
Do you think that the Dresden RPG ruleset could be used as a base for a Scott Pilgrim RPG?

Hell yeah! It's an obvious fit!
3 (15.8%)
Hmmm, it has potential with a little tweeking
4 (21.1%)
Meh, don't care
2 (10.5%)
I'm not sold, but maybe if I saw some examples it'd sway me
5 (26.3%)
What are you smoking and may I have some?
5 (26.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Author Topic: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the Dresden Files....wha?  (Read 1659 times)

Offline Dan_of_hats

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. the Dresden Files....wha?
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:16:57 AM »
A few friends and I have recently started doing some character/city gen for a Dresden Files game, and it's been a really interesting experience for all of us. The level of control a player can have over not only their own character, but the setting they're in and the people who populate it was a whole new experience, but the really interesting part was the refresh system.

Now being the geeks we are, we had all recently went to see the film Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and spurred by my enjoyment of that film I bought all six volumes of the comic book, so there was a great deal of joke referencing going on as we worked. I can't rightly recall which of us mentioned it, but the point was raised that it would be pretty easy to use the Dresden ruleset to stat up and play with Scott Pilgrim-inspired characters and settings.

And you know something? The idea stuck with me. The Dresdenverse is largely fueled by classic geek references, much like the Pilgrimverse, only there they are expressed somewhat more literally in some cases. Both also have a health mix of the mundane, "normal" side of life and the utterly bizarre, landscape-altering combat when two otherwise regular people throw down, be it with multi-hit combos or a dose of Fuego.

So I'm curious, who else out there could see this working? I think a direct story port wouldn't work (although the comic books/film/computer game could inspire a starting chronicle at least), but I could see a lot of what works for the Dresden game working in a Scott Pilgrim one.