulfire 4 shifts, zone-wide 2 shifts, 14 shifts for duration
You infuse an area with the fires of heaven, applying the "holy" sticky aspect to it, making it into hallowed ground and creating a bastion of light where the forces of Darkness would fear to enter. Unlike the brief effects of most magic, this burst of holy power is equivalent to a major holy entity touching the place; the consecration will last for many generations, perhaps forever.
Thaumaturgy, Divination 20 shifts
Knowledge is Power. That is why practically every wizard makes summonings and divinations for information. Unlike most weaker such spells that contact a limited number of entities, you elevate your mind to a near-universal consciousness, cogitating countless impressions and predictions involving the subject in question. You learn about the subject what a knowledge-related skill roll (usually lore or contacts) of 20 would reveal. You might not learn everything but by the time you start learning what said demon's favorite color is or what it ate for breakfast you know you've learned everything useful.
Thaumatugy, Divination/Veils 15 shifts, 5 for duration
Knowledge is Power. Sometimes, when you deny someone that knowledge you can control them far more easily than if you'd attempted to dominate their minds and free will. This spell applies a greater veil on the victiom, denying him knowledge by making whatever you do not want them to know utterly insignificant and immediately forgettable. You could veil a topic, an individual, a series of related actions and whatever else you'd like, depending on how much control you have for such delicate magic. In effect, for the duration of the spell the victim lives in the world as the caster shapes it. Unfortunately, while veiling anything is possible, creating a vision of what si not real is beyond the ability of the spell; you cannot fabricate lies through it.
Sword of Damocles
Thaumaturgy, Binding/Disruption 1/19 shifts
You fashion a binding against some actions on a creature and assign a disruption landmine to the binding to go off if the binding is breached. Instead of creating a powerful binding to make the action impossible, you create the minimum binding possible and the biggest landmine possible (1 shift/19 shifts). The creature is able to easily breach the binding if it tries so it can choose to do the forbidden action anyway. If it exercises that free will though, the landmine goes off, attempting to disrupt the creature's power, severing it from the source and making it powerless. Treat this as a spiritual attack that deals stress - take out does not kill but makes the creature lose its powers instead.

Other Spells
Those spells are not Rotes - Daira has to roll normally - but she uses them quite often all the same.

True Creation
Thaumaturgy, Conjuration/Soulfire 5 shifts for car-sized mass, 2 shifts for object complexity, 13 shifts into duration
Using the Fires of Creation as a matrix to support your energy, you create objects no more massive or mechanically complex than a car. Actual technologically advanced objects do not work but you could create a lot of other things. Unlike most conjurations, this one is powerful enough to last practically forever, even if the objects created are recognizably supernatural. Being made of Soulfire, weapons crafted in this manner are especially potent, harming supernatural creatures far more easily than their weapon rating would suggest.
The Pearly Gates
Thaumaturgy, Conjuration/Soulfire 1 shift for simple object, 19 shifts for extra mass several times over
Using the Fires of Creation as a matrix to support your energy, you create a massive wall from some very hard, very solid material. Considering that only 2 shifts are enough to increase mass from a coin to a car's, and 6 would be enough mass to cover a city park in small animals, 19 shifts would be enough for a massive fortified wall, around a small town - though the wall does not have to be conjured inthat specific shape. The wall is easily recognizable as supernatural and, depending on your craftmanship or any shifts you put into making complex parts, it may or may not have "pearly gates".

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #340 on: April 30, 2011, 01:31:51 AM »
good that is kinda cool but exactly how old is she???
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline Belial666

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #341 on: April 30, 2011, 02:03:32 AM »
She was born in 1604 so she is probably 407 years old (around Ancient Mai's age), though she could be a great deal older if she spent time wandering in areas of the Nevernever where time runs a lot faster. She looks younger than Kincaid though; both are scions but while we don't know who Kincaid's parent was, Asha Vahishta is archangel equivalent. She/he/it may even be an archangel given the parallels between Abrahamic and Avestan religions. In effect, Daira is very young for a major power.

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #342 on: April 30, 2011, 02:59:34 AM »
well if i were you wait did you create this or did someone else cause yes she is very powerful, but with only 9 more refresh used on powers than the man who walks behind. i wouldn't say Archangel, plus ive seen some demons that had -49 or maybe it was more.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 03:03:44 AM by zaczane »
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #343 on: April 30, 2011, 03:03:20 AM »
O O O i just finished the ultimate Plot device. so powerful that most other plot devices wouldn't get in his way.  i don't have all of his backstory complete yet but i have the basics so give me a little while to post that. alos the reason he had so much refine ment is because he was trapped in a part of the Outer Gate were time moved so fast that 1 million years to him would be about 1 year or so to us.  he had his focus item when he was sucked in. he disappeared for about 20 years. thats about 20 million to him so nothing but time for his to practice and gain power and so on and so forth.
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?

Offline zaczane

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #344 on: April 30, 2011, 03:04:44 AM »
Richard Valiant
High Concept-God of the Great Old Ones
Trouble-Heavyweights on my A#@
Aspects-Supernatural Heavyweight, Evocation Perfectionist, Blank Face, Great faith in my self, Feared reputation
Human Skills-All stats[+15]      
Beast form skills-all stats [+20]
Stress-Physical[30 stress][5 armor], Mental[30 stress][5 armor], Social[30 stress][5 armor]
Ultimate Immunity[-50][make you completely immune to all physical, mental, social attacks]
P-Immunity catch[+2][holy items]
M-Immunity catch[+2][prayer]
S-Immunity catch[+2][intimidation]
Legendary Toughness[-10][+22 physical stress, 5 armor to physical attacks]
Legendary Stoicism[-10][+22 mental stress, 5 armor to all mental attacks]
Legendary Status[-10][social stress, 5 armor to all social attacks]
Legendary Speed[-10][+5 to athletics,+10 when sprinting]
Legendary Strength[-10][+24 attacks using strength, lifting, breaking]
Legendary Recovery[-10][heal 5 mild consequences during a scene]
Power of the Unknown[-20][you only take ˝ the mental stress when drawing power higher than your conviction.]
Reality warp[-20][create things, creature at will. They can have 15 max refresh and still have free will]
Refinement[-600][+100 to Power for Earth, Fire, Lightning][+100 to control to Earth, Fire, Lightning]
Focus item[Guantlets][+100 to power of Earth, Fire, Lightning][+100 to control of Earth, fire, Lightning]
Human guise[+0]
Marked by Power[-1][himself]
Spider walk[-1]
Ultra dangerous mental aura[-4][does a mental attack of weapons 3 at Epic roll to every one near you. People can be excepted by name]
Echoes of the beast[-1][can sense fate]
Beast Change[-1][change into his true Outer Gate form]
Specialized Transition[-2]same as swift transition except it can also go to the outer gate]
Incite emotion[-4][loyalty,terror,at range, aura]
Summoning[-8]summon other Old Ones to do his bidding
Ultimate breath weapon[-6][4 zone range, weapon of 8
Refresh cost[-755]
Total Refresh[800]
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 09:21:18 PM by zaczane »
hey hey hey I'm not a Bad guy!!!  i just love to watch the world F%#KING burn now is that so wrong?