Thank you very much. As it happens, I have a few stunts of my own to add.
Sanction: Your faith in your boss, be it the archangel Uriel or Colonel Carrington, is absolute. Pick a being. Add one to your Conviction skill when acting on behalf of that being.
Fire And Brimstone: Threatening someone's body isn't really your style. You prefer to threaten the soul. You may use Conviction instead of Intimidation when threatening someone on a spiritual level.
One Big Lie: Tell a lie long enough and you begin to believe it. Pick a statement that isn't true. You get +2 to any roll made to convince someone that that statement is true.
One Hand On The Wheel: Multitasking behind the wheel is second nature to you. Treat your Driving skill as Fantastic whenever it would complement, modify, or restrict another skill.
Bad Cop: Cruelty is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When working together with someone who has the Good Cop stunt, add two to your Intimidation skill.
Spellsinger: Music is magic, at least for you. You may use your Performance skill for spellcasting control.
Song Of Emotion: Your art has a real impact on the emotions of those who hear it. You may use your Performance skill for the Incite Emotion power.
Good Cop: Kindness is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When working together with someone who has the Bad Cop stunt, add two to your Rapport skill.