Author Topic: Running tonight and freaked out!  (Read 3666 times)

Offline ashern

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Running tonight and freaked out!
« on: September 03, 2010, 05:32:30 PM »
Hey guys, have my first session with a bunch of great characters lined up for tonight... and definitely have GM jitters!  Have never run a game before and really don't want it to suck for everyone who is looking forward to it.

Any last minute tips for having fun and keeping your cool?

Offline austinmonster

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 05:47:53 PM »
I had this same problem a month or so ago.   This board was really usefull in helping me out.

Look at,19488.msg862634.html#msg862634 to see the advice the gave me!

If it helps - the first session is almost always just character creation and city fabrication.  The real pressure won't be on you until the SECOND session.

Offline Morgan

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 06:14:37 PM »
Got anything that you're particularly nervous or anxious about? Just relax and have fun and be prepared to roll with any stumbles, forward momentum is key. Keep the game moving and leave worrying about how much you feel you're sucking for later.

Offline ashern

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 06:41:32 PM »
Well, actually, we already did character creation, and I'm using Baltimore and have explained the basics to everyone.  The big thing I'm worried about is that this group is academic heavy, and so they can realistically ask for all sorts of information.  Just worried they're going to take things off in a weird direction.  Though if they do I'll just throw road down in front of them, since this is FATE after all.

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2010, 06:45:34 PM »
If you're nervous, just picture your players naked.

Okay, don't do that. It may get really awkward.

Just relax. Running a game for the first time is a learning experience. You're going to mess something up. It's a fact of how these things go. Embrace it. Each mistake you make is something you can look back on and keep in mind later so that you do better. Own your mistakes.

The biggest thing to avoid is stuff that slows down the game and makes it boring. If there's a problem with a rule -- something that you're not sure about or that someone thinks is wrong -- if you can't find the rule in five seconds, move on. Say, "I'm going to go with this ruling for now. After the session is over, we can spend some time looking up the actual rule. If it turns out that I screwed you, I'll fix it. Let's keep things moving." Then keep the game going.

Have fun.

Offline Morgan

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2010, 06:51:46 PM »
Well if you're worried about having to come up with all sorts of info for them put the ball back in their court and let them make it up for you. Empower the players to help you create the world and the story, hand out some blank index cards and pens and telling them to come up with and write down the Aspects for their maneuvers, assessments, and declarations. But that said don't be afraid to say no when a player makes something up that is way off base or not in the right tone. Though I find that asking them a few questions about what they are trying to create and working with them on the Aspect is often more helpful then a straight up hard no to what they are suggesting.

Offline Lanir

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2010, 07:33:07 PM »
  • Failed rolls shouldn't derail your plot: A failure should result in an interesting challenge not a penalty.
  • You don't have to know everything: If you can't find a rule in the two reference sheets in the back fairly quickly, make something up or assume the PC succeeds. Game sessions are for gaming, not getting quizzed on random rules.
  • Players are co-authors: Your guys have lots of knowledge skills you say? Excellent! Let them know how to do Assessments and Declarations and turn them loose.
    • Be adaptable: It's okay if things don't go as planned. Just ad-lib as best you can and next time see if the PC sheets give you a better handle on what sorts of game the players are most interested in.
    • Don't forget the fun: At the end if everyone had fun, nothing else matters. So don't sweat the little stuff. It doesn't matter, honest.
      Only other thing I can think of as far as advice on chilling out and being prepared to run is try to grab a drink and chill for awhile before everyone arrives. Have some mood music appropriate to the kind of game you're running playing before the game session.

Offline ashern

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2010, 03:40:43 PM »
Hey everybody, just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome tips.  The first session was a blast, both for me running it, and for the players (I had unanimous good feedback, and people demanding that the next session be soon, yay!)

Also, after the first hour of play, everything settled out.  I introduced the players to each other, set the stage for politicing (they're all tied to various factions for the most part), and threw some tension into the city with the White Council making a declaration that the city is formally on watch until an inquisition can be made into old man Montrose's death. (I'm running Baltimore out of the book).  After the big speech and session, everyone met in character, and then ended up saving the daughter of the cafe owner, who was one of the kids kidnapped by a scourge of 3 Black Court Vampires.

After a fun and dynamic combat sequence, in which it was proven that bears can wrestle with BCVs, and wizards are very, very scary when given a little time to prepare, mainly because they can throw around high weapon attacks that can be made to fit catches, the players saved a bunch of children from being eaten/changed.

Also, some of them (the children) are suffering from psychic trauma of the not-breaking but definitely bad variety... and so my sorcerer wants to put together a working to make them all forget about what happens until they're older and can deal with it better... Said sorcerer is also Russel Carson's girlfriend.  So while I'm sure she can pull it off... there might be some consequences down the road *grin*

The thing I'm really loving about Fate is that as people are getting into their characters and tweaking Aspects, it's giving me even more idea/hooks to work with.  For example, the con man has the aspect "A Ho in every area code", which was tagged to have a girl show up and give him a ride in her car.  Oh... the good times to come.


Offline TheMouse

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2010, 04:04:17 PM »
Awesome, man. Just awesome.

Offline babel2uk

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 04:35:17 PM »
Also, some of them (the children) are suffering from psychic trauma of the not-breaking but definitely bad variety... and so my sorcerer wants to put together a working to make them all forget about what happens until they're older and can deal with it better... Said sorcerer is also Russel Carson's girlfriend.  So while I'm sure she can pull it off... there might be some consequences down the road *grin*

Not least of which would be the potential breaking of the Third Law on each child, and the Lawbreaker stunts that would go with it....

Offline MorningDarkness

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Re: Running tonight and freaked out!
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2010, 08:03:50 PM »
Congratulations!  I remember my first game that I ran and I remember having the same concerns.  I am still pretty green myself and am starting to put together a campaign for the Dresden RPG.

Some tips given to me that I found very useful:
-The GM is always right.  If it comes down to an argument, use your best judgment and make the call.  If they don't like it, they can talk to you about it later. 
-If they get a little side tracked, its ok.  Like some others have said, just ad lib and get creative.  See if there is a way you can tie them back into your storyline with bread crumbs rather than a Fate road sign that they crash into.  I have found on many occasions that most players don't like it when you try to keep them on a specific path.  Most people tend to feel a little beaten over the head with the plot. 
-Be the best chess player ever!  Plan at least 10 moves ahead.  IE, try to plan out a number of different reactions your group might have a head of time.  Be prepared for several options and what you would do with it.  Ask yourself if your villains would have contingency plans an if so, which ones would they have and what wouldn't they be prepared for?  It is difficult, but you are less likely to be caught by surprise.  When my players would still surprise me in fun and creative ways that were impressive, I would reward them ^_^. 
-A little confusion and misdirection is fun!  It keeps the players guessing.
-There is no such thing as just good and evil.  It is a lot of fun to throw in a lot of gray to the scale.  People who are helpful but think how you are doing things is wrong and who try to work against you.  People who have ulterior motives but you can't tell they are ready to stab you in the back because their smile is just so friendly.  People who live for drama and chaos and just like to throw a wrench into the workings because its fun to see the mess after...

Have fun!