coming a little late to the party as ive been out of the loop for awhile (picked up a new post for NG and ive been really busy with it). Are we playing sunday? or we just doing a meet in and greet got a decent character idea about a guardian angel. Basicaly a human that has a bit of the divine and is now "a pawn of heaven."
If we are playing whats the refresh? Like i said really sorry been gone for the last few days.
Ren dont worry, i made my living on active duty doing math, i was a combat engineer for 4 years then artillery for the last 8.
Bear i was thinking of having my character be xmilitary as well. seening how as they can end up anywhere, not to mention McDill AFB is right there and for stories sake some shady stuff could have been going on there.
bear: My wife tried to play back when we were dating (college about 9 years ago), if your GF is to shy i dont think i can get my wife to get down there tomorrow (shes using this time to go to HEB, Target ect.) but the possibility is she might show up once or twice, not to play but just to hang out.