Kentucky Fried Shuriken - Finger Lickin' Death.
Nah, women are just batshit crazy ALL the time!
DSM - IV TR, technically. The fifth edition will be out in a couple of years.(if you get a copy of this book, don't try to diagnose yourself. just don't.)
Ah, no, no intentions of getting a copy or in diagnosing myself. I already know I'm a wack job. It that sorta like people who take a communicable diseases class and come down, apparently, with every symptom know to man??
Hrm...could be, I know there was an issue of gender identity disorders as well. Some wanted them omitted, others wanted them to stay in because then insurance would be willing to pay.
Jeno, I think we well and truly derailed this tread. And in only two pages in a board that's normally on topic most times. We rule!I didn't know that about psychiatrists, is the same thing true for clinical psychologists or MFT's?