I've been playing with a few odd stunt ideas lately, and I'm not sure if they're balanced. If you guys could look over them and tell me what you think, I'd appreciate it.
Tough It Out: You can take a surprising amount of pain before you fall down. You may use your minor consequence slot to take a moderate physical consequence.
Determinate: (Requires Tough It Out): The amount of damage you can shrug off is almost unbelievable. You may use your additional minor physical consequence slots to take moderate consequences.
Strength Aids Skill: Regardless of his skill level, a strong man is better at fighting than a weak one. You may use your Might skill to complement your Fists or Weapons skills when attacking with a muscle-powered weapon. The bonus from this stunt is capped at +1.
Strength Trumps Skill: (Requires Strength Aids Skill) Supernatural strength makes a man very difficult to fight against. As Strength Aids Skill, but with a maximum bonus of +2.
Strength Replaces Skill: (Requires Strength Trumps Skill) What can mere skill and tactics do against your might? Nothing, that's what. As Strength Aids Skill, but with a maximum bonus of +3.
Combat Leader: Your leadership makes people fight better. Pick a type of character. You may use your Presence to complement the Fists, Weapons, or Guns skills of that type of character as long as they are following your orders in combat.
Master Combat Leader: (Requires Combat Leader) Your leadership makes people fight much better. As Combat Leader, but for Athletics and Alertness as well.
Enchanted Items: You own an enchanted item or two, although you don't know how to make them. Perhaps a wizard friend gave them to you. You get two enchanted item slots which may not be spent on potions. The base power of these items is Good (3). This stunt may be taken multiple times.