Author Topic: Some homebrew powers  (Read 1689 times)

Offline Belial666

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Some homebrew powers
« on: September 14, 2010, 09:23:31 AM »
Festering/Unhealing/Accursed Blows
Refresh Cost: -2, -4, -6 respectively
Effect: physical consequences dealt by you are far more devastating than normal. For each level of this ability, consequences you deal are considered one step worse though they still take up their normal consequence slot. In addition, they can be tagged one addtional time per level though still no more than once per exchange. The effect of this ability weakens and is weakened by the effects of the Recovery ability.
Special: this ability must be tied to a Catch - a specific way to remove its effects and start normal recovery. This can be as simple as bathing in running water to negate the curse or as complicated as going on a year-long quest for a Supernatural Heavyweight to help you recover. Price the catch accordingly.
Example: someone with Festering blows deals a mild consequence; for the purposes of recovery that consequence will be treated as Moderate and could be tagged twice. Someone with Accursed Blows deals a mild consequence on someone with Supernatural Recovery: that consequence is treated as moderate, Recovery does not work on it, and can be tagged twice instead of once.

Lesser/Major/Greater Antimagic Field
Refresh Cost: -2, -4, -6 respectively
Effect: your presence alone diminishes supernatural power. The zone you occupy counts as a threshold with a strength of 2 per level of this ability, applying the full effects of thresholds to all supernatural creatures and effects; it acts as a block to supernatural actions, reduces the Power of spells, weakens supernatural creatures and attacks spiritual creatures as if by a threshold equal to this ability's cost.
Special: you may never take spellcasting powers if you have this ability and this ability may also apply to you and your allies. However, this ability does not work on non-spellcasting powers sharing the same power source; if it is demonic in origin, non-spellcasting demons will be unaffected. If it is faerie in origin non-spellcasting faeries will be unaffected and so on.