So, I've seen a couple threads statting out superheroes with the existing DFRPG rules, but not much on the use of the system for an actual superhero game. To that end, I'm creating this thread as a place to brainstorm a good conversion of the DFRPG rules to a superhero system.
And yes, I know they're coming out with a FATE-inspired system for superhero games soon. That's soon, this is now.
This is for a general superhero game, encompassing as wide a range of comic styles as possible. For variations to represent Dark Age-esque gritty adventures or Gold- and Silver-age ultrapowerful or silly scenarios, it'd be good to note them as such.
My current thoughts:
Compared to a standard Dresden Files RPG game, a superhero game would probably run on the *very* high power level. I could easily see Refresh levels of 14 to 20, with Skill numbers anywhere from 40 to 60 and with correspondingly-higher Skill caps. The Refresh bonus for unpowered Mortals (such as Batman or similar archetypes) might need to be given a corresponding increase.
A good number of existing superhero conventions can be represented with the current power-set. Some abilities can probably remain as they are (Breath Weapon, for example, would be useful to represent a wide variety of blast or beam-style powers) while others may need to be expanded (the speed, toughness, recovery, and strength powers might need even more tiers) or even reworked entirely (I'm uncertain if the spellcasting system as it currently exists would represent superhero-style powers well). I'm not certain, but the Skill system may also need some revamping.
Specific thoughts:
for a Superhero game, I might make Catches optional on Toughness and Recovery powers other than Physical Immunity, as there are a good number of superheroes who are just darn tough and resilient, bar nothing. Conversely, I might create a Catch-like system that applies to other powers as well - much like how Superman's superpowers get taken away by Kryptonite at the same time it hurts him. There would, much like in the original DFRPG, be a limit to the amount of catch-stacking one could do.
I'm not sure why, but I thought that it might be appropriate to limit Powers to no more than 3/4 of a character's Refresh, requiring stunts for anything beyond that. Not sure why, other than the fact that Powers are more powerful than Stunts, and thus the cumulative advantage granted by a bunch of Powers is greater than that granted by a bunch of Stunts.
I'd grant another level of Speed, Strength, and Recovery above Mythic. For Toughness, once you hit that level it's pretty much Physical Immunity anyway. I might also allow for an upgrade of the Claws power, to represent high-damage characters who don't get it via superstrength.
the Item of Power rules would be applicable in full force, to represent power rings, ultra-gauntlets, supersuits, and powered armor.