I sent an email out, but why not here too.
So with the Milestone thing, we should take a second and see what we are short on
As Bumbling bear has said, we should be tagging aspects on things like crazy, it just makes them die faster.
We can also tag aspects on each other for good or bad
I think I've used 3 fate chips, total ever. Lets start throwing those suckers around like dice at a craps table. I just dont know how per say?
Like do we say, oh well I'll spend a fate point and say that their was a chandelier in the room, I shot it (Roll Dice) and it fell on lobster.
Alertness could be raised for everyone I guess
We can set ambushes (Gator Revenge time!)
Wizards can craft spells, that we can use, supposedly?
Do we need driving skills if Limo Lady is a bad ass at it?
Could Ian spend a Fate Point to get an Airstrike from the National Guard?
I dont know, just spit balling. Bear has a good grasp on the game, as does Z (but he's off playing Captain America
) Ren has a character he wants to play I guess, and he knows "Da Rules" so that should be cool.
i ramble, I'll stop, discuss amongst yourselves