Author Topic: Homebrew Stunts  (Read 63737 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #285 on: September 30, 2011, 04:29:12 AM »

Big Pocking Wrench: You can do a lot as long as you have your trusty giant wrench on hand. Add two to your Craftsmanship skill when using it to fix or break something with a large wrench.
Scavenger: You are an expert in the art of making things quickly out of cannibalized parts. If as part of a Craftsmanship roll made to build or fix something you take apart an object that contains parts appropriate to the thing you are building or fixing, you may make that Craftsmanship roll two time increments faster.


Laser Focus: You find it easy to clear your mind in a stressful situation. When making a Discipline maneuver to create an aspect based on concentration, willpower, or clear thought, add two to your Discipline roll.


Talking With Your Fists: A guy with the ability to hurt you is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Fists skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with violence.
Unorthodox Fighting: People with formal training are less able to defend against your tomfoolery in combat. Add one to your Fists skill when making attacks against opponents who adhere strictly to a formal style of combat.
Give As Good As I Get: Sometimes, you have to do something crazy in order to win a fight. Once per scene, when you are attacked by someone in your zone, you may spend a Fate Point. If you do so, you defend against the attack with an effective skill of Mediocre and may not use a Block to replace your defense roll. This might sound pretty grim, but take heart; if you attack your attacker with your Fists skill during your next action, you may add three to your attack roll and increase the weapon rating of your attack by three.


Talking With Guns: A guy with a gun and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Guns skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a gun.


Make Them Slip Up: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) You are adept at angering your suspects just enough to make them say something they wouldn't have normally. Use your Investigation skill for the Provocation trapping of Intimidation.
Little Lies: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Those who seek the truth tend to lie a lot. Sad but true. Use your Investigation skill for the Falsehood And Deception trapping of Deceit.
It’s Part Of The Job: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Sometimes looking like someones else is just part of a detective's job. You may use your Investigation skill for the Disguise trapping of Deceit.
Look Behind You…: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Following a suspect is easy; doing it without their knowledge is the trick, and you've got that trick down. Use your Investigation skill for the Shadowing trapping of Stealth.
I Will Find Out What I Want To Know: There's not much point being able to get information from a crime scene if you can't get information from a person. Use your Investigation skill for the Interrogation trapping of Intimidation.


Presence Of The Alpha: You look exactly the way an alpha male should. Add two to your Presence skill when using your physical appearance to impress people.
Animal Magnetism: Your natural charisma and confidence carry over to the animal kingdom. You may use your Presence skill for the Animal Handling trapping of Survival.
Minions, Attack!: (Requires Minions) You might not be good at fighting people, but you sure know how to point at a target. This stunt allows you to treat your minions as weapons rather than as independent characters. Minions are wielded with the Presence skill. The weapon rating, range, and other traits of a group of minions depends on their numbers, quality, and equipment.[/b]


Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Dealing with animals, who don't talk, has given you an excellent grasp of body language. You may use your Survival skill to see through the Disguise and Distraction and Misdirection trappings of Deceit.
Animal Magnetism: It's a bit demeaning to equate seduction to animal training, but in your experience there isn't all that much difference between the two activities. You may use your Survival skill when making seduction attempts.


Combat Sense: You have learned to compensate for a loss of sight in battle. You never take environmental penalties to Weapons rolls from blindness, even if compelled. What's more, if an aspect based on blindness you possess is tagged or invoked by an opponent of yours during combat, it provides no benefit to the invoker.
Zatoichi: Your non-vision-based methods of doing combat are very useful in situations where everyone is blind. Add one to your Weapons skill when attacking an opponent who cannot see clearly.
Footwork: Extensive training with melee weapons has taught you how to move your body to attack and defend. With skilled footwork you can parry or avoid anything your opponents throw at you, as long as you have the familiar weight of a melee weapon in your hands to guide you. You may use your Weapons skill for the defense trapping of Athletics.
My Weapon Speaks For Me: A guy with a weapon and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Weapons skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a weapon.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 06:20:37 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #286 on: September 30, 2011, 03:54:27 PM »
Give As Good As I Get: Sometimes, you have to do something crazy in order to win a fight. Once per scene, something something something.

Originally intended to have the stunt user do the following.

Roll defense at mediocre to force the attacker to do the same once a scene.

This simulates the defender taking the hit in order to force his opponent to do the same.

It is similar to riposte, but requires a fate point  both fighters basically get no defense roll. 

This stunt is likely only effective in melee combat or hand to hand combat.  Guns and ranged attacks likely will not work so well.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #287 on: September 30, 2011, 10:32:41 PM »
Oh, I know what you originally intended. But like you said, it probably wasn't very fair.

I tried rewriting it a couple different ways, including as an ambush and as a large accuracy bonus, but I couldn't find anything that satisfied me. So I just wrote something something something and decided to come back to it later.

In other news, I've decided to go with a gear-based mechanic for Minions, Attack!.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #288 on: October 02, 2011, 04:24:20 AM »
Thinking over the recent load of Investigation stunts, I've come to the following conclusions:

-These stunts do not require limitations for balance. They each move one trapping, which is standard.
-Without the limitations, these stunts are kinda weird. They have little thematic justification, which makes them seem munchkinny.
-This problem only exists because I got rid of their prerequisite stunt, Professional Detective. If these stunts had a prereq that made Investigation into an all-purpose "job skill", they'd make sense.
-Real Detectives Improvise from the master list would make a good replacement for Professional Detective.

So I'm giving them all (EDIT: except for I Will Find Out What I Want To Know) Real Detectives Improvise as a prerequisite and removing the limitations.

Please tell me if you think that this is a mistake.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 04:48:55 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #289 on: October 02, 2011, 04:32:32 PM »
I think that's a great idea, it's a much better prerequisite than my stunt. I also think it compliments the other detective Investigation stunts very well.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #290 on: October 03, 2011, 04:39:58 AM »
Thank you, gojj. Hearing that pretty much removes my doubts about this change.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #291 on: October 03, 2011, 06:19:37 AM »
Alright, I've finished my rewrites. Let me explain these last four:

I finally settled on +3 to hit +3 stress for Give As Good As I Get. Normally a FP gives +2 to hit, and a stunt gives +1. The +3 stress comes from accepting the blow. I decided to split the bonus between stress and accuracy because I wanted it to be possible, but unlikely, to dodge the enhanced attack.

Minions, Attack! was modeled using a gear system. I'm quite happy with it, because it lets a player command a squad of mooks in combat without wasting time or stealing the spotlight.

Combat Sense is basically just a long and convoluted way to say, "blindness doesn't make you fight worse". I think that the current wording works under all normal interpretations of the rules.

Zatoichi was made to depend on the target's state rather than the attacker's. I realize that this makes it less cool, but it seemed like the only way to preserve the "advantage in a dark room" part without just having the user walk around blindfolded.

Now, all four of these were tricky for me. That's why they took so long. Because they were tricky, I am likely to have made a mistake on them, either in wording or in effect.

Please tell me if this is the case. You folks are the closest thing I have to an editor.

Next post will contain collection of all new stunts.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #292 on: October 03, 2011, 06:32:57 AM »

Notice Tell: Your keen senses allow you to pick up on the subtle clues that indicate when a person is lying. You may use your Alertness skill to defend against Deceit-based maneuvers and attacks.
Master of the Tell: (Requires Master Of The Tell) Long practice has made you incomparably good at noticing the mannerisms that accompany deception. Add two to your Alertness skill when using it to defend against Deceit-based maneuvers and attacks.
Primitive Tracker: Your methods of tracking are simple and intuitive, but nonetheless effective. Use your Alertness skill for the Tracking trapping of Survival.
Inspector: Short-term and long term inspection of something are essentially the same thing. You may use your Alertness skill for the Examination trapping of Investigation.
Notice the Unseen: You have an uncanny knack for noticing things that are magically hidden. Add three to your Alertness skill when using it to notice things that are either invisible or veiled.


Evasion: Like the members of certain character classes from Dungeons And Dragons (version 3.5), you have an amazing ability to remain unharmed when caught within the area of effect of an explosion. Add two to your Athletics-based defence rolls against area attacks.
Unhindered Defences: Armour and weapons are wonderful things, but they tend to slow a fellow down. So you don't carry weapons or wear armour. Add two to your Athletics defence rolls as long as you are unarmed and unarmoured.
Land On Your Feet: Like a cat, you are able to fall from great heights without great harm. When making an Athletics roll to resist falling damage, do not halve the result before converting it to armour.
Spring-Heeled: Maybe you don't actually have springs in your heels, but it sure looks as though you do. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to jump.
Fight By Jumping: (Requires Spring-Heeled) It is normally a very bad idea to jump up high while fighting, but you make it work. Increase your Athletics skill by a further two when making a jump-based maneuver in combat, but all aspects created this way are automatically fragile.
Out Of Reach: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It isn't easy to hit a guy who's five feet above your head. So long as you possess an aspect created through Fight By Jumping, add two to your defence rolls against melee attacks.
The §$%& Bastard Will Not Escape: Nobody gets away from you. Add two to your Athletics skill when using it to chase someone.


I Lupin!: Somehow, you can always pull of a stroke of larcenous brilliance when it really counts. Once per scene, you may spend a Fate Point in order to get a +4 bonus to a Burglary roll.
Burglar's Signature: Some aspect of your character makes you an expert thief. Pick one of your aspects. Add two to the result of any Burglary roll that you invoke that aspect on.


Lay On Hands: Faith healing actually works. At least, it does for you. Use your Conviction skill instead of your Scholarship skill for medical treatment.
Force Of Will: Emotional manipulation isn't just a trick; it's a direct exercise of your will. Use your Conviction skill instead of your Deceit skill with your Incite Emotion power.
Actual Priest: You are an actual priest, which means that you need to know some religious doctrine. Use your Conviction skill to determine your religious knowledge.


Big Pocking Wrench: You can do a lot as long as you have your trusty giant wrench on hand. Add two to your Craftsmanship skill when using it to fix or break something with a large wrench.
Scavenger: You are an expert in the art of making things quickly out of cannibalized parts. If as part of a Craftsmanship roll made to build or fix something you take apart an object that contains parts appropriate to the thing you are building or fixing, you may make that Craftsmanship roll two time increments faster.
Sneaky Bastard: You are an expert in the subtle art of booby-trapping an area. If given time to prepare a location, you may create traps in that location. Activating a trap is an attack that uses your Craftsmanship skill, with a weapon rating that depends on what the trap consists of. Traps may be activated at any distance that seems reasonable, and they do not necessarily have to be single-use.


I'm Your Friend: You are a very convincing fake friend. Add two to your Deceit skill when feigning friendliness or loyalty.
Dishonest Persuasion: If being charming doesn't make people do what you want them to do, lie your ass off. You may use your Deceit skill instead of your Rapport skill in order to make social attacks based off of persuasion.
"Good Intentions": Everyone you meet is certain that you intend nothing but what is best for everyone. Add two to your Deceit skill when faking good intentions.


Laser Focus: You find it easy to clear your mind in a stressful situation. When making a Discipline maneuver to create an aspect based on concentration, willpower, or clear thought, add two to your Discipline roll.
I'll Just Ignore You: Counterarguments are a waste of time. You prefer to simply not listen to the people you disagree with. You may use your Discipline skill for the social defence trapping of Rapport.
Mind of Steel: Magical mental influence is useless against your fortress-like mind! Add two to your Discipline skill when using it to defend against supernatural mental attacks.


The King Still Stands: You are the king! An army of commoners is nothing more than fodder for your sword to cut down. When fighting against multiple opponents on your own, you may take two additional mild physical consequences.
Toughness Of Mind And Body: A guy as tough as you has no need to be afraid. You may use your Endurance skill to resist fear.


Talking With Your Fists: A guy with the ability to hurt you is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Fists skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with violence.
Unorthodox Fighting: People with formal training are less able to defend against your tomfoolery in combat. Add one to your Fists skill when making attacks against opponents who adhere strictly to a formal style of combat.
Give As Good As I Get: Sometimes, you have to do something crazy in order to win a fight. Once per scene, when you are attacked by someone in your zone, you may spend a Fate Point. If you do so, you defend against the attack with an effective skill of Mediocre and may not use a Block to replace your defense roll. This might sound pretty grim, but take heart; if you attack your attacker with your Fists skill during your next action, you may add three to your attack roll and increase the weapon rating of your attack by three.


Talking With Guns: A guy with a gun and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Guns skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a gun.


Mesmerizing Gaze: Something about your eyes is frightening to people. Perhaps it's something similar to the effect behind a wizard's soulgaze. Add two to your Intimidation skill when able to force prolonged eye contact with your target.
I Could Have You Killed: Having a bunch of minions makes you scarier. Scientific fact. Add two to your Intimidation skill when you have subordinates present.
Stirrer: You are very good at stirring up conflict amongst other people. Add to two to your intimidate skill when attempting to get one person angry with another.


Make Them Slip Up: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) You are adept at angering your suspects just enough to make them say something they wouldn't have normally. Use your Investigation skill for the Provocation trapping of Intimidation.
Little Lies: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Those who seek the truth tend to lie a lot. Sad but true. Use your Investigation skill for the Falsehood And Deception trapping of Deceit.
It’s Part Of The Job: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Sometimes looking like someones else is just part of a detective's job. You may use your Investigation skill for the Disguise trapping of Deceit.
Look Behind You…: (Requires Real Detectives Improvise) Following a suspect is easy; doing it without their knowledge is the trick, and you've got that trick down. Use your Investigation skill for the Shadowing trapping of Stealth.
I Will Find Out What I Want To Know: There's not much point being able to get information from a crime scene if you can't get information from a person. Use your Investigation skill for the Interrogation trapping of Intimidation.


Applied Knowledge: You can always come up with some little fact that gives you an advantage. Add two to your Lore skill when using it for the occult equivalent of the Declaring Minor Details trapping of Scholarship.
Thaumaturge: Thaumaturgy is about knowledge, more than anything else. And you have that knowledge. Add two to your Lore skill when using it to make declarations as part of thaumaturgy preparation.


Built Like An Ox: You are a solid block of muscle, and that lets you take a lot of punishment. Use your Might skill to determine the length of your physical stress track.


Artistic Spirit: You might not actually be much of an artist, but you could have been a great one if your life had gone differently. Your Performance skill is considered to be Fantastic whenever it would complement, restrict, or otherwise modify another skill.


Presence Of The Alpha: You look exactly the way an alpha male should. Add two to your Presence skill when using your physical appearance to impress people.
Animal Magnetism: Your natural charisma and confidence carry over to the animal kingdom. You may use your Presence skill for the Animal Handling trapping of Survival.
Minions, Attack!: (Requires Minions) You might not be good at fighting people, but you sure know how to point at a target. This stunt allows you to treat your minions as weapons rather than as independent characters. Minions are wielded with the Presence skill. The weapon rating, range, and other traits of a group of minions depends on their numbers, quality, and equipment.[/b]
I Do What I Want: You don't take no orders from nobody. You have social armour 1 against social attacks phrased as commands.
Strategist: Unlike most people, you have been trained in the science of military strategy. Add a trapping called Strategy to Presence. This trapping allows you to make Assessments, Declarations, and other rolls related to strategy with your Presence skill.


I Have Lived History: You know the history of the world very well because you were around for most of it. Add two to your Scholarship skill when using it for knowledge of the past.
Strategist: Unlike most people, you have been trained in the science of military strategy. Add a trapping called Strategy to Scholarship. This trapping allows you to make Assessments, Declarations, and other rolls related to strategy with your Scholarship skill.


Silent Tank: For some strange reason, you are capable of sneaking around while wearing 30 pounds of steel plate armour. Reduce all penalties to Stealth rolls from encumbrance by two.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Dealing with animals, who don't talk, has given you an excellent grasp of body language. You may use your Survival skill to see through the Disguise and Distraction and Misdirection trappings of Deceit.
Animal Magnetism: It's a bit demeaning to equate seduction to animal training, but in your experience there isn't all that much difference between the two activities. You may use your Survival skill when making seduction attempts.


Combat Sense: You have learned to compensate for a loss of sight in battle. You never take environmental penalties to Weapons rolls from blindness, even if compelled. What's more, if an aspect based on blindness you possess is tagged or invoked by an opponent of yours during combat, it provides no benefit to the invoker.
Zatoichi: Your non-vision-based methods of doing combat are very useful in situations where everyone is blind. Add one to your Weapons skill when attacking an opponent who cannot see clearly.
Footwork: Extensive training with melee weapons has taught you how to move your body to attack and defend. With skilled footwork you can parry or avoid anything your opponents throw at you, as long as you have the familiar weight of a melee weapon in your hands to guide you. You may use your Weapons skill for the defense trapping of Athletics.
My Weapon Speaks For Me: A guy with a weapon and the skill to use it is always scary, even if he's got no charisma at all. You may use your Weapons skill instead of your Intimidation skill when threatening someone with a weapon.
Mirror Stance: Your unusual fighting style lets you defend effortlessly when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you are attacked with a weapon of the same type that you are wielding yourself, you may inflict a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so, you must defend against the attack using your Weapons skill.
Reflection Shatters the Mirror: Your unusual fighting style makes your attacks hard to defend against when you are using a weapon similar to that of your opponent. When you attack someone with a weapon of the same type that your target is wielding, that target takes a -1 penalty to their defense roll.
Two-Handed Training: Two hands > one hand. Attacks that you make with a weapon held in both of your hands inflict two additional stress.
Legendary Archer: (Requires Bows Are Weapons) Bows are not just weapons, they're your weapons of choice. When wielding a bow or crossbow with your Weapons skill, increase the range of that weapon by two zones.
Focused Strike: Given a moment to aim, your attacks are devastating. Add two to your Weapons skill when using it to make an aim-based maneuver.
Jump Attack: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It's not easy to attack as you land a jump, but you're pretty good at it. Add one to your Weapons skill when making an attack in which an aspect created through Fight By Jumping is tagged.
Gravity Helps: (Requires Fight By Jumping) It stands to reason that an attack with the weight of a falling body behind it will deal more damage than one made on the ground. When you tag an aspect created through Fight By Jumping to boost a Weapons attack, that attack inflicts two additional stress.
Weapon Mastery: It's easier to defend yourself when you are using your weapon of choice. Pick a type of weapon. When using that type of weapon to make a defense roll, add two to your Weapons skill.
Perfect Parry: You are a master of not attacking anyone in a fight. Add two to your Weapons defense rolls when taking a full defense action. This stacks with the normal benefits provided by full defense.
My Body Is A Weapon: You not only know how to wield weapons, you know how to move like one. You may make use your Weapons skill to make unarmed attacks.
Superior Weapon Body: (Requires My Body Is A Weapon) You not only know how to move like a weapon, you know how to block hits like one. You may use your Weapons skill to defend unarmed.
Perfected Weapon Body: (Requires Superior Weapon Body) You not only know how to block hits like a weapon, you know how to be one. You may use all of your Weapons stunts without penalty while unarmed.
Precision Strike: You know where to hit, and how to make it count. Successful Weapons maneuvers that you make are treated as though their thresholds of success were two higher than they actually were.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #293 on: October 03, 2011, 06:37:53 AM »
Quick notes, for my own convenience:

1. I need to make a Chanter custom power.
2. For some reason Weapons stunts seem to be more common than other kinds of stunt.
3. Wow, this is a long list. I may need to use my last reserved post on the Master List thread.
4. I should post to the Master List thread again. Bumping it up to the top of the board would draw attention to the update. Plus, I might need the space.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #294 on: October 03, 2011, 12:19:07 PM »
Meteorologists (scholarship) you are trained as meteorologists and are skilled at predicting the weather, you can make scholarship declarations at +1 for determining weather conditions.
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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #295 on: October 03, 2011, 07:05:13 PM »
Will add that to the list. Will also apply it's bonus to Assessments.

Also, four new stunts building off of Minions, Attack! here.

Bear in mind that this whole tree of stunts would also work in Contacts. In fact, I have half a mind to move it there, or to duplicate it in both skills.

Heck, it might even work in Performance if you are leading zombies.

Should probably remove the "The Boss" prereq for the Performance version. But the effect is more limited, so removing a prerequisite makes sense.


Minions, Defend! (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your loyal minions defend you capably. As long as you have minions present, you may use your Presence skill to defend against physical attacks.
Coordinated Attack (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your expert leadership helps your minions hit their targets. Add one to your Presence skill when using it to attack with your minions.
Morale Boost (Requires Minions, Attack!) Your inspiring leadership makes your minions attack more enthusiastically. Add two to the weapon rating of your minions.
Human Wall (Requires Minions, Defend!) As long as your minions are around, you're safe. Even in the center of a battlefield. Add two to your Presence skill when using it to defend against physical attacks.


Meteorologist You are trained as a meteorologist and so you are skilled at predicting the weather. You may use your Scholarship skill plus one to make Assessments and Declarations about the weather.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #296 on: October 03, 2011, 07:08:32 PM »
In other news, this is your last chance to criticize the new update. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Actually, I'll still listen if you say something about it next month. But it would be much more convenient for me to make edits before updating the main list.

I'll probably add these stunts to the master list in about 8-9 hours. So yeah.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #297 on: October 04, 2011, 03:40:59 AM »
Finished updating the Word file, which means that the dropbox links should be updated as well.

The new stunt list is 25 pages long to the line. On those 25 pages, there are 11430 words, 69200 characters, and 255 paragraphs.

If I'm not mistaken, 255 paragraphs means 255 stunts. That's more than twice the number of stunts in Your Story. (Which is approximately 102.)

Congratulations to us.


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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #298 on: October 04, 2011, 12:36:52 PM »
Well done folks. Thanks Sancta for being the driving force behind this thread. Having somebody keep these balanced and organized is remarkably helpful.

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Re: Homebrew Stunts
« Reply #299 on: October 04, 2011, 02:09:51 PM »
I forgot to mention that I like the new version of "Give as good as I get". It seems like a nice blend of the two ways it could go and comes out fairly balanced.