Brutal (Fists or Weapons): you get a +2 to your Fists or Weapons roll (choose one) to perform a maneuver intended to cripple or maim an opponent.
Really Brutal (Fists or Weapons): On a successful Fists or Weapons attack (choose one) inflicting two or more shifts of damage, you may choose to force your target to take a consequence before applying any remaining shifts to his stress track. This essentially makes your attacks double as maneuvers which soften up your opponent. If the target's lowest available consequence slot would absorb more stress than the shifts you just dealt, they may apply your damage to their stress track as normal.
Example: Swinging your baseball bat at an assassin, you hit his face, dealing 3 shifts of damage. He takes a minor consequence (Broken Nose) and a 1 stress hit. You swing next exchange, and opt to hit hit his kneecap, dealing another 4 shifts of damage. Your target already has a minor (-2) consequence, and so must take a moderate consequence (-4) and no additional stress. The last exchange, you tag both consequences for free for a +4 to your roll, and work him over quite effectively.
Note to self: stop listening to Dethklok while thinking about DFRPG. Then again, perhaps Metalocalypse and Dresden Files complement each other entirely well.