Author Topic: You know the Geek had to do it  (Read 16447 times)


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You know the Geek had to do it
« on: February 28, 2007, 06:59:43 PM »
I know everyone saw this coming so this thread isnt going to be a big surprise or anything. But in my spare time and in my absolute geekness I made some of the Dresden characters into D&D characters. Now the characters I chose had to be in more then two books and had to have dialog. Just to show my true geekness and credentials these are some of the games I have either played or DM'ed : Shadowrun 2nd and 3rd, AD&D, AD&D 2nd, Call of Cthulhu, Palladium, Rifts, Heros ad Villians, West End Games Star Wars, and a few others I don't know the names of. 'm 28 now and I have been playing since I was 13. You do the math. Anyway here they are.

Harry Dresden- Low level sorcerer(due to power)/high level wizard  (like yall didnt see that coming)
Thomas - Psychic Warrior middle level ( with a really nasty Power Leech feat)
Michael- High level Paladin of God (yeah big surprise there)
Father Foothill- Middle level Cleric of God (yeah I know another big surprise)
Karrin- Middle level Fighter (yeah no thought process there)
William- Werewolf (enough said)
Waldo Butters- Middle level NPC Expect
Mortimer Lindquist- Psion Seer (He sees dead people duh)
Kincaid- High level Fighter (and really creepy and cool to boot)
Morgan- Fighter/Wizard (mostly because he's an A-hole)

Well everyone that as far as I go. I am sure I have broken and burned some sort of legal rule book. So I'm going to stop here. Hey, I already have a F-ing speeding ticket I don't need a lawsuit on my hands. Well enjoy and tell what you think

Offline Samldanach

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 12:28:52 PM »
Well, first of all, d20 is a really poor system for modelling the books.  Especially the magic system.  The sorceror is a decent way to model evocation, and the wizard would model thaumaturgy.  But only in the most rough terms.  And, of course, a sorceror/wizard is a terribly inefficient build, which would hamstring Harry.

You see Billy as still in the ECL levels of Werewolf, with no actual class yet?  I suppose I could see that.

I'd have to disagree with you on Murphy.  Fighters don't get nearly enough skill points to be cops.  Fighter/rogue would probably be best, from the core classes.  I could even make an argument for monk, but I don't think it would stick.

No class for Marcone?  Rogue is most likely, though with some unusual skill picks (focusing heavily on the social skills).

Offline glmagus

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 02:26:10 PM »
Personally I see Harry as more of a multiclass Sor/Wiz/Rog with the first two for magical power and the latter for his small amount of actual investigation and people skills. I could totally see Murph as a Monk, she's a great martial artist and ... well she's a great martial artist. Billy's style of Werewolf is more in tune with the Druid's wild shape although he doesn't have anyother druid abilities so that can't be it, maybe Werewolf fighter?
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Offline SQuigley316

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 03:21:22 PM »
Well, first of all, d20 is a really poor system for modelling the books.  Especially the magic system.  The sorceror is a decent way to model evocation, and the wizard would model thaumaturgy.  But only in the most rough terms.  And, of course, a sorceror/wizard is a terribly inefficient build, which would hamstring Harry.

See now with my group I just tweeked the magic system in the D20 modern system to use the psionics power point pool rather than normal spell selection, and allow the PCs to cut into their HP for extra points to use for spells to show how Harry can drain himself completely when using magic. It seems to work fine for us.

Offline Nemo

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 04:45:39 PM »
A true Geek would stat up Harry for every RPG they know how to play... :D
"Harry, even a nerd should know that it's no coincidence when a girl shows up at a man's hotel room.  You know all she really wants is to--" ~ Bob

Offline glmagus

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 10:28:35 PM »
Well, let's see:
D&D: 8th lvl Sor/1st lvl Ftr/ 2nd lvl Rog
White Wolf's Mage: Order of Hermes with 4 dots in forces, 2 in prime, and 1 in liife
Unisystem: Witch advantage five or six levels, as well as 5 levels of hard to kill and two levels of bad luck.

And those are the big three systems that my group plays.
"Step back, and let the wizardry commence."

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2007, 04:03:55 PM »
Harry Dresden statted out for Amber DRPG

Psyche: -15
Strength: -24
Endurance: -20
Warfare: -24
Bad stuff: A metric quintillion points.
A few powers invested in sorcery and misc artifacts.
Rule one of magic:  Never, ever, under any circumstances, trust someone named "Morningstar".


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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 01:49:47 AM »
Dresden would work in the Shadowrun system but he would have a hell of a time in the game. The Shadowrun system applies drain to magic users, which has been used in the books and I REALLY REALLY like. You have a bad ass mage and not be to over the top powerful. If Dresden was in the CoC system he'd either be dead or nuts so let's not go there. In the Rifts system Dresden could be any number of magic using classes. So thats why I used the D20 system it has its downs but you can find ways to get around them IF you have the right books. If you don't then the system is pretty stiff. Thank you WoTC for having my paycheck go to more books then I really need. I know that in the D20 system that the skill points can be limiting but you can always cross class.I have made an error with Kincad he would be a Epic level fighter. If anyone lives more then a century I think you'd be an Epic level person. Hey if anyone wants to add more please do I love "hearing" it all

Offline Chuck Chuck Razool

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2007, 01:54:25 AM »
Dresden would work in the Shadowrun system but he would have a hell of a time in the game. The Shadowrun system applies drain to magic users, which has been used in the books and I REALLY REALLY like. You have a bad ass mage and not be to over the top powerful. If Dresden was in the CoC system he'd either be dead or nuts so let's not go there. In the Rifts system Dresden could be any number of magic using classes. So thats why I used the D20 system it has its downs but you can find ways to get around them IF you have the right books. If you don't then the system is pretty stiff. Thank you WoTC for having my paycheck go to more books then I really need. I know that in the D20 system that the skill points can be limiting but you can always cross class.I have made an error with Kincad he would be a Epic level fighter. If anyone lives more then a century I think you'd be an Epic level person. Hey if anyone wants to add more please do I love "hearing" it all

I just created a new shadowrunner last night for a campaign my friend started, I made a Battle Mage named...Harry Dresden. Of course some of the things I did with that character break almost every law of magic...especially the first.
"There's a voice that comes from everywhere, and it's not saying anything."


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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2007, 01:57:05 AM »
Yeah in Shadowrun it's really hard to play with the Laws of Magic. It could be done but holy hell would it be hard to do.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2007, 06:05:51 AM by Wolfhowls »

Offline Nemo

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2007, 03:16:13 AM »
I'm in the process of making Harry a Guild Associate in Victoriana.  It will be easier to stat him up for Call of Cthulhu.  The challenge is going to be making him a Serenity character, although Bob would make a perfect Companion.
"Harry, even a nerd should know that it's no coincidence when a girl shows up at a man's hotel room.  You know all she really wants is to--" ~ Bob


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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2007, 05:28:41 AM »
Sounds like a great challenge. RPing is all about the challenge.

Offline Silat Student

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2007, 12:09:41 AM »
I can't say I'm much for D20 (ran a 3.0/3.5 campaign that lasted about 3 years as well as several D20 Modern campaigns), just tired of the system...but in my Geekiness I decided to strip down the Deadlands Classic system and adapt it to a cross between the Dresden Files and the TV Series Supernatural.

Offline Ebenezar McCoy

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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2007, 09:30:48 PM »
It has always been a difficulty crossing realms. As such, you may have found yourself with a few dilemmas.

 For example, the classes... in D&D, I would see Harry and the wizards as sorcerers, but it is almost the opposite in Dresden. In D&D, wizards study and pretty much anyone can do it. Sorcerers are born, magic is inherently part of them - it’s in their blood. Dresden and D&D are opposites in that regard and that is where many of the problems stem from. 

I once attempted to make a few LOTR characters for D&D, but it proved easier said than done. The worlds are too incompatible.


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Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2007, 04:59:43 AM »
Yeah it's always a kick in the teeth when you try to do stuff like that.