Author Topic: DFRPG The Musical  (Read 8791 times)

Offline Lanir

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2010, 07:25:48 PM »
High Concept: A Little Priest - Sweeney Todd soundtrack
Trouble: Sympathy for the Devil - Rolling Stones
Background: Damaged - Blue Oyster Cult
Rising Conflict: Rocket Queen - Guns 'n Roses
The Story: Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
Guest Star: Get Right With Me - Depeche Mode
Guest Star Redux: On the Rise - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Not sure they all fit the particular character creation step they're in but you get the idea. Most of the song lyrics would apply as well. Your basic corrupt churchman. Sadly it doesn't take supernatural power to do this so it's up to you if he's a front man for some Big Bad or if he's just a sick little monkey swinging out there alone.

Offline Crimson Overcoat

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2010, 10:56:54 PM »
Band: Metallica

High Concept: Symphony of Destruction
Trouble: The Thing that Should Not Be

Other Aspects:
Disposable Heroes
Damage, Inc.
My Apocalypse
Am I Evil?
Hero of the Day

Submerged Power Level. Warrior/monster/wizard/mercenary thing-dude?
Whatever it is, it would probably be fun to play in a darker leaning, personal horror oriented game.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2010, 12:17:34 AM »
Could you fine fellows please explain:

The trouble aspect of Crimson Overcoat's character?

The trouble aspect of Lanir's character?

Everything about Lanodantheon's most recent character?

Sir Oswell (Mortal w/Items of Power)
Inspired by Hammerfall

High Concept: Knights Of The 21st Cenutry
Trouble Aspect: On The Edge Of Honour
Other Aspects:  Stronger Than All, Hammer of Justice, Legacy of Kings, Any Means Necessary, A Legend Reborn

Explanation: Sir Oswell, king and champion of a great land, died almost a thousand years ago. His spirit endures through his weapons and armour. Recently, he was able to acquire a body after his great-something grandson was born without a soul. He moved into the baby’s body and began his quest to prove himself a mighty and honourable knight once again. The mighty part is going great, but he’s having some trouble with the honourable part. The 21st century has no place for someone like him, and he has been forced into a number of unpleasant compromises.

I really want to make a character based off of MC Hawking's music, but I can't find a good high concept.

Offline blues.soldier

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2010, 12:18:29 AM »
This character brought to you by Billy Joel.

Template: Focused Practitioner
High Concept: Ex-Con Blue Collar Wizard [I chose not to conform to the song lyrics for this one, because the HC is specifically supposed to be related to the Template]
Trouble: Angry Young Man
Background: Uptown Girl
Rising Conflict: An Innocent Man
The Story: Only The Good Die Young
Guest Star 1: Shades of Grey
Guest Star 2: Keeping The Faith

William Joel is a former member of the White Council, stripped of his status after being framed for the (entirely mundane) murder of another wizard--who just happened to be his wife as well. Convicted by the mortal authorities and sentenced to prison, William languished in prison for 25 years, basically never growing a day older because of his Wizard's Constitution. When he was paroled about six months ago, he immediately recovered what magical equipment he had managed to stash before his imprisonment and began rebuilding his magical skills--which is why he's statted at 10 Refresh and not what he would have been before he went to prison. Forgotten and forsaken by the Council, William now works as an antique vehicle mechanic, specializing in old war-era jeeps and motorcycles.

Background: William Joel did not kill his wife. He doesn't know who did, but he's going to find out. Will grew up in Brooklyn during WWII and wasn't found by the White Council until his early teens; when he was finally found, though, he took to spellcasting with a vengeance, often taking unique views vastly different from the more tradition-bound members of the Council. He fell in love with Christie Brinks shortly after his graduation to full-fledged Wizard and they lived happily for a long time.

Rising: William took a trip in 1985 to do some research in the then-Soviet Union on some Czar-era ruins of mystical importance. He took the Ways to get there, and when he returned his wife was dead, killed with one of William's own ritual knives. Mentally destroyed, he called the police--who promptly arrested William for the murder. Because William had used the Ways, there was no travel record of him being gone, and he had no alibi a mortal detective would believe. The White Council investigated and found no evidence that William used magic to kill his wife, so the Merlin left him to the tender mercies of the mortal judicial system. William Joel wouldn't see the outside of prison walls for 25 years.

The Story: Six months after his parole, William works as an antique car and motorcycle mechanic by day and trying to regain his magical expertise by night. When another wizard ends up slain on his doorstep by dark sorcery--using the same knife that killed his wife-- William must re-enter the supernatural community that has forsaken him in order to clear his name before either the mortal police, Warden Harry Dresden, or the actual murderer can put him away for good.

Guest Star 1:
Something involving William having to return to Brooklyn-- and the descendants of the mobsters he grew up alongside-- to get the job done.

Guest Star 2: Something about a crisis of faith, angry with God for all the bad crap that has happened to him. [Building towards taking True Faith powers]
"What ever you do, do it for love. If you keep to that, your path will never wander so far from the light that you can never return.”--Uriel

Offline blues.soldier

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2010, 12:34:05 AM »
And another character brought to you by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Template: Were-Form [Alligator]
High Concept: Bad Moon Rising
Trouble: I Put A Spell On You
Background: Born on the Bayou
Rising Action: Mustang Sally
The Story: Run Through the Jungle
Guest Star 1: Heard It Through the Grapevine
Guest Star 2: Tombstone Shadow

Basic concept is African American Louisiana boy gets cursed by voodoo priest into the form of an alligator, but manages to figure out how to control the magic and change back and forth to human form.

"What ever you do, do it for love. If you keep to that, your path will never wander so far from the light that you can never return.”--Uriel

Offline Lanir

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2010, 12:51:11 AM »
Could you fine fellows please explain:

The trouble aspect of Lanir's character?

Based on his other aspects this one is about the character having the appearance of being holy and having to lie to cover up his excesses. Much like the song, he probably has his fingers in all sorts of pies but in his case it's all to cover his own arse. I guess if you really wanted to you could read it as him fitting the Emissary template somewhat by being tied to some dark power. But why blame ancient cosmic evils for things that can adequately be explained by selfishness, poor judgement and an talent for self-delusion? :)

Offline Crimson Overcoat

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2010, 01:03:47 AM »
Could you fine fellows please explain:

The trouble aspect of Crimson Overcoat's character?

The idea that I was kicking around for this character was a former soldier, probably Vietnam, that was exposed to some sort of otherworldly something, probably outsider tainted magics that fundamentally changed his being. He became something of a living engine of destruction. Despite his normal appearance, his reputation and his presence combine to creating a general sense of wrongness about him, the leftover touch of whatever outsider taint brushed him. Something deep inside him is pushing him towards an unknown and uncertain goal.

Offline invictus

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2010, 01:17:34 AM »
ummmm.... i shall try this....  ???

temp- Alchemist and Divinator, within the bounds of The Laws, of course. A magical con-man... with a past.
HC- Liar
Trouble- After the storm

Other- White Blank Page, Little Lion Man, Thistle and Weeds, Winter Winds

i think thats right..... Band is Mumford and sons, by the way.  :)
 and an extra detail on the trouble would be that my man, a fine specimen by the name of Kyle Carmen, was a wizard of the court who worked a day job as a pharmacist, and selling placebo drugs to gullible customers (he's just trying to help ;) ) when he sells the fakes to an angry gang of magical baddies who blow up his life and his cover (shootouts in a CVS for example). he tries to handle things but ends up blowing up their hideout with them still inside. the mortal authorities are now looking for a terrorist. so he joins a circus, working in the sideshow and selling drug- potions on the side, hence the 'after the storm'.

"Here is the Mirror of Galadriel," she said. "I have brought you here so that you may look in it, if you will."


Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2010, 06:42:30 PM »
Could you fine fellows please explain:

Everything about Lanodantheon's most recent character?

Okay.....truth be told the character was just made out of the blue using song titles from the Tenchi Muyo in Love! (the first Tenchi Movie) soundtrack by Christopher Franke. I picked the aspects because the titles...sounded like Aspects.

Here's my attempt at a coherent story to explain them:

High Concept: Operative A (A as in Alpha) in game terms an Emissary of Power

The Operative thinks he comes from the Future or more specifically a Possible future, maybe of an entirely different Earth with a different past. He has theories about his identity. He might be an agent from Mnemosyne, the Titaness of Memory or Chronos the personification of Time. He might also be from a Future Blackstaff, trying to maintain the timeline. Whatever his origin, he knows his purpose, to preserve and protect the timeline and the Free Will of humanity. 

Trouble: The Rhythm of Cause and Effect

He is not supposed to be in this time, but he is making an impact on it nonetheless. He has vague memories about where things may go if unhindered. When it goes different, it causes ripples in the timeline, ripples he can sense. He can also predict the extreme outcomes of events. But they may be specs of futures that may no longer come to pass.

Phase 1[Where Do You Come From?]:  Come to the Rescue

Alpha remembers nothing of his own past, other than it is not from here, now, in this time. perhaps his memories were removed so that he would be less likely to harm the timeline. Alpha always seems to know where he needs to be to save the day.

He would appear in whatever City the game is set in a few years before the campaign begins as a fully-grown clean slate.

Phase 2[What Shaped You?]: The Power of Love

Alpha found the love of his life, a love he must protect. But time is a funny thing. 

Phase 3[First Adventure]: Power Booster

Alpha has a ....Power Booster...thing. I'm not sure what it does in game terms, but it is definitely an Item of Power.

Phase 4[Guest Star]: The Future House

The Future House is Alpha's point of Contact with his sponser. It's a term used for a structure, usually a House that will be in the "Future" or whatever where Alpha's sponsor is.

Phase 5[Also Guest Starring]Kain's Return

All this time, Alpha has awaited and prepared for the return of "Kain" whoever the hell that is. It could be an ally and future plucky side-kick or some Demi-God looking to rip through the fabric of the universe.

That's the best that I can do.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2010, 02:22:23 AM »
You know, that sounds like a pretty cool character. Has anyone considered statting up any of these?

Offline Crimson Overcoat

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2010, 04:47:41 AM »
I may stat mine up when I get a chance. Someone should run a DFRPG: The Musical PBP, using these characters.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2010, 11:59:39 PM »
Alright, here's stats for Operative A and Sir Oswell. Both are chest deep starting characters. Since aspects are already up, all I've done is choose skills, stunts, and powers.

Sir Oswell

Superb: Weapons, Presence
Great: Survival, Might
Good: Endurance, Athletics
Fair:  Alertness, Fists,
Average: Intimidation, Conviction

Stunts: [-5]
Animal Handler (+1 to handle or ride animals, additional +1 to handle or ride horses)
Mounted Combat (+1 to weapons while mounted)
Let the Hammer Fall (Inflict 2 additional stress when attacking with a hammer)
Shield Carrier (+1 armour when carrying a shield)
The Weight of Reputation (Substitute presence for intimidation when dealing with someone who knows who you are)

Powers: [-1]
Warhammer granting [+2]
Glory of Battle (treat as Blood Drinker) [-1]
True Aim (to be a great knight)[-1]
Full Plate Armour granting [+0]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Items designed to combat ghosts) [+1]

Operative A

Great: Guns, Athletics
Good: Alertness, Conviction, Endurance
Fair: Stealth, Empathy, Discipline, Driving
Average: Presence, Fists, Investigation, Burglary, Rapport

Stunts: [-2]
Defend My Love (Inflict 2 additional stress with guns attacks when defending your true love)
Future Tech (+1 to operate any technology that has not been invented yet, including weapons)

Powers: [-4/-5]
Emissary of Power (Unknown power from the future) [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Precognitive Memories (Treat as Cassandra's Tears) [-0]
Power Booster granting [+1/+2]
Feeding Dependancy (Something) affecting [+1]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Effects that disrupt time) [+1]
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 12:02:54 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Stormraven

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2010, 04:17:20 AM »
Hadn't thought about statting up mine, but I may do.  Assuming there's any actual interest.
I will choose a path that's clear; I will choose Freewill.

The Sorceress Sleuth

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2010, 07:40:18 PM »
There is actual interest.

Offline Stormraven

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Re: DFRPG The Musical
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2010, 01:03:11 AM »
I'll get mine soon, then. 
I will choose a path that's clear; I will choose Freewill.

The Sorceress Sleuth