Author Topic: GM's advice in Vol 1 YS - under-rated awesomeness  (Read 1996 times)

Offline Arcteryx

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GM's advice in Vol 1 YS - under-rated awesomeness
« on: September 13, 2010, 04:40:25 PM »
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the GM's advice on how to run the DFRPG - the information in the back of vol 1 - and not just in there, but sprinkled throughout the book - rarely is specific to the Dresden Files, but is easily applied to other games as well. Spirit of the Century is much the same way - I got SotC because of the DFRPG and its a tome that's full of wise and sage advice as well.

Probably the biggest thing I've learned from it is how to interpret failure so that its not an outright fail, but a complication, or it adds a twist, or it changes the consequence & fallout. Its these things that push a story along, keep your players engaged and makes a scene compelling.

What are your go-to GM resources to help you hone your craft?

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Re: GM's advice in Vol 1 YS - under-rated awesomeness
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 01:59:27 PM »
That particular treatment of in-game failure is one of the newer ideas going around in games right now. I'm not sure where it originated but it's definitely making the rounds. I first heard about it over at in a review of the Mouseguard game and recently the author of that blog mentioned being on a panel where a couple other industry writers also got behind the idea.

I think the binary success/failure roll is going the way of the dodo where plots are concerned. Realistically no GM worth mentioning would let one roll stop everything cold anyway; this is just an acknowledgement of sorts about how everyone has been handling this sort of issue (aside from brushing it under the rug ala "You got a what? Reroll that!").

The only thing I really miss from the Dresden Files books is a simple layout of Aspects. There seem to be charts for most actions and the terminology to use them in the back but I think a similar treatment for Aspects would have helped me pick them up a bit easier.

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Re: GM's advice in Vol 1 YS - under-rated awesomeness
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 04:28:58 PM »
I'd agree with you, took a while for me to wrap my blockheaded skull around the concept. I really like the conflict systems and how it lets the socialite/diplomat/faceman get equal play time - so neglected in other games and most of the GMs I've known handwave the social situation or its one roll.

I'd have liked to see more sample social conflicts & mental conflicts too.