Alright, now to go over the new stunts:
Alertness stunts look good. Will probably expand Master Of The Tell to apply to all Alertness defense against Deceit. Will also make implied prerequisite explicit.
Will probably split I Lupin! into two stunts, one of which boosts invocations of a specific aspect for Burglary and another which allows the user to spend a FP for +4 to a Burglary roll.
Automotive Genius is redundant and will be removed. Big Pocking Wrench will probably be modified to provide +2. May remove equipment prerequisite from Scavenger.
Chanter will be turned into a custom power and posted to the appropriate thread for review. Will be replaced with another stunt boosting focus maneuvers.
Fists stunts are alright, but Give As Good As I Get requires a full mechanical rewrite.
The Intimidation stunt is redundant and will be removed.
Investigation stunts are mostly okay, but Professional Detective is unnecessary and will be removed.
Muscle-Brained is a joke and will be removed.
Presence stunts are fine, though I'll have to think about the wording on Minions, Attack!
Silent Tank is a good idea that may need some work in order to accommodate those who don't normally apply Stealth penalties to armoured people.
Weapons stunts are complicated. Combat Sense is in the same boat as Silent Tank. Zatoichi will be modified to work based on the target's blindness rather than the user's. Mirror Stance is fine, even if I don't like Magus Black's attempt to provide sneaky stunt stacking. Reflection Shatters The Mirror will be reduced to a 1 shift penalty. Two-Handed Training will be changed to a straight +2 stress. Old School Archer is redundant and will be removed, but Bows Are Weapons will be edited to explicitly include crossbows. Legendary Archer will be given a prerequisite of Bows Are Weapons. Focused Strike will be modified to provide a +2 bonus to aim maneuvers. Footwork is fine as is.
None of this is final.
I welcome objections from the forum in general and from the original authors in particular.
PS: Does anybody object to having their stunts added to the list?