Yesterday we made our first characters and tested the waters, so to speak. There was something odd about the block/counterspell mechanics. I already looked in the forums and read the rules passages over and over, but it feels really odd.
To test the mechanics, we let the 2 sorcerers in the group fling around some spells at each other. The first sorcerer was specialised in spirit evocations and threw a spirit attack power 7 at the other and landet +4 on his roll, making it an attack of 17. We went through the options the other sorcerer (with an earth specialisation) had, none seemed to be satisfying:
- an earth block would only counter part of that spell, so a block 7 would still result in 10 stress
- a dodge against an attack roll of 10 was outright impossible due to a low athletics skill
- a counterspell seemed wrong, because the countering sorcerer did not know spirit evocations
On the other hand, if we would let him do a counterspell, he would only need to roll 7 on his disciplin roll, making it more effective to counterspell the evocation he doesn't even know, than to block it with the evocation he knows extremely well.
Another idea I had was this: if I put up a block in advance, because having a block is always a good idea in a situation like this, and when I am attacked, I put up a second block, in this case it would amount to two power 7 blocks, reducing the attack to only result in 3 stress. That would mean, everything comes down to the one thing most important for a wizard: preparation.
That and the realisation that evocations can hit you like a freight train, which probably should not come as a surprise...