Weird Character Combinations:
1) Emissary of a Dragon - Problem solver for the big "boss". A mainly social character who can get physical via powers. Doesn't like to start drama, but will settle things if provoked. Travels the world doing jobs for the "boss".
2) Focused Practitioner - A wizard want-to-be on the run from White Court, Red Court, and Black Court. Always moving as to never put down roots, and stay on the run. Distrusts everyone.
3) Wolf-were - A wolf who learned to shape shift human. Doesn't understand human culture. Distrusts everyone. Roams like a gypsy.
4) White Court Virgin - Hidden by her mother as to not grow up "In house", she learned to feed off Adrenaline and travels with a carnival. Thus never staying in one city long. Distrusts everyone.
As GM I find this a Weird group, because they are all women. (I'm a guy). They all wander, so no one city will work to contain them, and they distrust each other and rather split up and do things solo. Its always difficult running 4 adventures around the table at the same time, and trying to cross them over so the characters can interact. Hopefully after the latest cross over I have planned they will TRUST each other with their lives.